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nit 8 te
Listening Practical
P English

1  Listen to tthe conversation. In wh

hat language
es 6 Choose th
he correct op
ption. (10 marks)
an you liste
en to the tou
ur? (2 marks
s) A: Excuse me, (1) how w / what do I get to the post
Chinese E nch German Italian
English Fren office, please?
panese Polish Spanish
h B: Yes, go o to the (2) baack / end off this street.
(3) Brinng / Take thee second righ ht. Go straigh ht
2  Listen aga ain. Read the e sentences
s and write (4) on / to.
trrue (T) or fallse (F). (8 marks)
m A: How lon ng does it takke?
1 O Town in 1706. __
The Spanish founded Old B: It takes (5) about / eevery 10 min nutes.
2 The housees in the squa
are were verry small. __
3 The church is on the north side of the
t square. _ __ Grammar
G r
4 There are two museum ms. __
7 Complete the sentencces. Use the e correct pas
y simple forrm of the verrbs in brack
kets. (10 ma
1 They __ ________ a new kind of bird in the
3 Match
M 1–5 to
o A–E. (5 ma
arks) rainfore
est. (find)
1 sweet ___ A block 2 The firs
st Spanish exxplorers __________ to So outh
2 petrol ___ B store America a in the 15000s. (come)
3 shopping ___ C shop 3 I __________ a new mobile phon ne. (buy)
4 departmennt ___ D centre 4 Beth __________ Loorraine at thee restaurant in the
5 office ___ E station departmment store foor lunch. (meet)
5 Pedro _________
_ leearning Engllish when he was
4 Choose
C the c
correct optio
on. (5 marks
s) eight. (b
1 You can post a letter ata a post office /
chemist’ss. 8 Rewrite th
he sentencess in the neg
gative. Use the
verbs belo
ow. (10 markks)
2 We climbeed Ben Neviss forest / mo ountain in
Scotland. It’s really hig
gh. go leave see sell swim
3 There arenn’t many tree es in the jung gle / desert. 1 We wen nt to the UK last summerr.
4 We crosseed the valley y / river in a boat.
b ______ ___________ ___________ ___________
5 You can seee the deserrt / coral ree ef when you ______ ___________ ___________ ___________
go scuba ddiving. 2 Helen sold
s her bike .
______ ___________ ___________ ___________
5 Complete
C the
e sentences
s with the wo
______ ___________ ___________ ___________
10 marks)
3 Sam an nd Joe saw Irron Man 3.
cinema ccliff islands ocean tak
______ ___________ ___________ ___________
1 There’s a ggood Indian _______ near my house e. ______ ___________ ___________ ___________
The food iss really tastyy. 4 I left my
y purse in thee shop.
2 I like going
g to the ____ ____ to watchh new films. ______ ___________ ___________ ___________
3 There is a very high __ ______ over there; you ______ ___________ ___________ ___________
can see am mazing viewss of the sea. 5 We swa am with dolp hins in the ocean.
4 There are several ____ ____ off the coast of ______ ___________ ___________ ___________
Spain. ______ ___________ ___________ ___________
5 We sailed across the _______
_ from
m the UK to
North Ame erica.

1 1
nit 8 te
9 Write
W the words in the co
orrect orderr to make
questions. (1
10 marks)
1 did / movee / When / to / you / the / UK ? 1 _______
________ __________ ___________ ___________ __ Borneo is the
t third larg est island in the world. Itt is
2 you / go / tthe / Did / Grreece / in / to
o / summer ? divided bettween three different cou untries in Asiaa:
________ __________ ___________ ___________ __ Malaysia, Indonesia annd Brunei. Th here are rivers,
3 he / Did / ssee / the / Am
mazon / anim mals / he caves, lakees, mountainns, beaches, valleys and
dangerouss / went / whe en / to ? much more e on the islannd. Mount Kinabulu is
________ __________ ___________ ___________ __ 4,095 m an nd is the highhest point on
n the island. The
________ __________ ___________ ___________ __ Gomantong Caves aree another inte eresting place e to
4 buy / you / Did / new / backpack / a ? visit. There
e is an unusuual kind of bird that lives in
________ __________ ___________ ___________ __ the caves. There is a trraditional dis
sh from the issland
5 take / Carrrie / Did / cammera / on / her / holiday ? using thesee birds’ homees (nests).
________ __________ ___________ ___________ __
2 _______

e Review
w The most popular
p destiination for an
nimal lovers in
Borneo is Sepilok
S Oranngutan Centrre. Visitors ca an
10 Complete
C the
e text with the correct option.
o feed the orrangutans. TThey drink milk and eat
10 marks) bananas tw wo times a daay at 10.00 a.m.
a and
Last summer,, I (1) ______ __ to Peru. Itt was 3.00 p.m. It’s not permiitted to bring any insect
antastic. We (2) _______ _ by plane to Lima. It’s ann repellent in
nto the centree as it is dan
ngerous for thhe
amazing city – there are museums,
m be
eaches, orangutans s. At the Sunn Bear Conse ervation Cenntre
vaalleys, wildliffe parks, andd a lot of grea
at restaurantts you can se ee the smalleest bear in the world. It is also
and shops. Th hen we trave elled south too Cuzco to doo in the mostt danger beccause people e hunt and kill
he Inca Trail to Machu Picchu. It’s one of the them.
3) _______ ffamous place es in the worrld. The Incass
3 _______
4) _______ p people who lived in and around
a Cuzcco.
T tour guide e told us it was
w important to bring a There are lots of other exciting things to do in
backpack, (5)) _______ an nd sunscreen n to protect Borneo. Ju ungle trekkingg is one of th he most popu ular
our skin from mosquitoes and the sun. Our trek too ok activities but there is allso mountain n biking and
ve days and was very tiriing, but when we arrived kayaking. You
Y can alsoo go scuba diving and see the
at Machu Piccchu we were e amazed by the beauty o of beautiful cooral reefs. Affter all this yoou can relax on
he place. some of Bo orneo’s manyy amazing beaches. The e food
in Borneo isi delicious. TThere are lots of fantastic
1 a go b go oes c to go d went
restaurants s where you can try the food.f
2 a travel b travelled c travels d to travel
3 a more b most c much d many
2 Read the text
t again an
nd answer the
t question
4 a are b wwas c were d is
Write com
mplete sente nces. (4 ma
5 a sleeping bag b torch c tools d insect
1 Where is Borneo?
_________________ ___________ ___________ ____
2 How higgh is Mount K
ading _________________ ___________ ___________ ____
3 What tim
me do the orrangutans ea
at in Sepilok?
11 Read
R adings A–E to
the textt. Match hea
_________________ ___________ ___________ ____
paragraphs 11–3. (6 markks)
4 What doo most peopple do when they
t go to
A Animals
B Shopping
_________________ ___________ ___________ ____
C Things to d
D Extreme SSports
E Geographyy and Nature

1 2
nit 8 te
13 Write
W about w
what you did
d last summmer. Use the
erbs and the
e adjectives
s, and the qu
uestions an
prompts to h
help you. (10
0 marks)
ome do exxplore go meet play see swim
travel visit

mazing beau
utiful cold exciting hott interesting
noisy quieet warm

P 1
W did you go? I wentt to …
W were you u with? I wen
nt with … / I was with …

P 2
W was thee weather like
e? It was …
W did you do? I … / We
W …

P 3
W did you enjoy? Whyy? I enjoyed … because …
W didn’t yoou enjoy? Why?
W I didn’t enjoy
e …

__ ___________
__ ___________

__ ___________
__ ___________
__ ___________

__ ___________
__ ___________
__ ___________
__ ___________
__ ___________
__ ___________
__ ___________
_ ___________
__ ___________
__ ___________
__ ___________

Listening ___
___ / 10 Vocabulary
V __
____ / 20 Prac
ctical Englishh _____ / 10
Grammar ___ ___ / 30 Cumulative
Review _____
_ /10 Reading _____ / 10
Writing _____
_ / 10 TOTTAL ___________ / 100

1 3

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