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Subject: Social Studies

The word ‘history’ is derived from the Greek word 'Historia' which means recorded knowledge of
past events. History informs us about events that took place in the past. It is the story of our past.
History tells us about the people who lived in earlier times, about the things that happened to
them and why those things happened.
People have lived on earth for thousands of years. Most of them have been ordinary people like
us. Some people have been great men and women.

Herodotus- ‘The Father of History’

When we are learning about these ordinary or famous people, the things that have happened to
them and the things that they did, we are studying history.


History helps us to understand
how people of earlier times
lived. For example, when we
study history, we learn that in
earlier times there were no
cars, trains, buses or aero
planes. When people
travelled over land, they had
to walk or travel in vehicles
drawn by animals.

Old means of Transportation Page 1 of 5

When we study history, we also find that the stories of the past are very interesting. For example, we
learn that in earlier times there were no emails. People wrote letters and these were usually delivered
by the post office or people. Letters took several days to reach their destination.

Time is continuous but people have divided it – for example, into years or months. This makes it easy
to talk about a particular time.
History, too, is continuous. Many historians feel that it is easy to understand when historical events
happened if time is divided into long stretches, called ‘periods. The three periods into which
historians divide the study of history are:

• Ancient – the very old. There are often very few sources about this period.
• Medieval - the middle period. There are more sources available for this time of history.
• Modern- the most recent period. There are many sources available to study this period of

There are many things from the past which provide a lot of information about history. They give us
clues that help us to learn about people and events of the past. Such clues are called sources of history.

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Many things have happened in the past and millions of people have lived on earth before us. They
have left many different types of clues. These clues are sources that tell us about them. If there are
many sources – many clues – for a period, historians get a full picture of it. If there are just a few
sources, they got only some idea – an incomplete picture – of that particular time. Remember, we
learn about the past only through the sources of history that experts have been able to study and
The main sources of history are:
1. Coins
2. Artefacts and monuments
3. Written material, also called records / Inscriptions.
4. Stories that people tell about their lives and the times in which they live.

These coins tell us many things. Coins of earlier times
also give information such as:
• The name or picture on a coin tells
historians which ruler or king ruled the
• The date tells them when he ruled.
• The writing on the coin tells them which
language was used at that time.
• If the coin is made of gold or silver, they learn that the kingdom was wealthy.

Artefacts and Monuments

Things made and used by people are
called artefacts. Artefacts from earlier
times like household goods, pottery,
jewellery and coins have been found. The
study of such artefacts, and of the
buildings from earlier times, is known as
Artefacts tell archaeologists about how
people lived in earlier times. For example,
a clay toy found in West Asia from ancient
Archaeologists working very carefully so that buried times tells archaeologists that the people
artefacts at this site are not damaged.
of West Asia knew how to use clay to make toys. They can also guess that those people may have
had vehicles with wheels.
Very often, artefacts are buried underground. Archaeologists uncover them by digging very carefully
so that nothing is damaged. In fact, in some places whole towns have also been discovered buried

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Earlier people have also left behind buildings which can still be seen. These historical buildings are
called monuments. Historians learn a great deal from such monuments.

Written Records
Written records are important historical sources. Sometimes these are in a language that people can
read. For example, many ancient Indian books are written in Sanskrit, which people can read even

Indian inscriptions on palm-leaf, in an early Sanskrit script, eleventh century.


Sources of history are very

important; by examining
and studying them
carefully, archaeologists
and historians understand
people and events of the
past. It is essential that all
of us realize how necessary
it is to take care of every
historical source.
This needs to be done by
archaeologists and
historians and also by
other people. For example,
at times of war, museums
that preserve a lot of historical sources are under threat. In many such places, people who work at
museums have hidden their artefacts and brought them out again when peace returns. They thus
preserved knowledge for us all.

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1. Past – the time before now.

2. Source – A place where something comes from.
3. Clues – things that help solve a problem or a mystery.
4. Events – things that happen, especially important things.
5. Artefacts – things made and used by people like tools, pottery etc.
6. Archaeology – the study of very old buildings and objects which tells us how people lived in earlier
7. Ancient – very old.
8. Inscriptions – writings on coins, monuments, stone or metal.

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