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DAY 1 – MARCH 15, 2021

In every endeavor, there must be something to learn and reflect upon,
especially in these trying times where we cannot teach our students in a face-to-
face classroom setting.
On the first day of the Virtual In-Service Training, the thing that caught my
attention the most are the techniques taught to us in order to effectively deliver
synchronous/asynchronous teaching in the “new normal” educational era.
Honestly, it was hard for both the teachers and students to adapt in this
modular/online learning system. However, with the help of this training, especially
on this topic, we teachers are able to acquire new learning and methods on how to
teach our students despite the distance.
With this topic, I have learned how synchronous and asynchronous teaching
are different. Synchronous learning is interactive, two-way online or distance
education that happens in real-time with a teacher, whereas asynchronous learning
occurs virtually online and through prepared resources, without real-time teacher-
led interaction.
With this in mind, as teachers, we should find ways to still make our lesson
interesting as possible in this “new normal” educational era.

DAY 2 – MARCH 16, 2021

On this day of training, the topics were very interesting. The topics
discussed in the morning session are about the effective utilization of multimedia
materials and video editing techniques in producing quality video lesson, while the
critical role of assessment in online learning and OER (Open Educational
Resources) readiness review criteria are the topics that were explored in the
afternoon session.
I am the type of teacher who usually uses ICT in a face-to-face classroom
setting, but I am not that proficient. As COVID struck all over the world, our day-
to-day lives have been halted and changed. Since we cannot interact personally
with our students anymore, I am bewildered as to how I can teach my learners in a
modular/online learning system.
Upon listening to speakers’ lectures about the topics on this day, I have
realized that there are much better and effective ways to employ ICT in this “new
normal” educational era. In the effective utilization of multimedia materials, it was
tackled that television provides the use of theatrical materials and techniques and
that students can see current events as they are happening in the television. In the
video editing techniques in producing quality video lesson, the video editing
application that was introduced by the speaker was Filmora. In the critical role of
assessment in online learning in this new normal, the type of assessments was
discussed to match the new normal learning. In the OER readiness review criteria,
OER was introduced by the speaker. The DepEd OER is an innovative pathway to
connect the disconnected schools with its prime role to support the requirements of
the K-12 Curriculum.

DAY 3 – MARCH 17, 2021

Today's topics are a big help for me as a teacher. The topics discussed in the
morning are Google Workspace for education fundamentals and poster design in
Adobe Photoshop. The afternoon session topics are the overview of the Data
Privacy Act of 2021 and solving people puzzle. I am blessed to hear many things
that I can utilize in this “new normal” era.
The Google Workspace for Education Fundamentals is a free suite of easy-
to-use tools that provide a flexible and secure foundation for learning,
collaboration, and communication. It includes Google Classroom, Google Meet,
Gmail, Google Drive, Google Sheets, Google Slides and many more. I learned the
techniques in using these educational tools.
I’ve been wanting to learn Adobe Photoshop since last year, with today’s
topic, I was able to do so. Adobe Photoshop is a bit complicated and requires a
computer/laptop with better specs. With the hep of the speaker in this topic, I
learned how to navigate through a lot of extra applications to create a fun and
engaging poster.
Before the seminar, I already had a grasp on the Data Privacy Act of 2021,
but with the speaker’s lecture, I have learned its fundamentals. Solving people
puzzle is an interesting topic for me because I have learned the different
personality types. With this, I can assess the personality type of my students.

DAY 4 – MARCH 18, 2021

Education is a continuous process. We teachers must also willing to learn
new techniques or strategies to strive in this “new normal” educational era. The
topics discussed in the morning are about the interactive instructional materials and
ManyChat. The afternoon session topics are about ETUlay and Mobile Apps in
I have learned that interactive instructional materials are interactive
resources designed to teach a specific learning outcome. They may comprise of a
single or multiple pages that can contain any combination of text, images, audio,
video - including screencasts, animations, self-test questions and other interactive
activities. I will definitely apply this in my “new normal” teaching strategy.
The speaker presented to us an application called ManyChat. ManyChat is a
service that allows you to create chatbots for Facebook Messenger. You can use
these chatbots for a range of purposes, such as marketing and educational.
ETUlay was also introduced on this day. To improve the quality of learning
in the distance learning setup, the DepEd launched ETULay, a free online tutorial
platform for learners and parents facilitated by expert educators. ETULay was
designed based on the weekly Most Essential Learning Competencies (MELCs) to
provide parents and learners an easier way to answer Self-Learning Modules
Mobile apps in education was also discussed on this day. In these changing
times, students are more driven towards using a mobile phone for every purpose.
The world is at the fingertips and a student can get access to any information from
anywhere. This reduces the chance of them going outside of their homes and
searching for the data.

DAY 5 – MARCH 19, 2021

Today is the last day of our Virtual INSET. The topics discussed in the
morning session are Digital Poetry: A Collaborative Performance Project and
Technology Integration and Instructional Materials Development/Preparation in
English Language. In the afternoon session, the topics discussed are Hour of Code
(Programming for Women) and Creating Interactive Materials Using Scratch
As we end this five-day training, what has been reflected and what I have
learned today is the essence of CHANGE especially in these trying times where
face-to-face classroom instruction is not possible due to COVID.
As teachers, we should learn how to cope and adapt to changes because
knowing how to cope with it is a sign that we give a room for improvement and
As agents of change, we should also know how to take risk. Planning for
certain goals is important. If the plan fails, work on another plan until we reach our
To all the people behind this training, your efforts to fulfill and realize this
training despite the current situation is commendable and is greatly appreciated.
Win and Radiate Excellent Service More Power!

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