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MGT 2100 JAN 2020

Group Assignment XX


Name ID Program Section

1. Lim Wei Keong 1. I18015173

Members Diploma
2. Gan Kai Chyuan 2. I18014741
in 1T1
3. Chum Xue Lin,Alice 3. I18015684 Business
4. Chong Chee Yang 4. I17014245

Group number 2 Topic number 7-Forecasting

Due date 30 March 2020

IN progress IN progress IN progress IN progress

Name #1 Name #2 Name #3 Name #4

Marking scheme for Group Assignment (Report)

Group number (as displayed at BB):

Topic number: 7
Topic : Forecasting

Peer Evaluation
Name Student ID
1 Lim Wei Keong (Leader) I18015173
2 Gan Kai Chyuan I18014741
3 Chum Xue Lin Alice I 18015684
4 Chong Chee Yang I17014245

Guide/ Scheme Feedback

 Fulfillment of all Check Point Meeting requirements Mark /15%
Formatting and Check Point

 Availability of standard cover page for Group Assignment with picture

 Availability of this Marking scheme as the second page of your report
 Good design for table of content
o clear indication/ division of chapters
o division of write-up aligned with marking scheme requirements
(question – answer)
o accurate page numbering
o appendix for citation or attachment (if applies)
 Availability of descriptive title and indexing for all figures and tables (if
 Availability of proper in-text referencing and summary of references in the
Appendix (if applies)
 Adhere to page limitation for each chapter
 Adhere to standard font and spacing requirements (Arial 12 and 1.5 spacing
for write up) (Arial 12 and single spacing for tables/ illustrations)
 Adhere to submission guidelines and correct filename
A write up to summarizes/ describe the following; Mark /60%
Chap 1: Comprehension of OM

1. Comprehension of OM and the assigned topic

a) Briefly discuss the important facts (background
information) of the business entity which you have
selected specifically for this group assignment
b) What does OM mean with respect to the business entity
which you have selected?
c) Conceptually, discuss your assigned topic
d) Discuss with example, ONE reason why your assigned
topic is deemed important to the business entity which you
have selected

1. Discussion is deemed related to scope of OM and addresses marking scheme
2. Good selection of business entity that enable clear discussion of subsequent
3. Demonstrate clear comprehension of OM and able to clearly explain from the
perspective of the selected business entity
4. Demonstrate clear comprehension of assigned topic either based on textbook
or relevant information obtained from the internet
Max 3.5 pages – including illustrations
A write up to summarizes/ describe the following; Mark /25%
Chap 2: Global Warming

1. Comprehension of Global Warming

a) Broadly explain the concept of Global Warming
b) Discuss ONE (1) human related activity may have major contribution
towards Global Warming
c) Discuss how this human related activity contributes towards Global

1. Demonstrate clear understanding of Global Warming and its causes
2. Write up is concise, relevant and fully addresses all bullet points
Max 1.5 pages – including illustrations
Table of Contents
1. Chap 1: Comprehension of OM....................................................................................................5
a) Briefly discuss the important facts (background information) of the business entity which
you have selected specifically for this group assignment................................................................5
b) What does OM mean with respect to the business entity which you have selected?...........6
c) Conceptually, discuss your assigned topic............................................................................7
d) Discuss with example, ONE reason why your assigned topic is deemed important to the
business entity which you have selected.........................................................................................8
2. Chapter 2: Global warning............................................................................................................9
a) Broadly explain the concept of Global Warming....................................................................9
b) Discuss ONE (1) human related activity may have major contribution towards Global
c) Discuss how this human related activity contributes towards Global Warming...................10
3. References..................................................................................................................................11
1. Chap 1: Comprehension of OM
a) Briefly discuss the important facts (background information) of the business
entity which you have selected specifically for this group assignment

The company we had chosen for our assigned topic for operation management is AirAsia.
AirAsia was established in 1993 and was operate on 18 th November 1996 by Conglomerate DRB-
Hicom, which was then purchases by Tony Fernande on 2 nd December 2001. Currently, AirAsia is
one of the award-winning, low-cost airlines is Asia region with has awarded as the most low-cost
carrier for 11 years in a row by the year 2019.

Air Asia has over 274 aircraft which are operated group’s six airline. Which has included for
over 61 domestic flight and over 165 routes for international destination for over 25 countries.
AirAsia has more than 20,000 employees operating in 6 different international airports which
provide more than 11,000 weekly flights above, with was located in the Kuala Lumpur International
Airport, Kuching International Airport, Senai International Airport and others.

AirAsia mainly provide domestic and international flight for the people around the world, with
their varies type of low-price range of air ticket and promotion to achieve their vision, which is
“Everyone Can Fly”. AirAsia is aiming to achieve their vision with their strong and effective
operation management and planning towards their daily operation tasks.

Besides that, AirAsia provide Cars Rentals service which provide the flyer with transportation
for the people who just landed on their destination. They also provide travel insurances for their
customer with “Tune Protect Travel” to provide insurances and guaranteed for the customers
safety during the flight. They also provide additional services such as AirAsiaGo, which will allow
the flyer to book their flight, hotel rooms and tours much more easily.
b) What does OM mean with respect to the business entity which you have

Through our studies, operation management is a set of administration, function and activities which
aim to deliver high-efficiency value, converting input into output as efficient as possible to maximize
the company’s profit.

AirAsia has a list of operation management planning such as product design, location strategies,
capacity design, scheduling, managing quality and much more. The operation manager of AirAsia
is Bo Lingam, which he is responsible for acquire, develop and providing service based on the
customers need with the company’s limited abilities and resources. With the proper planning of
operation management, AirAsia has established a strong and stable procedure on operating their
work tasks.

 Managing quality 

AirAsia ensure that they provide the best possible service for the customer with the lowest price as
possible. They will have a monthly quality and performance inspection to manage their quality of
products and services. For example, AirAsia will have a strict recruiting program to recruit the
qualified pilot and cabin crew to be part of their daily crew. They will also provide professional and
proper training for their crew to ensure the quality of the employees to provide the best quality of
service for the customers. It would allow the customers to experience high quality of flighting
service with the lowest cost as possible to satisfy their demands towards the services.

 Scheduling
Scheduling is the process of arranging, intermediate planning, controlling and supervision the
working process on the workplaces. The objective of scheduling is to allocate the resources to
optimize and minimize completion time of a work tasks.

AirAsia implement a proper scheduling on their flight timing and routes. They will conduct a
systematic flighting schedule so it would bring the most efficient flight timing for both the customers
and the crews and avoiding idle flight. AirAsia would plan and schedule the routes which have the
more demand from the customers, which will reduce the costs and achieve higher returns.
c) Conceptually, discuss your assigned topic

Forecasting is to predict the future trend or development according to the current situation of
the enterprise. Each enterprise analysis future events by examine the past data. They use past
data to be systematically combined in a predetermined way, and then use computer cloud
computing to do the calculations and get the estimates on their future sales, events, and systems.

In operation management area, the departments can make forecasts on different aspects or
scenario. For example, the financial department predict their future budgeting for the company on
its expenses and production costs; the marketing department can conduct market research to
predict the future market trend and seek for new business opportunity.

There are three main types of forecasts which the company’s operation and management
should have, which are short-term forecast, medium-term forecast and long-term forecast. Each
forecast play different role for the company which will achieve different targets.

First of all, the short-term forecasts target and forecast future operation and budget weekly
for no more than six months. Short-term forecasts will focus on the scheduling of the operations in
the company, the working hours of employees, and the workload of employees. The medium-term
forecasts are between 1 and 2 years. It is mainly focusing on forecasting the marketing of the
company, annual performance of the company and the production forecast of production in the

The third is the long-term forecast, which will be two years or more. The company will
conduct the long-term forecast, mainly forecasting the scale of the company's future development.
If the company expands its business, it has to predicts the sizes of their factories and the number
of franchise set up in the future. In addition, the company can also forecast for the elimination or
replaced of physical employee by using the modern technology with robots or self-service machine.
d) Discuss with example, ONE reason why your assigned topic is deemed
important to the business entity which you have selected

AirAsia has been operated for almost 25 years. They have a strong operation management
and planning on their business forecasting to prepare for their future events. AirAsia mainly
focusing on 3 kind of forecasting over the year, which are: Economic forecasting, technology
forecasting and demand forecasting. With these forecasting, they had awarded as the most low-
cost carrier for 11 years in a row, making it one of the best airline services in the South East Asia.
Technology Forecasting- AirAsia will conduct technology forecast to forecast on the
potential of developing and implementation of the new technology for AirAsia, which will help
AirAsia to be more efficient and effective technology to help growth their business.
For example, the capacity of AirAsia’s A320 flight model is 180, which include 42 hot seats
and 138 seats. AirAsia can develop a much bigger airplane model with a higher capacity to hold
more passengers which will increase the efficiency of transferring the people from point A to point
B. Another example of technology forecast, is the developing of a more efficient plane’s engine
which will shorten the flighting duration from point A to point B. AirAsia can developed a new and
revolution engine which provide a much greater power attaching along their airplanes, which will
increase the speed of the plane, shortening the duration of the flights.

Demand Forecasting- AirAsia has to forecast their demand for the future, either there will be
higher or lower demand of flighting services in the future. The aim of the demand forecast is to
forecast the demand of flights from AirAsia for the future to avoid shortage of supply or demand,
which will affect the company’s performance and profits. And how AirAsia implements the solutions
to resolve the un-equilibrium market.
For example, the number of domestic flights in Malaysia will increase dramatically during
Chinese New Year season. Because, most of the people will catch a flight and fly back to their
hometown to celebrate the reunion with their family and friends. Usually, there will be 5 flights from
Kuala Lumpur to Langkawi, Penang, Sibu and Tawau each on the usual occasion. But, during the
Chinese New Year, there will be another extra 20 flights for the domestic’s flight during the
AirAsia’s operation hour to maximize their capacity and efficiency of transporting the flyers.
With the increases of the demand during the seasonal days, AirAsia will increase the
number of flights for both domestic and international flights, extend the operation hour and number
of working employees and pilots to solve the supply demand of flights from the consumers.
2. Chapter 2: Global warning
a) Broadly explain the concept of Global Warming

Global warming refers to the climate change which rises the temperature due to the
greenhouse effect over a period of time, and the effects of which are called global warming effect.
The greenhouse effect is the warming of the earth’s surface causes by the methane, carbon
dioxide, and water evaporation which causes the atmosphere to trap heat, eventually, increase the
temperature of the earth overtime. The example of activities which causes global warming are
burning of fossil fuels, Deforestation and Tree-Clearing, industrial emissions and more.

If the global warming can‘t be solved, it will lead to natural disaster such as the glaciers
melting, sea levels rising, death of animals and plants and more. For example, the melting of the
ice from north pole and will lead to increase in the sea level, and Netherlands will disappear from
our world. Human will also faces infection outbreak which will lead to death of millions and
disruption of habitats towards all species.

There have a lot of thing can stop the global warming to harm our planet, if we stop
destroying our habitats and having a list of activities to help protect the world from global warming.
So we should start protecting the world now for our next generation and to live in a safety and
healthy world.

b) Discuss ONE (1) human related activity may have major contribution towards
Global Warming

There are tons of causes that will affect the rises of temperature which causes global
warming. One of the activities which causes global warming is excessive uses of fertilizer in the
agriculture field.
In order to improve the production of crops, and to avoid to herbivorous insects to destroy
the crops, the farmer will use fertilizers to help them on collecting the crops in a short amount of
time to maximize their profit. So, most of the farmer will took this as advantages and excessive
uses of fertilizers to earn more profit on their selling crops.
Without the limitation uses of fertilizers in the agriculture field, the farmer will uses the
fertilizer excessively without thinking of the consequences which will damaged the soils which will
lead to produce harmful gases.
c) Discuss how this human related activity contributes towards Global Warming

The extensive use of chemical fertilizers stems from the greed of people on pursuit of profits
earned by the agricultural products. Many farmers use excessive or inappropriate chemical
fertilizers and pesticides in the pursuit of yield, resulting in serious environmental pollution in
agriculture and rural areas. Farmers who use large amounts of fertilizers and pesticides over a long
period of time can cause changes in soil acidity.

Soil acidification can lead to the release or use of toxic substances that can have many toxic
effects on organisms. Besides, poisonous substances can pollute the soil. Because they add a lot
of metal, radiation and some harmful ingredients to the raw materials used to make fertilizers.

Therefore, excessive use of chemical fertilizers and pesticides on the soil will destroy the
structure of the soil and lead to the decline of humus and topsoil, killing the organic organisms in
the soil, destroying the ecological balance in the soil and leading to the imbalance and loss of
organic matter.

Excessive uses of fertilizers will also affect marine ecosystems. The fertilizers will runoff to
nearby river or sea from the soil when is raining, which will cause pollution towards the river and
causes death of the marine animals and unsafe water to consume by the people around it.
Besides, when the sun exposure on the river, it will appear the evaporation of polluted water which
will affect the whole evaporation process of the ecosystem by raining acid rain.

In general, the long-term use of chemical fertilizers and pesticides can damage the entire
ecosystem of the soil. It will also cause of serious soil consolidation, which eventually loses
agricultural value.
3. References

6. Writer, S., agenda, T., hiatus, I., workers, M., scene, N., & Cosmetics, T. et al. (2020).
AirAsia engages Palantir as its strategic data science partner. Retrieved 4 March 2020, from
7. About us — AirAsia Newsroom. (2020). Retrieved 4 March 2020, from
8. AirAsia. (2020). Retrieved 4 March 2020, from
9. AirAsia. (2020). Retrieved 4 March 2020, from
10. Hall, S. (2020). Excessive use of fertiliser leads to global warming. Retrieved 4 March 2020,
11. Why do farmers use fertilizers?. (2020). Retrieved 4 March 2020, from

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