A1PDT103 - Materials & Process Selection - BS - Level I Q

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Materials & Process Selection

Unit 1:
Level 1:
1. (a) Differentiate between the wrought and cast aluminium alloys? [4 M]
(b) Describe the alloy and temper designation of aluminium alloys? [8 M]
2. (a) What are the various effects of alloying elements in steels? [8 M]
(b) List out non ferrous alloys with its melting points? [4 M]
Unit 2:
Level 1:
1. Define composite material? Classify the composite materials and explain
any one? 12M
2. (a) Define Nano material? Mention its properties? 6M
(b) Write a short note on Nano clusters? 6M
Unit 3:
Level 1:
1. Write a short note on a) Smart materials b) optical materials c) Shape
memory alloys? 12M
2. Discuss the different optical materials and their applications? 12M
Unit 4:
Level 1:
1. What is the need of material property charts? Discuss in detail on any one
material property chart? 12M
2. What are the different engineering materials used in automobile sector and
mention its properties – discuss. 12M
Unit 5:
Level 1:
1. Classification of manufacturing processes? Explain in detail about criteria
for process selection? 12M.
2. Discuss the selection strategy for process selection for different operations?

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