Refresher Paster MSDS

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Material Safety Technical Data Sheet of Refresher paste (MSDS)

English name Calcium phosphate,tribasic

Chemical formula Ca3(PO4)2
Molecular mass 310.18

HXPCF CAS No.:7758-87-4

Risk overview
Health hazards: calcium phosphate powder may enter the respiratory tract during
production and processing, and its occupational hazard depends on the presence
of impurities silica and fluorine.
According to relevant information, phosphate can cause systemic toxicity only
when the dose is very large, and the dose under normal production conditions
is not dangerous

Skin touch :Remove contaminated clothing and rinse with running water。
Eye touch :Lift the eyelid and rinse with running water or saline
Inhalation:If it is difficult to breathe in the fresh air after leaving the scene, give
oxygen to see the doctor。
Swallowed:Drink enough warm water to induce vomiting。

Fire-fighting measures
Dangerous characteristic: no special combustion and explosion characteristic。
Extinguish: move the container from the fire to the open as much as possible。

Accidental release measures

It is recommended that emergency personnel wear dust mask (full cover), wear general work
clothes to avoid dust, carefully sweep it up, put it in a bag and move it to a safe place若
If there is a large leakage, cover it with a plastic sheet or canvas for collection and
recycling or transport to a waste disposal site for disposal

Handling and storage

Store in cool and ventilated storeroom away from the heat source of the fire should be
stored separately from the acid, avoid mixing storage area should be equipped with suitable
materials to absorb leakage

Touch control / personal protection

Engineering control:Closed operation, pay attention to ventilation。
Respiratory protection:When the concentration of dust in the air is high, it is recommended
to wear a self-suction filter dust mask。
Eye protection:Wear chemical safety glasses when necessary。
Body protection:Wear general protective clothing.
Hand protection:Wear general operation protective gloves
Others:Pay attention to personal hygiene when changing work clothes

Physical characteristics
Appearance and characters:A white, odorless, tasteless crystal or amorphous powder。
Melting point (℃):1670
Relative density (water=1):3.18
Solubility: insoluble in water, insoluble in ethanol-acetic acid, soluble in acids
Main applications: used to make ceramic opal glass monocalcium phosphate polishing powder,
pharmaceutical rubber mordant, etc

Dispose of waste according to the requirements of national and local laws and regulations or
contact with manufacturers or manufacturers to determine the disposal law。

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