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Calendario del blog - Articulo Lluberes


Categoría Artículo del blog

Copy We are not here to scare you but every time you interact using your internet connection, do you think that someone it's waiting for you to stumble on a trap? Think about
those false advertising that you see when looking for information on a suspicious website.

Yeah, we all know about those sites. For that reason, you need to remember that "Cybercrime is a palpable evil enemy" and no one is safe till they learn how to protect
their information and keep updated on security trends.

Read our newest article on our website and learn how you can keep your information safe and those that you love too.

Any doubts or extra information we should know? Let us hear you!

Artes FB/ TW
Formato documento para linkedin y carrousel para los demás:

slide 1

As you read this...

Slide 2:

Your email is under the sights of someone who does not know your identity...

Slide 3:

And yet it waits for a chance where your information stumbles into their traps.

Slide 4:

Keep and share this information!

Everyone deserves to know how to keep their information safe.


Categoría Artículo del blog

Copy “Due to the 2019 - 2020 Pandemic crisis because of the Covid-19 virus, it came to light that many worried people, uncertain about what was happening in the world,
were deceived by supposed informative articles regarding the virus or fake pages promising an early subscription to obtain the vaccine when it was ready.”

Can you believe it? The desperation and disinformation can make people take decisions without thinking if it's real what someone is offering to them.

What would you do in that situation?

Well, you can take one way or another, one way is thinking that is not a scam, the other one is having the knowledge to recognize when some information is false and
it's just a trap to take all the information you own in your device.

Another factor that you need to take into account is that all this can happen using your work email too. You or one of your colleagues can open an e-mail who came from
"someone" you know at work. Could you imagine? The information from the company can be in danger!
Read our newest article and identify the importance of developing a culture of security.
Don't forget to share it!

Artes FB/ TW
"For an unbeliever, any proof is questionable."


Categoría Artículo del blog

Copy There is no single way to conduct these awareness campaigns. Some teams conduct periodic talks, send out infographics related to the topics of interest, conduct
quizzes, or seek help from third parties.

But what it would be your way to create a culture of awareness for security of information in your team?

We want to hear you, let us know in the comments below.

Artes FB/ TW

Idea del video: Tomar capturas a los correos extraños que nos llegaron durante la campaña que creó IT sobre el pishing y crear conciencia sobre la seguridad digital. Cada captura
sería presentada de manera rápida y una foto sobre otra hasta que aparezca el famoso pantallazo azul o la alerta de que el equipo ha sido hackeado. Al mismo tiempo podemos ir
colocando alguno de los mensajes que colocaron los colaboradores al intentar conocer qué estaba pasando con los correos, si algo malo había pasado, etc.

Al final agregaremos el siguiente texto:

A couple of months ago we had an awareness campaign, where our IT security team focused their objective on testing all the collaborators by sending many emails from
outside the company with suspicious addresses with the objective to make them think that "something" or "someone" let information filter.
But little did they know about the biggest plan... to make them reflect on the security of their information and the one from the company.


Categoría Artículo del blog

Copy Hello all!

Did you know we have a new article on the blog?

We encourage you to visit our website, click on our blog site on the menu and read the entry written by José Lluberes where he talks about the awareness of security,
how to teach your team to protect their information and the one from the company.

We hope to have your support to read and share this piece of knowledge with your peers.

See you later!

Artes FB/ TW
Entiendo que podemos hacer algo diferente y que sea con voz en off y algunos memes, tomando en cuenta la campaña que hizo IT, entiendo que podríamos llegar más
fácil a los colaboradores si les recordamos esta situación.

Video José:

¡Hola Familia GBH!

Soy José Lluberes, Technology Alignment Manager. ¿Recuerdan la campaña que nos hizo desconfiar hasta de los correos de Emilio? Sé que lo recuerdan. A raíz de
ello, estoy seguro de que muchos de nosotros, incluyéndome, nos preocupamos más por la seguridad de nuestra información y la de GBH. Hoy les comparto mi artículo
del Blog sobre la “Concienciación en la ciberseguridad”.

Les invito a leerlo para conocer más sobre este tema y si tienen alguna pregunta u observación, pueden dejarme saber para echarles una mano.

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