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for the non-techy professional photographer

This guide is meant to give you a basic but strong
understanding of Search Engine Optimization
(SEO) as it applies to Intothedarkroom websites.
We hope that you will learn strategies and how
to implement those strategies to help your
website rank better in search engines.



WHAT DOES IT MEAN FOR A WEBSITE TO BE page. Traditional Flash websites, instead, are built as
SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZED (SEO)? one file that lives at your domain ( To
It all comes down to organization and the accessibility understand traditional Flash websites better, imagine
of your information by search engines. Search engines Flash as a closed container: this container holds all of
need to be able to read all of the information on your your pages and information and search engines can’t see
website and it reads it in a specific way. inside the container. This makes most Flash websites
not SEO friendly...notice I said most.
Many people want to know why Flash websites are not WEBSITES SEO?
SEO. To get a better understanding of this, we should
The reason our Flash websites have always been SEO, is
first look at HTML websites and understand how they
because we have always separated the information from
work. Traditional HTML websites are organized into
the Flash. We do not use Flash as a container, but rather
pages that can be read easily by search engines one at a
a thin layer on top. We use Flash to make things pretty
time. (ie:,, mysite.
but always allow search engines to access the content.
com/contact, etc). Because these pages are HTML,
search engines have access to the information on this

SEO Strategy Guide 2013 | 1


YOU NEED A STRATEGY To pick good keywords, you want to have the right
balance between high searches and your ability to win.
When you search for something in Google, you type
It gets easier to find these keywords the more specific
in keywords until you find what you are looking for.
your keyword phrase gets. Let’s look at some examples.
It’s important to rank for the right keywords. If you
have a website that is accessible but has all the wrong
The term “wedding photographer” has 22,200 searches
keywords, it is not going to do you any good. Therefore,
per month
you need to create a keyword strategy.
The term “hawaii wedding photographer” has 3,600
PICK YOUR KEYWORDS searches per month
“I put the keyword ‘weddings’ all over my website. Why The term “John the wedding photographer” has 0
don’t I come up in search results?” The word “weddings” searches per month
is searched over 6 Million times per month. Because
this term is such a broad term it is going to be highly So you can see that the more specific the term gets,
competitive. You would have to beat companies like the less searches per month. Chances are, as a small
“” to rank number one for this term. business, you would have an easier time ranking
for “hawaii wedding photographer” then “wedding
To pick your keywords, we recommend using the photographer”. In addition, it would be pointless to rank
assistance of a free tool called Google Keywords (https:// for “John the wedding photographer” because it has This tool will little to no searches per month. The goal is to rank for a
show you the amount of searches each keyword phrase term that you can win and not only get on the first page,
gets per month in Google. but within the first 3 spots.

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Getting on the first page of a search term that has value
is great. But it will do you little to no good if you are not
ranked as one of the top 3 search results. Let’s look at
some general statistics.

The first result gets about 30% of all the clicks.

The second result gets about 12% of all the clicks
The third result gets about 9% of all the clicks
The tenth result gets about 2% of all the clicks

As you can see, the best place to be is first place. So, now
let’s look at how you can get there and how you can
determine if you can beat the competition.

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The first mistake that many people make is called
“keyword stuffing”. This is when you string a long list of This is a place on your website that allows you to add a
comma separated keywords together on a page instead string of keywords that are associated with the content
of writing a paragraph (looks like: wedding photographer, of that website or page. This is how people started to
photography, san diego, california weddings, brides, etc, SEO a website many years ago. This has since become
). Will this cheat work? In the short term it probably outdated and most experts believe it offers little to no
will, but if someone implements good SEO practices, value anymore.
they will beat you in the long term. The truth is that
Google doesn’t look favorably on keyword stuffing and PAGE TITLES
ultimately is smarter than that. So now we are going to This is a big one. Search engines always look at the
tell you some great ways to use your keywords. page title. If you are trying to rank for the keyword
phrase “arizona wedding photographer” then it would
DOMAIN NAME/URL make more sense to title your about page “arizona
Having keywords in your domain name can help with wedding photographer” instead of “my bio” or “about the
SEO. This is a touchy subject, because most companies photographer”.
want to use their company name as their URL, not
some long ugly keyword phrase. However, if SEO is not CONTENT IS KING
going to be your primary source of business, then it is If your page titles are keywords, but you do not give the
understandable if you opt not to use keywords in your search engines any content to read, then you are not
domain name. We just want you to be aware that this giving the search engine any reason to believe that your
will help. page is important enough to rank. Therefore, you want

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to make sure that you write rich content on every page.
What is rich content? Rich content is a paragraph that NAVIGATION BUTTONS
your readers are going to want to read that includes Your navigation buttons are internal links that are on
your keywords in a normal and casual way (no keyword every page of your website. These internal links should
stuffing). For example, your paragraph might start out utilize the same naming strategy as page titles. If you
with “I chose to be an Arizona wedding photographer name these links with keywords, it helps Google group
because...”. Google wants to see content that is both that page with the keyword being used.
relevant to the keywords and is interesting to your
reader. In addition, the more content, the better. This LINKS THAT POINT TO YOUR WEBSITE
is the reason that many photographers have added a
A contextual link (a keyword that is a hyperlink to
blog to their website. Blogs allow you to create a huge
your website) on another website is one of the most
archive of rich content that people want to read.
important things that can help your website rank in
search engine results. Two things are important for a
contextual link: the credibility of the website it’s coming
Don’t forget your images. Google cannot see images from and the actual text in the link. So, ideally you
so it’s important to fill in the “alt” text when inserting want a link that reads “Arizona wedding photographer”
them into your website. By doing so, you’ll be describing from a reputable website like “”, rather
your images to Google, so it’s important to include your than a link that reads “click here” from a website like
keywords here. Make sure, however, that you don’t use “”.
the same keyword/phrase for every image – mix it up
a bit. Where you input this “alt” text depends on the
platform you’re using for your website or blog.

SEO Strategy Guide 2013 | 5



Hopefully you now have a general understanding of
keywords and how to implement them into a website. Intothedarkroom has created a video library that takes
With this knowledge you can now evaluate your you step by step through adding content. With our
competition. When looking at the competitors that websites, there is no coding necessary. We make adding
appear in the search results, you can evaluate their text, alt tags, meta data, navigation, page titles and more
page titles, content, URL, etc to see how worthy of an a snap. Please check out our support videos by clicking
opponent they are. the link below.


No. In order for all of your hard work to payoff, you are
going to have to wait. Google has to index your pages
into their system. Once this begins, you may see your USE CODE: “SEO30” FOR
site start to appear higher and higher in the results.
You are going to want to help push your website up the
results as much as you can. So what can you do? More of
the same. Evaluate your keywords and competitors, add
30% OFF
more content (maybe a blog), and get more contextual
links on other sites. Offer not good with any other offer, limited time only

SEO Strategy Guide 2013 | 6

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