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Department of Information Technology

Seminar on Current Trends in IT

Course Code: ITec3141

By Nigus A.

June 11, 2021

 What is Seminar?
 Why Seminar?
 Perspectives Difference with other related events.
 Advantages of seminar for students.
 Seminar paper preparation and presentation
 Literature search
 Seminar report

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 Seminars are simply a group of people coming together for the
discussion and learning of specific topics.
 Usually there are several speakers within each seminar, and
these speakers are experts in their own fields or topics.
 A seminar is a meeting on a specific subject or a meeting of
university or college students for study Presentation or
discussion with an academic supervisor.
 A class at a college or university in which a topic is discussed
by a teacher and a small group of students.

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 A Seminar is a lecture or presentation on a specific topic and then it
is followed by discussions.
 A seminar can also mean a New or Advanced or specialized
educational class
 A Seminar is when you listen & learn from a Professor or Teacher
with innovative and advanced ideas
 A Seminar is a lecture or presentation delivered to an audience on a
particular topic or set of topics that are educational or academic in
 A seminar is generally understood to be a small group meeting in
which students and other professional discuss information on a
chosen topic.

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 Seminars provide an opportunity to explore topics by
discussion, and to identify and sort out any problems
 Seminars need not necessarily be face-to-face contact, they
can also occur in online environments

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Classification of Seminar
 Mini Seminar
 Main seminar
 National seminar
 International Seminar

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Why we have a seminar?
 To explore topics in more depth
 To share ideas in a way that will advance our thinking
 To learn from other people's experiences and background
 To gain perspectives and points of view that we might not have
 To identify and sort out any misunderstandings

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Seminar in Academic area
 Why seminar in academic area?
 Discuss

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Seminar as a method of teaching
 Seminar is a form of a class organization that utilizes a scientific
approach for the analysis of a problem chosen for discussion.
 It is a discussion method of teaching where an informal group of
5-10 learners participate to solve problems in a scientific
 It is an organized, guided discussion with a focus on the
discovery of new relationship by the participating individuals
and analysis

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Seminar as a method of teaching
 The student plays an active role in seminar.
 The objective of the seminar is to give students opportunity to
participate in methods of scientific analysis and research
 Students are expected to do considerable library search prior to
the seminar
 A seminar group is mainly concerned with academic matters
 The role of a teacher is to help students to select, formulate and
resolve the most significant problems and suggest the available
sources of information.

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Perspectives of the Subject Matter
 The idea behind the seminar system is to familiarize students
more extensively with the basic idea or methodology of their
chosen subject.
 To give students better Professional learning place and platform
 Allow them to interact with examples of the live problems that
always occur during research work.
 It is essentially a place where assigned readings are discussed,
questions can be raised and debates can be facilitated.
 It is relatively informal, at least compared to the lecture system
of academic instruction.

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Seminar related events
 Workshop
 It is a group working together, on a creative project, discussing a topic,
or studying a subject
 It is a hands-on learning experience, where you do as well as listen or
 It tend to be smaller and more intense (penetrating) than seminars
 Often involves students practicing their new skills during the event
under the watchful eye of the instructor
 Usually only a day or two long and are dedicated to discussing a
specfic topic.

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Seminar related events
 Conference
 A conference is generally understood as a meeting of several people to
discuss a particular topic.
 A conference is a meeting of people that "confer" about a topic/title
 Conferences tend to be the largest events vs. smaller workshops and
 Academic conference, a formal event where researchers present
results, new ideas, and other research related activities.
 Business conference, organized to discuss business-related matters
 Attendees often expect to receive information about New Industry
trends and developments

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Seminar related events
 Symposium
 A symposium is a meeting organized so that experts in a given field
can meet, present papers, and discuss issues and trends or make
recommendations for a certain course of action.

 Typically more formal or academic gathering, featuring multiple experts

delivering short presentations on a particular topic
 E.g. Same Topic but Different Presentations

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Seminar related events
 Webinars or Web conferences
 Is a lecture, presentation, workshop, or a seminar that is arranged
through the online collaboration tools.
 Tele Seminars
 A webinar, is a seminar that people listen to and watch on the web, via
their computer,
 Teleseminar involves listening only, via the telephone or computer.
 Since teleseminars became popular first and webinars followed

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Seminar related events
 Proceedings
 Proceedings is a collection of papers from a particular conference
 The papers presented in the conference are then usually published in a
volume called a conference proceeding
 It may be months before such information is published as a journal
article, or it may never be published

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Seminar paper
 Is the written analysis of a particular topic specified in the
 It has to full all requirements for a scientific article: the ideal
seminar paper look like a journal article
 Is a means of communication between the researcher and the
academic community
 Is to contribute to the existing body of literature in their Felds
 Is also an excellent opportunity to exercise scientific writing
before writing a thesis/report

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Advantages of seminar for student
 Student plays an active role; it pre supposes that the student
has background knowledge
 A properly conducted seminar has potentials to teach students
the method of scientific analysis and technique or research
 Individual student and the group as a whole try to solve the
 A seminar helps in self learning and promotes independent
 Skillfully directed seminar promotes group spirit and

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Things to do before starting to write a seminar
 Fix a specific topic in accordance with your supervisor or
 Get a first overview of the existing literature
 Literature review is one of the important parts of your work for a
seminar paper
 Generally, this is in your own responsibility, but you may get hints from
your supervisor or advisor
 Specify the structure in accordance with your supervisor or

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Literature Search

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Seminar Report Structure

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The sequence in which the seminar report material should be arranged
as follows:

1.Title Page.
2. Abstract.
3. Table of Contents.
4. Introduction.
5. Main text.
6. Conclusion.
7. References.

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1. Title page

Title of your Topic

Your Name(s)

Academic Year

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2. Abstract (20 lines)
 (shortest possible summary)
Writing a good abstract is a form of art.
 1-2 sentences about motivation and problem statement
 point out most important methods used to solve problem
 1-2 sentences about results and conclusion.

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3. Table of Contents
List of numbered sections in report and their page numbers.

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4. Introduction
 What is the problem
 Why is it important to solve problem
 Clarify terminology.

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5. Main Text
 Problem Description and Specification. Here you should describe in
detail the problem to be solved,
 Use visual helps (schemes, pictures, diagrams, charts, tables,

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5. Main text
 Text is to be divided with headings and sub-headings
 which reflect the contents of each section.
 Includes information on method of data collection (if applicable), the findings of
the report and discussion of findings in light of theory.

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6. Conclusion
 In this section you should summaries how successful you were in
achieving the original aims of the report,
 indicate problems which arose in the course of the report which could
not be solved in the available time, and
 suggest any enhancements that could be made in the future to
improve the work.
 Use comparisons, evaluations, opinions.

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7. References
 This should include papers and books referred to in the body of
the report.
 use the correct format,
 Make sure every reference is also used in the report,
 Do not cite Wikipedia,
 Cite web pages only if they are really important.

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Possible area of seminar topic
1. Autonomic computing 14. Software defined network
2. Block chain Technology 15. Software development methodologies
3. Cloud Computing 16. Mobile computing
4. Quantum computing 17. Software development design patterns
5. Internet of things(IOT) 18. Mobile application development
6. Big Data analytics 19. Ad Hoc network
7. Artificial intelligence 20. Mobile Ad Hoc network(MANET)
8. Image processing 21. Opportunistic network(OPNET
9. Machine learning 22. Biotechnology
10. Cyber security 23. SG networks
11. Bioinformatics 24. Green computing
12. Business intelligence 25. Embedded systems
13. Wireless sensor network 26. Nano technology

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Thank You!

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