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Why cultural heritage matters




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There have been many concerns outlined regarding if old buildings have any major

significance when it comes to education and whether they should be demolished and they were

replaced by new buildings has brought a lot of issues. (Grenville 2014) While the majority

believe that the historical monuments are significant due to their historical value significance,

some people still think that those historical monuments should be demolished in the same of

development that is resembled by the new infrastructures of those buildings. In order to support

how the historical monuments have values towards the education system, one has to view over

the other, since it is crucial to answering two questions, where this literature, particularly in this

paragraph, will be covering: what are the extent of importance for maintaining old historical

monuments buildings and why one should value the history over progress. Firstly, the

importance of maintaining such old buildings should be noted because they portray cultural and

historical significance and economic value. Old historical monuments buildings have numerous

benefits in history, and some, in particular, is a national pride. (Toni 2017, p.131) For example,

the Great Wall of China of defense despite harsh weather conditions, for specific under the

tyrannical rule of the Emperor; which portray the concerns of safety during the time of historical

period. The Great Wall of China not only is it of historical significance but also as a place where

tourists come in Beijing; which is said to have an importance of economic values since those

visitors spend money there. Therefore, the money that the tourists spend there can be used in

various ways such as expanding the school libraries. Thus, the maintenance of the historical

monuments buildings has primary importance when it comes to the sector of education.

(Zimmermann 2017, p.92) Therefore, conserving historical building is a means of transferring

genetic legacy to the future generations. Thus, this is a great impact for the future children to

learn about their cultural heritage and culture, such as monuments which often give insight into

our ancestor’s lifestyle. Therefore, knowing our history and giving respect to the old historical

monuments building is very much important in helping to advocate patriotism in young people.

Thirdly, old historical monuments such buildings are a means of transformation of old legacy to

the future generations. (Browne 2016) With such premises, more tourists will be attracted that

will help to grow the industry. Thus, when the tourism sector grows, more revenue will be

generated therefore students within the education eco-cycle will benefit in various ways such

renovation of the school laboratories and libraries. Therefore, through preserving such old

historical monuments buildings would greatly benefit to the economy and more importantly to

link the current education and the future generation regarding about their history, traditions, and


The other factor of current issues in the education sector is the value of architecture.

Education is a very primary tool for laying the foundation of design in its prime fields and

establishment of the industrial arts. (Hardin 2016) The construction program has helped a lot in

developing programs in the academic areas where it has been reconfigured, to enable our

graduates to lead innovations in applications such as space, outcomes, and sensibility in a

forward looking manner. Architecture in the education system has helped a lot to bring

hybridization which is implementing designs to change lifestyles, building on lifestyle traditions

and thinking innovative. Also, regeneration is another aspect which creating and reviving the

values in a forward way manner through enhancing sustainability. (Arena 2017, p.94) Lastly, is

catalysis, which is establishing new businesses in the more borderless way, through generation

and development of knowledge of global significance? Architecture has not only taught the

students to learn only the techniques of building new structures, but also it has helped the

students to obtain the necessary skills and knowledge that will enable them to think about certain

kinds of structures they can create or revive when they are to contribute to the creation of a

sustainable society.

The issue of design curricula has always been promising over the significances of the act of

designing and of the value of the contingent activities of creative thinking in developing.

Therefore, there have been great deals of uncertainties regarding the implementations of the

development of creative thinking abilities in design and technology students. (Blikstein 2013)

Thus, the results of research from cognitive engineering, invention, and psychology suggest that

very promising strategies for application in design and technology classes. Design explores a

range of creative thinking plans, and of their possible applications in design and continue to

argue that the strategies and their settings that promote creative thinking in design and

technology make the area not only to be suitable for addressing values and ethics, but it is also

one of the primary core reason why designing has included in the school programs curricula.

(Clarke 2016) Providing core values to the students becomes vital to any education system to

sustain the education system in the future. As a primary task of design through ways such as

design thinking is to seek value to the students, fostering them with management thinking from

chaotic fluctuations in the external turbulence and enabling their sustainable orders in actions.

(Trevelyan 2016) Therefore, design when it is linked to the education system helps to create

awareness of design application and design thinking; that aims in potential innovative

management strategies and tools that will aid the students to build new organizational

capabilities and sustain competitiveness in the challenging business conditions; thereby

improving the welfare of the community and creating a sustainable environment for living. When

design is applied in the fields of engineering and manufacturing, the design program is now able

to offer two pathways: the design sub-programs, in developing the human resources capability of

creating future values in new ways and the creation sub-programs, which trains specialists, in the

past and the present value of works of design, architecture and art from historical and theoretical

perspectives. These experts equip themselves with the current process of new value creation

through exhibitions.

Tourism is another vital factor in the education sector. The school system is playing as a

crucial tool for exploring how tourism is profiling various systems and quantifying notions of

value. School, for instance, can study the theory of change by examining very carefully the

proposition that, when in the tourism sector growth occurs, the people living in extreme poverty

benefit how and by analyzing in depth into what tourism growth it means for the poor, especially

regarding employment. (Özhancı 2015, p.29) However, in different decades of academic and

practical debate on tourism sustainability, its applications in practice remain involved. The

dominant travel on the responsibility that is the practice which is termed as an appropriate action

and sustainability which is a theory that is theorized as a concept.


Education is very crucial when connected with old historical monuments buildings because

they are the pyramid of the education sector. Therefore, history plays an important key to

identifying the knowledge about any country’s culture, beliefs, religions, traditions, etc. Thus,

without history, one would find it very difficult to know one’s origin. (Arena 2017, p.131) Old

historical monuments buildings are useful in identifying the background of a country. To


conclude, based on the two questions, old buildings should not be replaced, not only because of

their significance to the nation but also due to the reasons that the buildings do not hinder any

progress. In summation, historical monuments, tourism, design, and architecture all play a vital

tool in the current academic world.



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