Experiment No - 01 Object-Materials Requred - Theory - : Input Output Input Output

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OBJECT- To study about network and its configurations in T

and 𝜋 type networks.
MATERIALS REQURED – Resistance, Connecting Wire,
Multimeter, Bread board.
THEORY – When a number of impedances are connected
together to form a system, that consists of set(s) of inter
connected circuit performing specific or assigned Functions, it
is called a “network” or “circuit”.
Depending on the configuration of impedance a network
configuration can be specified as follows –
(i) T- section
When a network section looks like a T, it is known as T- section.
Figs. 1. (a) and (b) represent symmetrical and unsymmetrical

Z1 Z1 Z1 Z3
Input Z2 Output Input Z2 Output

(a) Symmetrical (b) unsymmetrical T section

Fig 1. symmetrical and unsymmetrical T - section

The figure indicates that in asymmetrical section, the series

arm equal in both the sides of the shunt arm impedance.It may

Rohit kumar
be impedance observed that in unsymmetrical section, the
impedances Z1 and Z3 are not to each other. The net series arm
impedance of the unsymmetrical section is (Z1+Z3) ohm while
that for the symmetrical section is (2Z1) ohm. The shunt arm
impedance in both the cases is given by Z2 ohm. Balanced and
unbalanced configuration of a T-section has been shown in
fig.1.2 the balanced T-section has also been termed as H-
Z1 Z1 Z1/2 Z1/2

Input Z2
Output Input ⁄Z
2 𝒗Type
⁄ equation
𝒗Type e

(a) unbalanced T - section (b) Balanced T – section (H- section)

Fig 1.2. Representation of Balanced and Unbalanced T - section

Though Fig 1.2 represents the balanced and unbalanced

configuration of a symmetrical T- section, unsymmetrical TR-
section can also be similarly configured. It may also be noted
that both the balanced and unbalanced T section have
identical transmission characteristics under identical mode of
connection and hence there is exact equivalenced between
balanced and unbalanced section.

(ii) 𝝅 − 𝒔𝒆𝒄𝒕𝒊𝒐𝒏
In an identical manner, symmetrical and unsymmetrical π
section (i.e. the section whose structure looks like a π) can be
configured (Fig. 1.3.) In unsymmetrical π section, the shunt

Rohit kumar
arm impedances are not identical while for the symmetrical π
section, the shunt arm impedances must be identical.

Z1 Z1
Z2 Z3 output input Z2 Z2
input output

(b) Asymmetrical π section. (a) symmetrical π section.

Fig 1.3. asymmetrical and symmetrical representation π section

Here, the net series arm impedance being Z1 in each case, the
shunt arm impedance is the parallel combination of the
individual shunt arms. Fig. 1.4 represents the unbalanced and
balanced sections in exactly similar way to that in π- section.
Z1 Z1/2
input Z2 Z2 Z2
output input ⁄ Z2
output equa
(a) Unbalanced π- section.
⁄ 𝒗Type equa
(b) balanced π- section (0 section)

Fig 1.4. unbalanced and balanced π- section

An asymmetrical π section can also be represented in the form

of balanced and unbalanced modes and the equivalence
between modes exists till the mode of connection is same. A
balanced form of π network is known as a ”O” section also.

1. For T – section

Rohit kumar
Symmetrical T-section in open circuit
Sr. Symmetrical T-section (I/p) Symmetrical T- section (o/p)
Z (input) Z (input) Error (in %) Z (output) Z(output) Error (in %)
Theoretical practical Theoretical practical

Symmetrical T-section in short circuit

Sr. Symmetrical T-section (I/p) Symmetrical T- section (o/p)
Z (input) Z (input) Error (in %) Z (output) Z(output) Error (in %)
Theoretical practical Theoretical practical

Unsymmetrical T-section in open circuit

Sr. Symmetrical T-section (I/p) Symmetrical T- section (o/p)
Z (input) Z (input) Error (in %) Z (output) Z(output) Error (in %)
Theoretical practical Theoretical practical

Unsymmetrical T-section in short circuit

Sr. Symmetrical T-section (I/p) Symmetrical T- section (o/p)
Z (input) Z (input) Error (in %) Z (output) Z(output) Error (in %)
Theoretical practical Theoretical practical

Rohit kumar
2. For π- section

Symmetrical T-section in open circuit

Sr. Symmetrical T-section (I/p) Symmetrical T- section (o/p)
Z (input) Z (input) Error (in %) Z (output) Z(output) Error (in %)
Theoretical practical Theoretical practical

Symmetrical T-section in short circuit

Sr. Symmetrical T-section (I/p) Symmetrical T- section (o/p)
Z (input) Z (input) Error (in %) Z (output) Z(output) Error (in %)
Theoretical practical Theoretical practical

Unsymmetrical T-section in open circuit

Sr. Symmetrical T-section (I/p) Symmetrical T- section (o/p)
Z (input) Z (input) Error (in %) Z (output) Z(output) Error (in %)
Theoretical practical Theoretical practical

Unsymmetrical T-section in short circuit

Sr. Symmetrical T-section (I/p) Symmetrical T- section (o/p)
Z (input) Z (input) Error (in %) Z (output) Z(output) Error (in %)
Theoretical practical Theoretical practical

Rohit kumar

The theoretical values of resistance can be calculated by their

color coding by seeing the color of strips of resistors.
The practical values of resistance are calculated by using
multimeter from the terminals of the network circuit. For
different network configuration we calculate as follows-
1. For T- section

(i). symmetrical T- section in open circuit

In symmetrical T- section the resistance are calculated as-
Input resistance Z (Input) = Z1 + Z3
Output resistance Z (output) =Z3 + Z2
Zth - Zpr
Error = × 100% =

(ii). symmetrical T- section in short circuit

In symmetrical T- section the resistance are calculated as-
Input resistance Z (Input) = Z1 + (Z3 // Z2)
Output resistance Z (output) = Z2 + (Z1 // Z3)
Zth - Zpr
Error = × 100% =

(iii). Unsymmetrical T- section in open circuit

Rohit kumar
In symmetrical T- section the resistance are calculated as-
Input resistance Z (Input) = Z1 + Z3
Output resistance Z (output) =Z3 + Z2
Zth - Zpr
Error = × 100% =

(iv). Unsymmetrical T- section in short circuit

In symmetrical T- section the resistance are calculated as-
Input resistance Z (Input) = Z1 + (Z2 // Z3)
Output resistance Z (output) = Z3 + (Z1 // Z2)
Zth - Zpr
Error = × 100% =

2. For π- section

(i). Unsymmetrical π- section in open circuit

In symmetrical T- section the resistance are calculated as-
Input resistance Z (Input) = Z2 // (Z1 + Z2)
Output resistance Z (output) = Z2 // (Z1 + Z2)
Zth - Zpr
Error = × 100% =

(ii). Unsymmetrical π- section in short circuit

In symmetrical T- section the resistance are calculated as-

Rohit kumar
Input resistance Z (Input) = Z1 // Z2
Output resistance Z (output) =Z1 // Z2
Zth - Zpr
Error = × 100% =

(iii). Unsymmetrical π- section in open circuit

In symmetrical T- section the resistance are calculated as-
Input resistance Z (Input) = Z2 // (Z1 + Z3)
Output resistance Z (output) = Z3 // (Z1 + Z2)
Zth - Zpr
Error = Zth
× 100% =
(iv). Unsymmetrical π- section in short circuit
In symmetrical T- section the resistance are calculated as-
Input resistance Z (Input) = Z1 // Z2
Output resistance Z (output) =Z1 // Z3
Zth - Zpr
Error = × 100% =

We study about different types of network configuration.
1. Colors of strips on resistor should be well known.
2. All the connection must be tight.
3. Terminals of network should be attached properly with
4. Values of multimeter should be note properly.

Rohit kumar
Rohit kumar
Rohit kumar

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