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Topic - Punctuation
Subject: English I (Grammar)
Std. IV Div. _____ Name: ________________________ Roll No. : _____ Date
The different symbols or marks used to bring clarity and understanding
in the written language are called punctuation marks.
The correct use of punctuation makes our writing understandable and

We put a full stop (.) at the end of a sentence.

We put a question mark (?) at the end of a question.
We put an exclamatory mark (!) at end of an exclamatory sentence or after an

Punctuation mark Example:
Full stop (.) The bus is late today. It is raining outside.
Question mark (?) Why are you crying? Is it your birthday today?
Will you join us for dinner tonight?
Exclamatory mark (!) Oh! We missed the bus. Ouch! I have hurt my knee.
What a nice painting!

Read this poem aloud together.
Punctuation Marks
The full stop is a busy man,
A small round traffic cop;
He blocks the helter-skelter words
And brings them to a stop.

The question mark’s a tiny girl;

She’s small but very wise;
She asks too many questions
For a person of her size.

The exclamation mark’s an elf!

Who’s really excited.
When children laugh or cry or scream,
It’s then he’s most delighted.

Of all the punctuation folk

I like the comma best,
For when I’m getting out of breath,
He lets me take a rest.

I Writing skill: Use punctuation mark and relate with the images to
write a sentence for each of the following images.

Speaking skill.
Use punctuation marks and speak for the following conversations.
1. Ask the students to decide what each object represents. Suggestions for objects:
•• Holidays: holiday brochure, postcard, swimming costume
•• Shopping: a shopping bag
•• School and work: school books

•• Hobbies and sports: sports equipment
•• Food: a menu, a cake or other food
Weekend and seasonal activities: a non-school book, winter coat/hat.
2. Before the lesson, put your objects on a table and cover them with a cloth. Don’t let
the students look at them when they attend the activity.
Subject areas for conversation
School and work:
Hobbies and sports:
Weekend and seasonal activities.

Reading skill:
Punctuate the following paragraph correctly.
Just over a hundred years ago there were thousands of rhinos all over the world ancient
cave paintings in europe show lots of rhinos until about one hundred years ago there
were more than 5,00,000 rhinos in africa and asia but today there are only about 29,000
rhinos left in the wild people kill rhinos for sport and also steal their horns do you want
to save the rhinos how can you help
Write one sentence using the punctuation marks you have learnt.


*Read this sentence.
Jenny has a pencil, a book and a ruler in her bag.
This sentence lists the things Jenny has.
She has:
a pencil a book a ruler
A comma is mainly used to show us where to pause when we read.
A comma is also used for listing things.
When we write a list of three or more things in a sentence, we put a comma
(,) after each item in the list. We do not put a comma after the last item.
We put and before the last item.
*I had two slices of bread, milk, honey and a banana for breakfast.
*She played on the slide, the swing and the seesaw in the park.

When you are speaking, you understand commas by a slight pause.

I Read this paragraph. Add commas wherever things are listed.
John, Sara, Kate and Ben want to bake cookies together. They decide to
bake chocolate cookies sugar cookies and butter cookies.
First they go to the market and shop for a few things. They buy eggs
butter and chocolate chips. They start baking the cookies. Sara decides
to add colourful sprinkles on the cookies. She adds blue green pink and
red sprinkles. The cookies look beautiful!
Other uses of comma are:
1 between the names of places

*Gandhiji was born in Porbandar, which is in Gujarat, India.
2 when directly addressing someone.
To set off a name from the rest of a sentence.
* I have found it, your majesty.
*Joy, please lend me your pen.
3 after yes and no
*Do you like to sleep with a soft toy? Yes, I do.
*No, I don’t know her.
4 to separate one word expressions, such as please, well, however,
Unfortunately, in fact, oh yes from the rest of the sentence.
*Well, I may be able to help you.
*Unfortunately, we arrived very late.
*Give me a glass of water, please.
5 wherever we use time words like soon, after some time, nowadays,
yesterday, later and since then in the beginning of a sentence.
*After some time, the boys returned to their classrooms.
*Yesterday, I went to the beach with my parents.
Insert commas in the correct places in the following sentences.
a. Galileo lived in Florence Italy.
b. On Friday we visited my grandmother.
c. Yes you may go for the picnic.
d. Archimedes was a mathematician physicist astronomer engineer and
e. Mother can you cook fried rice for dinner?
f. In fact I was just going to tell you the same thing.
g. Well this is the right place to relax.
h. Soon they realized their mistake.
i. Sadly he never goes to his village to meet his mother.
j. David have you been to Paris?
k. Each day the Sun rose and crossed the sky.
l. He did not get good marks. However I know that he studied a lot.

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