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Submitted To Board of Examines in Partial Fulfillment of The Requirements for The Degree of
Educational Islamic Studies (S.Pd.I) In The English Educational Department

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Faizal Risdianto S.S M.HumSalatiga.September 2014

The Lecturer of Education Faculty
State Islamic Studies Institute of Salatiga
Case : Fatkurrohman Graduating Paper

The Head of State Islamic
Studies Institute of Salatiga

Assalamu’alaikum, Wr. Wb.

After reading and correcting Fatkurrohmangraduating paper entitled

I have decided and would like to propose that if it could be accepted by education faculty, I hope

it would be examined as soon as possible.

Wassalamu’alaikum, Wr. Wb.



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Hereby, I certify that the thesis I wrote to fulfill the requirement for the degree of

educational Islamic studies entitled “An Analysis on the Denotative and Connotative Meaning of

Creed‟s songs lyrics” is truly my original work. It does not incorporate any materials previously

written or published by another person, except those indicated in quotations and bibliography.

Due to the fact, I am then only person responsible for the thesis if there is any objection or claim

from others.

Salatiga ,15 september 2014

The writer


NIM : 11306046

Learn from the Mistake in the past, try by using different way, and always hope for

a successful future.



This graduating paper dedicated to:

 My highly valued parents, my mother Siti Insiyah and my father Muhyidin.

 My elder brother, Nur Rohim.

 My elder sister, Lailatul Khasanah.

 My uncle, Ahmad Mustofa.

 My nephew, Fatir Ilhami.

 All my friends who have motivated and helped me to finish this graduating paper.


Assalamu’alaikum Wr. Wb
I would like to show my best gratitude to our almighty, Allah who has given me drop of

knowledge with a million powers and patience. Peace and salutation be upon to greatest reformer

in Islam, he is Muhammad SAW. Through his endless mediation that I am recognized as a true

exist Moslem.

Because of that divine gift of grace from Allah, I am finally able to finish this thesis

entitled An Analysis on the Denotative and Connotative Meaning of Lyrics of Creed’s Songs as

the requirement for the degree of educational Islamic studies (S.Pd.I) in the English educational

department at State Institute for Islamic Studies (STAIN).

In addition, along in process of finishing this thesis I would like to dedicate my best

thank to:

1. Mr. Dr. Rahmat Hariyadi, M.Pd. the rector of State Islamic Studies Institute (STAIN) for

giving me the chance and opportunity to study in this institute.

2. Mrs.Rr.Dewi Wahyu.M, S.S,M.Pd as head of faculty.

3. Mr. Faizal Risdianto, S.S.M.Hum, the consultant of my graduating paper, thanks for his

careful guidance, wisdom, kindness, and suggestion during the completion of this

graduating paper.

4. All lectures of English in English department, who have given the knowledge patiently.

5. All my friends especially in CORNERS GANG, Ulin, Ali, Riyan, Ainul, Muthoif,

Jumeri, Makmun and those who cannot one by one.

6. Thank for my friend‟s Aseng and Tri Mulyono, who have motivated me to complete this

graduating paper and given me information in this campus.

Finally, this graduating paper is expected to be able provide useful information to the readers.

Wassalmu’alaikum Wr.Wb.
Salatiga, 14 september 2014

The writer



TITLE…………………………………………………………………………………………… ……..i
ATTENTIVE COUNSELOR NOTE…………………………………………….. ……………………ii


PAGE OF CERTIFICATION……………………………………………………. ……………………iv

MOTTO………………………………………………………………………….. …………………… v

DEDICATION………………………………………………………………….. ……………………..vii

ACKNOWLEDGEMENT………………………………………………………. ……………. ………ix

TABLE OF CONTENT………………………………………………………….. ……………………xii

ABSTRACT……………………………………………………………………… ……………………xiii


A. Background of study…………………………………………………..……1

B. Statement of the problem………………………………………………….. 4

C. Objective of the study……………………………………………………... 5

D. Scope of the study…………………………………………………………. 5

E. Benefit of the study………………………………………………………... 5

F. Graduating paper outline…………………………………………..………. 6


A. Semantic…………………………………………………………………… 8

B. Kind of lexical meaning…………………………………………..……….. 11

C. Denotation………………………………………………………………… 12

D. Connotation……………………………………………………….............. 13
E. Biography of creed (band)…………………………………………………16


A. Research design……………………………………………………………. 20

B. Research object…………………………………………………………….. 21

C. Data sources………………………………………………………………... 21

D. Research instrument…………………………………………………………22

E. Data collection……………………………………………………....………22

F. Data analysis……………………………………………………………….. 22


A. Data presentation………………………………….………………………. 24

B. The analysis of denotative and connotative meaning found in creed‟s song



A. Conclusion………………………………………………………………….. 62

B. Suggestion………………………………………………………………….. 64




Fatkurrohman, 2014. An analysis on the denotative and connotative meaning of creed’s song
lyrics.graduating paper,educatioanal Islamic studies, English department.state
Institute for Islamic studies (STAIN) salatiga.

Consultant: Faizal Risdianto S.S. M.Hum

Keyword:semantics,denotative and connotative meaning,creed.

Semantics as the study of meaning stands at the very center of the linguistic quest to
understand the nature of language and human language abilities. It is obvious that semantics has
an important role in understanding and comprehending a language, especially for English.
Semantics not only concern with the study of meaning but also with the relationship between
language and culture.Denotative meaning and connotative meaning: both of them are based on a
relationship between words & world. Denotation is the meaning of a word which is primarily
refers to the real word, the "dictionary definition” for instance “cow” shows a kind of animal,
“house” shows a kind of building.Connotation meaning is the aspect of meaning added to the
denotation of a word it relates to the association that a word has above its denotation. The
connotative meaning differs from one society to another. Connotation may be subject to variable
exchange from generation to the next. Connotation may be rather subjective and not shared in the
same way by all speakers of a language. Our individual experience of language and its relation to
the world is to some extent unique and idiosyncratic. Connotation is not stable. That Creed‟s
songs are analyzed using the descriptive qualitative approach in finding its denotative and
connotative meaning. The data are taken from lyric of Creed‟s songs which consists of 5 lyrics
from different albums such as My Sacrifice, Don‟t Stop Dancing, One Last Breath, My Own
Prison; the researcher chooses those lyrics because it contains allusion and a popularly Christian
theological concept, of absolute individual belief, usually Monotheistic. It also focuses on
questions of faith, Christianity, and eternity.



Language is one of the most important cultural elements among other elements. Through

language, people can express and describe what they are doing, thinking, and what they are

wanted. Through the language, people can communicate with another people. In fact, in

Indonesian context, language became a useful instrument in the life of the nation and state

building. In the language contained some of words and every word have different meaning.

In the holy Qur‟an surah ali imran verse 7 Allah said:

“It is He who has sent down to you (Muhammad) the Book (this Qur'an). In it are Verses

that are entirely clear, they are the foundations of the Book [and those are the Verses of Al-

Ahkâm (commandments, etc.), Al-Farâ'id (obligatory duties) and Al-Hudud (legal laws for the

punishment of thieves, adulterers, etc.)]; and others not entirely clear. So as for those in whose

hearts there is a deviation (from the truth) they follow that which is not entirely clear, seeking

Al-Fitnah (polytheism and trials, etc.), and seeking for its hidden meanings, but none knows its

hidden meanings save Allah. And those who are firmly grounded in knowledge say: "We believe

in it; the whole of it (clear and unclear Verses) are from our Lord." And none receive admonition

except men of understanding” (Ali Imran: 7).

This verse explains that in the Holly Qur‟an, there are two kinds of verse; Muhkam and

Mutasyabih verses. Muhkam is verse with clearly meaning and it can be interpreted. Mutasyabih

is verse with meaning that cannot be understood except by Allah Himself. From the explanation

above, we know that Islam allows us to analyze text because Qur‟an as a holy book of Islam can

be interpreted or analyzed.
We know that meaning is necessary to be understood. If you said “I sat on the chair”, you

may defined the word "chair" as a piece of furniture with a back and four legs designed to be sat

upon. But if you have been walking all day and you finally get a chance to rest, you might see a

chair and say "Ah! At last a chair." Or you were walking through a dark room and tripped over a

chair, hurting yourself, you might say "Stupid chair!”. These three sentences used the same

word. But, do they have the same meaning?

Word have two main kind of meaning, it is a denotation and connotation meaning.

Denotation is the meaning of a word which is primarily refers to the real word, the "dictionary

definition”. It is the type of meaning which may be described in terms of a set of semantic

properties which serves to identify the particular concept associated with the word in question.

For instance “cow” shows a kind of animal, “house” shows a kind of building (Fromkin, 1990:


Connotation arises as words become associated with certain characteristics of the items to

which they refer, for instance, the burdening of woman for many years with attributes such as

frailty, inconstancy and irrationality has resulted in these becoming connotations of the word

woman for many people. The words “for many people” are important here because connotation

is related to the real word experience that one associates with a word and they will therefore vary

(unlike denotative meanings) from individual to individual, and community to community. The

word “woman” has different connotations for a misogynist than will have for a feminist

(Fromkin, 1990: 205).

The study of meaning normally refers to Semantics. Semantics is the study of meaning in

language. It means that language must have meaning. Language without meaning is useless. In

Linguistics, Semantics is the subfield that is devoted to the study of meaning, as borne on the
syntactic levels of words, phrases, sentences, and even larger units of discourse (referred to as

texts). As with any empirical science, Semantics involves the interplay of concrete data with

theoretical concepts. Traditionally, Semantics has included the study of connotative sense and

denotative reference, truth conditions, argument structure, thematic roles, discourse analysis, and

the linkage of all of these to syntax. Semantics is appropriated to be used on investigating the

meaning of lyrics of songs because it deals with the meaning of language used by people in order

to convey their intended meaning of speaking or message of a language used.

The writer chooses Creed‟s songs as the object of study because the word Creed itself

(also the band's namesake), denotes a popularly Christian theological concept, of absolute

individual belief, usually monotheistic. It also focuses on questions of faith, Christianity, and


Based on the previous explanation, the researcher is interested in conducting research

about “An Analysis on the Denotative and Connotative Meaning of Creed’s lyrics Songs”

because the researcher thinks that Creed‟s Songs are not just the song but it contains an

individual believe and understanding the denotative and connotative meaning of lyrics of Creed‟s

songs will be fascinating.


Based on the description above, the researcher is going to show that there are some

problems related with this study, the problems are as follows:

1. What kind words of denotative and connotative meaning that are shown on the lyrics of

Creed‟s songs?
2. How many words of denotative and connotative meaning found in the lyrics of Creed‟s



This research is aimed at investigating the mentioned problems. To be more specifics, this study

is intended to:

1. Describe the denotative and connotative meaning shown on lyrics of Creed‟s songs.

2. Describe the dominant words of denotative and connotative meaning found on the lyrics

of Creed‟s songs.


The researcher focuses on observing the denotative and connotative meaning of lyrics of Creed‟s

songs. The researcher chooses five lyrics such as My Sacrifice, Don‟t Stop Dancing, One Last

Breath, My Own Prison, What's this Life for. The researcher chooses those lyrics because it

contains allusion to Christian theology (http: //en.wikipedia. org/wiki/Creed).


By conducting this research, there are some benefits expected from this study, such as:

1. Theoretically, the result of this study is expected to be useful and give new information to

the semantic study especially about the connotative meaning on lyrics of Creed‟s songs.
2. Practically, the result of this study would give contribution for the lectures and the

students of STAIN Salatiga, especially at English Department. It is expected to be able to

broaden the knowledge in understanding the denotative and connotative meanings of

lyrics of songs. Also it is hoped to give contribution for readers who are interested in this

study and it will be the alternative reference for the readers who are interested in

researching this area.


These key terms are the method to get the right interpretation and understanding of the study.


Semantic is one of the branches of linguistics studying about the meaning and considered

as a major branch of linguistics devoted to study of meaning in language (Crystal, 1991:310).

According to what has long been the most widely accepted as theory of semantic, meanings are

ideas or concepts that can be transferred from the mind of the speaker to the mind of the hearer

by embodying them, as it were, in the forms of one language or another. (Lyon, 1995:136).

Denotative and Connotative meaning

A word's denotation is its primary or literal significance, whereas connotation is the range

of secondary significance which a word commonly suggests.

For instance, the word "sea" denotes a large body of water, but its connotative meaning includes

the sense of overwhelming space, danger, instability; whereas "earth" connotes safety, fertility

and stability. Of many potential connotations, the particular ones evoked depend upon the

context in which words are used. Specific kinds of language (such as archaisms) also have
special connotations, carrying a sense of the context in which those words are usually found

(http: //The UVic Writer's Guide. Connotation and Denotation)


Creed was the name of a rock band from Tallahassee, Florida that became popular in the

late 1990s and early 2000s. The band won a Grammy Award for Best Rock Song for the song

"With Arms Wide Open" in 2001. In June 2004, Creed broke up, and Stapp began recording a

solo album, The Great Divide with Roadrunner Records recording artist Goneblind. The other

band members (including former bassist Brian Marshall) formed a new band, Alter Bridge, with

Myles Kennedy (http: //en.wikipedia. org/wiki/Creed).



In this chapter, the researcher would like to put some theories related to the problems of

the study to support this thesis. The followings are some descriptions which are related to the

topic discussed in this thesis. They are Semantics and kind of Lexical Meanings.


In etymology, Semantics is derived from the Greek "ocμai ôéêüò" or semantikos,

meaning "significant". It could be from the Greek noun “sema” which means sign or signal, and

from the verb “semaino” which means signal. The word semantic appears in French as

sémantique, as used by Michel Bréal during the 19th century, in his 1897 book published in

Paris, Essai de sémantique, considered the first use of the term "semantics" in the modern sense.


In linguistics, semantics is the subfield that is devoted to the study of meaning, as borne

on the syntactic levels of words, phrases, sentences, and even larger units of discourse (referred

to as texts). As with any empirical science, semantics involves the interplay of concrete data with

theoretical concepts. Traditionally, Semantics has included the study of connotative sense and

denotative reference, truth conditions, argument structure, thematic roles, discourse analysis, and

the linkage of all of these to syntax. The decompositional perspective towards meaning holds

that the meaning of words can be analyzed by defining meaning atoms or primitives, which

establish a language of thought. An area of study is the meaning of compounds; another is the
study of relations between different linguistic expressions (homonymy, synonymy, antonym,

polysemy, hyponymy etc).

In this study, some theories are used that provided by Crystal and Akhmajian, Lyons,

Goddard, Wittgenstein, Alfred Korzbsky, Hurford and Heasely, etc to support this analysis.

According to Crystal in Sarifah (2003), “semantics is the study of meaning in language”.

Akhmajian in Sarifah (2003) states that “Semantics is the study of meaning and reference.”

Lyons (1995:138) concludes that semantics is the study of meaning. The term of meaning in the

theory of semantics can be described from the mind of speaker to the mind of hearer by

embodying them, as it was, in the form of one language or another. If the term meaning is

described as ideas or concept, than it will not help us to answer such that question because the

term concept is not clearly defined, and it is too vague and general. Moreover, he states that the

word meaning may not have the same range of application as any single word in other languages.

For examples: there are contexts in which “meaning” can be translated into French with

signification or sense, and the context of meaning (signification or sense) does not match with

“bedeutung and sinn” in German.

Wittegenstein (1953:31) concludes that “for a large sense „having‟ the meaning of a word

is its use in language”. Hurford and Heasely (1984:1) say that “Semantics is the study of

meaning in language. Because of this, semantics cannot be separated from the so-called word”.

In this century, the study of meaning has expanded to include not only the symbols referent

relationship (traditional „semantic‟) but also the behavior that result from our language habit.

Alfred Korzbsky (1877-1950) believes that „general semantic‟ language influenced not only our

thinking but also all of human behavior.

Semantics as the study of meaning stands at the very center of the linguistic quest to

understand the nature of language and human language abilities. It is obvious that semantics has

an important role in understanding and comprehending a language, especially for English.

Semantics is not only concern about the study of meaning but also the relationship between

language and culture as what Goddard (1998:1) states:

“Another concern of semantics is to shed light on the relationship between language and

culture. Much of the vocabulary of any language and even part of the grammar will reflect the

culture of its speakers indeed, the culture specific concept and ways of understanding embedded

in a language are an important part of what constitutes a culture.”


The term lexical meaning which is used in semantics is interpreted as the meaning of

lexeme whether it is lexeme or Para phrasal lexeme. Lyon (1995:140) concludes that the

meaning of sentence depends upon the meaning of its constituent lexemes (including its phrasal

lexemes if it contains any) and the meaning of same is not all, lexemes depends upon the

meaning of sentences in which they occur.

In addition, Chaer (1994:289) says that lexical meaning refers to the real meaning,

meaning that proper with our sense observation, or for granted meaning. It has been known that a

language has amount of lexical system by which the semantics structure can be expressed based

its meaning relation of paradigmatic and syntaxmatic.

Lexical meaning covers among other things the discussion about denotation, connotation,

ambiguity, synonymy, hyponymy, polysemy, homophony, and homonymy. But this research
only focuses on the denotative and connotative meaning in order the discussion becomes deeper


As quoted by Lyon (1995:139), Semantics concern with aspect of meaning in language,

work in semantic deals with the description of word and sentencemeaning. There are certain

kinds of meaning or certain aspects of meaning in linguistics such as:


Words convey two kinds of meaning; today's dictionaries provide only one kind. When

you look up a word in any good dictionary, such as the Oxford or Merriam-Webster, what you

get is one kind of meaning. It is called denotative meaning (also known as objective, literal,

intellectual, or cognitive meaning).

Words have two main kinds of meaning, denotation and connotation. Denotation is the

meaning of a word which is primarily refers to the real word, the "dictionary definition”. It is the

type of meaning which may be described in terms of a set of semantic properties which serves to

identify the particular concept associated with the word in question. For instance “cow” shows a

kind of animal, “house” shows a kind of building.

Denotation is a word or phrase is a part of its meaning; however, several parts of meaning may

take this name, depending on the contrast being drawn: Connotation and denotation are either: in

basic semantics and literary theory, the figurative and literal meanings of a word, or in

philosophy, logic and parts of linguistics, the intension and extension of a word.

According to Harimurti (in Pateda, 2001:98), denotation means the meaning of word or

group of word which depend on the word itself or depend on the certain convention. For

example, most of people in the world agree that coin or printed paper accepted when buying or
selling is called by money. So, money has only a meaning as something which is used to buy and

to sell. From those explanations denotation can definite as the meaning of word which comes

from the word itself.


Connotation is the kind of lexical meaning which is related to the certain item it refers to.

According to Pateda (2001: 112), he states that “connotation is the meaning which appears by

association of language used by the speaker or listener about the language which they speak or


Connotation also means:

Connotation is more or less synonymous with intension. Connotation is often contrasted

with denotation, which is more or less synonymous with extension. Alternatively, the

connotation of the word may be thought of as the set of all its possible referents (as opposed to

merely the actual ones). A word's denotation is the collection of things it refers to; its

connotation is what it implied about the things it is used to refer to. The denotation of dog is

(something like) four legged canine carnivore. So saying "you are a dog" would imply that you

were ugly or aggressive rather than stating that you were canine. Connotation also the kind of

meaning which is indicated that we abstract away from emotional and sociocultural aspects of

meaning, restricting ourselves to what an expression refers to. For example word dog in Arabic if

someone called as a dog you are not good people because in Arab dog has negative connotation

as the dirty animal in contras in west country dog has good connotation as the symbol of


Connotations are shifting and idiosyncratic associations which a word may have for some

speaker but not for others (as opposed to the fixed and generally accepted meaning of word). For
instance, the word “feminist” and “environment” tend to have very different connotations

depending on a person‟s attitudes and experience.

Connotation plays a major role in the language of advertising, politics and literature. For

example the word “democracy, freedom, and communist” often occur with emotive connotations

of such highly-charged nature that speaker may be blind to the fact that there is no agreed-upon

definition underlying their use. It is their potent affective meanings which makes such words

attractive to the propagandist or political fanatic who wishes to arouse strong feeling without

inviting critical examination of his case (Fromkin, 1990: 206).

Connotation is more complicated than denotation. J. N. Hook in Widarso (1989:69) states

that besides the denotative meaning, a word sometimes has the emotional overtones or we call

„connotative‟ meaning. The other important thing whenever we are talking about connotation is

that the involvement of affective and emotive in our mind.

Furthermore, Wilkins (1983:122) affirms that connotative meaning is additional to denotative

meaning and need be related to it only in an indirect way. It is altogether more concerned with

the attitudes of the language user, his emotional reactions to the use of a word.

In addition, J. N. Hook in Widarso (1989:71) states that connotative meaning can be

divided into two kinds, namely positive connotative (purr word) and negative connotative (snarl

word). Besides the positive and negative connotative meaning, there is neutral that is most of

them is jargon language.

Here are the examples of positive and negative connotative meaning (J. N. Hook in Widarso)

Positive Connotation Neutral Negative Connotation

Cottage Shanty/shack

Soiled linen Dirty Underwear

Sanitary engineer Dustman/ Garbage man

Lingering illness Carcinoma Cancer

Mercy Killing Euthanasia Legal Murder

Pass away Die Kick the bucket

Mentally unbalanced/ Psychotic Mad/Crazy


Svelte Slim/Slender Skinny

Dry (climate) Arid (climate)

Marketing Selling Peddling

Words such as celebration, springtime, and kiss arouse unique assemblages of positive

emotional connotations. Words such as homeless, cancer, and rape summon clouds of negative

emotional connotations. Many words and phrases, such as bullfight, call up mixed positive and

negative connotations. Connotative meaning also includes the evocation of other sensations and

impressions, such as power (e.g., war) and activity (e.g., carnival).

Another definition of connotation explains that connotation refers to all kinds of

occasions words may evoke: emotional, situational, etcetera, particularly in certain context, over

and above denotation and conceptual meaning. It can be concluded that denotation is meaning of

word from the word itself without relate to another factor.


1. Band member

Scott Stapp – Vocals

Mark Tremonti - Guitar, vocals, bass guitar on Weathered

Scott Phillips - Drums, percussion, keyboards

Brian Marshall (departed in 2000) - Bass guitar

Creed was a rock band from Tallahassee, Florida that became popular in the late 1990s

and early 2000s. The band won a Grammy Award for Best Rock Song for the song "With Arms

Wide Open" in 2001. The band broke up in 2004 after three multiplatinum albums.

2. History

Creed originally came together in Tallahassee, Florida in 1993 as Naked Toddler when

Scott Stapp and guitarists Mark Tremonti and Brian Brasher, college friends, got together and

started collaborating and writing songs. They soon added bassist Brian Marshall and drummer

Scott Phillips. Brian Marshall came up with the band name "Creed", taken from the name of his

former band, Mattox Creed.

Once the band was complete as a 5 piece in late 1993, (Scott Stapp, Mark Tremonti,

Brian Brasher, Brian Marshall and Scott Phillips) the band was soon dominating the Tallahassee

local music scene and was one of the only local bands playing all original music in a town where

club owners wanted local bands to play cover songs and music that people know. The 5 members

had already written and collaborated (3) three of the songs that would go on to become chart

topping singles on their debut album "My Own Prison". The songs were "One", "Sister" and

"What's this Life for".

They then found work at a live music bar, where they impressed promoter Jeff Hanson

and Andy Levine enough to let them play at one of their bigger venues known as Floyd's Music

Store on the Tennessee Street Strip in Tallahassee. Hanson and Levine liked the band so much

that he convinced producer John Kurzweg to record the band.

My own prison

Their debut album My Own Prison was independently released and only cost them

$6,000 to produce, and distributed to Florida radio stations. This drew the attention of several

labels that agreed to see the band, only to pass. Rejected, Creed was playing a small gig when

Diana Meltzer from Wind-Up Records heard the group. She had heard their independent album,

and after hearing them live, signed the band to her label. After a remix to make it more radio

friendly, My Own Prison was re-released by Wind-up Records across the country. The album

was a surprise success, reaching the Top 40 on the Billboard Top 200, and spinning off several

singles ("My Own Prison," "Torn," "What's This Life For," and "One") that topped the rock radio

charts. The band's hit song "My Own Prison" was also featured as a live performance on the

charity album Live in the X Lounge.

Human clay

Their second album, Human Clay, was released in 1999 and debuted on the Billboard 200

album chart at number one, based on the strength of its firstsingle, "Higher", which spent several

weeks on the top of the rock radio charts. It wasn't until early 2000 that the single crossed over

onto pop radio going to the Top Ten on the Billboard Pop Chart, and Creed became a household

name. Its follow-up, "With Arms Wide Open," also hit number one that fall.

Meanwhile, Brian Marshall particularly offended many fans when he criticized Pearl Jam

on a Seattle radio station (KNDD). He was soon kicked out of the band, and Brett Hestla (Virgos
Merlot, Dark New Day) took over on the Human Clay tour, and subsequent tours. Around that

time, Fred Durst of Limp Bizkit bad-mouthed Stapp at New York's Krock 92.3 "Dysfunctional

Family Picnic Concert" where they were both performing. In response to this, Scott Stapp invited

Fred Durst to an open boxing match which Durst declined.


In the fall of 2001, "My Sacrifice", the first single off of Creed's last album Weathered,

was used in a series of promotional tribute videos made by World Wrestling Entertainment. They

also had "Young Grow Old," a B-side to the 1999 release Human Clay, featured as the official

theme song for World Wrestling Entertainment WWE's Backlash pay-per-view event in April

2002. In early 2002, "Bullets" was released as a single, along with a costly, special effects-laden

video. The song and video were possibly Creed's least successful since achieving mainstream

success. However, Creed rebounded quickly, with one of the summer's biggest hits, "One Last

Breath". Camp left the band in 2001, and Stapp replaced him.

Stapp was involved in a car accident in April 2002 and it had seemed that the tour that

they had planned was not going to happen. However, Stapp recovered in time to appear in the

last few shows. "Don't Stop Dancing" was a minor hit for Creed in late 2002/early 2003.


This chapter presents the research methods of this study. They are research design, research

object, data resources, research instruments, data collection, and data analysis.


The descriptive qualitative method is used to conduct this research because the aim of

this research is to describe the denotative and connotative meaning of lyrics of Creed‟s songs in a

complete, detailed description but not to classify features, count them, and construct statistical

models in an attempt to explain what is observed (Qualitative). It is called descriptive qualitative

because it is natural base, more focusing on process than result, analytic-inductive, descriptive

and its scheme is temporal (Moeloeng, 2002:30).

According to Bodgan and Biklen (1982), Qualitative research has the following five

features: (1) the natural setting is the data source and the researcher is the key data-collection

instrument; (2) it attempts primarily to describe and only secondarily to analyze; (3) the concern

is with process, that is, with what has transpired, as much as with product or outcome; (4) its data

are analyzed inductively, as in putting together the parts of a puzzle; and (5) it is essentially

concerned with what things mean, that is, the why as well as the what.

In the qualitative research, the researcher is the most important collector data instrument.

Because the research is carried out in discussing lyrics of songs as data, the researcher needs to

observe the lyrics of Creed‟s songs by reading and understanding lyrics of Creed‟s song. The
objective of this research is to describe and identify the denotative and connotative meaning of

lyrics of Creed‟s songs. So, the report will be in the form of descriptive research. The main

objective of it is to understand the lyrics more deeply, and then, produce hypotheses to make a

form of theory. The analysis in each data required in descriptive form.


This study concerned with observing five lyrics of Creed‟s songs such as My Sacrifice,

Don‟t Stop Dancing, One Last Breath, My Own Prison, What's this Life for.


Data sources that will be used in study approach are usually of three types: (1) interviews

of various people; (2) Documents such as minutes of meetings, news paper accounts,

autobiographies, lyrics, compact disk, tape etc; (3) observation of the phenomena in action. So,

documents are suitable data sources for this study. Those documents will be taken from internet

in the form of lyrics of songs. The researcher gets the lyrics from After

finding Creed‟s name, the researcher chooses five lyrics of Creed‟s songs such as My Sacrifice,

Don‟t Stop Dancing, One Last Breath, My Own Prison, What's this Life for.


Research instrument is important to obtain the result of this study. It is a set of method,

which is used to collect the data. In qualitative research, the researcher is the key-data collection

instrument. In the words, the researcher uses Oxford Advanced Learner‟s Dictionary by A S

Hornby to get deep research and analysis on the denotative meaning of lyrics of Creed‟s songs.

The data are fully from those five lyrics of Creed‟s songs. The way to collect the data is

finding five lyrics of Creed‟s songs on internet. After that, the researcher:

1. Reads and understands the lyrics and then looks for the denotative and connotative

meaning from those five lyrics of Creed‟s songs.

2. Looks for the dominant word of denotative and connotative meaning found in the Creed‟s

song lyrics.


There are three concurrent flows of activity needed in conducting qualitative data

analysis (Stainbeck, 1988:21):

First, data reduction refers to the process of selecting words that have denotative and

connotative meaning. This first process is finding words, presenting its denotative meaning and

showing its connotative meaning based on the theory of J. N Hook.

Secondly, data display is an organized assembly of information that permits drawing and

action taking. After analyzing whole data founded from the lyrics, the researcher displays the

result of the analysis on the descriptive form based on each category of denotative and

connotative meaning.

The third step of analysis is drawing conclusion. It is put after presenting the whole

findings of the analyzed data that aimed to clarify and note the most important points to avoid



This chapter presents the analysis of the data that is done in line with the research questions.

The data is analyzed descriptively based on the theory of denotative and connotative meaning by

J. N Hook


1. data of my sacrifice song lyrics


1 Friend A person one A truly friend or A1
knows and likes, close friend Line: 1
somebody who is
not member of
2 Fly To move to the Becoming better A2
air using wings or greater than Line: 11
3 Tears A drop a salty Pain or sorrow A3
water that comes Line: 12
from the eyes
when one cries
4 Eyes Each of two Represent the A4
organs on the meaning of “our Line: 13
face that are used lives”
for seeing
5 sacrifice the action of giving up or A5
giving up surrender Line: 14
something that
one values for
the sake of
something more
important or
valuable or a
thing that one
gives up in this
6 Ups and down in one direction happy and sad, A6
and then in the good or bad Line: 15
7 reunite to cause two or come together or A7
more people to meet Line: 18
come together

2. Data of don’t stop dancing song lyrics


1 Wicked morally bad; evil bad and evil B1
Line: 1
2 Light the natural force to understand or B2
that makes things accept something Line: 1
visible after much
difficulty or
3 Silver lining Silver (n)” dream or hope B3
means; a without action Line: 2
line (n)” means;
(1) a long thin
mark on the
surface of
4 Knees the joint between falling or failed B4
the upper and Line: 6
lower parts of the
5 Dance to move in a do something or B5
series of steps, survive Line: 10
alone or with a
partner or in
6 Fly to move through becoming better B6
the air, using or greater than Line: 11
wings others
7 Unfair not right or just; bad, wicked, and B7
not fair evil Line: 13
8 Dot a small round Worthless or B8
mark paltry. Line: 14
9 Shadow a dark area on a fear or hopeless B8
surface caused Line: 22
by an object
standing between
direct light and
that surface

3. Data of one last breath song lyrics


1 Road to nowhere “road” means; a death C1
way between Line: 3
places, especially
one with a
prepared surface
which vehicles
can use,
means; not at or
to any place; no
2 Thunder the loud noise equivalent to the C2
that follows a voice of God Line: 5
flash of lightning
3 Breath the air taken into being give up or C3
and sent out from almost die Line: 6
the lungs
4 Six feet from the edge Foot (pl feet) ” grave C4
means; the Line: 10
lowest part of the
leg, below the
ankle, on which a
person or an
animal stands.
“edge (n)” :the
outside limit or
boundary of an
object, a surface
or an area
5 Sad eyes sad (adj )” the apathy he is C5
represents; getting from Line: 25
showing or mankind
causing sorrow
or regret;
“eye (n)” means;
each of two
organs on the
face that are used
for seeing

4. Data of my own prison song lyrics


1 Court a place where D1
trials or other Line: 1
law cases are
held; a law court
2 Verdict a decision judgment D2
reached by a jury Line: 1
on a question of
fact in a law case
3 The walls a continuous the grave D3
upright solid Line: 4
structure made of
stone, brick or
concrete, used
for enclosing,
dividing or
something, an
area of land
4 Cage a structure made the coffin D4
of bars or wires Line: 5
in which birds or
animals are kept
or carried
5 Steel a strong hard “its strength D5
metal made of a Line: 5
mixture of iron
and carbon
6 Sun the star that sacrifice of Christ D6
shines in the sky Line: 20-21
during the day
and gives the
earth heat and
7 Thunder the loud noise equivalent to the D7
that follows a voice of God Line: 23
flash of lightning
8 Sad day showing or the day when D8
causing sorrow Christ sacrifices Line: 26
or regret; himself
9 Lion a large powerful Jesus Christ D9
animal of the cat Line: 27
family that eats
meat and is
found in parts of
Africa and
southern Asia
10 Light the natural force forgiveness that D10
that makes things can save people Line: 29
visible from their prison
11 prison a place where the Hell D11
people are kept Line: 39
as a punishment
for crimes they
have committed
or while waiting
for trial

5. Data of what this life for song lyrics


1 Laid to rest to put something to relax, sleep or E1
or somebody in a do nothing after a Line: 3
certain position period of activity
or because of
2 Rest to relax, sleep or die or passed E2
do nothing after away Line: 3
a period of
activity or
because of illness
3 Gray = grey of the color of unknown or E3
ashes or lead unpredictable Line: 6
4 Wrist the part of the pain E4
body between the Line: 8
hand and the arm
5 king (the title of) the GOD E5
male ruler of an Line:14
state, inheriting
the position by
right of birth



1. Lyrics of my sacrifice

My Sacrifice

Hello my friend we meet again

It's been awhile where should we begin

Feels like forever

Within my heart a memory

A perfect love that you gave to me

Oh I remember


When you are with me

I'm free

I'm careless

I believe

Above all the others we'll fly

This brings tears to my eyes

My sacrifice

We've seen our share of ups and downs

Oh how quickly life can turn around

In an instant

It feels so good to reunite

Within yourself and within your mind

Let‟s find peace there


When you are with me

I'm free

I'm careless

I believe

Above all the others we'll fly

This brings tears to my eyes

My sacrifice

I just want to say hello again

I just want to say hello again

My sacrifice


This song tells about a sacrifice someone to his friend. Many people think that this song

correlated with Christian‟s belief, but creed refuses that opinion. In this song creed tries to

describe a sacrifice to truly friend.

Friend (n, A1 line 1)

Denotative meaning:

This word has six related meanings; first, a person one knows and likes, usually

somebody who is not a member of one‟s family, second, a person who supports a particular

cause, organization or charity, e.g. by contributing money or being a member, third, a person

who is of the same country or group as oneself and can be considered to have the same views or

interests, fourth, a thing that is very helpful or familiar, fifth, a member of the society of friends,

sixth, a person who is being talked about or addressed in public (Oxford Advanced Learner‟s

Dictionary, p.473).

Connotative meaning:

When we read whole text of the lyrics, we can find that beside it denotative meaning, the

word “friend” also has connotative meaning. It means “truly friend” a friend that always

accompany in every condition such as sadness and happiness condition. In this song the words

“friend” is correlated with the “sacrifice”.

Fly (v, A2 line 11)

Denotative meaning:

The word “fly” is this text means; (1) to move through the air, using wings, (2) to move

through air or space, to travel in an aircraft or spacecraft, (3) to direct or control the flight of an

aircraft, to transport goods or passengers in an aircraft, (4) to go or move quickly; to rush, to

move suddenly and with force, to pass very quickly, (5) to make a kite rise and stay in high in the

air, to raise a flag so that it is displayed, (6) to move about freely; to be carried about in the air,
(7) to escape from somebody or something, (8) (of stories, rumors, etc) to be talked about by

many people, to be current (Oxford Advanced Learner‟s Dictionary, p.453).

Connotative meaning:

The word “fly” includes neutral connotation. Human being has no wings so they cannot

fly like a bird. So, this word connotes “becoming better or greater than others".

Tears (n, A3 line 12)

Denotative meaning:

The word “tears” means a drop of salty water that comes from the eye when one cries, etc

(Oxford Advanced Learner‟s Dictionary, p.1226).

Connotative meaning:

The word “tears” includes negative connotation. Someone or something is impossible to

bring tear to someone‟s eyes. It means “pain or sorrow”.

Eyes (n, A4 line 13)

Denotative meaning:

The word “eye” means; (1)( a) each of two organs on the face that are used for seeing, (b)

the visible colored part of this, (2) [often Pl] the power of seeing, the ability to see, (b) [usual

sing] the ability to make good judgments about something one sees, 3 a thing like an eye (Oxford

Advanced Learner‟s Dictionary, p.410).

Connotative meaning:

This word contains neutral connotation. The word “eye” represents the meaning of “our

lives” because we see the world with our eyes.

Sacrifice (n, A5 line 14)

Denotative meaning:

The word “sacrifice” means; (1) the action of giving up something that one values for the

sake of something more important or valuable or a thing that one gives up in this way, (2) the

offering of something valuable to a god, often an animal killed in a special ritual (Oxford

Advanced Learner‟s Dictionary, p.1035).

Connotative meaning:

The word “sacrifice” includes negative connotation. This word means “giving up or

surrender”. According to Christian‟s belief, the word “sacrifice” is about the sacrifice of Christ.

Ups and downs (A6 line 15)

Denotative meaning:

The word “ups and downs” can mean; (1) in one direction and then in the opposite

direction, (2) moving upwards and downwards, (3) sometimes good and sometimes bad, (4) good

and bad luck, experiences, events, etc (Oxford Advanced Learner‟s Dictionary, p.1312).

Connotative meaning:

The word “ups and down” includes neutral connotation because it is impossible for

people to share in one direction and then in the opposite direction. Therefore, this word connotes

“happy and sad, good or bad”

Reunite (v, A7 line 18)

Denotative meaning:
This word has two related meanings; first, to cause two or more people to come together

again, second, to join together again separate areas or separate groups within an organization

(Oxford Advanced Learner‟s Dictionary, p.1005).

Connotative meaning:

The word “reunite” includes neutral connotation. This word means “come together or

meet”. According to Christian‟s belief, the word “reunite” means reunite with God.

2. Lyrics of don’t stop dancing

Don't Stop Dancing

At times life is wicked and I just can't see the light

A silver lining sometimes isn't enough

To make some wrongs seem right

Whatever life brings

I've been through everything

And now I'm on my knees again

But I know I must go on

Although I hurt I must be strong

Because inside I know that many feel this way


Children don't stop dancing

Believe you can fly


At times life's unfair and you know it's plain to see

Hey God I know I'm just a dot in this world

Have you forgot about me?

Whatever life brings

I've been through everything

And now I'm on my knees again

But I know I must go on

Although I hurt I must be strong

Because inside I know that many feel this way


Am I hiding in the shadows?

Forget the pain and forget the sorrows

Am I hiding in the shadows?

Forget the pain and forget the sorrows

But I know I must go on

Although I hurt I must be strong

Because inside I know that many feel this way


Am I hiding in the shadows?

Are we hiding in the shadows?


This song tells about motivation to survive for life. In this song the song writer tries to

describe how to keep moving and don‟t surrender to the condition.

Wicked (adj, B1 line 1)

Denotative meaning:

This word means; (1) morally bad; evil, (2) intended to harm or capable or harming

somebody, (3) tending to annoy or shock people in a playful way, (4) very good (Oxford

Advanced Learner‟s Dictionary,


Connotative meaning:

This word includes negative connotation. This word means “bad and evil”.

Light (n, B2 line 1)

Denotative meaning:

This word has six related meanings; first, the natural force that makes things visible, an

amount or quality of this, second, a source of light, especially an electric lamp, third, a device

used to produce a flame or spark, fourth, understanding, fifth, a window or opening to let light in,

sixth, a part of a picture that is brighter than the areas around it (Oxford Advanced Learner‟s

Dictionary, p.681).

Connotative meaning:

The word “light” includes neutral connotation. This word means “to understand or accept

something after much difficulty or doubt”.

Silver lining (B3 line 2)

Denotative meaning:

The word “silver (n)” means; (1) a chemical element, (2) coins made of silver or of a

metal looking like it, (3) dishes, ornaments, etc made of silver (Oxford Advanced Learner‟s

Dictionary, p.1102).

The word “line (n)” means; (1) a long thin mark on the surface of something, (2) a mark

like a line on the skin, (3) a general shape; an outline, (4) a mark on the ground to show the

limits of a playing area, running track, etc, a boundary, (5) a series of defensive position where

an army is fighting, (6) a row of people or things, (7) a series of people following one another in

time, especially generations of the same family, (8) a row of words on a page of writing or in

print, a letter, especially the short one, the words spoken by a particular actor, a punishment in

which a child is told to write out a certain sentence a number of times, (9) a length of thread,

rope, etc used for a particular purpose, (10) a telephone or electricity wire or connection, (11) a

single track of a railway, (12) a course of action, behavior or thought, (13) a direction or course,

(14) a company that provides transport for people or goods with a number of ships, aircraft,

buses, etc, (15) the line [sing] (a) (in British army) the regular soldiers fighting on foot, (b) (in

the US army) the regular fighting units of all kinds, (16) [sing] (a) an area of activity or business,

(b) a type of product (Oxford Advanced Learner‟s Dictionary, p.684-685).

Connotative meaning:
The word “silver lining” includes neutral connotation. This word means “dream or hope

without action”. In this song the writer tries to describe that someone who has dream and hope,

but he can‟t able to make it become real.

Knees (n, B4 line 6)

Denotative meaning:

The word “knee” means; (1 ) (a) the joint between the upper and lower parts of the leg,

where it bends, (b) the upper surface of the top part of somebody‟s leg when they are sitting, (2)

the part of a garment covering the knee (Oxford Advanced Learner‟s Dictionary, p.653).

Connotative meaning:

The word “knee” includes neutral connotation. It means “falling or failed” because

someone who fails to do something sometimes expresses it by sitting and looking his knees.

Dance (v, B5 line 10)

Denotative meaning:

The word “dance” means; (1 ) (a) to move in a series of steps, alone or with a partner or

in group, usually in a way that matches the speed and rhythm of music, (b) to perform a

particular dance, (2) to move in a lively way, usually up and down (Oxford Advanced Learner‟s

Dictionary, p.292).

Connotative meaning:

The word “dance” includes positive connotative meaning because it indicates of

happiness etc. This word means “do something or survive”. In this song the word “dance” is
opposite with word “silver lining” the song writer tries to describe to make change something we

must do it something.

Fly (v, B6 line 11)

Denotative meaning:

The word “fly” is this text means; (1) to move through the air, using wings, (2) to move

through air or space, to travel in an aircraft or spacecraft, (3) to direct or control the flight of an

aircraft, to transport goods or passengers in an aircraft, (4) to go or move quickly; to rush, to

move suddenly and with force, to pass very quickly, (5) to make a kite rise and stay in high in the

air, to raise a flag so that it is displayed, (6) to move about freely; to be carried about in the air,

(7) to escape from somebody or something, (8) (of stories, rumors, etc) to be talked about by

many people, to be current (Oxford Advanced Learner‟s Dictionary, p.453).

Connotative meaning:

The word “fly” includes neutral connotation. This word means “becoming better or

greater than others”.

Unfair (adj, B7 line 13)

Denotative meaning:

This word means; (1) not right or just; not fair, (2) not following normal rules or

principles (Oxford Advanced Learner‟s Dictionary, p.1301).

Connotative meaning:

This word takes account of negative connotation. This word means “bad, wicked, and

Dot (n, B8 line 14)

Denotative meaning:

The word “dot” means; (1) a small round mark, (2) suck a mark used as a symbol in writing, 3 a

tiny distant object (Oxford Advanced Learner‟s Dictionary, p.347).

Connotative meaning:

The word “dot” includes neutral connotative meaning. This word means; worthless or

paltry. The song writer tries to describe that human is not perfect in front of GOD.

Shadow (n, B9 line 22)

Denotative meaning:

The word “shadow” has six related meanings; (1) (a) a dark area on a surface caused by

an object standing between direct light and that surface, (b) darkness caused by an object

blocking direct light, (2) a dark patch or area, (3) (a) a person or animal that constantly follows

somebody, (b) a person, eg a detective, who follows and watches somebody closely and often

secretly, (4) [sing] ~of something (usually in negative sentence) a very small amount of

something, (5) a thing that is not real or impossible to obtain, (6) [sing] the ~ of

somebody/something, the strong influence of somebody or something (Oxford Advanced

Learner‟s Dictionary, p.1079).

Connotative meaning:

The word “shadow” includes negative connotation. This word means “fear or hopeless”.

It means that always negative thinking.

3. Lyrics of one last breath

One Last Breath

Please come now I think I'm falling

I'm holding on to all I think is safe

It seems I found the road to nowhere

And I'm trying to escape

I yelled back when I heard thunder

But I'm down to one last breath

And with it let me say

Let me say

Hold me now

I'm six feet from the edge and I'm thinking

That maybe six feet

Ain't so far down

I'm looking down now that it's over

Reflecting on all of my mistakes

I thought I found the road to somewhere

Somewhere in His grace

I cried out heaven save me

But I'm down to one last breath

And with it let me say

Let me say

Hold me now
I'm six feet from the edge and I'm thinking

That maybe six feet

Ain't so far down

Sad eyes follow me

But I still believe there's something left for me

So please come stay with me

'Cause I still believe there's something left for you and me

For you and me

For you and me

Hold me now

I'm six feet from the edge and I'm thinking


In this song, the person that the song writer sings about thinks that his life is over, but

with his last breath he's trying to hold on to life and the things he loves about it. He's going

nowhere in his life, and he's trying to escape. Later in the song, his outlook gets even darker

("now that it's over"), and he's reflecting on the mistakes he made and crying out to heaven for

help. In the last part of the song he has found the strength to go on ("But I still believe there's

something left for me"), and even though he's down to his last breath, he still thinks that his life

will get better.

Road to nowhere (C1 line 3)

Denotative meaning:
The word “road” means; (1) (a) a way between places, especially one with a prepared

surface which vehicles can use, (b) (in compound) of or concerning such a way or ways, (2) in

names of roads, esp. in town, (3 )the way to achieving something (Oxford Advanced Learner‟s

Dictionary, p.1016). The word “nowhere” means; not at or to any place; no place (Oxford

Advanced Learner‟s Dictionary, p.792).

Connotative meaning:

The word “road to nowhere” consists of neutral connotation because people usually know

where they want to go. So, this word means “death”.

Thunder (n, C2 line 5)

Denotative meaning:

This word means; (a) the loud noise that follows a flash of lightning, (b) any similar noise

(Oxford Advanced Learner‟s Dictionary, p.1247-1248).

Connotative meaning:

The word “thunder” includes negative connotation because someone yelled back when he

heard thunder to show his anger. So, this word connotes “equivalent to the voice of God”.

Breath (n, C3 line 6)

Denotative meaning:

The word “breath” signifies; (1) (a) the air taken into and sent out from the lungs, (b) a

single act of taking air into the lungs, (2) ~ of sth [sing] a slight movement of air, (3) ~ of sth

[sing] a slight suggestion, feeling or sign of something (Oxford Advanced Learner‟s Dictionary,

Connotative meaning:

The word “one last breath” includes negative connotation. This word connotes about

“being give up or almost die”

Six feet from the edge (C4 line 10)

Denotative meaning:

The word “foot (pl feet) (n)” means; (1) the lowest part of the leg, below the ankle, on

which a person or an animal stands. (2) (usual sing) the part of a sock or stocking that covers the

foot. (3) a measure of length equal to 12 inches. (4) (a) the lowest part of something; the base or

bottom of something, (b) the end of a bed where one‟s feet normally are when one is lying in it.

(5) A manner of walking or moving, 6 a unit of rhythm in a line of poetry containing one stressed

syllable and one or more syllables without stress. Each of the four divisions in the following line

is a foot (Oxford Advanced Learner‟s Dictionary, p.458).

The word “edge (n)” denotes; (1) the outside limit or boundary of an object, a surface or

an area, (2) (a) the narrow part along or around a thin flat object, (b) the sharp part of a blade,

knife, sword, etc that is used for cutting,( 3) (usual the edge) [sing] the point or state immediately

before something unpleasant , dangerous or exciting occurs, (4) [sing] a slight advantages over

somebody/something, (5) [sing] a strong, sharp and often exciting quality, (6) [sing] a sharp,

slightly threatening tone of voice, often showing anger or annoyance (Oxford Advanced

Learner‟s Dictionary, p.368).

Connotative meaning:

The word “six feet from the edge” contains negative connotation. This word connotes

about “grave”. The depth of grave is six feet under the ground.

Sad eyes (C5 line 25)

Denotative meaning

The word “sad (adj )” represents; (1) showing or causing sorrow or regret; unhappy, (2)

deserving blame or criticism; bad, (3) worse than is deserved, and so making one feel pity or

regret (Oxford Advanced Learner‟s Dictionary, p.1035).

The word “eye (n)” means; (1) (a) each of two organs on the face that are used for seeing, (b) the

visible colored part of this, (2) (a) [often Pl] the power of seeing, the ability to see, (b) [usual

sing] the ability to make good judgments about something one sees, (3) a thing like an eye

(Oxford Advanced Learner‟s Dictionary, p.410).

Connotative meaning

The word “sad eye” embraces negative connotation. This word connotes about “the

apathy he is getting from mankind”.

4. Lyrics of my own prison

My Own Prison

A court is in session, a verdict is in

No appeal on the docket today

Just my own sin

The walls are cold and pale

The cage made of steel

Screams fill the room

Alone I drop and kneel

Silence now the sound

My breath the only motion around

Demons cluttering around

My face showing no emotion

Shackled by my sentence

Expecting no return

Here there is no penance

My skin begins to burn

(And I said oh) So I held my head up high

Hiding hate that burns inside

Which only fuels their selfish pride

(And I said oh) We're all held captive

Out from the sun

A sun that shines on only some

We the meek are all in one

I hear a thunder in the distance

See a vision of a cross

I feel the pain that was given

On that sad day of loss

A lion roars in the darkness

Only he holds the key

A light to free me from my burden

And grant me life eternally

Should have been dead

On a Sunday morning

Banging my head

No time for mourning

Ain't got no time

I cry out to God

Seeking only his decision

Gabriel stands and confirms

I've created my own prison

I cry out to God

Seeking only his decision

Gabriel stands and confirms

I've created my own prison


Lead singer Scott Stapp wrote this about his struggles with life at a time when he was

questioning his faith. He realized he had created a prison within his own mind. After Creed
became wildly popular (and at the same time, reviled), Stapp created another kind of prison for

himself with drug addiction, alcoholism, and a series of unflattering incidents the tabloids lapped

up. In 2012, he was able to take an honest look at his life and re-evaluate his priorities, which he

wrote about in his memoir Sinner's Creed. When we spoke with Stapp the following year, he

explained, "Any time we have reconciliation in life, and any time there's balance brought back

into life and perspective, at the end of those things, you find peace and joy and contentment, and

that's where my life is today."

Court (n, D1 line 1)

Denotative meaning:

This word has several meanings such as; (1) (a) a place where trials or other law cases are

held; a law court, (b) the court [sing] the people present in a law court, especially those directly

involved in a trial, (2) (a) the official residence of a king or queen, (b) the court [sing] the king or

queen and all his or her advisers, officials, family, etc. (3) (sport) a space marked out for tennis

or similar games, either indoors or outdoors. (4) (Brit) (abbr Ct) (used in the names of short

enclosed streets or blocks of flats) (Oxford Advanced Learner‟s Dictionary, p.267).

Connotative meaning:

The word “Court” has negative connotation because this word does not mean a place

where trials or other law cases are held when someone is still alive but it will happen when

someone passed away.

Verdict (n, D2 line 1)

Denotative meaning:
This word means; (1) a decision reached by a jury on a question of fact in a law case, (2)

(on something/somebody) a decision or an opinion given after testing, examining, or

experiencing something (Oxford Advanced Learner‟s Dictionary, p.1324).

Connotative meaning:

This word consists of neutral connotation. This word connotes “judgment”. Most

Christians believe that human beings experience divine judgment and are rewarded either with

eternal life or eternal damnation. This includes the general judgment at the Resurrection of the

dead as well as the belief held by Catholics, Orthodox and some Protestants in a judgment

particular to the individual soul upon physical death.

The walls (n, D3 line 4)

Denotative meaning:

This word means; (1) (a) a continuous upright solid structure made of stone, brick or

concrete, used for enclosing, dividing or protecting something, eg an area of land, (b) any of the

upright sides of a building or room, (2) a thing that forms a barrier or stops one making progress,

(3) the outer layer of a hollow structure, especially an organ or a cell of an animal or a plant

(Oxford Advanced Learner‟s Dictionary, p.1338).

Connotative meaning:

This word includes neutral meaning. It connotes “the grave” which is cold and pale.
Cage (n, D4 line 5)

Denotative meaning

This word has several meanings such as; (1) a structure made of bars or wires in which

birds or animals are kept or carried, (2) an enclosed platform used to raise and lower people and

equipment in a mine (Oxford Advanced Learner‟s Dictionary, p.157).

Connotative meaning

The word “cage” has negative connotation. It connotes “the coffin”.

Steel (n, D5 line 5)

Denotative meaning:

This word means; (1) (a) a strong hard metal made of a mixture of iron and carbon, used

for making vehicles, tools, knives, machinery, etc, (b) the industry that produces steel; the

production of steel, (2) (arch or rhet) weapons for fighting with (Oxford Advanced Learner‟s

Dictionary, p.1168).

Connotative meaning:

This word embraces neutral connotation. Usually the coffin made of wood so the word

“steel” connotes “its strength” because people could not be free from it.

Lion (n D6 line 20-21)

Denotative meaning:

This word has several meanings such as; (1) a large powerful animal of the cat family

that eats meat and is found in parts of Africa and southern Asia, (2) (dated) a brave or famous

person (Oxford Advanced Learner‟s Dictionary, p.686).

Connotative meaning:

Usually, people give special name because of his characteristics. The word “Lion”

connotes “Jesus Christ” for his brave and sacrifice. This word includes neutral connotation.

Sun (n, D7 line 23)

Denotative meaning:

This word denotes; (1) the star that shines in the sky during the day and gives the earth

heat and light, (2) the light and heat from the sun, (3) any star, especially one with planets

moving around it (Oxford Advanced Learner‟s Dictionary, p.1197).

Connotative meaning:

This word includes neutral connotative meaning. This word connotes “sacrifice of Christ”

and realization that only Christ's sacrifice can help them escape.

Thunder (n, D8 line 26)

Denotative meaning:

This word means; (a) the loud noise that follows a flash of lightning, (b) any similar noise

(Oxford Advanced Learner‟s Dictionary, p.1247-1248).

Connotative meaning:

The word “thunder” includes negative connotative meaning. This word connotes

“equivalent to the voice of God”.

Sad day (D9 line 27)

Denotative meaning:

The word “sad (adj)” represents; (1) showing or causing sorrow or regret; unhappy, (2)

deserving blame or criticism; bad, 3 worse than is deserved and so making one feel pity or regret

(Oxford Advanced Learner‟s Dictionary, p.1035).

Connotative meaning:

The word “sad” has negative connotation. It connotes “the day when Christ sacrifices


Light (n, D10 line 29)

Denotative meaning:

This word has six related meanings; first, the natural force that makes things visible, an

amount or quality of this, second, a source of light, especially an electric lamp, third, a device

used to produce a flame orspark, fourth, understanding, fifth, a window or opening to let light in,

sixth, a part of a picture that is brighter than the areas around it (Oxford Advanced Learner‟s

Dictionary, p.681-682).

Connotative meaning:

The word “light” includes positive connotative meaning. This word connotes

“forgiveness that can save people from their prison”.

Prison (n, D11 line 39)

Denotative meaning:

This word means; (1) (a) a place where people are kept as a punishment for crimes they

have committed or while waiting for trial, (b) a place from which somebody cannot escape

(Oxford Advanced Learner‟s Dictionary, p.920).

Connotative meaning:

This word includes negative connotation. It connotes “the Hell”.

5. Lyrics of what’s this life for

What's This Life For

Hurray for a child that makes it through

If there's any way, because the answer lies in you

Their laid to rest, before they've know just what to do

Their souls are lost, because they could never find

What's this life for

I see your soul it's kind of gray

You see my heart, you look away

You see my wrist, I know your pain

I know your purpose on your plane

Don't say a last prayer, because you could never find

What's this life for

But they ain't here anymore

Don't have to settle no goddamned score

Because we all live under the reign of one kin


This song is a track from Creed's first album, Scott Stapp and Mark Tremonti wrote the

song about one of their friends who committed suicide. The lyrics deal with how hard it is to find

happiness and meaning in the world. (Thanks, Matt - Morristown, TN)

Laid to rest (E1 line 3)

Denotative meaning:

This word has several meaning:

Placing something in a certain position, (1) (a) to put something or somebody in a certain

position, (b) to put something in a suitable or the correct position for a particular purpose, (2)

_something (on/over) to spread something on something; to cover something with a layer of

something, Causing somebody or something to be in a certain state, (3) (formal) to cause

somebody or something to be in a certain state or situation, (4) to make something settle, (5)

(formal) to relieve or remove something. Other meanings, (6) _something (on something) to bet

money on something; to place a bet, (7) (especially passive) (of a man) to have sex with a

woman, (8) (of certain creatures, especially birds and insects) to produce egg, (9) (used in the

combination lay + n + preposition/infinitive, when the phrase has the same meaning as a verb

related in form to the noun) (Oxford Advanced Learner‟s Dictionary, p.667-668).

Rest (v, E2 line 3)

Denotative meaning

This word denotes; (1) (a) to relax, sleep or do nothing after a period of activity or

because of illness, (b) to cause or allow something/somebody to do this, (2) (something)

on/against something, to lie or to be place on/against something for support, (3) (formal) (of a

subject being talked about) to be left without further discussion, (4) (especially law) to bring

one‟s argument to an end; to have no more to say about something, especially because one

believes that one‟s point has been proved (Oxford Advanced Learner‟s Dictionary, p.1000).

Connotative meaning

This word has positive connotation. It connotes “die or passed away”.

Gray (esp US) = Grey (adj, E3 line 6)

Denotative meaning:

The word “Grey (adj) ” means; (1) (a) of the color of ashes or lead, (b) having grey hair,

(c) dull; full of clouds and often raining, (d) (of a person) pale because tired, ill or unhappy, (2)

(a) lacking interest or variety; depressing, (b) having no individual or attractive features. Grey (n)

means; (1) a grey color, a suit of dark/light/charcoal gray, (2) grey clothes, (3) a grey or white

horse (Oxford Advanced Learner‟s Dictionary, p.522).

Connotative meaning:
The word “grey” embraces negative connotation. This word connotes “unknown or


Wrist (n, E4 line 8)

Denotative meaning:

This word means; the part of the body between the hand and the arm; the joint on which

the hand moves (Oxford Advanced Learner‟s Dictionary, p.1382).

Connotative meaning:

The word “wrist” embraces neutral connotation. The word my wrist connotes Christ‟s

wrist that is stabbed by big nail and it connotes “pain”.

King (n, E5 line 14)

Denotative meaning:

This word means; (1) (the title of) the male ruler of an independent state, inheriting the

position by right of birth, (2) a person, an animal or a thing thought of as best or most important

in some way, (3) (in compounds) the largest variety of a species, (4) (a) the most important piece

in CHESS, (b) a piece in draughts that has reached the opponent‟s side of the board and so can

move backwards as well as forwards, (c) (in a pack of cards) a card with the picture of a king on

it (Oxford Advanced Learner‟s Dictionary, p.651).

Connotative meaning:

This word has positive connotation. This word connotes “GOD”.

From explanation above there were 37 words that include as denotative and connotative

meanings. It is dominated by words with kinds of noun. There is 22 words of noun, 5 words of

verb, and others is adjective word. It can be conclude that in the creed‟s song lyrics included

denotative and connotative meaning.



This chapter presents the conclusion and suggestion concerning with the results of the

study discussed in the previous chapters.


Based on the finding and discussion, the summary is concerning with An Analysis of

denotative and Connotative meaning found in Lyrics of Creed’s Songs. There are some


In lyrics of Creed‟s songs, there are many words, phases, and sentences refer to the Christian

theological concept such as;

Their bands name “Creed”, according to Christianity the word “Creeds”; (from Latin

credo meaning "I believe") are concise doctrinal statements or confessions, usually of religious

beliefs. They began as baptismal formulas and were later expanded during the Christological

controversies of the fourth and fifth centuries to become statements of faith.

Sacrifice refers to the sacrifice of Christ.

God’s grave, Protestantism teaches that Eternal Salvation is a gift that comes to an

individual by God's grace, sometimes defined as "unmerited favor" on the basis of one's personal

belief in and dependence on the substitutionary death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. Salvation

in this sense refers to God's activities in bringing humans into right relationship with God and

with one another through faith in Jesus Christ. It is the belief that one can be saved (rescued)
from sin and eternal death. Other concepts used in the study of how salvation is accomplished

include conversion, faith, justification, regeneration, and others. Many Protestants believe in the

"assurance of salvation" that God can give the confidence that a believer in Jesus as the Christ

has truly received salvation.

Afterlife and Eschaton, Most Christians believe that human beings experience divine

judgment and are rewarded either with eternal life or eternal damnation. This includes the

general judgment at the Resurrection of the dead (see below) as well as the belief (held by

Catholics, Orthodox and some Protestants) in a judgment particular to the individual soul upon

physical death. And this entire concept makes many people called Creed as Christian Band.

On the other hands, many times Creed‟s songs are questioning God. And asking why God

does such unpleasant things to people if he supposed to be so good. It also focuses on questions

of faith, Christianity, and eternity. Nevertheless, it has not been confirmed that the songs were

meant to be Christian songs.

Beside that, by understanding creed‟s song, we as moslem can be motivated to always

increase our believed to Allah. Because in the creed‟s song lyrics tells about believing to the God

and motivation of life.


In accordance with the finding of this research described previously, there is a point that

could be suggested; two points need explain while talking about connotation.

The first point connotation is far more intermediate than denotation on one hand.

Connotation may be subject to variable exchange from generation to the next. Connotation may

be rather subjective and not shared in the same way by all speakers of a language. Our individual
experience of language and its relation to the world is to some extent unique and idiosyncratic.

Connotation is not stable.

The second point is the extent to which we relate the lexeme itself rather than to the

entity that a lexeme denotes. The connotation of a word to us must reflect our experience of the

entity to which the word refers and to the place this entity has in our belief system.

For the students, who study about semantics especially denotative and connotative

meaning, are expected to have good comprehension on the content and context of the text by

reading the whole text. It will be able to avoid wrong choice of appropriateness meaning of

denotative and connotative meaning.


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Crystal, David. 1991. A Dictionary of Linguistics and Phonetic. Cambridge Basil

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Kempson, Ruth. 1977. Semantic Theory. London: Cambridge University Press.

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Korzbsky, Alfred. 1993. Science and Sanity- An Introduction to Non Aristotelian Systems and

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Leech, Geoffery. 1997. Semantics. New York: Penguin Books.

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Control over Connotation is Essential.

Retrieved on March 10, 2008, from



Background information

Origin : Tallahassee, Florida, United States

Genres : Hard rock, post-grunge, alternative metal

Years active : 1993–2004, 2009–2012

Label : Wind- Up

Associated act: Alter Bridge, Projected

Website :

Creed is an American rock band, formed in 1993 in Tallahassee, Florida. The band's

best-known line-up consists of lead vocalist Scott Stapp, guitarist and vocalist Mark Tremonti,

bassist Brian Marshall, and drummer Scott Phillips. Creed released two studio albums, My Own

Prison in 1997 and Human Clay in 1999, before Marshall left the band in 2000 to be replaced by

touring bassist Brett Hestla. The band's third record, Weathered, was released in 2001 with Mark

Tremonti handling bass before the band disbanded in 2004 due to increasing tension between

members. Tremonti, Marshall, and Phillips went on to found Alter Bridge while Stapp followed
a solo career, releasing The Great Divide in 2005. After years of speculation, Creed reunited in

2009 for a tour and new album called Full Circle.

In early 2012 the band reconvened again to tour and start work on a fifth album.

However, the album has since been shelved, with Stapp saying the future of the band is unclear

due to a disagreement between himself and Tremonti. However, in interviews Stapp has

maintained that the band is still together, just focusing on other projects. He's also said that he's

always open to continuing work on a new album when the time is right.

Becoming popular in the late 1990s and early 2000s, the band released three consecutive

multi-platinum albums, one of which has been certified diamond. Creed has sold over 28 million

records in the United States, and over 40 million albums worldwide, becoming the ninth best-

selling artist of the 2000s. Creed is often recognized as one of the prominent acts of the post-

grunge movement of the late 1990s and early 2000s.

1. History

a. Early years (1993–1996)

Creed's origins lie in 1993 in Tallahassee, Florida. Founding member vocalist Scott Stapp

and guitarist Mark Tremonti had been classmates in high school and friends at Florida State

University. Upon reuniting, Stapp and Tremonti realized that they had a mutual love for writing

music and performing. After several discussions and times spent writing songs, many of which

addressed themes of Christian theology and spirituality due to Stapp's religious background as

the stepson of a Pentecostal minister, the duo held auditions which led to the recruitment of

rhythm guitarist Brian Brasher, bassist Brian Marshall, and drummer Scott Phillips to complete
the quintet. Originally known as Naked Toddler, the band changed its name to Creed at

Marshall's suggestion, after a band Marshall had previously played for called Mattox Creed.By

the end of 1995, rhythm guitarist Brian Brasher left the band. Creed then decided to remain as a

four-piece band. The four musicians had already written and collaborated on four of the songs

that would go on to become tracks on Creed's chart-topping debut album, My Own Prison. The

band found local success and began to play shows in bars and small venues throughout


b. My Own Prison and rise to fame (1997–1998)

With a new name, a new sound and several new songs written, Creed began playing

locally. They initially struggled to get gigs in their hometown because no one wanted to hear

rock bands, so they set up their own shows at family restaurants and got all their friends to hand

out fliers so people would come to these restaurants to watch them play.

Wanting "a real show at a club", they managed to persuade the owner of a bar in

Tallahassee to book them by claiming that they could guarantee an audience of 200 people.

Owner and manager Jeff Hanson later told Hit Quarters that the band had played mostly cover

versions, but two original songs stood out and impressed the manager so much that he promptly

signed them to his management and promotions company and set about developing their act. For

their first recordings he matched the band up with John Kurzweg, a producer and friend of

Hanson's who he felt was an appropriate fit. Together they recorded their debut album for

$6,000, which was funded by Hanson. The album, titled My Own Prison, was initially self-

released on their own label, Blue Collar Records, selling 6,000 copies throughout the state of

My Own Prison had been circulating around the music industry for a while when, in May

1997, Diana Meltzer from Wind-Up Records heard the album for the first time and decided

almost immediately that she wanted to sign them to the label, which had recently dropped

Baboon over the latter's reluctance to alter their image and sound to suit the label's demands.

Meltzer later said that she heard "an arena band". Within the same week, Meltzer, together with

Wind-up president Steve Lerner, CEO Alan Meltzer, and A&R representative Joel Mark, flew to

Tallahassee to see Creed perform live and decide for certain whether to offer them a contract.

"Seeing the energy in the room when Scott Stapp stepped up to the mike, and hearing his

powerful voice fill the room, alongside Mark Tremonti‟s now legendary guitar riffs and that big

Creed anthemic rock sound, was all I needed," she told HitQuarters. According to Hanson,

before Wind-up signed Creed, fourteen labels had already passed on the band, and at one point

he was tempted to take charge of them himself.

My Own Prison was remixed, given a more radio-friendly sound, and re-released by

Wind-up Records. Four singles were released from the album: "My Own Prison", "Torn",

"What's This Life For", and "One". Each of these songs reached No. 1 on the Billboard Hot

Mainstream Rock Tracks chart, making Creed the first band to accomplish such a feat with a

debut album. With little MTV exposure, media coverage, or label support, My Own Prison sold

extremely well, moving over six million copies and going six times platinum. Creed continued to

top year-end charts and was recognized as the Rock Artist of the Year at the 1998 Billboard

Music Awards. My Own Prison was also the highest-selling heavy music record of 1998 on

Nielsen SoundScan's Hard Music chart. The band's hit song "My Own Prison" was also featured

as a live performance on the charity album Live in the X Lounge. The band covered Alice

Cooper's song "I'm Eighteen" for The Faculty soundtrack in 1998. Critical reception toward My
Own Prison was mostly favorable. Stephen Thomas Erlewine from Allmusic gave it four out of

five stars and said that Creed "work well within their boundaries" despite "basically [falling] into

the category of post-Seattle bands who temper their grunge with a dose of Live earnestness." The

album lyrically deals with themes of questioning and struggling with faith and spirituality.

c. Human Clay and Marshall's departure (1999–2000)

With money made from My Own Prison, the band started to write for their second album,

Human Clay. The album's first single, "Higher," spent a record-breaking seventeen weeks on the

top of the rock radio charts. In 2009, "Higher" was ranked as the 95th greatest hard rock song of

all time by VH1. The album was released in 1999, when My Own Prison was still doing

reasonably well.[18] However, Human Clay was an instant and overwhelming success debuting at

No. 1 on the Billboard 200 and selling over ten million copies over the next two years, allowing

it to become one of the few rock albums to be certified diamond by the RIAA. The album was

the band's first to hit No. 1 in the U.S., where it debuted with first week sales of 315,000, and

stayed on top for two weeks. After the album's release, follow-up singles were released: "With

Arms Wide Open," "What If," and "Are You Ready." The first three of those topped radio charts,

giving Creed a total of seven chart-topping singles. The band would later go on to win their first,

and to date only, Grammy Award for "With Arms Wide Open" for Best Rock Song in 2001.

Reviews for Human Clay were largely positive. Stephen Thomas Erlewine from Allmusic

said that the record "does make it clear that there is an audience for post-grunge hard rock, as

long as it's delivered without pretension and as long as it meets the audience's desire for straight-

ahead, hard-hitting music." The lyrical content of Human Clay is a slight departure from that of

My Own Prison, touching on subjects such as lucid dreaming ("Higher") and fatherhood ("With
Arms Wide Open"), as well as darker, more violent themes such as sexual abuse ("Wash Away

Those Years") and hostility ("What If").

During the summer of 2000, bassist Brian Marshall began a spiral into alcoholism and

addiction. While under the influence, Marshall threatened to beat up Tremonti, began missing

band obligations, and verbally attacking and online attacking Stapp. The band had a meeting

with management to discuss Marshall's future. Stapp and Tremonti supported Marshall going to

rehab and attempted to talk Marshall into going, but at that point, Marshall was to far gone to

recognize he needed help. Brett Hestla of Virgos Merlot was initially contacted to "fill in" while

Marshall went to rehab, but that never happened. Initially, the public thought Marshall was let go

because he criticized Pearl Jam frontman Eddie Vedder in a radio interview with KNDD in June

2000, claiming that Scott Stapp is a better songwriter, and criticized Pearl Jam's recent albums

for "having songs without hooks." Stapp later distanced the rest of the band from Marshall's

comments and stated, "Yes, we get tired of the PJ question, but there is no excuse for the

arrogance and stupidity [of Marshall]. I ask you all not to judge Creed as a band, because the

statements made were not the band's feelings, they were Brian's. I'm sorry if Brian offended

anyone, and he has already apologized for his comments." Although it was reported Marshall left

Creed "on friendly terms," he didn't. Tremonti and Stapp were concerned for Marshall and their

collective friendships, but soon after the controversy, Marshall formed a new band called Grand

Luxx with his old Mattox Creed band mates. Marshall was temporarily replaced by touring

bassist Hestla. Stapp stated Marshall's leaving was his choice and was unrelated to the Pearl Jam


d. Weathered and break-up (2001–2004)

Creed worked on their third album for most of 2001, with Tremonti choosing to play bass

on the record himself instead of Hestla to "[preserve] the band's initial core," although Hestla

remained in Creed's touring lineup. Weathered was released on November 20, 2001. Six singles

were released from the album: "My Sacrifice" (which earned the band a nomination for a

Grammy Award for Best Rock Performance by a Duo or Group with Vocal in 2003), "One Last

Breath, "Hide", "Don't Stop Dancing", "Weathered" and "Bullets." The album was a commercial

bestsellerand was certified platinum six times over and debuted at No. 1 on the Billboard Top

200. It remained at that spot for eight weeks, a record which Creed notably shares with The

Beatles. The tour to promote Weathered was met with considerable controversy; it was delayed

in April 2002 when Stapp suffered a concussion and vertebrae damage after being involved in a

car accident. As a result, in addition to his growing addiction to alcohol, he became addicted to

pain medication. This, along with other events, led to a considerably controversial concert on

December 29, 2002 at the Allstate Arena in Rosemont, Illinois, which ultimately led to the

band's disunion. Four disappointed concertgoers filed a lawsuit against the band, claiming that

Scott Stapp "was so intoxicated and/or medicated that he was unable to sing the lyrics of a single

Creed song." Creed later issued an apology on Stapp's behalf, although Stapp would later deny

the claims. Ultimately, the case was dismissed. Stapp later confirmed that he was intoxicated

during the concert, but was not incoherent.

After remaining inactive for over a year, it was announced in June 2004 that Creed had

disbanded. Tremonti cited tensions between Stapp and the rest of the band as the reasoning. He

said that the relationship with Stapp had become so strained that the creative juices were no

longer flowing. The reality was that Stapp was in Maui battling his addiction to alcohol and

drugs. Almost simultaneous with the announcement of Creed's break-up, Stapp opted for a solo
career. So on November 22, 2004, Wind-up Records released Creed's Greatest Hits, after which

Stapp released his debut solo album The Great Divide in 2005 with Roadrunner Records

recording artist Goneblind. Meanwhile, Tremonti and Phillips had reunited with Marshall to

form a new band, called Alter Bridge with singer Myles Kennedy, formerly of The Mayfield

Four and the current frontman of Slash's latest project. Alter Bridge, who continues to tour and

record today, has released four studio albums: One Day Remains (2004), Blackbird (2007), AB

III (2010) and Fortress (2013).

e. Reunion and Full Circle (2009–2010)

From 2004 onward, Tremonti promised that Creed would never reform. However, on

April 27, 2009, Creed's website announced that the band had reunited for a new tour and plans

for a new album. According to Tremonti, "We're all very excited to reconnect with our fans and

each other after seven long years." He later added that being in Creed again was "the last thing

[he] expected." Phillips also stated: "Our career as Creed came to a very abrupt and unforeseen

ending. After reflecting on some of the greatest personal and professional moments of our lives,

we've come to realize that we are still very capable of continuing that career and our friendship

on a grander scale than ever before." In an interview for People magazine, Stapp elaborated on

the reunion, saying, "We never felt like we weren't together. We're not looking at this as a

reunion. It's more of a rebirth."

In June, Creed performed with Marshall on bass for the first time in nine years on

Sessions@AOL, showing the band playing four of their hits. In addition, the band performed live

on Fox & Friends on June 26, 2009. Creed's reunion tour, with touring guitarist Eric Friedman,

kicked off on August 6, 2009 and concluded on October 20. Full Circle, Creed's first album in
eight years, came out on October 27, 2009. Stapp elaborated on the title, which is also the name

of a track to appear on the album: "It really defines and articulates, melody-wise and lyrically,

what‟s happened with us. We've come full circle and it's a great place to be." The first single

from Full Circle, "Overcome," was posted on the band's official website on August 19, the same

day the radio premiere started along with its release as a digital download on August 25. The

second single, "Rain," was released to radio stations on September 23 and became available on

October 6 as another digital download. On September 25, 2009, Creed performed a concert in

Houston, Texas that was recorded, broadcast via a live internet stream, and released on

December 8, 2010, as a concert film titled Creed Live, the band's first live recording. The

performance broke four world records, including the world record for the most amount of

cameras used at a live music event (239). The previous holder of this record was Justin

Timberlake. The performance also featured the very first usage of the "big freeze" technology,

popularized by The Matrix, in a concert environment. The band's first live recording, the record-

breaking concert film titled Creed Live, was released on December 8, 2009. Drummer Scott

Phillips also confirmed that Full Circle will not be the band's final album. The same

announcement confirmed that Creed was to go on a world tour in support of Full Circle between

April and September 2010, starting with an Australia/New Zealand tour, followed by South

America, Europe, and North America. The tour was called The 20-10 Tour. Tickets for the tour

were ten and twenty dollars to stand up against rising concert ticket prices. The first 2,010 tickets

purchased for every concert did not include any service fees. Due to high ticket sales, Creed was

put in high numbered areas. Skillet joined the tour as main support.

f. Touring, fifth studio album and hiatus (2011–2012)

Creed reconvened in late 2011 and early 2012 to begin work on what would be their fifth

studio album, and first since Full Circle in 2009. A tour was also announced in which the band

would perform their first two albums, My Own Prison and Human Clay, from front to back over

the course of two nights, with selected tracks from Weathered and Full Circle also featured. This

tour kicked off with two shows on April 12 and 13, 2012, at the Chicago Theatre in Chicago,

Illinois, with the band performing My Own Prison the first night and Human Clay the second.

They also toured in South America and Indonesia It was announced that lead singer Scott Stapp

and lead guitarist Mark Tremonti would enter the studio to start recording new songs in June,but

it would appear no progress was made during this time.

In October 2013, Stapp noted in an interview that extensive work was done on the new album

throughout 2011 and 2012. However, the project was suddenly abandoned, and Stapp stated he is

unaware as to why. Stapp also hinted that the relationship between himself and Tremonti had

once again broken down, leaving the future of the band uncertain. In December 2013, Stapp

elaborated on this, saying Tremonti is dictating to him what he wants the band's creative

direction to be, and that unless he agrees to Tremonti's demands, the guitarist won't work with

him. In January 2014, Stapp once again confirmed in an interview the personal and creative

differences between him and Tremonti, stating that future material by the band looks unlikely to

happen at the moment, and that he is concentrating on his solo career. Despite these differences,

Stapp has maintained that the band is still together, if inactive, saying that "There's no real time

table, we're still a band." He's also said that he's always open to continuing to work on a new

album when the time is right and if everyone can agree to continue. None of the other members

of Creed have commented on the status of the band or Stapp's statements.

2. Musical style

Creed's music is generally considered to be rock. According to Rolling Stone magazine,

Scott Stapp's vocals have been influenced by Jim Morrison of The Doors Creed is often labeled a

Christian rock band due to the fact that all their albums focus on questions of faith, Christianity,

and eternity. The band was never signed to a contemporary Christian music label, nor did it

perform in Christian music venues or get any widespread regular play on Christian radio.

However, the band's name itself refers to the religious concept of a creed. Also, themes within

their musical titles such as "My Own Prison", " "My Sacrifice", "What's This Life For", "With

Arms Wide Open", and "One Last Breath" all contain allusions to Christian theology. Band

members have stated that while the members may be Christians, they do not see Creed as a

Christian band. Bassist Brian Marshall, who named the band, said that singer Scott Stapp uses

spiritual imagery as a metaphor.

3. Legacy and reception

Creed was one of the most commercially successful rock bands of the late 1990s and early

2000s, having sold an estimated 53 million records worldwide. Their first three studio albums,

My Own Prison, Human Clay, and Weathered, have all gone multi-platinum in the United States,

selling 6 million, 11 million, and 6 million copies respectively. The band also won a Grammy

Award for Best Rock Song for the song "With Arms Wide Open" in 2001. However, in spite of

this enormous commercial success, Creed was poorly received by professional critics, such as

Robert Christgau, among others. Jonah Weiner of Slate has tried to make the case that the band

was "seriously underrated," "most people hate Creed‟s combination of overwrought power-
balladry and Christian-infused testosterone." However, the band's live shows from throughout

their career have been critically acclaimed.

In 2011, Billboard ranked Creed as the 18th best artist of the 2000s. In 2012, lead vocalist Scott

Stapp published his own memoir titled Sinner's Creed, which details his early life and tenure

with the band. In 2013, readers of Rolling Stone voted Creed the worst band of the 1990s, whilst

criticizing the band and saying the competition "wasn't even close." Also included in the list

were other such artists as Nirvana, Dave Matthews Band and Nickelback.

4. Member

Scott Stapplead : vocals (1993–2004, 2009–2012)

Mark Tremonti : guitar, vocals (1993–2004, 2009–2012); bass guitar on Weathered (2001)

Brian Marshall : bass guitar (1993–2000, 2009–2012)

Scott Phillips : drums, percussion, keyboards (1993–2004, 2009–2012)


My Sacrifice

Hello my friend we meet again

It's been awhile where should we begin

Feels like forever

Within my heart a memory

A perfect love that you gave to me

Oh I remember


When you are with me

I'm free

I'm careless

I believe

Above all the others we'll fly

This brings tears to my eyes

My sacrifice

We've seen our share of ups and downs

Oh how quickly life can turn around

In an instant

It feels so good to reunite

Within yourself and within your mind

Let‟s find peace there


When you are with me

I'm free

I'm careless

I believe

Above all the others we'll fly

This brings tears to my eyes

My sacrifice

I just want to say hello again

I just want to say hello again

My sacrifice
Don't Stop Dancing

At times life is wicked and I just can't see the light

A silver lining sometimes isn't enough

To make some wrongs seem right

Whatever life brings

I've been through everything

And now I'm on my knees again

But I know I must go on

Although I hurt I must be strong

Because inside I know that many feel this way


Children don't stop dancing

Believe you can fly


At times life's unfair and you know it's plain to see

Hey God I know I'm just a dot in this world

Have you forgot about me?

Whatever life brings

I've been through everything

And now I'm on my knees again

But I know I must go on

Although I hurt I must be strong

Because inside I know that many feel this way


Am I hiding in the shadows?

Forget the pain and forget the sorrows

Am I hiding in the shadows?

Forget the pain and forget the sorrows

But I know I must go on

Although I hurt I must be strong

Because inside I know that many feel this way


Am I hiding in the shadows?

Are we hiding in the shadows?

One Last Breath

Please come now I think I'm falling

I'm holding on to all I think is safe

It seems I found the road to nowhere

And I'm trying to escape

I yelled back when I heard thunder

But I'm down to one last breath

And with it let me say

Let me say

Hold me now

I'm six feet from the edge and I'm thinking

That maybe six feet

Ain't so far down

I'm looking down now that it's over

Reflecting on all of my mistakes

I thought I found the road to somewhere

Somewhere in His grace

I cried out heaven save me

But I'm down to one last breath

And with it let me say

Let me say

Hold me now

I'm six feet from the edge and I'm thinking

That maybe six feet

Ain't so far down

Sad eyes follow me

But I still believe there's something left for me

So please come stay with me

'Cause I still believe there's something left for you and me

For you and me

For you and me

Hold me now

I'm six feet from the edge and I'm thinking

My Own Prison

A court is in session, a verdict is in

No appeal on the docket today

Just my own sin

The walls are cold and pale

The cage made of steel

Screams fill the room

Alone I drop and kneel

Silence now the sound

My breath the only motion around

Demons cluttering around

My face showing no emotion

Shackled by my sentence

Expecting no return

Here there is no penance

My skin begins to burn

(And I said oh) So I held my head up high

Hiding hate that burns inside

Which only fuels their selfish pride

(And I said oh) We're all held captive

Out from the sun

A sun that shines on only some

We the meek are all in one

I hear a thunder in the distance

See a vision of a cross

I feel the pain that was given

On that sad day of loss

A lion roars in the darkness

Only he holds the key

A light to free me from my burden

And grant me life eternally

Should have been dead

On a Sunday morning

Banging my head

No time for mourning

Ain't got no time

I cry out to God

Seeking only his decision

Gabriel stands and confirms

I've created my own prison

I cry out to God

Seeking only his decision

Gabriel stands and confirms

I've created my own prison

What's This Life For

Hurray for a child that makes it through

If there's any way, because the answer lies in you

Their laid to rest, before they've know just what to do

Their souls are lost, because they could never find

What's this life for

I see your soul it's kind of gray

You see my heart, you look away

You see my wrist, I know your pain

I know your purpose on your plane

Don't say a last prayer, because you could never find

What's this life for

But they ain't here anymore

Don't have to settle no goddamned score

Because we all live under the reign of one king

1. data of my sacrifice song lyrics


1 Friend A person one A truly friend or A1
knows and likes, close friend Line: 1
somebody who is
not member of
2 Fly To move to the Becoming better A2
air using wings or greater than Line: 11
3 Tears A drop a salty Pain or sorrow A3
water that comes Line: 12
from the eyes
when one cries
4 Eyes Each of two Represent the A4
organs on the meaning of “our Line: 13
face that are used lives”
for seeing
5 sacrifice the action of giving up or A5
giving up surrender Line: 14
something that
one values for
the sake of
something more
important or
valuable or a
thing that one
gives up in this
6 Ups and down in one direction happy and sad, A6
and then in the good or bad Line: 15
7 reunite to cause two or come together or A7
more people to meet Line: 18
come together

2. Data of don’t stop dancing song lyrics


1 Wicked morally bad; evil bad and evil B1
Line: 1
2 Light the natural force to understand or B2
that makes things accept something Line: 1
visible after much
difficulty or
3 Silver lining Silver (n)” dream or hope B3
means; a without action Line: 2
line (n)” means;
(1) a long thin
mark on the
surface of
4 Knees the joint between falling or failed B4
the upper and Line: 6
lower parts of the
5 Dance to move in a do something or B5
series of steps, survive Line: 10
alone or with a
partner or in
6 Fly to move through becoming better B6
the air, using or greater than Line: 11
wings others
7 Unfair not right or just; bad, wicked, and B7
not fair evil Line: 13
8 Dot a small round Worthless or B8
mark paltry. Line: 14
9 Shadow a dark area on a fear or hopeless B8
surface caused Line: 22
by an object
standing between
direct light and
that surface

3. Data of one last breath song lyrics


1 Road to nowhere “road” means; a death C1
way between Line: 3
places, especially
one with a
prepared surface
which vehicles
can use,
means; not at or
to any place; no
2 Thunder the loud noise equivalent to the C2
that follows a voice of God Line: 5
flash of lightning
3 Breath the air taken into being give up or C3
and sent out from almost die Line: 6
the lungs
4 Six feet from the edge Foot (pl feet) ” grave C4
means; the Line: 10
lowest part of the
leg, below the
ankle, on which a
person or an
animal stands.
“edge (n)” :the
outside limit or
boundary of an
object, a surface
or an area
5 Sad eyes sad (adj )” the apathy he is C5
represents; getting from Line: 25
showing or mankind
causing sorrow
or regret;
“eye (n)” means;
each of two
organs on the
face that are used
for seeing

4. Data of my own prison song lyrics


1 Court a place where D1
trials or other Line: 1
law cases are
held; a law court
2 Verdict a decision judgment D2
reached by a jury Line: 1
on a question of
fact in a law case
3 The walls a continuous the grave D3
upright solid Line: 4
structure made of
stone, brick or
concrete, used
for enclosing,
dividing or
something, an
area of land
4 Cage a structure made the coffin D4
of bars or wires Line: 5
in which birds or
animals are kept
or carried
5 Steel a strong hard “its strength D5
metal made of a Line: 5
mixture of iron
and carbon
6 Sun the star that sacrifice of Christ D6
shines in the sky Line: 20-21
during the day
and gives the
earth heat and
7 Thunder the loud noise equivalent to the D7
that follows a voice of God Line: 23
flash of lightning
8 Sad day showing or the day when D8
causing sorrow Christ sacrifices Line: 26
or regret; himself
9 Lion a large powerful Jesus Christ D9
animal of the cat Line: 27
family that eats
meat and is
found in parts of
Africa and
southern Asia
10 Light the natural force forgiveness that D10
that makes things can save people Line: 29
visible from their prison
11 prison a place where the Hell D11
people are kept Line: 39
as a punishment
for crimes they
have committed
or while waiting
for trial

5. Data of what this life for song lyrics

1 Laid to rest to put something to relax, sleep or E1
or somebody in a do nothing after a Line: 3
certain position period of activity
or because of
2 Rest to relax, sleep or die or passed E2
do nothing after away Line: 3
a period of
activity or
because of illness
3 Gray = grey of the color of unknown or E3
ashes or lead unpredictable Line: 6
4 Wrist the part of the pain E4
body between the Line: 8
hand and the arm
5 king (the title of) the GOD E5
male ruler of an Line:14
state, inheriting
the position by
right of birth

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