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Hi, Good moorning. How are You?

/Hi, fine thank you

Ok , can i see your ID, please?

/Yes, sure. One, zero, zero, five etc etc

what's your name?

/My name is Laura Lucía

Ok , what's si your surname?

/Is Hurtado Trujillo

How do You write your family last name ? .Can You spell it, please

/Yes, is (Eich, iu, ar, ti, ei, di, ou)

Do You hace brothers or sisters?

/Yes, i have a One brother

How old is him?

/Is young, he is twenty one

Where do You live?

/ i live In popayan downtown in Santa Catalina neightborhood

Where do You come from?

/ I’m from Cali

What do You study ?

/ I Study plastic arts, i’m doing the tesis

Do You study English at Home ? Do You like it?

/So So . I really don't like it but i have been practicing with My boyfriend

Tell me about your daily routine.

/Ok first i wake up at 9.Later . I breakfast and write for My tesis work.Then In the noon I lunch
and later keep writing. At 5 o clock i go to the gym until 7 at nigth. After this at My Home , I
dinner and then read some and finally y go to sleep.

What do You enjoy doing at the weekends?

/i like to go to forest and take pictures, also go to the gym and dance salsa.

Do you like Shopping?

/es i really like go shopping in the Thrift stores.

Tell me about your Family.

/My family is ver close, is conformed by my mom , my dad, my bro, my dog an dme.We are so
funny, and help each other, We like go out to do sports and enjoy of long conversations and
house make food.

if, you can give advice somebody, what will be would?

/my advice would be that enjoy all the first times of many things because we don't know if will
be the lasts. That always find yourself and never walk away of you. Also dont leave anything
pending to say or do. Finally hug a lot

What did you do yesterday?

/I woke up a little late, had breakfast, took a bath, ate a delicious lunch and wrote all
afternoon, then I watched television and finally I studied english

Do you like celebrations?

/ Yes, I like celebrate Halloween, Christsmas and birthays

What is your favorite holiday?

/ My favorite is definitely Halloween

What predictions can you make about Earth future?

/ i think that the future for earth will be wonderful beacuse the mankind will be not there.

what do you think about the current situation? in others words the pandemic and all social
and economic problems that it brought with it.

/ i think that it was necessary , the world needed stop, we needed a stop to appreciate the life.
Whit respect to the tragic side i can't give an truthly opinion beacuse i would be talking from
my privileges since I have not been affected for the pandemic and I can't even imagine what all
the people affected are going through.

Can you describe your city?

/My city is small, quiet, have a noble soul and can be hear the wind.

What are you going to do after this exam?

/fter this exam i will going to a theather rehearsal

in which way do you think technology brings benefits for daily life ?

/i think that are many ways. Among them, be able to acces for information that allow us learn.
another way is that we can know about all things that are happening around us. also we can
communicate easily with people that can be in the other side of world. in others words
technology is a vital tool for social interaction, science, health, etc.

Tell me about a book you’ve read recently, either in English or in your own language

/he last book that i read was "La condición Humana" by Hannah Arendt. Is a book very
interesting because the author considers from the philosophy what means be a human in the
society, the behavioral patterns, and how we relate to each other in the contemporaneity.

How would you improve the education system in your country?

/i think that could be a good idea do a law that allows access to free education for all, beacuse
today the educacion it seems to be a privlege more than a right, where the money is the
principal point, however another closer way to me to improve education would be implement
art at schools, to shows to all kids that there are many ways to learn and be good not only
math or science, also show the diferents ways that you can percive the life since art . I think
that art could help to form more sensityve and useful people .
Versión corta / i think that could be a good idea implement art at schools to form more
sensityve and useful people

Tell me about the weather in the your city.

/is very changing, never knows. sometimes it's very sunny and suddenly rains, but it´s nice

Do you like football? What sports do you like?

/I Dont like a football. I love fencing, it seems like a very elegant sport to me.

Do you practice a sport?

/No, I like more to go to the gym and also dance a lot

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