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Da Dread Workshops and da jorney

Credit to: Andy Chambers, Gavin Thorpe, Rick Priestley, Andy Kettlewell, Andy Kettlewell for creating
Gorkamorka and Hunt da Dread mission which made creations of Deff dreads much easier.

Made by: PauliusTheMad

This falls under: Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International (CC BY-NC 4.0)

Note: This is conversion of now discontinued Games Workshop’s game Gorkamorka (Also known as
mad max with orks) however instead of usual warbands of orks, muties and grots this is focused on
Meks traveling in great space hulks and space ships having some off time and enternaiment by
constructing various machiens and fighting one another in the well as other locations in the

“Travellin' through space is boring. Well, boring unless da hulk yer on is full of dem gene-sneakers, or
a base fer da chaos lads wiv da spikes, or already has Boyz on it. Or if humie lootas come callin',
that's always good fer a bit a sport. Or unless yer have a mutiny or two to pass da time, or unless
strange fings start happenin', which dey usually do when yer out in da warp. One time we had some
bloody great ugly fing come straight out of Weird Lugwort's 'ed! It butchered half da lads, that was
pretty entertainin'. Come ter fink of it, space is a pretty good larf. And that's before yer find yerself a
nice world ta crush!” - Bigmaw, Ork Runtherd.

Somewhere out in deep space there are uncountable numbers of big and small ork krafts, ones they
call kruizers and roks, as well as multiple space hulk infested with the greenskins, and those who
reside here tend to get a bit bored living there, thus various bloody and violent games come into
existence, and one of them would be known to the poor imperial schoolars who saw them and
managed to transmit the message before being slain of “Dread WARS”

Deff dread:
50 Teef (without weapons).
Some spanners wishing to become accepted as proper meks will cobble together heafty machnes of
death using whatever scrap and parts they can come across on their space ship or space hulk. Once
done they will find a painboy willing to help them out to implant some poor ork into the deff dread,
from where they can go an reck havock in the pits.

5 -* -* 5 NA** NA -* -* -*

* These statistics are based on the dread’s driver.

** Toughness of the driver is kept in mind for certain armor brake effects.
Deff Dread is treated as Veihcle for puropose of ramming.

Movement with deff dreads: Movement of deff dreads is done either on feet, wheels or tracks.
Tracked versions is treated like tracked veihcle for purposes of movement (but without thruster
unless such attachment is given to it), and dreads movement characterstic is increased to 6
Deff Dreads with feet May turn up to 90 degrees two times, after moving 1” forwards. When using
thrusters, Dreads with legs may only move in a straight line.
Dreads with wheels move like normal veihcles, but may move with thrusters as normal.

Deff dreads may be fitted with: Dread guns, Dread Melee weapons and Twin Linked Guns.
Dread may carry two gunz or dread gunz and two dread melee weapons.
Deff dreads may also be upgraded with these gubins:

Da Armored Legz: Increase leg armor value by 1 point. May be applied once. It shows ups in many
ways from bits of scrap bound to the legs, to armored skirt to even some mad meks attaching small
force fields to the legs of the dread.
Extra Armor plates: Work like same gubbinz for trukks (Rulebook page 60 in da roolz), but only
applies to hull and engine hits. May be applied three times. Usually just patchwork armor, yet some
find other ways inprove their dreads resitstence with various trophies.
Clean arm Pistons: Inceases dreads Strength by one. May be bought twice.
Shroom-oil injection: A brew that is usually used to oil up all the joins gives dread some nice smoke
when used in the engine. Once per battle may expel lots of black smoke to give penalty of –1 to be
shot at.
Extra Clips: Some orks love to shoot as much dakka as possible, thus meks like to fit em with some
extra ammo. Ignore first failed ammo roll on the gun which you sellect while applying this gubbin.
Loud Speaka’: Some meks install speakers of extra size on their dreads so that they are heard loud
and clear from the bowls of the ship. Also comes in useful when trying to bait in bug boyz. Add 2 to
rolls to be loudest during missions that use it.
Magnet box: A large magnet attached to some part of the deff dread so it can carry scrap materials.
Dread can now carry 3 scrap counters (instead of 0 due to lack of hands).

Boosta/Thrusta: Huge thruster is fitted to the deff dread, allowing it thrusting forwards like a trukk
or buggy.

Deff Dread Driver: When Deff Dread is made an ork is usually installed into it immediatly, orks that
are installed are most often ones that lost their limbs to the point where cybernetics just won’t cut
it. Thus during course of the campaign one is free to get another deff dread and put in any
unfortunate ork inside it (only meks of mek gangs aren’t allowed such treatment).

However most such orks still have most of their head and body left, thus you are free to try and
install Dok’s Suprise and Kranium implants into a deff dread driver with mek and painboy working
together for ultimate end result of mad ork genius.

Note: Instead of Kustom Thrusta Boosta ork is given Kustom Teleporta Pack and instead of Fungus
Breath Lungs they are given Kustom mikro force field. Treat Kustom Cybork body as second layer of
armor for rolls where weapon penetrates the hull and damages the driver (such as some hull
damage effects). Other cybernetics that have effects on orks look are mimicked on deff dread
exterior as well (such as horns and iron mask)

Kustom Teleporta Pack: An odd creation of the mek boys, allowing ork to teleport out of a almost
destroyed deff dread. If Deff Dread is destroyed but driver is not taken out of action, Deff Dread
driver is not injured on a roll of 1-4 and instead is hurt only on roll of 1 (as pilot was too dim or
distracted to push the button).

Kustom Mikro Force Field: A small bit of wires and bits that creates a personal force field for the
driver, allowing them to avoid hits that penetrate the hull and get inside on an armor roll of 5

Special rule - Post battle effect: If deff dread is destroyed due to driver being taken out (Such as Hull
hits), on a roll of 1-3 driver suffers a serious injury.
If Deff dread is destroyed, Driver is injured on a roll of 1-4 while dread rolls on veichle damage table
on a roll of 1-3.

Deff Dread Permanent Damage Table:

11-13 Destroyed: The Deff 33-34 Anoyinning clickin’: Due

Dread lies in ruin. to some bent pipe the
Spanner may try to dread squakes all the
salage materials worth time. Increase any
3d6 from it. checks made for being
loud by 1 and reduce
drivers leadership by –1
when rolling for bottling
14-16 Baddly mangled: Roll 35-36 Unreliable system:
D6 on this table, Before each battle roll a
ignore captured, D6 for each arm, on a 6
destroyed, improved that arm doesn’t work
and fixed results. for that battle.
21-22 Armor wrecked: 41-56 Fixed: With lots of
Reduce armor by one works, squig oil and
on a random location. dirty hands, the dread
works as intended.
23 Bent Legs: Reduce 61-63 Captured: Dread was
movement by –1. nicked by the rival mob,
you may pay for it’s
return (price descided
by other player) or try
to fight to get it back as
described in scenarios.
If it is not recovered,
driver sufers as serious
injury (and may be
recovered by the mob),
while dread is scrapped
for 3D6 teef.
24 Fixer uper: It will work 64- 65 ‘Ard Looking: Inceases
again, but must skip drivers leadership by 1
next game as it’s as it’s impressive to
being patched up by walk about with such
the mek (mek or damage and still fight.
spanner skips next
25-26 Joint prone to jam: 66 Improved!: All
When trying to turn permanent damage is
roll a D6, on a 4+ turn fixed, somehow
as normal, on a
failure, run D6”
31-32 Shakey compensators:
Dread shakes wildlily
after taking a step. -1
to shooting if it moved
this turn.

Experiance: As dreads pilot is normal ork, they gain experiance normally, however they may not be
replaced, unless they die in action.

Deff Dread Locations and armor penetration effects.

1 Legs – Effects
9 Armor
6 A Leg is blown off, Dread crashes down and falls into peaces.
5 Leg Buckles – Roll a D6 at the start of the dread’s subsequent turns, on a roll of 6 it
collapses as described above.
4 Limp – Reduces the Dread’s Movement characterstic by D3’’ for rest of the game.
2-3 Blast – The Dread staggers D3” in random direction.
1 Staggered – Dread can’t move in it’s next turn.

2-3 Melee Effects

Arms – 9
6 Weapon is blown off – D3 Hull hits are suffeded and can’t use that weapon for the rest
of that battle.
4-5 Weapon falls off – Can't use weapon for the rest of the battle.
3 Pistons are leaky – Roll a D6 you wanna do melee attack with this limb, on a 4+ it can
be used.
2 A loose nut – Reduce WS by 1 For rest of the battle.
1 Bullet in a joint – Can't use this weapon for the next turn.

4 Fixed Weapons- 9 Armor (Roll Effect

randomly to determine which one)
6 Weapon Explodes – weapon may not be used for rest of the
battle, dread takes D3+1 hull hits .
4-5 Weapon is Broken – Weapon can’t be used for the rest of the
3 Hole in the Ammo box – roll a D6 each turn, on a 4+ weapon
can be fired.
2 Sight fell off – Weapon suffers –1 penalty to fire.
1 Jammed Clip – May not fire weapon on it’s next turn.

5 Hull – 10 Armor Effect

6 Pilot is hit by the strike: Either roll attack as normal, or pilot takes S3 hit from
the bits of machinery flying about him.
4-5 Pilot is hit by shrapnel, and takes a S3 Hit.
3 Controls are damaged – Dread staggers D6” at the start of each turn.
2 Ammo Feaders Damaged – Reduce Ammo checks by -1 for randomly
determinted weapon for the rest of the battle
1 Klang – Shot makes a big hole which look cool, but does no damage.

6 Engine – Effect
10 armor
6 Engines Explodes: Dread is Caught up in firely explosion, all models within D6”
take a S3 hit.
5 Fuel Leak: Roll a D6 at the start of each of dread’s turns, on a 6 dread explodes
(see effect above).
4 The Hydraulic pipe is cut off: Deff dread is immobilized for rest of the battle.
3 Fire Went: A hot bit of scrap, shrapnel and is shot out from the engine, Models
within 1’’ on a 4+ are hit with S3 Attack. Dread takes 1 Hull hit.
2 Fuel Line blockage: To move roll a D6, you may move on a 4+
1 Overcharge: Dread immediately moves 2D6’ straight ahead, hitting and ramming
anything and everything in it’s way.

Dread Upgrades

Dread Teef Dread Melee Teef Dread Gubbinz Teef

Gunz weapons
'Eavy 15 Power 5 Da Armored Legz 5
Shoota Klaw/Saw
Big Blasta 18 ‘Uge Choopa 3 Extra Armor Plates 4
Harpoon 7 Great Spear 2 Clean Arm Pistons 10
Scortcha 8 Wall Shield 5 Shromm-oil Injection 5
Spearchu 9 Extra Clips ¼ weapon
cka cost
Rokkit 13 Loud Speaka’ 3
Magent box 3

Boosta/Thrusta 7

Power Klaw/Power Saw: Dangerous implament usually used to cut up scrap and spiky gits finds
good home on a deff dread.
Strength: user
Special rule: Armor braker: This weapon always has –3 Armor save modifier.

‘Uge Choopa: A great big knife, axe or perhaps just a chunk of metal tied to a pole, these crude
weapons might not have the power of a propa power weapon, but hit hard enough:
Strength: user+1
Lack of balance: Loses ties due to weapon being not most finese thing to use even in arms of a large

Great Spear: Some meks perhaps due to lack of teef, material or perhaps just fondness for simple
ways choose to give their dreads a great big sharpend pole ir stick and it seems that sometimes it’s
just the right thing for the job.
Strength: users
Special rule: Long pokey thing – add 1 initiative when determining ties of melee fights.

Wall shield: Both a great defence and a crude weapon, this chunk of a wall, a door or old ship is used
by the dread to black both melee and ranged attacks....When ork is not mad enough to use it as a
giant flat club.
Strength: user-1
Special rule: Great slab shield, increase this arms armor by 1 when it’s hit for penetration. May force
opponent to reroll highest dice in melee.

Big Blasta: Great big gun that fires energy blasts of unknown orgins, that is just as dangerous as it’s
unstable, shooting shots of random strength and penetration.
Short Long To Hit To Hit Save Ammo

Range Range Short Long Str. Mod. Dam. Roll

20" 50" - - D6+3 2D3 D6 5+

Mek Gang

(To be used only in campaigns againt other Deff dread owning mek gangs)
Entire workshop sometimes shows up to help out their deff dread and most big meks find such
intrusions premited in certain fights, some even finding them ammusing.

This gang starts out with 100 Teef.

It must always have one and only one Mek
Gang has to have minimum of two memebers (Mek and driver for the deff dread).
Due to Mek’s need for workers, Mek may hire up to 3 Grots without a runtherd/slaver, however if
they wish to get more a slaver is required.
While usually all gangs should have only one deff dread, if campaign goes for long enough and
enough orks are horribly wounded, one could try to have a few dreads.
12 teef
Almost as big as your average Nob, the mek is the leader of their own little workshop on the ship,
working as the single head mek or alongside few others meks, however when it comes to deff dread
fights, only one mek may be present in the warband as it’s leader.

Mek 4 4 4 3 4 1 3 1 7(8)

Special rule: Propa mek – Mek much like nobz meks are considered just big spanners until they have
their creature show up a propa fight. Until Mek’s haven’t won a single fight with their dread they
have leadership of 7, once that is done they earn a right to be called a proper Mek.

6 Teef
Apperntices of sorts and workers to the mek, spanners love tinkering with various minor bits and
peaces and when their Mek is going to look for a fight quite a few are eager to join up.

SPANNER 4 3 3 3 4 1 2 1 7

6 teef

Having some know-wots in art of herding grots and squigs some meks allow runtherds to hang out
near their workshops, as some runtherds wanna get on the mek’s good side and get their favorite
grots a couple of killa kan....


Runtherd 4 3 3 3 4 1 2 1 7

5 teef
Be it due to great injuries or due to painboys experiments somehow a poor unfortnate ork has fell
into the hands of the mek to be put into the deff dread...

BOY 4 3 3 3 4 1 2 1 7

Special rule: Da pilot – Only Boyz to join the gang are ones who can’t fit any more properly and thus
are installed into the deff dread. Thus due to some injurty these orks can’t fight on their own any
more (they lack ability to fight on foot with conventional weapons).

3 teef
These fresh orks perhaps attracted by the shining tool of the workshop or having some oddboy
knowledge that is yet to awaken are sometimes attracted to the mek workshops and some meks
choose to let the orks stand about, while others find this to be waste of time.


YOOF 4 2 2 3 3(4) 1 2 1 7

Toughen up: Due to hanging about all the meks and workshops upon accieving the right amount of
experiance yoof becomes a spanner instead of staying a boy.

2 teef
Perhaps most important part of the mob, the grots are the ones who might mess up most tech but
also ones that often help the work get done, as much as some meks don’t like to admit having grots
around can be rather useful.
And some more cunnin’ meks even give their grots weapons to go out and sabotage foes deff dread
or their own orks during the fights in the pits.


GROT 4 2 3 3 3 1 2 1 5

For most purposes: Mek is similar to Nob of a normal gang, with spanners standing in place of
normal boys as most meks might be consider too odd to be followed around by not oddboyz. If one
of the spanners got more leadership then the Mek then they may challane mek for a fight in the pits
post battle for possition of the leader.

Veihcle changes: Veihcles and starting battles all seated in a veihcle is option with this ruleset, one
doesn’t have to buy trukks, bikes or trakks, however if players playing in the campaign wanna use
them they should reach an agrement that works for all sides. (Thus you may have veihcles limited to
just bikes or trakks, or have all of them, or only have deff dreads as rok you are all on is rather
cramped and buggy gets stuck all the time).

Deff Dread Pilot: While single boy per gang is intended to be used in the deff dread as pilot, one can
always use one of the spanners (if they suffer some grave injury) or even one of the yoofs as they
will gain experiance after fights normally. Only Mek can never be installed into the deff dread and
due to fail safes they installed deff dread may never challange the mek for possition of a leader.

Skills: Due to nature of oddboyz, a lot of them are propa cunnin’, thus when rolling for advances and
getting skills, using morker gang skill tables for this mob, however boy which was installed into the
deff dread isn’t necicerily from same circles thus they can use either gorker or morker tables
(determine it when creating the gang and mark it on the sheet).

Earning Teef:
Instead of Earning Teef by working in the mines Meks earn their teef by making stuff for the boyz as
well as for winning dread fights.
One may place bets of teef before a fight on themselves (no propa ork bets against themsleves) and
gain double the teef amount on victory. (Only some figths in the pits allow it).

However normally the way to earn their teef is by making and selling stuff to the boyz between
battles. After battles each gang may choose any all of their meks and spanners to roll for making and
modifying stuff to be sold to orks.
Each Mek and Spanner is worth d6 teef, while grots doing small jobs for orks, running gambling rings
and selling other goodies earn d3 teef.
Yoofs spend most of the time working on bringing in materials and doing manual labour as they lack
the know wots for now to make stuff.

If three or more 6s are rolled while working some orks are feeling you are ripping them off and thus
you roll a d6 for all orks who rolled 6, on a 1-3 they suffers a serious injury.

Numbers of models in the Mob

Income 1-3 4-6 7-9 10-12 13+
0-2 5 4 3 2 1
3-5 7 5 4 3 2
6-8 9 8 6 5 4
9-12 11 9 7 6 5
13-17 13 11 10 8 7
18-23 15 13 12 10 9
24-30 17 15 13 11 10
31-38 18 17 15 14 13
39-47 19 18 16 15 14
48-57 20 19 18 16 15
58+ 21 20 19 18 17

Buying/Making gear:
Instead of buying gear itself meks often make the weapons themselves if they got the material, thus
you may choose to instead of buyinig a finished good make it yourself, spending half the price
(rounding up) for it and buying just raw material and having your mek make it. However there is
always danger of the mek getting accrried away by “inspiration” and adding some unneeded
Usually only one item may be made such way. (Some missions might give option to do more items of
this kind).

When making an item roll on the chart bellow:

Dice Result
1 Bodged Job: Roll for a Bodge table, mek may elect to fix the bodge next time instead of
making new thing.
2 It’s Gonna take a while...: Item is half done and will be done without any flaws, but can
only be used in the next battle as it’s still not finished.
3-5 Propa Job: Item is made as normal.
6 Job’s a Good ’Un: Roll for a random upgrade from Da Mek’s Workshop (Da Uvver book,
pg. 71)


Scenario I: Da Dread Wars!

Da Pit:
When two or more Deff Dreads are set up to fight in da fighting pits, it’s usually in a large enclosed
area with some bits of cover and rubble here and there (thus you are free to add as little or as much
terrain as you need). Usually mass of orks and meks will come to watch it from various walls, towers
or even small airships (Thus you are free to have some boyz stand about on the edges of arena for

De bet: Each mek may place some teef on their dread as a bet. No self respecting ork bets against

Any number of Deff dreads may take part in a fight. If Mek’s are quire sure they can win, they may
try have some of their grots sneak into the fight as well.
Roll a D6 for each grot in the mob trying to enter, First one can sneak in on a 2 +, second on a 3+, third on
a 4+ and rest are a 6+, if on of the grots fail, a D6 is rolled, on a 1-3 they suffer serious injury. After this
failure no other grots may try to sneak in.

Order of deployment is determined by a roll of D6, starting with highest results.

Each Deff Dread Deploys at least 12” from one another and at least 5” from the edge. Grots arrive on
random corners as they try to sneak in between ork legs:
Each of the Deff Dreads lets out a roaring shout though the speakers in their machine. Roll a D6, starting
with highest result.

Bottlin’ Out rules do not apply in this fight, instead fight is over when all enemy deff dreads are out of

Winner of the brawl gets the total ammount of teef they and other gangs betted on the fight. Losers lose
their Teef. These Teef are not part of profic calucations.
Winner also adds an extra D6 when determining their teef earnings (not end profit) due to respect of
winning a fight and rush of new customers.

Alternative reward: If Mek is bellow 200 mob rating and wins a fight against mob with higher rating, Big Mek
congradulates them and gifts them random Deff Dread Weapon (Roll 3d6, taking weapon closest to the
price and ignoring extra teef). Some big meks got a thing for young ones proving their worth and will throw
down some weapons they got no more use for any more.


+ D6 Survives
The survivors of the fight gain D6 experience for their doding skills and fighting proves.

+ 5 Wounding Hit (grots only)

Deff dreads squishing small grots bellow them and thus gain no experience for fighting them off, however
grots will learn things as they wound their opponents. Wounding downed warriors does not count.
+ 5 penetrating hit
Deff Dreads gain experiance for each penetrating hit in the fight and if grots manage to do it...then mork (or
perhaps gork) is on their side that day.

+ 1 Da Loudest
When starting the fight loudest dread gains 1 experiance.

+ 10 Winning:
Winning Mek gains 10 from watching how their deff dread fights and working out weaknesses of other

Scenario II: Restock

Special rules: Bottle-out and Scrap counters, both a bit different and explained further bellow.

Da Debril field:
It’s not uncommon for some meks to go out and grab materials for their crafts themselve, as some less well
off meks still recall the days when they were just yoofs working away in some big mek’s workshop and
going out to fight things for goodies.
Thus this mission takes place either somewhere in the bowls of the ship or space hulk taking bits no one
needs.....or On the outside, taking bits of metiorites and space debri to be taken back to the shop to be
recycled into some proper materials.

When setting up a battlefield go either for abandoned bowls of a space hulk, rocky machinery or other
locations that suit place where pile of meks would go looting for stuff. Set up D3+3 scrap counters

Da Mobs:
Two mobs take part in this as rival meks on their travels come across one another and fight for the best bits
of scrap.
When deploying, roll a D6 and winner picks table edge, opponent deploying on opposing side.
Models may deploy on foot, as trukks and buggies are hard to get to this location.

Each side roll a D6 and winner with highest score begins the battle.

Endin’: Battle ends when one side bottles out (in this mission bottling out is only done after deff dread is
down and 25 percent of the gang is down), or when one side chooses to retreat. Winner is group with more
scrap counters, in case of a draw no winning experience is awared to the Mek.

Scrap counters: Instead of just selling scrap counters for Teef meks will instead make things with them,
thus roll a d3 for each scrap counter and with total sum you may make items worth that sum of teef,
however no more and no less.

Income: Income post battle is done as normal.


+10 To the Mek for winning

+D6 To survivors
Anyone who survives the battle gains this experience.

+5 Wounding Hit
Anyone doing wounding hit gains 5 Experience. Downed warriors do not count.

+5 Armor Penetration
Anyone who manages to penetrate armor gains 5 Experiance

+1 Experience for carrying scrap at the end of the battle.

Scenario III: Getting da Stuff back.

Da Workshops:
Place where meks create and build their creations tend to be all over the place, from the surfaces of
hulks, to their deeps, to engine rooms of ork kruizers and innars of ork roks. And sometimes meks of
different workshops come into blows with one another, for whatever reason it could be (perhaps
just boredom, perhaps it’s because they want some scrap or perhaps because they just want the
spot.). This is also done to recover captured deff dreads, boyz, grots or even weapons.

Terrain: Set up some tents, small houses, walls or other bits of what could be mek’s workshop with
as many narrow pathways and bits of stuff around as you can (can be stone and rocks for space
hulks and rok caves or more mechanical look for kruizers or even just deserty area for conventional

For purposes of entering: Workshop with open wall requires 4” of movement to get over, while
workshops with roofs have roofs that can’t be shot though and have armor value of 7.
Consult chart bellow for effects on the roof once it’s attacked if it’s armor is penetrated:

D6 Result
1 Roof brakes under warriors weight, they brake down and fall, taking fall damage as
2-4 Roof holds up, with few new light holes in it.
5 Roof starts to creak, add 1 to next armor roll.
6 Roof is broken where the warrior wanted, they may now safely land bellow.

Workshop Doors have armor value of 9:

Consult chart bellow for effects of attacking the door:

D6 Result
1 Strike bounces off and bullet bounces, Door is intanct.
2-4 The Door is Damaged – Add 1 to next armor roll.
5 The Door brakes and falls – Any warriors within 2” of it make intiative test, otherwise they
are hit by a S3 hit.
6 The Door is torn into small bits and destroyed.

Mobs: This is a scenario between defender mob in their workshop and attacker mob.
If this is fight to recover some item place the marker/model in the center of the workshop (perhaps
the grot is tied to a pipe and used as target practice or perhaps they are trying to disasemble the
deff dread). D3 memebers of the mob may be placed in the workshop, rest are working on
something else at this time. No Deff Dreads take part in this fight.

Da Captured: If you are trying to save a dread weapon treat it as scrap counter for purposes of
carrying and movement. If you are saving a captured mob member (that is not a deff dread) any
member of the mob may move up to the captive and spend rest of their turn freeing them, then
hand them a knife. If captive is a deff dread, the attacker must have mobs mek or spanner reach it
and roll a 4+ at the end of their turn to have it start up.

Defenders reinforcement: Rest of the mob for defender show up due to all the shooting and noise
on a score of 7 where score is D6+Number of turns, rolled at the start of defender’s turn.

Endin’: The Game Ends when Item that was captured or captured member of the mob leaves the
battlefield, or One side bottles out. Defenders in this mission only Bottle out at 50 percent strength
and bottle out test is not made if defenders are taken out before reinforcement arrives.

Income: Income for this battle is normal, unless defender mob bottles out, then attackers steal some
of their stuff, gaining extra D6 teef to add to their earning (not profit).


+10 To the Mek for winning

+D6 To survivors
Anyone who survives the battle gains this experience.

+5 Wounding Hit
Anyone doing wounding hit gains 5 Experience. Downed warriors do not count.

+5 Armor Penetration
Anyone who manages to penetrate armor gains 5 Experiance

+5 Experience to the saviour: The one who freed or captured the thing that was missing gains 5 extra
experience points.

-D3 To defender: If they bottle out and lose the workshop.

Scenario 4: All out brawl

This battle uses Bottle out rules

Da corridors: Fights like these brake out over small disagreements on techinques, ideas or
sometimes just how one should go about kicking grots for stealing scrap and are all too often in the
travels on ships when fighting against bugz, beakies and spiky gits is low.

Terrain: Battle is going on somewhere inside the space hulk or one of the space ships corridors, since
these things tend to be rather large you may have battle happen in a wide corridor or perhap in a set
of few nearby ones. Litter table with walls if you have any as well as with various bits of junk and
stuff you can find around the ship.

Da Mobs: Two mobs, with their meks and all available crew show up in this fight. If mobs have
transport they may use it as well in wider corridors of the ship.

Startin’: When deploying roll d6 highest result is one who deploys first. Everyone deployswithin 8” of
any edge and 12” away from other gangs.
Da loudest gang goes first, roll D6 adding the number of orks (as grots are too weedy for it) to see
who is the loudest.

Endin’: Battle ends when one side bottles out, or one of the mobs doesn’t have fighters who aren’t
out of action or down.

Income: Income after this battle is done as normal.


+10 To the Mek for winning

+D6 To survivors
Anyone who survives the battle gains this experience.

+5 Wounding Hit
Anyone doing wounding hit gains 5 Experience. Downed warriors do not count.

+5 Armor Penetration
Anyone who manages to penetrate armor gains 5 Experiance

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