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Identify and explain three main advantages of delegation for a

manager (200-250 words)

a) In order to work more efficiently, we need to work more

collaboratively and hence the delegation of work is required. Through
delegation, a manager is able to divide his work and allocate it to the
subordinates as per their skills. This reduces manager’s work load
and thus he can work on important areas such as - planning,
business analysis etc. With the reduction of load, this way he is able
to bring effectiveness in his work as well in the work unit.

b) Delegation gives free time from dealing with minor day to day
activities and gives more time to work on long-term strategies and
helps with prioritising of the duties. Since the manager get enough
time to concentrate on important issues, their decision-making gets
strong and in a way they can flourish the talents required to be
effective manager, such as - supervision and guidance, effective
motivation and the leadership traits are improved.

c) Develops trust between workers, to motivate, this is not only good

for the working culture in the team but also for the self-esteem of the
employee. This further improves open communication, and
engagement among team members. A team built on trust and open
communication is a team assured for huge success.
2. Identify and explain three main benefits of delegation for the
person who has been delegated to (200-250 words)

Delegation offers opportunities to a subordinate that is delegatee to test

their capabilities, and to develop their potential and thus, qualify
themselves for higher positions.
a) It helps in development of employee (who has been delegated) and
assessing their potential as it will motivate individuals to do more
challenging work and increase their skill levels. Helping them to learn
new skills not only benefits them, but furnishes the organization with
better trained employees. Thus delegation of authority gives a very good
opportunity to the subordinate to grow. It helps in identifying the best
person among the various subordinates for development.

b) It will also help with succession planning and boosting the morale, as
it will enable people to experience different levels of work. Employees
will relish the honour and awareness that comes with doing something
that makes a difference. They will experience a sense of
accomplishment from making a significant contribution to team’s

c) Knowing that they are being involved by Managers, delegation helps

to stimulate and improve creativity, and promotes enthusiasm and
innovation. Employees feel empowered to accomplish delegated tasks in
their own way; they can become very creative and very driven to achieve
the success. Their personal initiative and the desire to reach the goal
can produce impressive results.
3. Identify and explain three risks for a manager who is reluctant to

a) Manager, who sees empowerment as a threat rather than an

opportunity, has the fear of being replaced by brighter and better
subordinates. Managers do not delegate authority due to their fear
that the competent employees would outshine themselves and be
promoted to a higher position.
b) When the manager is reluctant to delegate, in that case a lot of
workload and overwork can cause stress and decrease the overall
effectiveness as well as productivity and creativity. Also, If the
manager is wasting time on micro-managing both people and
operations, there will often be insufficient time for planning ahead
and strategic thinking. Delegating key tasks can free up a
manager’s precious time – which is always crucial to the success
of any organization. Reluctance of delegation of work will make the
development of the company difficult; also it’s hard to achieve the
goals of the organization.
c) Some managers prefer to take the whole responsibility and make
their importance felt by everyone in the organisation. Their desire
to retain power and dominate is a hindrance to the effective
delegation process. Then such manager hoards information and
client knowledge, this may lead to crisis when managers are on
sudden leave and then the team members may not be able to
provide cover.
4. Using Branson, or another manager from your own experience,
identify and explain four key attributes of a managerial role model.

a) To be a Confident Decision maker – A good manager is someone

who is always positive, calm, and confident and continues to strive
for bigger and better objectives. In times of crises, important
decisions are to be taken in short period of time. Thus the art of
decision making is an essential requirement of leadership.
b) Ability to communicate effectively as the Manager is needed to
communicate with the employees who report to them, other
managers and clients. Therefore Effective communication is
essential for productive results.
c) Accountability – to take the responsibility for the performed actions
and inspire others to do the same. Admitting the mistake and
letting the team know the plan to correct the situation.
d) Be knowledgeable and focused - A thorough knowledge base is
essential and the knowledge base must be integrated. Due to which the
strategies that are planned and carried are focused and result oriented.
When team members see that their manager can do many things, they
will learn to stretch themselves in order to be successful.

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