Thermally Stable Iridium Contacts To P-Doped InGaAs

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Thermally Stable Iridium Contacts to Highly Doped p-In0.53 Ga0.

47 As for Indium
Phosphide Double Heterojunction Bipolar Transistors

M. Brahem1,* , A. Mogilatenko1,2 , D. Stoppel1 , D. Berger3 , S. Hochheim1 , D. Rentner1 ,

I. Ostermay1 , M. Reiner 1 , S. Boppel1 , K. Nosaeva1 and N. Weimann1,4
1 Ferdinand-Braun-Institut, Berlin, Germany
2Humboldt-Universität, Berlin, Germany
3 Technische Universität Berlin, Berlin, Germany
4 Universität Duisburg-Essen, Duisburg, Germany

* Corresponding author :

We report on surface pretreatment for ohmic contacts to p-doped In0.53 Ga0.47 As with improved thermal stability. It
is found that the cleaning of In0.53 Ga0.47 As surface by ammonium sulfide or sulfuric acid offers the optimum surface
treatment prior to metal deposition. Contacts using an iridium contact layer and palladium diffusion barrier were
fabricated and compared to a conventional platinum-based contact Pt/Ti/Pt/Au . Pt-based metal stack suffered from
void formation and high reactivity with the semiconductor when annealed at 240°C for a few hours, as examined by
transmission electron microscopy. As a result, the Pt-based stack exhibited strong deterioration of the resistivity. On the
other hand, the Ir contact maintained its integrity during thermal stress. The improved contact exhibited a void and
reaction-free microstructure and offered stable resistivity values with annealing.

Keywords : InP, HBT, ohmic contacts, InGaAs, Iridium, Platinum

1. Introduction desirable feature of Pd/Pt is the observed penetration or

displacement of the native oxide [10, 11]. All these fa-
Ohmic contacts to p-type In0.53 Ga0.47 As have been ex- vorable attributes made these contacts attractive for fab-
tensively analyzed because of their important applications rication of early generations of InP transistors. With the
as base contacts for InP DHBTs. The InP transistors offer contineous maturing of the In0.53 Ga0.47 As technology, reli-
fast diffusive and ballistic electron transport, low noise fig- ability studies concluded that the thermal and mechanical
ures and high breakdown voltage compared to their silicon stability of Pt/Pd-based contacts are limited. Dormaier et
or SiGe competitors. This makes them particularly attrac- al. observed a formation of voids inside the Pt layer with
tive for ultra-high speed applications such as optical ICs long thermal exposure [11]. This mechanism, known as
operating at over 100 Gbit/s and high data-rate wireless Kirkendall voids, was attributed to the diffusion of the Pt
communications at frequencies beyond 100 GHz. Transis- and its reaction with adjacent materials.
tors using the InP/InGaAs material system with fT /fmax in Therefore contacts that can guarantee a thermally sta-
excess of 0.5/1 THz have already been demonstrated by ble behavior and resist rapid chemical reactions are re-
some research groups [1, 2] . Pushing these transistors to quired. Recently, low in-situ specific contact resistance
THz frequencies is directly related to the quality of their (5.8×10−9 Ω.cm2 ) was reported by Baraskar [12] on a rela-
ohmic contacts and in particular to the p-In0.53 Ga0.47 As tively thick (100 nm) 2.2×1020 cm−3 carbon doped (p-type)
base resistance. Hence there is a strong incentive to de- InGaAs layer using an iridium-based metal stack (deposi-
velop low resistance ohmic contacts to p-InGaAs. tion of metals immediately after epitaxial growth, with-
There have been several reports on non-alloyed ohmic out breaking vacuum). Values of 5.5 × 10−9 Ω.cm2 to a
contacts to p-In0.53 Ga0.47 As. Pt/Pd-based contacts to p- similar epitaxial configuration was reported by Lobisser
In0.53 Ga0.47 As are the standard metal scheme in III-V de- [13] using tungsten contact, with a pretreatment consist-
vice fabrication processes [3, 4, 5, 6]. Studies with ing of multiple cycles of ultraviolet (UV) ozone oxidation
these metals, particularly Pd as first layer, yielded ex- and subsequent HCl 1:10 etching.
tremely low as-deposited contact resistance, in the or- In this report, the surface preparation and the ther-
der of 2×10−8 Ω.cm2 [7, 8, 9], thanks to uniform and mal stability of contacts to p-In0.53 Ga0.47 As are addressed.
metastable Pdx InGaAs phase formation. Another reported The effectiveness of oxide removal of different pretreat-
Preprint submitted to Elsevier May 16, 2019
ment solutions and their impact on the resistivity were and emitter layers located on top of the stack were re-
analyzed. Afterwards, the interfacial microstructure and moved in a successive H2 SO4 : H2 O2 :H2 O and HCL:H3 PO4
the electrical behavior of contacts made of noble (Pt) and wet etching solution. The In0.53 Ga0.47 As mesa isolation
refractory (Ir) metals were investigated as the contact is was defined after a second lithography and wet etch using
aged. The need for a more detailed understanding of the same solutions. After collector lithography and wet
the refractory metals was motivated by the scarce num- etch mesa formation, the resist was lifted off and the final
ber of studies using these metals as contact layers to p- lithography step was carried out by spin coating, exposing
In0.53 Ga0.47 As despite their promising potential. This arises and developing 1.7 µm of AZ nLof 5510 negative resist.
from complications related to their integration into a full
DHBT process, where the evaporation at a high melting
point can damage the photoresist making the liftoff pro-
cess difficult.

2. Fabrication

Three epitaxial wafers were grown by Solid Source

Molecular Beam Epitaxy (SSMBE) on a semi-insulating
(001) InP substrate. (Table 1)
Various test features were included in the layout, such
as refined Transfer Length Method (TLM) structures, (see
[14]), with nominal gap varying between 1 and 5 µm.
Gaps greater than 5 µm were avoided considering that
large exposed semiconductor areas can suffer from pro-
cessing damage and surface oxidation. This will give rise
to fluctuating sheet resistance resulting in noisy extracted
contact resistance. In addition, Van Der Pauw structures as
well large area transistors were part of the layout. These
additional structures were implemented to provide an al-
ternative method of extracting the contact resistance and
to assess the impact of the metalization scheme on the sta-
bility of the transistor’s current gain.

Layer Material d (nm) Doping (cm−3 )

Emitter Cap In0.85→0.53 Ga0.15→0.47 As 30 5×1019 :Si
Emitter 1 InP 80 3×1019 :Si
Emitter 2 InP 10 8×1017 :Si
Emitter 3 InP 40 5×1017 :Si
Base In0.53 Ga0.47 As 30 7→4×1019 :C
Setback In0.53 Ga0.47 As 20 6.5×1016 :Si
Grade InGaAs/InAlAs 24 6.5×1016 :Si
Delta Doping InP 3 2.75×1018 :Si
Collector InP 73 6.5×1016 :Si
Sub collector InP 5 1.0×1019 :Si Figure 1: A sketch illustrating the patterning and the passivation of the
p-type structures.
Sub collector In0.53 Ga0.47 As 30 3.0×1019 :Si
At this stage, just before the metal deposition, the
Table 1: The epitaxial structure used in this experiment. A compositional wafers were laser-diced and each die was marked on the
grading is present on the topmost layer while the carbon p-doped region backside. Contacts were then sequentially e-beam evapo-
has its doping graded from 7→4×1019 cm−3 from top to bottom. rated on carbon doped In0.53 Ga0.47 As. The p-type region is
30 nm thick and has its dopant concentration graded from
The process flow is illustrated in figure 1. A combina- 4-7×1019 cm−3 in the growth direction, providing a quasi-
tion of optical lithography and selective wet etching using electric field that accelerates the electrons in the base and
the resist as a photomask was used to define the test struc- therefore reduces transit times. A scanning electron micro-
tures. Prior to every lithography step, the wafers were de- scope (SEM) image of the final structure is shown in figure
greased in IPA and rinsed in de-ionised water (ρ > 15 MΩ). 2. On each fully processed chip, the width of the gap sep-
To access the p-InGaAs layer, the transistors were masked, arating adjacent metal contacts was verified by SEM for
accurate TLM contact resistance extraction.
Non-alloyed metal layer sequences were deposited onto
the samples using electron beam evaporation (Pfeiffer Gap
Classic 580) in a single pumpdown cycle, under 2×10−7
mbar chamber pressure. In our InP DHBT MMIC process,
there is a considerable thermal budget associated with Metal
repeated benzocyclobutene (BCB) deposition and curing
cycles, which require a process temperature of around
240°C. To better understand the impact of the thermal
budget on p-InGaAs contact resistance, selected samples
were annealed in a nitrogen environment at 240°C for p-In0.53Ga0.47As
7 hours and measured every few hours. The p-InGaAs
surface is extremely sensitive to any organic residues
or oxidation, which makes it challenging to obtain ul- Figure 2: SEM micrograph of the TLM structures before the SiNx passi-
tra low contact resistance. Therefore, considerable at- vation.The In0.53 Ga0.47 As mesa isolation is visible on the image. Various
tention is required to cleaning the surface without in- gaps and widths configurations were carefully chosen to maximize yield
and ensure reliable extraction of the results.
troducing damage to the semiconductor. Samples were
kept under nitrogen atmosphere to ensure minimal expo-
sure to clean room air and reduce contamination prior
The objective of this experiment was to establish the op-
to processing. Three samples were chosen as our refer-
timum chemical surface treatment that provides a reduced
ence measurement. The configuration was made identi-
level of native oxide while minimizing the In0.53 Ga0.47 As
cal to the metalization scheme and pretreatment for our
consumption. The sample treatment consisted of dip-
baseline transistors, i.e. a metal stack of Pt/Ti/Pt/Au
ping in various aqueous solutions : hydrofluoric acid (HF,
10/15/15/200 nm and a surface cleaning using dilute sul-
49%), hydrochloric acid (HCl, 39%), ammonium sulfide
furic acid H2 SO4 :H2 O 1:10.
((NH4 )2 S, 20%) and sulfuric acid (H2 SO4 , 96%), followed
To exclude the influence of surface oxidation during
by a rinse in DI water and surface drying with a N2 gun. All
the long-time annealing experiment, a surface passivating
chemicals were diluted 1:10 in water, except the HF which
layer consisting of 80nm of silicon nitride (SiNx ) was de-
was diluted 1:20. The summarized results are shown in
posited in a low-temperature (70 °C) inductively coupled
table 2.
plasma-enhanced chemical vapor deposition system (Sen-
tech SI500D) prior to annealing. Openings for the mea- The HF-treated samples consistently exhibited the low-
surement needles were etched using SF6 reactive ion etch- est ρC throughout the experiment. It was possible to
ing. The SiNx is instrumental to passivate the semiconduc- achieve specific contact resistance values of 28.3 Ω.µm2
tor and reduce surface recombination. Four-points probe (Figure 3) .
measurements were performed using a Keithley 7000 An- It is thought that the HF chemistry ensures the complete
alyzer. Transistor Gummel plots, I-V curves and TLM mea- removal of In2 O3 and As2 O5 native oxides [15]. The inti-
surements of as-deposited and annealed samples were car- mate nature of the contact was elucidated by the slightly
ried out to evaluate the stability of the contact under long higher sheet resistance, suggesting that the etching solu-
term thermal stress. tion suppressed the entire interfacial oxide and consumed
Specific contact resistance (ρC ), sheet resistance (RSH ), a few nanometers of semiconductor material. However,
contact resistance (RC ) and transfer length (Lt ) were ex- the benefits of using the pure hydrofluoric acid are off-
tracted using the TLM method. The data were averaged set by its incompatibility with the PMMA e-beam resist.
over a large number of samples, consisting of tens of data Samples treated with HF experienced cracks and delam-
points from the same die or from separate samples pro- inations in the resist chemistry rendering any liftoff or
cessed under the same conditions, indicating intra-die, evaporation unusable. This limit its practical application
inter-die and inter-wafer process variability. to optical lithography or a pretreament before a blanket
Samples treated with HCl 1:10 for 20 s repeatedly
3. Surface pretreatment
showed a large statistical variation of resistivity among
The metal-semiconductor interface directly influences the structures 3. This might be attributed to an inhomo-
the barrier height and thus the current transport mecha- geneous oxide removal. In addition, within all the sam-
nism. In theory, the heavily doped bulk region is expected ples treated with HCl, no relation between the metal work
to guarantee pure field emission. However native oxides, function and the specific contact resistance was found.
ion damage defects and metallurgical modifications dete- This result can be explained by the Fermi level pinning
riorate the tunneling process or displace the Fermi level. in the valence band due to the high level of surfaces states
It is therefore desirable to remove surface residues and to associated with the interfacial oxide film [16].
minimize the thickness of the interfacial oxide layer. To prove the assumption of incomplete oxide removal
Pretreatment, Pt/Ti/Pt/Au metal stack and act as a passivating agent against re-oxidation after
removal from the solution and exposure to air. Numer-
H2 SO4 HCl HF (NH4 )2 S
ous studies [22, 23] observed that Schottky diodes treated
ρC [Ω.µm ] 2
40.1 ± 1.68 55.0 ± 19 28.3 ±5.7 36.5 ±2.34 with (NH4 )2 S exhibited reduced barrier height and leak-
RSH [Ω/] 710 ± 15.9 672± 10.9 788±15.2 740±4.95 age current compared to HCl.
RC [Ω.mm] 0.18±0.02 0.21±0.03 0.14±0.01 0.16±0.004
Lt [µm] 0.24±0.11 0.25±0.06 0.19±0.02 0.22±0.007

Table 2: Summarized results of the surface pretreatment comparison,

using the baseline Pt/Ti/Pt/Au 10/15/15/200 nm metal stack and an
acceptor doping linearly graded from 7 to 4×1019 cm−3 .

by the HCl treatment, structural analysis by transmission

electron microscope was carried out. Figure 4a shows
the results of the TEM on a cross-sectional lamella pre-
Figure 4: a) Cross-sectional TEM micrograph showing as-deposited metal
pared by focused ion beam (FIB). The lamella consisted /InGaAs interface for baseline metallization Pt/Ti/Pt/Au 10/15/15/200
of a Pt/Ti/Pt/Au 10/15/15/200 nm metal stack deposited nm. The InGaAs surface was pretreated by HCl prior to the contact de-
onto an In0.53 Ga0.47 As surface pre-treated with HCl. The position. b) EELS spectrum obtained using an electron probe size of 0.7
analysis revealed an about 4 nm thick amorphous layer nm at the amorphous interfacial layer. The spectrum shows the O-K edge
indicating the presence of an oxide layer.
at the interface between the Pt layer and the semicon-
ductor. Electron energy loss spectroscopy (EELS) analy-
sis showed the presence of an oxygen signal in the inter- Of particular concern was the precleaning of the surface
facial layer (Fig. 4b), proving the presence of a surface with low-energy Ar+ ions. In contrast to the chemical pre-
oxide despite the HCl treatment prior to the metal depo- cleaning, the Ar+ bombardment is an in-situ, non-selective
sition. No Pt/InGaAs interdiffusion was observed in the etching process. The Ar+ ions ensure the removal of the
as-deposited sample. Even though the formation of a thin native oxides, but introduce radiation damage to the sub-
oxide layer adjacent to the semiconductor can sometimes surface layer, vacancies, interstitials and other complex
exhibit a high quantum tunneling transparency [17, 18], defects [17]. Typically a thermal processing step is re-
it often can result in a severe degradation of the transport quired after Ar+ bombardment to restore the stoichiome-
mechanism properties. Thus, it is important to be able to try of the damaged layer [17].
remove the remaining oxide reproducibly. There have been a number of different successful attempts
[24, 25] demonstrating a particularly low contact resistiv-
1 0 0 ity (6×10−8 Ω.cm2 ) using argon bombardment as a replace-
9 0 H C l
ment to wet pre-cleaning, however, since the process is
H S O + A r +
S p u tte r in g
8 0
2 4
non-selective, a certain amount of semiconductor will be
etched unavoidably. This is highly undesirable considering
7 0
that the base in a modern InP-DHBT is typically less than
R e s i s t i v i t y [ Ω. µm

6 0
30 nm thick. Even the removal of a thin layer of semi-
5 0 H 2 S O 4
conductor will increase the sheet resistance. Moreover, in
(N H )2S
4 0 H F
a graded doping base design, it is critical to preserve the
3 0 highly doped surface layer in order to minimize the tun-
2 0
neling barrier thickness.
In this experiment, medium voltage argon sputtering at
1 0
M e ta l s ta c k : P t/T i/P t/A u 1 0 /1 5 /1 5 /2 0 0 n m
90 V for 120 s was used with an Ar-gas load of 8.25 sccm
0 and an ion current of 15.6 A. The Ar+ bombardment was
Figure 3: Comparison of the measured as-deposited resistivity of the combined with a chemical pretreatment by H2 SO4 , con-
different surface treatment. Consistent testing was used for metal stack sidering that a thin layer of oxide readily forms while
and processing conditions. loading the sample into the vacuum chamber. Moreover,
reaching the required chamber pressure takes a couple of
In contrast, the samples treated with H2 SO4 and hours. This processing sequence has been established as
(NH4 )2 S emerged as a good compromise. Both solutions optimal on a similarly doped n-type In0.53 Ga0.47 As based
showed similar behavior, with relatively low resistivity, on previously carried out TLM measurements. On the p-
reasonably low sheet resistance and transfer length (Table In0.53 Ga0.47 As surface, however, this process introduced an
2). It is well documented in the literature [19, 20, 21] that extensive damage to the surface layer leading to higher
the sulfur passivation can effectively inhibit oxide growth. resistivity values. Therefore, it is desirable to have a de-
Sulfur atoms tend to form strong bonds with the InGaAs tailed understanding of the Ar+ bombardment etch rate
and the exact thickness of the p-In0.53 Ga0.47 As native oxide
before proceeding with this process in order to neutral-
ize its detrimental effects. In summary, the H2 SO4 and
(NH4 )2 S pretreatments offered an acceptable consump-
tion of In0.53 Ga0.47 As and an effective removal of native
oxides. The cleaning of the surface with Ar+ ions should
be used with caution, as it can introduce ion damage, re-
sulting in poor electrical performances.

4. Thermal Stability
Boosting the operation speed of DHBTs requires the
scaling of transistors for parasitic capacitance reduction
and increasing the current density for faster charging
times. Both approaches lead to significant heat genera-
tion inside the device and thus an instability at the metal-
semiconductor interface. In addition, the devices have to
withstand a considerable amount of heat exposure during
the BCB planarization processes and other thermal fabri-
cation steps, such as InP dry etching or plasma-enhanced
Figure 5: High-angle annular dark-field scanning transmission elec-
chemical vapor deposition of nitride layers. tron microscopy (HAADF STEM) micrograph of the Pt/Ti/Pt/Au
Thus, to evaluate the contact thermal stability, sam- 10/15/15/200 nm contact structure after annealing at 240°C for 7 hours.
ples with Pt/Ti/Pt/Au 10/15/15/200 nm contact to p- Voids appeared in the non reacted Pt layer, and strong intermixing is ob-
served between the In0.53 Ga0.47 As and Pt lower region.
In0.53 Ga0.47 As, cleaned with H2 SO4 were annealed for 7
hours at 240°C under constant flow of N2 . The first layer
of platinum is the contact layer, the thin Ti layer acts as an
adhesion film and the second Pt is the diffusion barrier. semiconductor interface will be pushed to a lower-doped
Following the annealing process, a microstructural in- region. As the contact is exposed to more heat, the plat-
vestigation using TEM revealed two major phenomena: inum continues to sink into the InGaAs, consuming more
extensive void formation in the nearly unreacted region semiconductor material and leading to severe degrada-
of the platinum layer as shown in Figure 5, and deep pen- tion of the tunneling proprieties due to the wider space-
etration of the platinum into the semiconductor. The voids charge extension. This adds further metallurgical insta-
are thought to be caused by a Pt flux toward the lower re- bility and compromises yield and reliability of the device.
action region that is not being balanced by a correspond- Figure 6 illustrates the EDX depth profile of a Pt/Ti/Pt/Au
ing flux of group III and group V elements in the opposite metal stack after annealing for 7 hours. The platinum
direction [11]. No oxide layer was detected, confirming intensity does not drop sharply at the interface with the
previous studies that Pt disperses the native oxide in III-V In0.53 Ga0.47 As and the intermixing between the layers ex-
semiconductors during annealing [11, 10, 26, 27]. The tends over several nanometers.
decomposition of the native oxide could be a contribu- The process produces a Pt-In-Ga-As sublayer and si-
tor to the formation of voids, although this theory would multaneously depletes the Pt film as a result of the out-
have to be examined more thoroughly. Throughout the diffusion, resulting in void formation and the intermixing.
experiment, the semiconductor sheet resistance between The second reaction region was not conclusively identi-
the structures remained fairly constant suggesting that the fied, although other studies speculate it may consist of the
heat treatment has minimal impact on the carrier density following intermetallics : Ga3 Pt5 , GaPt, In2 Pt, InAs, InTi3 ,
at the exposed semiconductor surface. This result also in- Ti2 Ga3 , and GaPt3 [28, 29]. Further exposure to the ele-
dicates that the metal diffusion in the semiconductor was vated temperature results in increased vertical spreading
mainly vertical. The SiNx passivation effectively protected of the sub-layers, leading ultimately to the failure of the Pt
the gap region from charge related degradation, but did diffusion barrier and the penetration of Au into the semi-
not thermally isolate the contact. The voids in the metal conductor.
stack, however, represent a serious mechanical degrada- Therefore, shallow contacts with stable morphology are
tion, an issue to be addressed in order to ensure long-term required. Refractory metals such as W, Mo, and Ir, are
device reliability. good candidates for a new generation of contacts. These
The second mechanism responsible for the deterioration metals have the advantage of lower diffusivity through
of the contact is the diffusion of the platinum and its re- the semiconductor at high temperature and offer a higher
action with In0.53 Ga0.47 As. During annealing, the platinum resistance to chemical reaction with the semiconductor
moves deeply into the reaction region. Because of the ex- when exposed to thermal processing. In addition, they
istence of a doping gradient in the base layer, the metal- are extremely resistant to corrosion and heat due to their
analysis using TEM was performed on the Ir sample.
As observed in figure 7, the contact shows a chemically
abrupt interface. Electron diffraction experiment did not
reveal any presence of intermixing compounds showing
only textured Ir layers (Figure 8). The out-diffusion ap-
pears to be suppressed effectively. No voids in the upper
layers were observed, even when annealed for 7 hours,
demonstrating excellent microstructual stability.

Figure 6: EDXS line profile showing elemental distribution across the Pt-
based metal stack and metal-semiconductor interface after aging at 240
°C for 7 hours.

high melting point. The major disadvantage of the refrac-

tory metals is their inability to penetrate the native oxide,
as opposed to noble metals. Hence, before the deposition,
the semiconductor surface has to be pristine.
In this report we choose iridium since it possesses a rel-
atively high conductivity (2.1×107 S/m), and a similar Figure 8: Electron diffraction pattern obtained at the Ir/InGaAs interface
workfunction (5.2 eV) as noble metals. A novel base met- after 7 hours of annealing at 240 °C. The pattern shows strong InGaAs
alization scheme has been developed using iridium as a reflections as well as (111) reflections of Ir suggesting the following tex-
ture: (111) Ir || (001) InGaAs. No Ir-In-Ga-As alloying was detected.
contact layer, with the objective of establishing a shallow
and low resistivity contact. The Pt diffusion barrier was re-
placed by Pd, which offered a lower metal sheet resistance Figure 9 shows the resistivity as a function of annealing
and resistivity values after annealing, as our previous ex- time for the Ir-based and the Pt-based metal stack. As-
periment demonstrated. deposited, the Ir contact yielded ρc values comparable to
Multilayer ohmic contacts Ir/Ti/Pd/Au of the Pt-based contact, of around 35 Ω.µm2 .
10/10/15/200 nm were evaporated with low depo- 3 5 0
sition rate of 2 Å/s to avoid source spitting and to A n n e a lin g c o n d itio n s : 2 4 0 ° C , N 2

minimize surface roughness. Prior to metal deposition, 3 0 0

P t/T i/P t/A u 1 0 /1 5 /1 5 /2 0 0 n m

the surface was treated with sulfuric acid to have a Ir /T i/P d /A u 1 0 /1 5 /1 5 /2 0 0 n m

consistent and effective oxide removal. 2 5 0

R e s i s t i v i t y / Ω.µm

2 0 0

1 5 0

1 0 0

5 0

0 1 3 7
A n n e a lin g tim e / h

Figure 7: Cross-sectional HAADF STEM micrographs showing Ir-based Figure 9: Comparison between the measured contact resistivity of the
metal stack on InGaAs after annealing at 240°C for 7 hours, b) a higher Pt-based and Ir-based metalization scheme as a function of annealing
magnification image of Ir/InGaAs interface. Metal diffusion into the time. results are averaged over many samples processed using the same
semiconductor material was prevented by the Ir contact layer. conditions.

After annealing for 7 hours, a metallurgical stability As expected with the conventional metal stack, strong
degradation occurs due to the reason mentioned above, Conclusion
the Ir stack in contrast exhibited small deviations from the
as-deposited values, thus supporting the expectation that In this report, the influence of surface treatment and
field emission is the prevailing current transport mecha- stability of multilayer ohmic contacts to p-type InGaAs
nism due to the limited reaction between the semiconduc- were examined. The H2 SO4 and (NH4 )2 S pretreatment
tor and the refractory metal. offered an acceptable consumption of InGaAs and an ef-
fective removal of native oxides. It was also found that Pt-
Time As dep. 1h 3h 7h based metal exhibit low long-term reliability under ther-
mal stress, as they suffer from high reactivity along with
Pt Ir Pt Ir Pt Ir Pt Ir
a deep penetration into the semiconductor when exposed
ρC [Ω.µm ] 2
40.1 34.4 108 41.9 210 44.5 249 48 to N2 atmosphere at 240°C over several hours. The an-
RSH [Ω/] 710 769 650 788 564 787 536 785 nealing process results in the formation of Pt-In-Ga-As in-
RC [Ω.mm] 0.18 0.16 0.26 0.18 0.34 0.18 0.36 0.19 terlayers and simultaneously depletes the Pt film leading
Lt [µm] 0.24 0.21 0.4 0.23 0.6 0.23 0.68 0.24 to an observed void formation. This results in a resistiv-
ity increase from 40 Ω.µm2 to 240 Ω.µm2 , as the current
transport mechanism is severely deteriorated. A novel Ir-
Table 3: Summarized measurement results of the contact resistivity with based metal stack was successfully demonstrated. TEM
annealing temperature for the Pt and Ir contacts. All samples were
treated with the H2 SO4 and processed under the same conditions.
analysis showed that iridium can effectively inhibit inter-
mixing due to its strong resistance to reactions with met-
On the other hand, The resistivity of the Iridium-based als or semiconductors. The new contact maintained its
contact remained practically unchanged throughout the integrity during thermal stress, yielding a stable metallur-
annealing process. With variation less then 20% for ρC gical interface and low resistivity values.
after 7h of annealing at 240°C, the Ir clearly presents su-
perior thermal stability compared to the conventional Pt
contact. The results are summarized in table 3. The ab-
sence of reactions at the Ir/InGaAs interface is further con-
The authors would like to thank the FBH process tech-
firmed by the stable electrical measurement of the sheet
nology department, especially A. Dounia and J. Cwynar
for chip measurement, N. Thiele and A. Runge for the
S tre s s c o n d itio n s : 9 h , N 2 4 0 ° C
3 0 metal deposition, B. Janke, M. Matalla for photomask cre-
1 0 -2
P t-b a s e d c o n ta c t
ation and U. Zeimer for the constructive discussions. This
Ir-b a s e d c o n ta c t 2 5
work has been partially supported by the Horizon 2020
research and innovation program under grant agreement
-3 IC 2 0
1 0
no. 762119 (ULTRAWAVE) and the Leibniz Gemeinschaft
C u r r e n t g a in

under the SAW project ”InP THz transistors”.

C u rre n t / A

1 5
1 0

β 1 0
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