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history of spectroscopy

"On the Relative Motion of the Earth and the

Luminiferous Ether"*

Standard Oil, Research & Development, 4440 Warrensville Center Road, Cleveland, Ohio 44128

I n d e x Headings: History of spectroscopy; Albert A. Michelson; Edward warmly drawn; and I followed the details of the aston-
W. Morley; Michelson-Morley experiment. ishing experiment with incredulity.
In 1887, when Michelson and Morley performed their
The paper titled "On the Relative Motion of the Earth famous experiment, it was thought that light was a wave
and the Luminiferous Ether" was published in 1887 by motion in a mysterious substance called the "ether." If
Albert A. Michelson, Professor of Physics, and Edward this were true, then it should be possible to determine
W. Morley, Professor of Chemistry (Fig. 1), at what is the speed of the earth through the ether by measuring
now called Case Western Reserve University. It dem- the speed of light in different directions. Light moving
onstrated that the speed of light is unaffected by the against an "ether wind" would travel more slowly than
motion of the earth. This finding was contrary to then- light moving across such a wind. Because light travels
current thinking and was an important part of the ex- exceedingly fast, it was not possible to measure its speed
perimental framework that paved the way for Einstein's directly in different directions. It was, however, possible
theory of relativity, and the birth of modern physics. to measure small differences in speed using an interfer-
The centennial celebration of the famous Michelson- ometer, an instrument that Michelson had been im-
Morley, or "ether drift," experiment is being held in proving for many years.
Cleveland, Ohio, from April to October of this year. Its Figure 2 shows the mechanics of the equipment and
theme is "Light, Space, and Time," and it reflects the Fig. 3 gives the paths of light in the interferometer--
broad intellectual and cultural interests of Michelson which traveled a total of 36 feet! (This beautiful pattern
and Morley and the age of creativity in which they lived. is also the logo for the Michelson-Morley Centennial
The various centennial programs also show how their Celebration.) The experiment was so delicate that vi-
work contributed to future developments in pure and brations from nearby activity would have made accurate
applied science and how their experiment helped reshape readings impossible. In order that all vibration might be
thinking about man's relationship to a universe in which eliminated, the optical equipment that comprised the
neither absolute space nor absolute time exists. interferometer was positioned on a five-foot square sand-
In honor of its anniversary celebration, it seems ap- stone slab, which was mounted on a doughnut-shaped
propriate to review the history and background of this block of wood, which was in turn floated on a pool of
unique experiment. Although every scientist is generally mercury in a cast-iron trough. The use of liquid mercury
aware of the outcome of the experiment, and every as- (what would our Environmental Protection Agency say
tronomer and infrared spectroscopist is intimately fa- about this!) eliminated virtually all vibrations and en-
miliar with a Michelson interferometer, I, for one, must abled the interferometer to be rotated smoothly on its
confess that the details of the apparatus and the scientific axis around all points of the compass for the various
concepts of the period around 1885-1887 that led to the readings required. A centering pin prevented the float
experiment were pretty fuzzy in my mind. A friend re- from bumping into the sides of the cast-iron trough but
ferred me to a biography of Albert M. Michelson, The was engaged only while the interferometer was being set
Matter of Light (The University of Chicago Press), writ- into rotation.
ten by his daughter, Dorothy Michelson Livingston. I Once set in motion, the slab and interferometer would
was spellbound for several evenings as I entered the world rotate slowly (about once in 6 minutes) for hours at a
of physics in the late nineteenth century, encountering time. No starting and stopping was necessary, because
giants such as Lord Rayleigh, Maxwell, Bunsen, Row- the slow movement permitted accurate readings while
land, Helmholtz, Hertz, Lorentz, Alexander Graham Bell, the apparatus rotated. The height of the interferometer
Stokes, Fresnel, and Lord Kelvin. Michelson, the exact- was eye level. A single beam of light from the lamp (a,
ing scientist, deraanding teacher, and loving father, is in Fig. 3) is split in two by a half-silvered mirror (b), so
that half travels in one direction while the other half
moves at right angles to the first. After several reflections
Received 11 April 1987.
* T h i s article appeared, in s o m e w h a t altered form, as a " L e t t e r from at the mirrors (d or d'), the light is recombined and is
America," in European Spectroscopy News. observed through the telescope (f). If the motion of the

Volume 41, Number 6, 1987 ooo3-vo28/87/4~o6-o93352.oo/o APPLIED SPECTROSCOPY 9:33

© 1987Society for Applied Spectroscopy
Albert A. Mlchelson (1887) Edward W, Morley (c. 1885)
FIc. 1. (Left) Albert A. Michelson (1887). (Right) Edward W. Morley
(ca. 1885).

earth through the ether affects the speed of light in the

two directions differently, then the two halves of the light
beam will not match when they are brought together.
The result may be that no light will be seen in the tel-
escope. FIG. 3. The paths of light in the interferometer.
The experiment began in April, 1887. The final read-
ings were taken at noon on July 8, 9, and 11 and near 6
p.m. on July 8, 9, and 12. They revealed no difference in
the paths of light that could be interpreted as having speed of light traveling at 186,284 miles per second. Ac-
been affected by the movement of the earth through the cording to the English astronomer Arthur Stanley Ed-
ether. Reluctantly, Michelson wrote to Rayleigh: dington, the interferometer could detect "a lag of one-
ten-thousand-billionth of a second in the arrival of a light
The experiments on relative motion of earth and ether
have been completed and the result is decidedly neg- wave."
Shortly before Michelson's death, he attended a gath-
ative. The expected deviation of the interference fringes
ering in honor of Einstein (Fig. 4). Einstein began his
from the zero should have been 0.40 of a fringe--the
prepared remarks by turning to Michelson and saying:
maximum displacement was 0.02 and the average much
less than 0.01--and not in the right place. From far away I have come to you; but not to strangers.
I have come from among men who for many years have
The result was confusing to the world's scientific com-
been true comrades with me in my labors. You, my
munity because it was exactly opposite from what the
honored Dr. Michelson, began with this work when I
experiment was designed to prove: that the rotation of
was only a little youngster, hardly three feet high. It
the earth would have an effect on the speed of light.
was you who led the physicists into new paths, and
But however reluctant physicists of the day were to
through your marvelous experimental work paved the
accept the result, none of them thought of questioning
way for the development of the theory of relativity.
either the experiment or the reliability of the verdict.
This was because of the immense respect that was ac- You might be wondering why the Cleveland Centen-
corded the two scientists and the exquisite instrumen- nial Celebration of the Michelson-Morley experiment in-
tation they had built to measure slight variations in the cludes a significant number of artistic as well as scientific

Light source Adjustable mirror

• M rrors
l Mirrors .,. I Slivered glass plate

Albert Mlchelson. left. and Albert Einstein f1931)

FIG. 2. The Cleveland interferometer of 1887, mounted on a stone
floating in mercury. FIG. 4. Albert Michelson, left, and Albert Einstein (1931).

934 Volume 41, Number 6, 1987

events. Let me give you a few personal notes about the and for his inventions of precision scientific optical in-
two men. struments. In 1920, he invented the first stellar inter-
Edward Williams Morley (1838-1923) was a major fig- ferometer and used it to make the first accurate mea-
ure in the field of science--both chemistry and physics-- surement of a star's diameter. The star was Betelgeuse.
during the late 1800s and early 1900s. As a chemist, Michelson also developed a standard unit of length by
Morley determined the densities of the gases hydrogen measuring the meter in terms of a light wave. In 1925,
and oxygen, as well as the proportions of each that, in the International Committee on Weights and Measures
combination, form water. From this data he calculated adopted this unit, which has remained the standard length
the relative densities of hydrogen and oxygen. The im- of a meter ever since.
portance of his results lies in the fact that all of chemistry Michelson was born in 1852 in Strzelno, German-oc-
is based on accurate knowledge of the weights of the cupied Poland, and came to the United States at the age
elements, and Morley's determinations achieved a new of four. He grew up in the rugged gold and silver mining
standard of accuracy and reliability. He also conducted towns of California and Nevada and later attended high
intensive experimentation that led to his determination school in San Francisco. When Michelson was 16, Pres-
of the atomic weight of oxygen. Although essentially a ident Ulysses S. Grant awarded him a special appoint-
self-taught scientist, he was regarded as one of the great- ment to the U.S. Naval Academy. In 1882, he was ap-
est chemists of his era. pointed the first professor of physics at the newly formed
Morley, son of a Congregational minister, was born in Case School of Applied Science in Cleveland, Ohio.
New Jersey and grew up in Connecticut. He was tutored In 1889, Michelson was appointed to the first chair in
by his father, then attended Williams College and An- physics at Clark University, Worcester, Massachusetts,
dover Theological Seminary. He came to Ohio in 1868 and in 1894 he accepted the first chair in physics at the
as a Congregational minister in Twinsburg. Almost im- University of Chicago. He retired from the University of
mediately, he joined the faculty of Western Reserve Uni- Chicago in 1929 and moved to Pasadena, California, where
versity, then located in Hudson, Ohio. When the Uni- his experiments with the velocity of light continued until
versity moved to Cleveland in 1880, Morley followed. He his death in 1931.
retired in 1906 and moved to his boyhood hometown, Michelson received eleven honorary doctorates and nine
West Hartford, Connecticut, where he died in 1923. prizes of international prestige in addition to the Nobel
Morley received seven honorary degrees and three gold Prize. He served as president of the American Physical
medal awards in the sciences, including the Davy Medal Society and of the National Academy of Sciences.
of the Royal Society in London, England. Highly re- In his youth, Michelson studied the violin, and he loved
spected by his peers, he served as president of the Amer- fine music all his life. In addition, he was a gifted artist
ican Association for the Advancement of Science and of whose watercolors were considered of professional qual-
the American Chemical Society. ity.
Throughout his life, Morley loved music and was an So, as you see, the Cleveland Michelson-Morley Cen-
avid concert goer. In his youth, he had taught himself to tennial Celebration has good reason to salute both the
play the organ, and for many years he served as a church scientific and the artistic interests and talents of Mich-
organist. He was devoted to the study of languages-- elson and Morley.
both English and foreign--and was known among those Albert A. Michelson wrote, in "Light Waves and Their
he taught as a strict grammarian. Thoroughly proficient Uses":
in Greek, Latin, Hebrew, French, and German, he also
developed a good reading knowledge of Chaldean and If a poet could at the same time be a physicist, he
Russian. might convey to others the pleasure, the satisfaction,
Of his teaching, it was said that he was always inspiring almost the reverence, which the subject inspires. The
and that he not only insisted on a mastery of the prin- aesthetic side of the subject is, I confess, by no means
ciples of chemistry but also inculcated the proper use of the least attractive to me. Especially is its fascination
the English language, good manners, and clear methods felt in the branch which deals with light.
of expression.
Albert Abraham Michelson (1852-1931), the first As a spectroscopist, I too have felt that fascination
American to win a Nobel Prize in the sciences, is best shape and influence my life. The history of spectroscopy
known for his contributions to the physics of light and is our intellectual heritage, and it is a pleasure to ac-
for the elegance and precision of his many experiments. knowledge, from time to time, the people who made that
In 1907 he received the Nobel Prize in Physics for his history. This year we honor Albert A. Michelson and
pioneering efforts in measuring the exact speed of light Edward W. Morley.


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