Chemistry Project: Water Chemistry in Daily Life

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Water Chemistry in Daily Life

Measurement of Water Quality In Specific Water System
(Biochemical Oxygen Demand)

Group Member:

1. A
2. B
3. c

Class : Lower 6
Submitted date :


Content Page
Abstract 3
Acknowledgement 4

i. Literature Review

ii. Problem Statement

iii. Objectives

iv. Hypothesis


i. Material and Apparatus

ii. Procedure

iii. Planning of Data Collection

Observation 13-15
Result 16
Discussion 17
Conclusion 18
References 19


The aims of this project are to determine the level of pollution in several different
sources of water. Hence, this experiment involves six different type of water sample:
Rain water, River water, Mineral water, Swimming Pool water, Tap water, and Pond
water. The experiment is carried out by using Methylene blue solution as an indirect
indicator of presence of oxygen. The Methylene blue solution is putted in the six different
water sample. In presence of oxygen, the indicator exhibits a blue colour. However, in a
reducing enviroment, its converts to colourless leuco-compound. The result show thats
the Mineral water is more polluted follow by Swimming pool water as the time taken for
the methylene blue solution to decolourise is shorter. However, River is less polluted as
the time taken for methylene blue to decolourise is more longer than time taken for
Mineral water and Swimming pool water. Throughout the experiment, we have figured
out that the level of water pollution is based on the time Methylene blue solution took to


First of all we would like to express our gratitude to our Chemistry teacher, Madam
Nicola Yong who has been contributed in guiding and encourage us in order to complete
this project succesfully.

Moreover, we appreciated the permission given by the school authorities for using the
Chemistry Laboratory to carry out the experiment that have been planned. We also thank
for the guidance given by other supervisor as their suggestion have improve our
presentation in this project.

Furthermore, we would also like to acknowledge with much appreciation about the
crucial role of our family for their support and suggestions during this process of
completion of the Chemistry project.

Lastly, we would like to express our meaningful gratitude to those who provide
necessary help in this project especially to our classmates for helping each other by
sharing the data and opinions about the project until the completion of this project.


Pollution of lake,rivers,streams and oceans has been killing land and water animals
for years. Dumping of industrial waste, domestic waste and trashes into the water stream
contribute to the water pollution that is getting the concern of global now. Polluted water
is harmful to living things,including human. The source of water need to be checked to
ensure the quality and cleanliness of the water that is safe for human use.

To investigate the level of water pollution, our group use BOD water testing using
methylene blue solution. Biochemical oxygen demand or BOD is a chemical procedure
for determining the amount of dissolved oxygen needed by aerobic biological organisms
in a body of water to break down organic material present in a given water sample at
certain temperature over a specific time period. Methylene blue is a deep blue stain which
indicates the present or absence of oxygen. If the amount of oxygen in water
decrease,which is used by the organisms to breath aerobically, the blue colour will

Six types of water are taken as samples, from different sources, which are rain
water,river water, mineral water, swimming pool water, tap water and pond water.

I. Literature Review

Water pollution is the contamination of water bodies (like oceans, seas, lakes, rivers,
aquifers and groundwater) usually caused due to human activities. Water pollution is any
change in the physical, chemical or biological properties of water that will have a
detrimental consequence of any living organism. (Toppr, n.d.)

Drinking water, also called Potable Water, is the water that is considered safe enough
for human and animal consumption. This is water that is generally used for drinking,
cooking, washing, crop irrigation etc. These days chemicals, bacteria and other pollutants are
even affecting our drinking water.(Toppr,n.d.)

There are several classes of water pollutants. The first are disease-causing agents. These are
bacteria, viruses, protozoa and parasitic worms that enter sewage systems and untreated waste. A second
category of water pollutants is oxygen-demanding wastes; wastes that can be decomposed by oxygen-
requiring bacteria. When large populations of decomposing bacteria are converting these wastes it can
deplete oxygen levels in the water. This causes other organisms in the water, such as fish, to die.

A third class of water pollutants is water-soluble inorganic pollutants, such as acids, salts and
toxic metals. Large quantities of these compounds will make water unfit to drink and will cause the
death of aquatic life.Another class of water pollutants are nutrients; they are water-soluble nitrates and
phosphates that cause excessive growth of algae and other water plants, which deplete the water's
oxygen supply. This kills fish and, when found in drinking water, can kill young children.

Water can also be polluted by a number of organic compounds such as oil, plastics and
pesticides, which are harmful to humans and all plants and animals in the water.
A very dangerous category is suspended sediment, because it causes depletion in the water's light
absorption and the particles spread dangerous compounds such as pesticides through the water.In
addition, water-soluble radioactive compounds can cause cancer, birth defects and genetic damage and

are thus very dangerous water pollutant.(Lenntech,2017)

Hence, biochemical oxygen demand or BOD is carried out because it is a chemical

procedure for determining the amount of dissolved oxygen needed by aerobic biological
organisms in a body of water to break down organic material present in a given water
sample at certain temperature over a specific time period.

Before we carry out the experiment, water samples are taken from different sources. Those
waters are stored in six reagent bottle respectively, labelled with their own sources. Samples can degrade
significantly during extended storage. To minimize sample degradation,and thus avoid negative bias in
the measurement of BOD, analyze sample promptly or store chilled without freezing (maintain a
temperature from 1 to 4 degree Celcius). Chilling the sample is not necessary if the analysis begins
within 2 hours of collection. (American Public Health Association and others,1995)

Methylene blue is used because it indicates the presence or absence of oxygen. Water containing the
methylene blue indicator is blue when oxygen is present. A deep blue color can be achieved by capping
a solution of water and methylene blue and shaking it vigorously to mix oxygen from the air into the
water. If oxygen is removed from the solution, the blue color disappear. (American Chemistry Council,
n.d.) The longer the time taken for the methylene blue to decolourise, the cleaner it is, which also means
that there are lesser microorganisms in it and it is less polluted. At the end of this experiment, the water
sample which take the shortest time for methylene blue to decolourise will be the most polluted and
unsafe one for daily use.

II. Problem Statement:

1. What is the level of pollution in different types of water sources ?
2. Which water sample is the most polluted out of the six different types of water
sources ?

III. Objectives:
1. To investigate the level of water pollution in every each of the water samples.
2. To determine the most polluted water sample from the six different water samples.

IV. Hypothesis :
T he water sample from the pond is the most polluted one


I. Material and Apparatus

Before the experiment, the needed apparatus and materials that are listed as shown
below are prepared.

 Syringe
 6 of Reagent bottles
 6 of stopwatch
 (0.1%) Methylene blue solution
 6 type of water sample from different sources:
- rain water
- river water
- mineral water
- swimming pool water
- tap water
- pond water

Figure 1: Apparatus and Materials

II. Procedure

Firstly, six type of water sample are collected from different sources which are rain
water, river water, mineral water, swimming pool water, tap water and pond water. Then,
six reagent bottles are labelled as A, B, C, D, E and F. Each reagent bottle is filled with
the following water sample from different sources as shown in the table below.

Reagent Bottle Sources of Water Sample
A Rain water
B River water
C Mineral water
D Swimming pool water
E Tap water
F Pond water

Each reagent bottle is filled with 200 ml of water sample from different sources. After
that, one drop of methylene blue solution is transferred using a syringe into each water
sample. The reagent bottles are closed immediately and the stopwatch is activated. Each
reagent bottle have one stopwatch. During the experiment, the reagent bottle cannot be
shaken. The reagent bottles are examined from time to time.

Figure 2: Each reagent bottle have its own stopwatch

For the final step, the time taken for the methylene blue solution in the water samples
to decolourise is recorded.

III. Planning Of Data Collection

During the process of observation for this experiment, the time taken for the
methylene blue to decolourise is recorded in the table below.

Water source Time to decolourise the

methylene blue solution (hours)

A Rain water
B River
C Mineral water
D Swimming pool
E Tab water
F Kubong’s pond water

At the end of the experiment, level of water pollution is identified.


Label A (rain water)

Figure 1: before Figure 2: after

Label B (river water)

Figure 3: before Figure 4: after

Label C ( mineral water)

Figure 5: before Figure 6: after

Label D (swimming pool)

Figure 7: before Figure 8: after

Label E (tab water)

Figure 9: before Figure 10: after

Label F (Kubong’s pond water)

Figure 11: before Figure 12: after


Label Water source Time taken for methylene blue

solution to decolourised (minutes)

A Rain water (remain unchanged)

B River 2 hour 10 min
C Mineral water (remain unchanged)
D Swimming pool (remain unchanged)
E Tab water (remain unchanged)
F Kubong’s pond water 1 hour 39 min
Table 1: Result for water test

Table 1 shows the result of the water test. For water test, river water takes 2 hour 10
minutes to decolourised. While the Kubong’s pond water takes 1 hour 39 minutes to
decolourised. The other water source (rain water, mineral water, swimming pool and tab
water) are remain unchanged.


Methylene blue solution is an indicator used in colorimetric testing of water.

Methylene blue solution is indirect indicator of present of dissolved oxygen. In the
presence of oxygen, the indicator exhibits a blue colour. When the methylene blue added
in a water sample, methylene blue will cause the sample to turn blue and the coloration
will be lost depending on the concentration of oxygen-consuming substance.

The more time it takes for decolourised, lesser is the quantity of oxygen consuming
contaminants and hence the more pure water is (that is, less polluted). In this experiment,
there were six type of water sample for water test. Kubong’s pond water shows that it the
most polluted water because it take a short time to decolourised than the other water
source, that is only 1 hour 39 minutes.
For the second polluted water, it shows by the river water because it has the second
faster time to discolouration. It takes 2 hours 10 minutes to decolourised. For Kubong’s
pond water and river water, it shows that it is already polluted by undergo the water test
using methylene blue solution. Both water sample has higher quantity of oxygen-
consuming substance, so that the water is polluted.

While for the other water sample such as rain water, mineral water, swimming pool
and tab water are not polluted because the result come out is the blue colour of methylene
blue solution remain unchanged. This is because it not contaminated with noxious or
poisonous substances. So, the quantity of oxygen consuming contaminants is lesser and
hence all the water sample is pure or less polluted.

Based on this experiment, we figured out that there are different level of water
pollution in the water sample collected. We can also determine the most polluted water
sample from the six different water sample by undergo the test by using methylene blue.
We also can find out which water sample can give harmful to the living things. Hence, we
should prevent to use the water that polluted because it will affect our health. Besides, we
must always keep the water clean so it is not contaminated and retains the natural beauty
that God provides


1. American Public Health Association and others.(1995) Retrieved from USGS TWR1
Book 9-A7(Third Edition)
2. American Chemistry Council. (n.d.) Chlorine Compound of the Month: Methylene
Blue,Part 2: The Chemist’s Indicator
3. Toppr. (n.d.) Water and water pollution. Retrieved from
4. Lenntech (2017). Water pollution FAQ Frequently Asked Questions. Retrieved from


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