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Journal of the Chinese Institute of Engineers, Vol. 24, No. 3, pp.

301-310 (2001) 301



Jung-Fu Yen*
Department of Civil Engineering
Kao Yuan Institute of Technology
Kaohsiung, Taiwan 821 R.O.C.

Chih-Han Lin
Hydraulic Planning and Research
Institute WCA, MOEA,
Taichung, Taiwan 413, R.O.C.

Chang-Tai Tsai
Department of Hydraulic and Ocean Engineering
National Cheng Kung University,
Tainan, Taiwan 701 R.O.C.

Key Words: contraction coefficient, discharge coefficient, free flow,

submerged flow.

Vertical sluice gates are widely used for flow control in irrigation
and drainage channels. When the opening is smaller than the critical
depth, the flow immediately downstream of the gate will be
supercritical. Flows through the gate may be free or submerged de-
pending on the tailwater depth. This paper investigates various char-
acteristics of a vertical sluice gate in a rectangular flatbed channel.
Equations for discharge coefficient, dimensionless discharge, sub-
merged water depth, maximum allowable gate opening, and the distin-
guishing condition separating free flow and submerged flow were de-
rived and plotted with consideration of flow contraction at the gate.
The distinguishing condition was found to be a function of the con-
traction coefficient, upstream water depth and tailwater depth, and was
verified through laboratory experiments.

I. INTRODUCTION are critical to effective gate operations. Therefore,

hydraulic characteristics of the gates should be thor-
Submerged gates have long been used for flow oughly investigated to establish suitable operational
control in open channels. They come in various types parameters.
such as vertical sluice gates, radial gates, rolling The flow downstream of a gate may be either
gates, planar sluice gates, etc. (Chow 1959; free or submerged as illustrated in Figs. 1 and 2,
Henderson 1966; Eei 1975; Subramanya 1982; Tsai respectively. Pertinent hydraulic characteristics have
1990; Chaudhry 1993). Flow conditions near the gate been previously investigated through laboratory

*Correspondence addressee
302 Journal of the Chinese Institute of Engineers, Vol. 24, No. 3 (2001)

Fig. 2 Sketch of submerged flow

Fig. 1 Sketch of free flow

experiments and numerical modeling by a number of Since the gates are used for flow regulation, the
researchers. Previous laboratory experiments focused maximum gate opening for controllable discharge
primarily on water surface profile, discharge should be determined to aid in operation. In addition,
coefficient, velocity profile, bed pressure distribution occurrence of flow contraction immediately down-
and surface eddies (Rajaratnam 1977; Rajaratnam stream of a gate implies that proper discharge for-
and Humphries 1982). On the other hand, previous mula and distinguishing conditions (between free and
numerical investigations attempted to determine dis- submerged flows) should include the contraction co-
charge coefficients, velocity profiles, and bed pres- efficient C c . They are investigated in the present
sure distributions using finite difference, finite study.
element, or perturbation schemes, in conjunction with
numerical models derived from potential flow theory II. THEORETICAL ANALYSIS
(Fangmeler and Strelkoff 1968; Chung 1972; Issacs
1977). To account for nonlinearity of flow boundary 1. Discharge Coefficient
near a gate, numerical models using boundary-fitted
coordinates systems have also been developed The contraction coefficient is defined as the ra-
(Thompson 1980; Thompson and Warsi 1982; tio of the water depth at the vena contracta, y2, which
Masliyah et al. 1985). is the minimum water depth in the downstream
Among the pertinent hydraulic characteristics, channel, to the gate opening, as shown in Eq. (4).
discharge coefficient is the most important parameter.
For example, discharge through a veritcal sluice gate Cc = (4)
is often expressed as Eq. (1) involving the discharge
coefficient (Henry 1950; Tsai 1990; Swamee 1992). The coefficient is related to the gate opening and
the upstream specific energy E 1, which may be ex-
Q = C d Lb 2gy 1 (1) pressed as Q 2/2gL 2 y 1 2 (Chow 1959; Rajaratnam and
Humphries 1982). For a sharp-edged vertical sluice
In the equation, Q is discharge, C d is the dis- gate, Cc ranges from 0.598~0.611 based on theoreti-
charge coefficient, L and b are width and opening of cal reasoning. It, however, was found to vary in the
the gate, respectively, g is gravity acceleration and range of 0.61~0.74 and increase with b/E 1 from ex-
y 1 is the upstream water depth. Study results of dis- perimental results. For engineering applications, Cc
charge coefficients for both free flow and submerged may be taken as 0.61 as a practical value with ad-
flow by Henry (1950) were discussed by Rajaratnam equate precision (Henderson 1966). Under a free flow
and Subramanya (1967). Swamee (1992) later used condition, a hydraulic jump will occur to facilitate
the data to develop a formula for discharge coeffi- the supercritical flow immediately downstream of the
cient through regression analysis. He also established gate to merge with the tailwater further downstream.
the distinguishing condition separating free flow and Since the energy loss between the upstream section
submerged flow, as shown in Eqs. (2) and (3), in terms and the vena contracta is negligible, the discharge
of gate opening, the upstream water depth y 1, and the coefficient for free flow can be derived from the con-
tail water depth y 3. tinuity and energy equations for the upstream section
and the vena contracta, and is shown in Eq. (5).
Free flow y 1≥0.81y3 ( 3 )0.72 (2)
b Cc
Cd = (5)
y C b
Submerged flow y3<y 1<0.81y3 ( 3 )0.72 (3) 1+ c
b y1
J.F. Yen et al.: Hydraulic Characteristics and Discharge Control of Sluice Gates 303

Fig. 3 Graph of relative discharge coefficient

Fig. 5 Graph of downstream froude number at the vena contracta

y1 y
where Φ = , Ψ= 1
y3 C cb

C d /C c is plotted against y 1 /C cb with y 3 /y 1 as a

third parameter for Eqs.(5) and (6) in Fig. 3. It can
be seen from Fig. 3 that, in addition to the gate open-
ing and the contraction coefficient, the discharge co-
efficient for free flow is affected by the upstream
water depth, while the discharge coefficient for sub-
merged flow is further affected by the tail water depth.

2. Dimensionless Discharge

In engineering designs, the upstream and down-

Fig. 4 Graph of upstream froude number
stream water depths may be determined as long as
the discharge is specified. Also, for given widths and
gate openings, dimensionless discharge formulas
When the tailwater depth is greater than the con- can be derived from the discharge equation with
jugate water depth at the vena contracta, the flow from consideration of the contraction effect. Figs. 4 and 5
the gate is drowned and forms a submerged jump, and, show the variation of dimensionless discharge repre-
therefore, is classified as a submerged flow. Energy sented by upstream Froude number F 1 and down-
loss for a submerged flow mainly occurs below the stream Froude number F 2 at the vena contracta,
vena contracta, i.e., between section II and section respectively, which are in turn expressed in Eqs. (7)
III. Energy loss between the gate and the vena and (8).
contracta is relatively small and may be ignored. Dis-
charge coefficients for submerged flows may be de- Q C y
F1 = = 2 d ( 1 )– 1 (7)
rived from the energy equation for sections I and II L gy 1 3 C c C cb
and the momentum equation for sections II and III
(Henderson 1966). The resulting formula is shown Q C d y 1 1/2
F2 = = 2 ( ) (8)
in Eq. (6) L g(C cb) 3 C c C cb

[(Ψ – 1)2 + 2(Φ – 1)] + [(Ψ – 1)2 + 2(Φ – 1)]2 – (Ψ 2 – 1)2[1 – ( 1 )2]
Cd = Cc (6)
(Ψ – 1 )
304 Journal of the Chinese Institute of Engineers, Vol. 24, No. 3 (2001)

Fig. 7 Graph of relative discharge coefficient in another form

Fig. 6 Graph of submerged water depth

4. Maximum Allowable Gate Opening

3. Submerged Water Depth
Under free flow condition, the flow upstream
In submerged flow, the area immediately down-
of the gate is subcritical, while the flow downstream
stream of the gate becomes stagnant with zero net
is supercritical (Henderson 1966). When the gate
motion in any direction. King (1963) estimated the
opening is equal to or greater than the critical water
submerged water depth y using the momentum equa-
depth y c, no hydraulic jump will occur and free flow
tion without considering the contraction effect. This
will not develop. Under that condition, the gate will
paper incorporates the contraction coefficient in de-
not be able to regulate the flow, other than inducing
riving the ratio of the submerged water depth to the
some surface disturbances. Critical depth for a rect-
upstream depth. The resulting equation is shown in
angular channel can be expressed as Eq. (11), or as
Eq. (9).
Eq. (12) by further incorporating Eqs. (1) and (5) in
y 2(Ψ – Φ) Eq. (11).
2 (Ψ – Φ) – 1]2 – [1 – ( 1 )2]
y1 = 2
+ [ 2 Φ
Ψ –1 Ψ –1 Q 2 1/3
(9) yc = ( ) (11)
gL 2
In the equation, Φ and Ψ are as those previously de- 2C c2b 2y 1 1/3
fined for Eq. (6). yc = ( ) (12)
Since y/y 1 can be rearragned as (y/y 3 )×(y 3/y 1 ), 1 + yc
the ratio between submerged water depth and the tail
water depth may be expressed in terms of y 3/y 1 and Critical water depth may be considered as the
y 1/C cb as shown in Fig. 6. maximum controllable gate opening for free flow, and
With known submerged water depths, the dis- is denoted by bmax. Eq. (12) may be converted to Eq.
charge coefficient for submerged flow can be derived (13) for use in solving for b max as shown in Eq. (14).
from the momentum equation for the upstream sec-
tion and the vena contracta, incorporating the defini- C cb max C cb max 2 3
tion in Eq. (4). y 1 + ( y 1 ) = 2C c (13)
C d /C c , can be obtained from both y 1 /C c b and
y/C c b using Eq. (10) for submerged flow, or from y1 2C c
= (14)
y 1/Ccb alone using Eq. (5) for free flow, as shown in b max – 1 + 1 + 8C 3
Fig. 7.
Likewise, using Eqs. (5), (7), (8) and (14), the
y maximum upstream Froude number (F 1 ) max and the
1– y
Cd = Cc 1
(10) minimum downstream Froude number (F 2) min at the
C cb 2 vena contracta can be expressed as Eqs. (15) and (16),
1–( y )
1 respectively.
J.F. Yen et al.: Hydraulic Characteristics and Discharge Control of Sluice Gates 305

(F 1)max = ( – 1 + 1 + 8C c3 ) × (1 + 1 + 8C c3 )– 1/2 (15)

(F 2)min = C c– 3/2 (16)

Taking C c as 0.61, it can be shown that b max=

0 . 5 5 6 y 1, y 1/ C cb max= 2 . 9 5 , ( F 1) max= 0 . 4 1 4 , a n d
(F2 ) min=2.099.

5. Distinguishing Condition

In estimating the discharge through the gate, an

appropriate discharge equation should be selected
based on whether it is a free flow or a submerged
flow. The distinguishing condition between free flow
and submerged flow can be determined from hydrau-
lic characteristics of the gate. When supercritical flow
occurs immediately below the gate, a hydraulic jump Fig. 8. Theoretical distinguishing condition
will form further downstream and the discharge is de-
termined by the upstream water depth and the gate
opening. However, when the submerged flow occurs, (y 3)max 1 16
the discharge is also influenced by the tailwater = 1+ –1 (19)
C cb 2 C cb C cb
depth. The discharge decreases with higher tailwater y1 (1 + y1 )
depth, and either the upstream water depth or the
gate opening must be increased to keep the same
discharge. (y 3 ) max /C cb is plotted against y 1 /C cb following
Theoretically, lower upstream water depth Eq. (19) in Fig. 8, while (y 3 ) max /b is plotted against
comes along with higher downstream water depth in y 1/b in Fig. 11. For a specified value of y 1/C cb, the
a hydraulic jump (Chow 1959; Henderson 1966; Eei maximum allowable tailwater depth for free flow is
1975). If the tailwater depth is higher than the con- the same as the minimum allowable tailwater depth
jugate water depth at the vena contracta, a submerged for submerged flow. Therefore, the minimum sub-
jump will emerge to form a submerged flow merged water depth for submerged flow can be de-
Apparently, the distinguishing condition between free termined in combination with y 3/Ccb calculated from
flow and submerged flow can be judged from the ra- Eqs. (9) and (19), shown as the solid line in Fig. 8.
tio of the conjugate water depth at the vena contracta
to the tailwater depth. III. HYDRAULIC EXPERIMENTS
For a rectangular flatbed channel, the relation-
ship between the upstream water depth y u and the Hydraulic experiments were conducted in the
downstream water depth y d in a hydraulic jump is laboratory of the Department of Hydraulics and Ocean
expressed in Eq. (17) (Henderson 1966). Engineering at Cheng-Kung University, Taiwan. The
model consisted of a 9.2 m long, 0.4 m wide, 0.6 m
yd 1 2 deep glass water tank. During the experiments, wa-
y u = 2 ( 1 + 8F u – 1) (17)
ter was pumped from a container to a head water tank
through a connecting pipe. Valves were installed
in which Fu is the upstream Froude number. Assum- along the pipe for regulating discharge. Discharge
ing the hydraulic jump occurs right at the vena was measured using a venturi flowmeter with ±1%
contracta, i.e., y u=C cb, the downstream water depth accuracy. Water entered the tank by passing through
after the hydraulic jump will be the maximum tail laminar screens. An adjustable tail panel was used
water depth (y 3 ) max of a free flow. Eqs. (5) and (8) to set the desired tailwater depth. The vertical sluice
can be combined to express Fu as shown in Eq. (18). gate was installed in the test section of the tank. A
Substituting F u in Eq. (18) into Eq. (17), the maxi- quarter-circle steel plate was welded to the lower end
mum tail water depth allowable for free flow may be of the gate to reinforce its structure and stabilize the
expressed as Eq. (19). flow. The upstream and downstream water depths
were measured using point gauges with 0.1mm
Fu = 2 (18) accuracy. The channel bed was kept horizontal dur-
C cb C cb ing the experiments. Layout for the experiments and
y 1 (1 + y 1 ) gate lip are shown in Figs. 9a and 9b, respectively.
306 Journal of the Chinese Institute of Engineers, Vol. 24, No. 3 (2001)

Fig. 9 (a)Sketch of layout for experiments; (b) Sketch of gate lip Fig. 10 (a)Graph of contraction coefficient under different gate
openings; (b) Graph of dimensionless maximum allow-
able gate opening

The experiments involved determinations of the

contraction coefficient and the distinguishing
condition. increasing gate opening. The above characteristics
have been previously observed and explained in terms
1. Contraction Coefficient of boundary layer development by Henderson (1966).
However, it seems that different gate lips (such as
Because the derived equation for the distinguish- rounded-edged and sharp-edged) affect the contrac-
ing condition is related to the contraction coefficient tion coefficient more than the opening effect. In one
and the gate model is different from a vertical sharp- words, the lip shape is regarded as much the more
edged sluice gate, ten runs on the contraction coeffi- important variable. Fig. 10b shows that gate open-
cient were first conducted. Based on the experimen- ings in the experiments were smaller than the maxi-
tal discharge we made an approximate estimate by mum allowable values and were able to establish
Eq. (14), and assumed the gate opening for control- controllable gate flows .
lable flow range is limited within 1~5 cm. Thereby
it was set to 2.5 cm and 3.5 cm respectively. The 2. Distinguishing Condition
water depth at the vena contracta was determined to
be the minimum downstream water depth occuring at The tailwater for a submerged flow will sub-
a distance within 1 to 1.2 times the gate opening. The merge the vena contracta and affect the upstream
experimental results with Benjamin’s (1956) are plot- water depth. In the experiments, with a specified gate
ted in Figs.10a and 10b. opening, the upstream water depth for free flow was
It can be seen from Fig. 10a that, for a given first measured. The tailwater was then gradually
gate opening, contraction coefficient increases with rasied until the vena contracta was drowned. The
decreasing upstream specific energy, while for a corresponding tailwater depth was taken as the dis-
given upstream specific energy, it increases with tinguishing condition separating free flow and
J.F. Yen et al.: Hydraulic Characteristics and Discharge Control of Sluice Gates 307

is due to the gate hydraulics, the experimental

observations, and the contraction coefficients, as dis-
cussed below:
Gate hydraulics and experimental observations:
When the upstream water depth is lower than the gate
opening, the gate will not affect the flow at all.
Moreover, when the gate opening is higher than the
critical depth of the channel, the gate will fail to con-
trol the flow and will only cause minor disturbances
on the water surface.
However, when the gate opening is slightly
lower than the critical depth, the contraction coeffi-
cient and the distinguishing condition will play sig-
nificant roles in the flow development. Since the
distinguishing condition was established based on
drowning of the vena contracta and the variation of
Fig. 11 Comparison between theoretical and experimental distin- the upstream water depth in the experiments, it is rea-
guishing conditions
sonable that the measured maximum allowable water
depths were greater than the theoretical values.
Contraction coefficient: the contraction coeffi-
submerged flow. Since drowning of the vena cient is not constant for all cases and, therefore, af-
contracta could not be visually identified with good fects the results. The experiments at Tepako Canal
precison, a criterion was established for this purpose: and Arapun Spillway showed that Cc was in the range
the flow was considered to have transferred from free of 0.648~0.724 for radial sluice gates (Webby 1999).
flow to submerged flow when a more than 3% change In addition, the experiments by Benjamin showed that
in upstream water depth (ie, ∆y 1 /y 1 ) was first C c ranged from 0.60~0.75 and decreased gradually
encountered. With the gate opening set beteen 1cm with decreasing b/E 1 to approach a value around
and 5cm in the present experiments, the normalized 0.61. Since the lower end of the gate model was in-
upstream water depths y 1 /b were observed to range stalled with a quarter-circle steel plate, it would form
from 2.8 to 14.2 and the normalized maximum tail- a flow pattern similar to that of a tainter gate. As
water depth (y3)max/b from 1.9 to 5.6. Thirty-two runs indicated by Henderson (1966), the contraction coef-
on identifying the distinguishing condition were ficient for a tainter gate is larger than 0.61. Since the
performed. arc plate directs the flow in a more streamlined
fashion, it would raise the water depth at the vena
IV. RESULTS AND DISCUSSIONS contracta and result in a greater contraction
coefficient. Fig. 10a shows that C c ranges from 0.65
The experimental results are plotted in Fig. 11 ~ 0.75 for the present experiment. It also confirms
along with Eqs. (2) and (3) by Swamee, Rajartnam’s Benjamin’s conclusion that Cc increases with increas-
equation (Rajaratnam and Subramanya 1967), and ing (b/E 1 ). The contraction coefficient has a mini-
Eq. (19) from theoretical consideration with contrac- mum value of 0.65 for the present experiments,
tion coefficient taken at 0.65. The above three curves slightly higher than the usual value of 0.61, due to
exhibit similar tendencies. From this figure, the ex- the type of gate used in the present experiments. This
perimental value is close to the derived theoretical explains why the deviation of present data from
one, its deviation between -2.5%~3.2% when (y 1/b) Swamee’s theoretical curve becomes greater for a
is higher than 3.0. The variation is about -0.37% higher contraction coefficient.. Development of the
on the average. For y1/b lower than 3.0, the observed boundary layer and the contraction effect are the pri-
data are below the predicted values. Based on mary causes of the difference between the experimen-
Eq. (14), y 1 /b shall be theoretically larger than 1.8 tal and the theoretical values (Henderson 1966; Eei
for a free flow if Cc is taken at 0.61. For y1/b smaller 1975).
than a certain value, the flow can be easily submerged Figure 12 shows the experimental data for the
and fail to control the discharge. Therefore, the distinguishing condition along with the theoretical
present study focused mainly on the conditions with curves with C c taken at 0.61, 0.65 and 0.75,
higher upstream water depth, i.e. y 1 /b larger than respectively. It can be seen from Fig. 12 that the theo-
3.0. In addition, the data from the present experi- retical curve with Cc=0.65 has the best agreement with
ments show a better agreement with the theoretical the experimental data. The agreement with a larger
equation than those by Swamee and Rajartnam. This contraction coefficient is due to the type of gate used
308 Journal of the Chinese Institute of Engineers, Vol. 24, No. 3 (2001)

can be determined from the equations or their graphic

representations. For a submerged flow, the discharge
can also be estimated using the submerged water
depth formula.
Secondly, dimensionless discharge equations for
sluice gates are presented in terms of upstream and
downstream water depths. For a given discharge, the
upstream and downstream water depths can be easily
determined from the appropriate formulas.
Finally, an equation for determining the distin-
guishing condition was developed in the study. The
equation is expressed in terms of the gate opening,
contraction coefficient, and upstream and downstream
water depths, based on hydraulic jump theory and as-
sociated hydraulic characteristics. The equation was
verified by the data from the present experiments and
Fig. 12 Comparison between theoretical and experimental distin- previous studies by others. Since the contraction
guishing conditions (C c=0.61, 0.65, 0.75)
effect varies with different gate types, the distinguish-
ing condition should be determined using an appro-
priate contraction coefficient for the gate.
in the present experiments as explained above. The Based on the above results, flow conditions for
effect of the contraction coefficient on the distinguish- sluice gates can be determined with better accurracy
ing condition increases with increasing y 1/b, causing using an appropriate contraction coefficient for the
the three theoretical curves to diverge. Most of the gate. This will improve design and operation of sluice
data from the present experiments fall between the gates.
curves for Cc=0.61 and Cc=0.75 with y1/b greater than Contraction coefficient has significant effects on
3.0. This indicates that the distinguishing condition determining hydraulic characteristics of sluice gates.
is affected by the contraction coefficient. Figs. 11 Although there are theoretical equations capable of
and 12 shows that the distinguishing condition can predicting contraction coefficients for high upstream
be accurately predicted using the theoretical equation water depths, further research is needed for predict-
derived in this study. ing the characteristics for lower upstream water
Since the equations for discharge coefficient depths.
and distinguishing condition derived in the present
study include contraction coefficient, the equations NOMENCLATURE
can be reasonably applied to any other gate types
as long as appropriate contraction coefficients are b opening of the gate (L)
used. This reflects the importance of contraction co- bmax maximum allowable gate opening for free
efficient and is one of the main focuses of the present flow (L)
study. Cc contraction coefficient
Cd discharge coefficient
V. CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS E1 upstream specific energy (L)
F1 upstream Froude number
Because sluice gates are widely used in open (F 1) max maximum upstream Froude number of gate
channels for flow control, an understanding of their F2 downstream Froude number at the vena
hydraulic characteristics is essential. Depending on contracta
gate opening, the flow downstream of the gate may (F 2) min minimum downstream Froude number at the
be classified as free flow or submerged flow. Based vena contracta
on the present experimental results for a vertical Fu supercritical upstream Froude number be-
sluice gate in a rectangular flatbed channel, the fol- fore the hydraulic jump
lowing conclusions may be made: g gravity acceleration (LT−2)
First, theoretical equations for discharge coef- L width of the gate (L)
ficient and maximum allowable gate opening for Q discharge of the gate (L3/T)
sluice gates were derived with the inclusion of con- y1 upstream water depth of the gate (L)
traction coefficient. With a given gate opening, gate y2 water depth at the vena contracta (L)
width, contraction coefficient, and upstream and y3 tail water depth (L)
downstream water depths, discharge through the gate (y 3) max maximum tail water depth for free flow (L)
J.F. Yen et al.: Hydraulic Characteristics and Discharge Control of Sluice Gates 309

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