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Along with the Gods was great story and brought an extraordinary contribution to world to
continue doing good things in life. It is a life changing story that you can learn more about life and death.
Like most religion around the world believes in the afterlife, but this does not sort people’s life to judge
from good to bad but a purpose to have faith and believe what is good is always good to follow.

In connection with Kantian deontological ethics in the movie scene where their family had
struggle and both siblings were still at young age and one of them is malnourish and their mother had
difficulty of being mute and had illness. Thinking that the protagonist almost killed his life and his family
but later he realized what he has done is bad that could face his family by his shameful acts. So, he run
away to repay his guilt by working so hard just to earn money to support and provide his family from
poverty, to not to struggle again with despair and to keep them happy. From this scenario of the movie,
should not blame someone’s mistakes. Thus, this can only make things worst by letting our temper or
emotions on action will only cause paralysis towards our actions. Humans are emotional being and all of
us are sinners and for these sins are need to be forgiven. For what the protagonist did is nothing wrong
if those actions are not misunderstood. Young people are innocents hence from those mistakes they
grow. Even the protagonist always feels agony in life, but letting go of the past and sacrificed himself for
the good of others are most honorable acts even at his critical times.

In Aristotle’s virtue ethics, where at point he makes white lies to help people to overcome their
sadness and to gain happiness in life. Through his encouraging acts by sacrificing himself for the
common good of all. We all know lies are bad but understanding the situation in order not to hurt
someone is convincible morally good, but making lies for own good are immoral. In that part of movie,
he faced his trials honestly, by sacrificing himself to earn enough money to help his family and not for
himself alone. He lied not because he wanted to hide something good for himself but because he feels
the same way and he wanted to get rid of sadness in every life and wanted to see them live happier in
their life.

During the scene where his younger brother suffers from his lost got accidently killed by his
comrade rifle at their post. When another soldier came, he wasn’t helped from the shot but instead
leaving him behind dying at verge of death and buried him alive to cover up all evidences of death of his
brother. Rather than saving one’s life that man choose his own selfishness to acquire something. In
Aquinas natural law, these actions are morally wrong. These are acceptably case of murder and
commonly hard to accept that is good because we all these things are bad, without needing to justify to
the courtroom or the help of prosecution, we all know naturally what is good and bad.

In the movie the interaction between the souls who passed away and the guardians who lead
their way in the afterlife are one proposition to John Rawls theory of justice. Where they have the same
goals to passed in the afterlife’s trials that they don’t want lose anyone else in there way, where at the
same way the souls give enough evidence of their actions in past life and the guardians don’t want to
lose their reputation when their clients failed. If the two don’t work coexist they will fail in their way to
the afterlife. The two only seek for justice of their death, its hard in the end of the trail when you don’t
have trust. Every role in life has its own purpose, if things wont work interdependently life will be harder
to seek everyone’s dream.

Submitted by: Norwood Everett A. Dadulo, BS Architecture 1E A5

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