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Assignment 4: Topic 2 – Modern China -1-

Kiangsu-Chekiang College (Shatin)

Liberal Studies, Form 3
Assignment 4
Topic 2 – Modern China

Name: ____________________________ Class: ___________________ ( )

Date: ____________________________ Marks: ___________________/23

A. Fill in the blanks (7 marks)

Fill in the blanks with the most suitable word.
1. When there are great differences in the income and the standard of living among people,

serious disparity between the rich and the poor exists.

2. The Chinese government has favored the economic development in cities and eastern region.

Thus, development of rural and western regions has lagged behind. This leads to eastern

disparity and western disparity.

3. Migrant workers suffer a lot in cities because they do not enjoy adequate social security such

as housing, healthcare, etc.

4. Farmers in China suffer from poverty because the productivity of farmland is low, so they earn

very little. Moreover, local governments impose extra tax and fees on them, so they have

heavy ____financial____________ burden.

B. Matching (3 marks)
Match the following viewpoints with the correct evidence. Give a TICK to the statement that can
be the evidence of the corresponding viewpoint.

Viewpoints Statements Evidence?

The Imperial The Imperial Palace in Beijing is one of the most famous
Palace in Beijing tourist destinations in China.
is an important The Imperial Palace in Beijing was used in Ming and Qing
Chinese cultural Dynasties.
relic. The Imperial Palace in Beijing is the largest remaining
Assignment 4: Topic 2 – Modern China -2-

palace today.
Viewpoints Statements Evidence?
Economic The Chinese government spent RMB 14.4 billion on
development will cultural conservation in 2013.
threaten cultural A study estimated that lost labour and health care costs
relics. associated with pollution cost the Chinese economy $112
billion in 2005.
The Leshan Buddha is eroded by acid rain which is a result
of factory emission.

C. Long questions (13 marks)

Answer the questions with full sentences.
1. Read the news report and answer the questions.

Cultural conservation experts said that a World Cultural

Heritage Site became a popular tourist spot, facilities are
added on the site to meet the tourists’ needs. For example, a
cement car park was built outside Ziji Village, where Kaiping
diaolou (開平碉樓) is located. This has damaged the
authenticity (真實性) and completeness of the heritage. The
expert added that the government should play the lead in
preserving these sites. A comprehensive management should
be built to limit man-made scenery and facilities in the region.

(a) According to the news report, what is the advantage of applying for the World Cultural
Heritage? Explain your answer. (2 marks)
According to the news report,it can became a popular tourist spot, facilities are added on the

site to meet the tourists’ needs.

(b) Apart from your answer in (a), explain one significance of preserving cultural relics to the
society? (2 marks)
It can let more people know the history about it,so we need to preserve the cultural relics.

(C) According to the case of Zili village, does economic development conflict with social

development? Explain your answer. (3 marks)

Assignment 4: Topic 2 – Modern China -3-

A cement car park was built outside Ziji Village, where Kaiping diaolou is located. This has

damaged the authenticity and completeness of the heritage.It lost the history for the cultural


2. Read the map and answer the question.

The per capita GDP of the eastern and western regions in China (2015)

What is reflected from the map? (6 marks)

Step 1 From the title and the key, you can conclude that the map is related to

Tell us the GDP for eastern and western region.

Step 2 What features can you see from the map?

Assignment 4: Topic 2 – Modern China -4-

Western region had a higher per capita GDP than Eastern region

Step 3 Answer:

Quote the From the map, the per capita GDP of western region was 34392,
and that of eastern region was 62191in 2013.

What can be Eastern region economic development is better than eastern

reflected from
the map?

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