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Part 1.

Match the characters with the image

“DJ” Dustin Walter Jenny

Mr. Nebbercracker “Zee” Elizabeth

“Chowder” Charles Molly the tricycle girl

Police officer Landers

Police officer Landers Jenny “Chowder” Charles

Mr. Nebbercracker “Zee” Elizabeth “DJ” Dustin Walter

Molly the tricycle girl

Part 2. Choose the correct answer.

1. What does the neighbor take from the girl?

a. Bike
b. A kite
c. A trycicle

2. What do people think Mr Nebbercracker did with this wife?

a. He killed her
b. He digged her
c. He buried her in the backyard of his house.

3. What does Skull say they have to find?

a. A heart
b. A uvula
c. Arms

Part 3. Answer True – False – Doesn’t say

1. Chowder and Jenny disguised themselves as litter bins - False

2. Chowder took vacuum-cleaner Dummy out of their car - False

3. The monster house swallowed one of the police officers - False

4. The monster house lifted the police car from the ground - True

5. Constance and Mr nebbercracker lived together for 6 months before the accident -
Doesn’t say

Part 4. Order the events as they happened

1 Dj and Chower met at the Danger Zone

6 Jenny tried to sell her chocolates to Zee

4 The front door opened and Bones saw his beautiful pink kite

2 The house attacked Chowder

11 The house swallowed a dog

7 The kids spied on Jenny

10 The policemen can’t see anything strange

9 The three children called the police

12 The three children came up with a plan to “kill” the house

3 There was smoke coming from the chimney

8 They helped Jenny and saved her from the house

5 The house swallowed Bones

Part 4. Describe your favorite character from the movie.

My favorite character is "DJ" Dustin Walter, thanks to him who for a long time watched
the house had good information about what was happening, he knew who to turn to
to know how to destroy the house, also it was DJ who freed Mr. Nebbercracker from
his nightmare for many years.

Part 5. Did you like the movie? Why? Why not? (50 words)

I really liked the film, it has a very important message and that is that we should not
always hold on to people as happened to Mr. Nebbercracker, we must leave them free
to live in peace, also teamwork will always be the best option to solve problems no
matter how difficult they may be.

Carlos Andrés Mendoza Diaz

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