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Second Periodical Evaluation

Grade 11

General Instructions: Read each directions carefully in every type of test.
Do not write anything on the test paper,
PUT your answers on the answer sheet provided.


DIRECTIONS: Choose the letter of the correct answer and write your
answer on the answer sheet provided.

1. Is essential to the quality of the communication process in general.

a. Clearness c. Conciseness
b. Completeness d. Correctness

2. Does not mean keeping short, but making it direct or straight to the point.
a. Clearness c. Conciseness
b. Completeness d. Correctness

3. Eliminates negative impact on the audience and increases the credibility and
effectiveness of the message.
a. Concreteness c. Clearness
b. Correctness d. Courtesy

4. Communication functions to control behavior.

a. Control c. Motivation
b. Emotional Expression d. Social Interaction

5. Communication motivates or encourages people to live better.

a. Control c. Motivation
b. Information dissemination d. Social Interaction

6. Communication functions to convey information.

a. Control c. Information dissemination
b. Emotional Expression d. Motivation

7. Refers to an interaction in which words are used to relay a message.

a. Barrier of communication c. Nonverbal Communication
b. Ethics of Communication d. Verbal Communication

8. Refers to an interaction where behavior is used to convey and represent meanings.

a. Barrier of communication c. Nonverbal Communication
b. Ethics of Communication d. Verbal Communication
9. A type of speech contexts that refers to communication that centers in one person
where the speaker acts both as the sender and the receiver of message.
a. Barrier of Communication c. Interpersonal
b. Intrapersonal d. Mass Communication

10. This refers to communication between and among people and establishes personal
relationship between among them.
a. Barrier of Communication c. Interpersonal
b. Intrapersonal d. Mass Communication

11. Communication that occurs between two people.

a. dyad Communication c. Small Group
b. Mass communication d. Public

12. This refers to communication that involves at least three but not more than ten people
engaging in a face-to-face interaction working to achieve a desired goal.
a. dyad Communication c. Small Group
b. Mass communication d. Public

13. This refers to communication that requires you to deliver or send the message before
or in front of a group.
a. dyad Communication c. Small Group
b. Mass communication d. Public

14. This refers to communication that takes place through television, radio, newspaper,
magazines, books, billboards, internet and other types of media.
a. dyad Communication c. Small Group
b. Mass communication d. Public

15. This speech style is private, which occurs between or among close family members
or intimate individuals.
a. Casual c. Frozen
b. Consultative d. Intimate

16. This style is common among peers and friends.

a. Casual c. Frozen
b. Consultative d. Intimate

17. This style is the standard one.

a. Casual c. Frozen
b. Consultative d. Intimate
18. This style is used in formal setting.
a. Casual c. Frozen
b. Consultative d. Intimate

19. This style is frozen in time and remains unchanged.

a. Casual c. Frozen
b. Consultative d. Formal

20. A type of illocutionary act in which the speaker expresses belief about the truth of a
a. Assertive c. Directive
b. Commissive d. expressive


DIRECTIONS: Circle TRUE if the statement is TRUE, and circle FALSE if
otherwise. Write the word of your answer on the answer sheet provided.

21. Did you Consider ethics in your speech all the times?
22. Is the use of nonverbal communication can strengthen your message effective?
23. Is how you communicate reflects who you are as a person?
24. Is one way to help you build credibility is through effective nonverbal
25. Is there are certain words that are only appropriate at certain times and place?
26. Do we need speak the same language as our listener to achieve clarity?
27. Do we need to use too many fillers to distract your listener?
28. Is Verbal communication is better than nonverbal communication?
29. Do we need not assume too quickly that they understand the message you convey
when you talk to others?
30. Do we need choose what you want to say and how you want to say it when you


Directions: Identify the type of speech style appropriate for the following
situations. Write your answer on the answer sheet provided.

31. Talking to a counselor or psychiatrist

32. Giving last-minute instructions to players
33. Delivering campaign speeches
34. Delivering a speech at the UN Summit
35. Reading news reports
36. Talking and laughing about memorable experiences
37. Communicating while playing sports
38. Having a one-on-one conversation with a loved one
39. Delivering an oratorical speech
40. Leading a prayer before meal
41. Reading school policies
42. Talking to a superior
43. Reading pledge of allegiance to the flag
44. Talking to a stranger


Directions: Enumerate what are asked for each of the following. Write your
answer on the answer sheet provided.

45-46 Types of Speech Context

47-53. Types of Communicative Strategies
54-59. Stages of Developmental Model of Intercultural Sensitivity
60-64. Functions of Communication


Directions: Match column A with the correct answer on column B, write only the
letter on the space provided in the answer sheet.

Column A Column B

65. Sharing of meaning by sending

and receiving symbolic cues. a. Communication

66. Spontaneous and unstructured b. Non-verbal communication

67. Rule-specific, almost always c. verbal communication

d. Culturally diverse
68. Both verbal and non-verbal
communication are ________ e. transmission

69. Sending of the idea to the f. encoding

g. decoding
70. The sender transforms the idea
into something recognizable
Test VI. Essay Type
Directions: Explain each question. Comprehend the questions and plan what you
will say. Your essay should be as well organized and as carefully written as you
can make it. Write your essay in space provided in the answer sheet.

1. Is there a way we can measure or assess effective communication? (10 points)


2. How would you describe good/effective communication? (10 points)


Test II. Writing a Poem

Direction. One good skill to know, Is the art of Good Communication.

It's exchanging one's thoughts and ideas, and it results in
clarification! Write a poem with two stanzas of four lines about Good
Communication. (10 points)

Content 5 Points
Clarity of word 5 points

“Everybody is a genius. But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will spend
its whole life believing that it is stupid.” – Albert Einstein

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