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➢ Words followed by prepositions:

1. Turned against: to stop supporting or being friendly to (someone or something)

2. Turned to: to start thinking about or discussing something
3. Looks up to: to admire and respect someone
4. Look into: to try to discover the facts about something such as a problem or a crime
5. Takes after: to look or behave like an older relative
6. Taken into:
To move something to the interior of something,
To have someone or something live or lodge in one's house,
To change the state or condition of something or someone
7. Entrust (with/to) :
To rely on one to care for someone or something,
to trust someone to provide protection and care for someone or something.
8. Put off:
To delay; postpone,
9. Put up:
To tolerate;
To erect; build.
To preserve; can,
To provide (funds) in advance:
To provide lodgings for
10. Turned down:
to decline to accept: REJECT
11. Turned up:
unexpected by looking for it
12. Broke into:
to start to have success in your career or an area of activity
to start to use an amount of money
to interrupt someone when they are talking or thinking
13. Carry out:
to do a particular piece of work, research etc
to do something that you have said you will do or that you have been told to do
14. Carry on:
to continue doing something
15. Ran away:
to secretly leave a place where you should stay
16. Ran into:
to hit someone or something by accident while you are driving
to reach a particular amount
to start to have trouble/difficulty/problems etc
17. Looks after:
to take care of someone or something and make certain that they have everything
they need
18. Looks into:
to try to discover the facts about something such as a problem or a crime

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