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Reflection on Life Mysteries


Institute Affiliation

Reflection on Life Mysteries

Chapter 7 Reflection

The scene in the essay, “Being Insane in Insane Places”, where Mr. Rosenham got himself

admitted made me see the difficult in undressing loopholes in our society. As per his perspective,

I learned that cultural dependence played a big role in the judgment made by psychiatrists in

determining who was insane. I couldn't believe that both the media and scholars were ignorant to

a section of America whereby black and white middle classes remain separate and unequal. Later

in the book a daughter of a supervisor living with a drug dealer being killed and not forgetting

the son of a police detective in jail for murder reminded me of how crime was the order of the

day. Following the existence of boundaries for members of black and white middle class, it made

me wish that I could have been there to explain clearly the origin of mankind since black is just a

color. To avert racial discrimination the youth should not be caught rather there should be a way

to embrace unity and love amongst them.

Chapter 8 Reflection

Thinking of an article, “A Look At The Wealth And Income Gap”, am surprised when it iterates

that the wellbeing of residents locked in a downward spiral would continue to worsen.

Consequently, I blamed the government and the rich for the slowly vanishing economy for the

country’s worst-off rural and urban areas. However, the only good thing that brought hope back

to me was the way a lower-class student could make it to the same level of earning with the

higher-class counterparts. That was through graduating with a bachelor’s degree. There was also

a manifestation of the rich getting richer, while the poor getting poorer, for example, a scene

whereby 55 percent of the adults were not working and nearly one quarter had no degrees in ZIP

codes. The other confirmation of oppression is seen on the side of conspiracies whereby those in

power or at a higher position are believed to be the gods. The rich nations forming unions to

come together and plan on how to dictate the poor and take everything for themselves.

Chapter 9 Reflection

Reflecting on the existence of the division of masses of people into layers considering power,

prestige, and property, I acknowledged the pain people went through as a result of stratification.

Keeping in mind how countries considered themselves as, most industrialized, industrializing,

and least industrialized I concluded that poverty would never seize from least industrialized

nations. This come to reality since residents didn’t own the land they were farming, they had no

water and poor access to medical care. The possible outcome was their life expectancy was very

low and the rates of sickness were higher compared to those in rich countries. Colonialism also

stood out as an outcome of greed form powerful countries to invade and exploit resources of

weaker nations. I can also recall an issue of neocolonialism which made poor countries run debts

for years. This forced them into a position where they couldn’t resist being oppressed both

politically and economically by lenders.

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