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Complex numier ~ expression of boty real ond imagioad, unites ombited WAtoles the fn ofa +b or a+ yo as Jo | Ly imaginary > RO\ she, j= (=P Svarwiye, Porters of j pe y=GFD)—=1 shy hea \n general 3 canal. OAS x) =) jt? 2a 10.001 ° pat MOB ” wea ee Nome y \ Forin of coffidex oumbers 2 \ Rectangular Form YF’ a+ jo a Trig metric Tren T Casa+ ysin®) 3. Polar Form ‘LO Cee eA APRA RRA AAR RAR BRMRRERRUEERRERRHEUEEEUReaa eee Exponential Form re” * B isin radians Addition ond Sulriraction of Complex Numocrs CMA + CX2 + ade OX £2) + OY = Ya) Rompe . Ca-32) + Gris) = @ +73 of 9435 2 (ist iW) - G43) = 6-36 i0-13 or atti Tat Nultiplicaton of Complex Numbers OX 4 Nd) Oat a) = Ga%a- ya) + y (Xa + Xa) Brownie’. Great W) = HRYS +0) +a)? Neal (a-\2 +245 +6) 305 a (ajay = Ga ja(aye) * = 9-4oh Conaone o£ Complex. Worbers ~ obtained ‘oy Changin, the sign of the imagery pact Narloer Conugatre “ary ays ee * a4y5 "oa he + =~ ya Note’, The product of & oanglex oumber and ts caniugate is aluays a rea Number Dwision of Complex Numbers Xe Savion’, Codyigate the denomicator anc multiply Yar Na 46 the afigital faction “ XMAN 4g Keep Yas ya Ya -Na Eyomnple™ . aty . oh 2Q Br 3t4y 3-4) oy guess (a> Fi «| Leg pe 2 3 &® G- Wx3j- 459-1 a6 7109). 10-5 as aS ag 2 dk 5S? _ {a3 143 AAPA APA PP PRP RPP RP RP RR RRR RRR RERUN EE Rea ea Complex Equation Wo complex numbers ore equal if treir real garts are equal and Heir imagnary parts ate equal @+{e) wwequal to Cot hdd i, arc ond bed Example’. «Solve, for Kandy if BAVA = OTB 3x7 G “Jay = 43 xr | Sed xra \ =-4 Paar oF Wopremestic. Form + The poor fact of a complex number is used > [0d the wots of a complex ne Paar distane (CCS) A ~ distaree of a pt iy \rraginary ox: | c eepect 4 As origin RF oF Srogind Diagram > abst oF modulus ~ eos ci Arve ¢* alosolule Value or produlus © = ofguenent Or amp tude, ery OF om" tone = be rine Oty = Feo + CSO = TCipgd +3508) = PC\gB = 729 ~ le e tan A. 53.13 3 = 5 9 |o o=3 peu ce Tagp? > Free 5 C9 Brig TE: eeys® * 5099 94.13 PF 9253.13 PE S230 -> Bis 30 Sos % +55sina0 s&G s mS gi FE. 3454 > argument ce 2 > FRE) jag = 853.3" Fai c= Sao PE. Sian L523 @ = sa.) TR. [ian cls -52.8 Bry r+O- set] 2) Ta) 5 L833 \5-ja = (0.200 [2a-be AAA AAA PPP RRR PRA Re BRERER EERE Mutiplication and Division of Genplex Numbers in Polar Form “2. -@120)) 22 > (ta £62) * 2122 = Cr 29 PCRz Be) “00 2(9, +83) *2 0 25 a Z (8-63) Example’. \ % Lo +2 Le G18 + 99-142 1.932 45 = 4-96+ Sy W2 REO PF = yo.ty 23.2 2. A= F/4o 2122 Multiplication. (6 120 29 7 2130 = \o Lad 9x2 ste (40430 Dision’. 2 40-30 = 4 10. De Mowre’s Theorem ~ POIs, 4 A PoARr ie A Special cose of multiplication and it follxs bya rePeaied appication of multiplication . The formula (r26Y s™ Zn Whee 9 + postive no. Bamie’ v Cry? = Caz lus) + S-lto| 225. * (qe) \asxs SA Ai g 2. (42s)? = (448 Latest) © Heya \20.80 9 = 150,390,695 -ald4e * -(QUUS7. 7 + \85,S9909 Rants of Complex. Numer ward © + 4c (c £8) ra 2 ‘se >) whet k = positive, integer Nott. ke 0, is the Princ Pal rot Example, . Tm = Ge0)*® (my < O+k(300) 0 @ vo @e\ 2 (Ia 2 24) > (a) ¢ 2b G0) 2 a 22 --2Q ‘mots of JH = 2,-2 a Tare: GS £26.65) © @ «0 @ \\ \ fue)” < pablo) ica Oe) = 1.843 4 50-144 * 0340 + \ 1.512 AFA PRP AAP PPR PRP RRR RRR RRR RRA RERREUERER EERE @ \e2 @ «3 ¥ > (yey ¢ Btacw) = (4B) ¢ eee Ss = =\.333 + 0A F VNGH= | 1-023 @«4 > CadeyS c O44 C0) Ss = 9.613 -)1.423 Exponecitial Torm ~ is used when finding, \oopeittnns of Compex Surber oF 1F at jo < else + sno) = ce” Pre reg where © = Cadans . 6480 = 30xan e © G 2 ee" PE. ¢ 25. Wt0 TF: Beis 23.400 B= O42 X WW « 23-606 y + RPL 7.33 +) 3.20 Euler's Formula c® = cose +3800 © = caso js Operations of complex quinbers + Logo‘ of 0 complex. nunker Wa (re) © Ine + Ine” \na = ne $40 log 96 = \otab) = 1nd + In \04 4 \na xpunt Ke (09,0 + l0gi09 * Rule. use He exponential form, Exomple WW (a4 \4) + C5 L849) = in (e808) 7 30.933 = ins +int ——_—— = |1.G0% + 50487] 2. tog (oS4) : 109) 9 (2454 = fog (a434) loo \o lo (ory) \ni0 2 100 a9 (asa) * Jog o4i4) (00, at)) Ine y) = 1.600 40-924 \na= Qed 1a Qe aa Natural 's Noperian, (ng egg . \no (0g Ih = LOG + \0-9at WO = 1.600, V0.0 Into In\O =| 0.6aa_+ 0.403 | + 1.604 +)0-427 In (@rinley™) Ina) end «| .944-) 1.094 M, inCIzLis)» lallze RAFF FAFA APPAR RAP RRP RRR RRR RR RR RRR AR gm * Exponential funchon of a complex. quitlber : oF = os8 + sO \ * 7 3 \ Eulers Formula © = cos9 — sin J a = sod = = A cose = = = A tone = » at See see 4x 2D = a0.193 aw =| = 20.000 > Exp. frm 220, 193- 30 = “190.817 =3 = 20.036 LOA of 2. OBL [224.193 = 21-1529 — 15.201 | ja = (3) 2. = = Cw) foal, @)= 0% = * Ciyaayd y Oy 5 eee = » (ey TCE or 0.79 sd = 0 6%) atjo_ oa Yo e a. svat is) \na® = Una & Fee , O43) }3-F4a) 4 -2 N02 Iz 3 4 asf ) ye ec eD) = \w HRAOR 99-742 ogee? ye ee ed samy 2 7 yaa ; nye (3494) Ini) ye oe? 8% Me =a Ga) in(aee’) “ Shy al4-401 a > Cot ja) (Wn 2 ine”) Ey al =G454) (in 434) = 0.01 =} 0. 064 a is ~ -2.102 453-442] +046) =cos (0-14) asho Co.4 +3036) ee 18+ )0-46) < elon 08D — “ ons dtoie | een low <0 +04 24G- Jord eter +e 2 ‘og *[L39ds -;Ous | GARR APA PATA AAA AAA REVUE RUUREUUEUEEe eee MATRIX ss and \ = reckongular array, of real numbers arranged 1 m Cows anc) 6 columns. = The term was intoduced by the English rattematican Somes Toph Sylvester in 'BSD. Row . Atonzantal list of numbers ( rir } Columns - A vertical list of numbers ? 71% 4 oats’ Order = 1X * C1 2 >) is crow matrix C Row Vector) 1 Column Matrix | Order axt > ( i) esl camo: natn Corwen, Nector’) 3 m> # of WS > # Of columns Square Motriy | in ( f Order = nxn ila Pr leading entry CLED Order of Matrix: MXN 1 3 Order of A = 2x3 = m4 \ 5 G Tee 2 4 \ is G squore matrix, Entoy, O44 ° 16 the oumber lacoted on the i Hn row and yth column Tronspase of a matrix LA” Matrix Obtained by, switching cows for COMMIS ull Matrix . Alleotrits are zero, (Ze Matix) Pageno| Mom Wisco square, motnx with all 2erp [ i * O30 Values except for the Qij value [ 0 8 S focal i=j a MERE eee MATRIX ~ reckongular array, of real numbers arcnged i m Cows and 9 columns. ~The. term was intyduced by the English wag matician Somes Tosepn Sylvester in 1BSt Row . Aborizantal list of numbers => [i] 2 3) Row ate g 3 a Columns’. A vertical list of numbers Row Matix’ Order = 1X () 2 3) is arow matrix CRow Vector) Column Matrix Order =x) ( i) is a column matrix CGdumn Vector) 3 jer ok Matix | MXN Ua 2 Order of A = 2x3 m7 7 of MWS = ae 5 ) opal o> # Of columns Square Motrix ’ Order = nxn, smn r leading entry CLE) Entey, O41 1 the number lowted ontre 4g (9 2 #0: 3 x i throw and \4n axlumn 4s 6) Entry @,., =G 7 12 ( a 4 \ is G square, matrix Matrix obtained by, suittening, rowsfor 9 AS ( \ 2 2) , Ne COLUMNS, NI Matrix. All catries are 2er0 Wall Moteix " m8 * pegs is a null Motyix, Cer Matrix’) 000 Diagonal Monix « ~ Kiso square matrix with all zero O $ ° Nolues except for the Oij value 0 oe focal\ isj a Toertity Mote |‘ 0 0 > 0 His a didgonal enatrix wil al oon - oN 2ec0 entries equal to 4 o A Scolor Matrix tis adiaggnal, Matix wil atl 900° ESS 2e entries equal some other constant => 0 KRY Trangular Matcix 00 2 tt hs 2er0$ all positions above og 040 or below tne diagonal 5 O00 * Anti diagora\ % Diagonal ® Addition AP A aod & are two matrices of the same order the sum of A and B denoted by A+B, is He wattrix for which each of ts elemerts is Fhe sur, Of Ane corres ponding, ements of A and b. Example” 1. Ar [8 -2 AsGB= | StH 24% AN [: g -3 IAF BtO 344 @-|4 74 Axe: | 9 9 204 634 RAF RRP RP PRP RRP RPAH AAA RAR RAR RR RA Sm @ Subiroction “IF Aand & ore matrices having the same order, then the difference of Nand ©, denoted by, A-B, is defined as A-B = A+ (-B) Exomple’, . f ea 3-3 4 “3 A-B ae 14g Ar) “St a8 92 & P43 p. fo -o Blas Aer Ja 4 qo2 -5 4 ® multiplication ~ suppase that A isa matrix, of order mx p and Bis matrix dp xn, then the product of Aand 8, denoted by AB, is the axn mattix for winich “He, clement inane ‘ty cow and 4he j4h column is the sum £ the products formed oy mal Fiplying, end element in +e Wh eo of A by, the comtsponding element i # ne yh columy OF B. Sim, Ae mx®@ 394 3x9) r-Gim 6 KH v Axd= AS x Evonpe’. [2-3 Ape | 75 74 a a Atl gq a “5 2 + a 5 qa y 2B C ACH) +6301 20)4 BYR) as)+()s) ® “44 3 125 Ame Jaycayt COG) 40+ (O24) x05) | ay-ay+ (SCN W)@E) A) x9) PEEP eee ata) +044) + SU) ) _ [3] 1) + @O)4 70) Ls | <(3]bh8]~ Ix 3y=5 Xt Ay = 6 @ DBwision + Division of watmees con be accomplished only by muthpying He inverse of the denomadtde mat Determinant * ~ The determinant D, is a scolar caleulated fon a square matriy. is indicated by endosing the matrix by vertical lines. F Derererinont OF 2X 2 * Pd Det A= [4 OnQa2 - On Oa| Example. det A= \s@@ciy- «oo | D<| FAAAPAP APPR APR AR RRR RRR REPRE ERE CL Ue Ss “8. et. A POE) + LUDO) + ENS) = CAVED LUN) -OCV) ] det. A = A= 10-30-20 det. A = "St « 4x4 Matix OOo 2 xz |b 2 GY 9 3 -2 WY -2 4 4 @® 3 Ick step, Look ord Qa 4 Os io 1-2) 2-(oy-2d 2- (D(a) on * a” 3-ME) —-a@-@GL) —--a-(-N2) eter [4° OR) -4-(o)(2) -3-GiDG2) 5 21 det A =(\) -3 -2 1: | 3x3 det A= 84 Q@ -4 --5 Ccalan) Note, 0 x6 29 CO |5x9] 5x5 70 cay | axal ay ("| 3x9) Y cals & Mtr is no 2 in matrix yefs t 8] ft | {> 8-4 J 1-6 Ast | Gao | [3 @ -4 142 7 he 7 det Ar CN | 1 )CR) 0-CN a) Gy} (a) ehh eis | ed) -4-O)(4 Pig a dese(2) | RO SN “3 AG 7% webs) (B)@¢) -09(3)| det A235 2 4 EI Surmory, No 4 in. Matrix Gxe + Multiply then, deh of 6X6 with 2) 7 feet +\) ~ ib +a] © Divide * toget te value of det xe \ sxs\> Nol (No 1): Final Angwer ol- Ol- AAPAA AR ARPA RF RRP ART ANKNKNKAKNATHANHN nds Cofactor of an Entry = Wig the determinant of the mahix by omitting, the entry's coud ond! colon inthe origina mrawriX + The sign of the cofactor ig determined from the following posthonal matrices ; Qn (y, = 4 Namie! -4- ve to- + ¢ min 1) be determined by, the eelosion (-1) wher, Or, the sign of He, wfocnt cot tn iS the row And n is he column number Example : 1. What is the cofactor of o? Det A= {ou-@e)} a. (! 2 6] + cofactor of Ges 3 \ al Det A= -3 \ 42-@) arco? hs + cofactor of O ov” (a) ofp - 2 Cofacor Matrix = Formed by ceplacing, cach Slement in the given matrix by FS eofactor Classical Adyoint (Aca) = hic o matrix formed fom the Fons Pose agkador matrix Inverse, Maitix (A~) 4. Find the determinant of the given mati, BEREUEWEUUNUeeee eae 2. Form the Cofactor matrix nas { 3. Foren the tonspose matrix of the anfacto® matrix Divide each element ia the matix cofactoron the determinant of the yen MATH. A. Evarnple’ 2 a -4 Lowel og -y 4 \ \ 5 find A det A | ONY a roe IN {CHE + AL) + CANOLA -[odeDe0) +@xade + GY)G)| des A = oan (w+ 4+0) det A = @ Cofactor Matrix ae |% 2 | + eo Ves lea tag] if is al . ae 22 2 4 “iq 4 \ -i0 4A -g SPAR AAPA PAP RAR AP RRA RRR ARR Peewee ee eee eee © od} +2 -a2 14-10 hess |? “4 4 1-3 ® A 14. s | At Aad at s4 at Det A -1 Ft 2 at at at 3 abt A } at 54 ay To chedt &» A> ACS = Unit Matrix Ny cotion of Nattices (Cramer's Bule ) Appi! . 0) using, determinants + Sounion Av Systems oF Lincor Equati Example: 1. Solve for x. 9, And W in the fF. eqns. x. 2y tw FN X + Sy “Rule a =2 | pe (us+3tl)- Lio-6 +0) =40 5 n-a \|u-al . MeN. 7 | —_ Neg sa las . -@ \ 73 @ \ ml Nuc= ( *)o .14% 4 ' ay, | &* ¢ ro) X= @ Ls) +6 S/> an 1 3 , of (46, Vo = 1 23/49 fet ¢ oO Jog yO fl AAA PAP PPP RAR PPP oo- Ss : - o-o 5? A sz - Oe s = -oo”* Vv a 2 «oo 2 al s) taf a 3 . a eo ss b * o Laplace Trans forins_ Lira]: {* o* Fay dt = 8) Trans f™ of Elemeritary Tanctons Othe}. fe eter «05 ee io >(s-) -G-t) : [- etek ye > 4, i (* “Gwe” es G-K)t ~ ——-— dt . & ut . ¢ WE | co | te j ok ~ te) \" - 3k fe]. +s < . € few} + [Te Stk a fest : om % Special case , k=O £ fay 4 Le] ko + FR £fay- 2 L{o§ OL SE £ i Y = s Lk {ng ™ a £fe 3 e Proving, ~ * © = 50d. = Z {ay JP eA ot ate se | ~A ‘se at AC hdc et S AAPG AAP PPAR RRR RRR RAR ARR aa PREP E RRR RREERReaaeeaeaea @ & Lainkt } L Lainkt 3 - . eo sin tet dt £ fanart} ° “kez , . S* Ces sin kt be coset) ] & { sintet § [ pa kos \¢ 4 £, {sink J * o- \Co-K) S744 _ 8 ae if WOKE § = Kk 2 Fane} ® £ {easter} . se oS cosket dt *_ Euler's Formula Llasweys £ {4 ce + oo sey Lt fosty +o fe FY 2% =msy + 500 oO on ket 4 2 Ss sey 0 oo \ \ e cso - 598 @ $ bese * =a zase= 2% +0°%° al 3k s-3 ; A tees oe o ste Ake ] s* +kt = zg coset s feat} =e LLemet | jees Lenco, -5 LLP 2 OGF LL FY +2 {4G} $7425 PIO 4 gts) Evampe’. Flo) + LLP ED] = stecey-sFeo)- FC) ~£ fe LEN} = Sf 6s) SF) -s Fl) - F* (0) AL {PUY SFO - EU, ok Oey | a — Lyamnple oe y"+ ay +BY = 5 cos at * yQ)= 10, yo) = 14 LLU] AW SFO) - FO) | , zt ty'f = &y(s) ~sx/f - yO +40 sy (s) ~y 65 | 413Y6) = Hs [ BALLS) -0s psy (S)- 404 ys 7 SS N N SP Parra iS | S44 | RA APA PPAR RF APAP RRR RRR RRR RR RR RRA PERE REEUER ERR (F +4543) y6s) = 18S. 4 15 + 54 ° @ + zB % > + S4S° £405 4361 ys) = Oe 4 Hos e5HS tae y(s) = os ee AMS_4 1c 4 Hos SHE TE a (an) (s244s+13) tos? +545 + dds + 361 ed 2 Yyst y= ylo)=) Sy) syo) yo) ls 23 (6) - J GOS 2 7 yo? s?ts+l sy-s-l-yios s*(s*=1) y y 2 aiy\- 2 1484S yl[s -\\- ar 4Stt= ar & YY tay=! glo yYW)=0 sty ()-sv lo) - -y o) + sls) - ylor+ ayls) = 1 Suis)* suis) + ayls) > 2 a (NCst+ssa) = 4 (s)= —____ ° s 5 SUs* + aw Laplace Transform Exommple’. % Cos 28 = \-2sin’ 28 = \-cOS20 Zo {s'st sx" = & Cr eos20) "L{ 4 (raster 24 £{1-cosat} *LULO- £ eset -+-—<— 2\% {eset} S > ales) = Sh eis oat rece Sl es s Ls $ “ae | 28 ase) = Sots .| GN 7 Le: Tt | asts*4as) 2s(o+4) + £ Lsintoak . \ % SINAB= ANN OcoSE (4 . { $ sint} = + £\s0 at S20 , seus = 2 2 zl er ya" \ : 1 S744 Hyperbolic Functions Example LS sonut b= ke inn s& | = {seme ys Bf fans ys <2 LS coset § - i \ s aay “£0 EY Iie \ e E27 7 . 2 ELE: =e ee Cs-2)> DAPPAPPPPP PPR PP eee Derwatne of Transform a z = LAr fPe “rae “50 da E < Ls je et lat | " Par [2 ot CHEB dk gwe-L{ tFOF : Fed* 0 et EFWAE fer t-fO . | £fe FEE CN Se g Fe)" : \ 3 ' Example Bou tfeety > Caf Gower ' 7 : \ Bo ay owt G2) ' "Oy as { =x | ' -Q) [ ose >i | J 6-2 i= _ (2 | rap 1 -O4[(5 7 2 tis | ds sr+le (2H 1 =) { ¢ ae Cato)” +0) Lane} Kent +f" tate cokt oF TF ENR «Q" ist aug [= Essai at so Lt [se {= coset, zak loa EN cont x Seas CPM suk Examples. ! +L abt .fieh ars offal ae (eb od (4h +k = apie Lies £45 rey a Zits a tee PLE S ole jase aettit) = te* tit ws am + sos ee. {te ee OF nd e e {4 ae = Esinst Examples \ eer a gltbeltabo {st -let et ede a oo Cag [aoe =f {shat «£4 serh . ; ,elt: a sins =| cosst + Ee sast \ | > gf = \ : peers et -{ey-cfe Petar eat =a i eh S$? ue ote esc lest = Li at rat? a eit He | ‘ Ue SP4d sat - & la Bel =| Acos ob 5 ft { sim | BY CTS. Completing, he square) $*+25410 = ATS 7 otrtastO Ly os4t) +33 tI 4149 (si)? + 3” tl aa sat a | Lo tc st stiee* BX cis. s+ astint 1 _ _—_ _). o & S*+o5 tal { BY CIS. 57+ Bot 21 = S* +98 4 \otS Stats (YP 7k Lmaraear § -at seas o £0] eros | 1 { a stl 2 { LS a7 = LL Gaye 7 GH 4 “4 set wet = f° { Gre SEESE : SHEO™ cost SENOS co {eae ste 7 -2,34 | = (84+ tz} << 3 43 i = \e* Be “sinat = ea 10 +3 =<" Yew? + Cissy § at SHoe 4. £71 Gray D. S(st2) #6 +25 con = < lens gti oa A Ski a HB, te ] Sista) s Aetttinad Alssa)+ ®s s=0 5 Ot) = A(osad + Blo) AQ): As a g=-2 5 -a4) = ACara) 4 B(-2D \ scab: B= Ya s*-6 o { Sot 4s 438 4 = S(s*H49 43) = s(st3)st) 8*-6 _A B c L Seta 6+ Ga ten uo BiG = Alstay Cs) + BeCon) 4 C5(6 3) $<0 5-6 = ALOT) Co+t) 1 AF -2 3) stealer! gs Ye “seq 5 7S* CCA 48) "cs Sez 7 = Ya sla {es ‘anh ‘large +s et ~ yee \\ a-3s L* { G-2) (s* 43) 2-38 A Bas\+¢ Juco GANsa3) 52 17 S843 args = AGs*43) + (28st ](s-2) 2-36 = Ast+ aA + 2Bs*-yBs +Cs- Qc By Eq. Coe te. s ; OF AtA20+0 7 oO s 5 2 0-4Bte 7 O ssc 5 2%=ato-ac 7 © Asa Be 2/z c= “le/x af 4, GNGD+ Pt =f ‘f tat e2 4d t 2-4 pn \ 4 etfs - 78/4 ee ee ant +3 cost t - 2% sn Bt se Bay Initial Value Prooiem CVE) \ oh -ay) + gs o> noe, (o)= Ylo)=0 y y =s Fyls)- yo) gy “(9) => Lev 26 *yls) BONO = yes) Lst+3st2 |= “ ys) = \ \ BGR +2)— +ay—4 a, — Partial Fraction \ = A _b- o£ lexctaos $-3 * S-2 * S-\ | \ = AG-2)s4) + BGs-3)s4) + C(S°3) 65-2) Whee S99) Lt AGODG1 : Az lk 8°25 Ss B@ad (at): BF! 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Querdamped ? ( & a. Critically, domped \ £ 3. 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