建筑工程常用英语词汇 Building Engineering and Construction Vocabulary: 1. 项目管理 Project Management

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Building Engineering and Construction Vocabulary

1. 项目管理 Project Management

现场管理 site management
施工管理 construction management
政府报批 permitting & approvals
监理单位 supervisory agent
质检站 quality inspection station
设计院 design institute
协调 coordination
质量监督 quality monitoring
工期控制 schedule control
工期跟踪 schedule tracking
安全控制 safety control / safety monitoring
安全手册 safety manual / handbook
安全培训 safety training
每周例会 weekly meeting
周报 weekly report
每半月例会 fortnightly meeting
月报 monthly report
会议纪要 meeting minutes
通知 notice
记要(备忘录)MOU / memo (memorandum of understanding)
指令 instruction
业主指令 client's instruction
工程管理公司指令 consultant's instruction
监理单位指令 supervisory agent's instruction
验收 acceptance inspection
中间验收 hold-point inspection / milestone inspection
隐蔽工程验收 concealed work inspection
竣工验收 final completion inspection
会议纪要格式 meeting minutes template / format
公司信笺 company letterhead
文件归档 archiving / archive
文件签收记录单 transmittal

2. 人员和单位 roles & staff

业主 client
业主工程师 client engineer / consultant
管理公司 project management company = consultant = engineer
总承包公司 general contractor
项目经理 project manager
施工经理 construction manager / site manager
政府报批员 government permitting liaison
土建工程师 civil engineer
结构工程师 structure engineer
机电工程师 M&E engineer
安全工程师 safety engineer
质检工程师 quality assurance / quality control (QA/QC) engineer
档案管理员 document control
合同经理 contract manager
采购经理 procurement manager / purchasing manager
项目控制工程师 project controls engineer / manager
工地秘书 site secretary
工人 workers
分包公司 sub-contractors
专业分包 specialist sub-contractor
指定分包 designated sub-contractor / supplier
供应商 suppliers / vendors
政府机构 authorities / agents
总部 headquarters

3. 开工准备 construction preparation

进场做开工准备 mobilization preparation
场地平整 site leveling / land grading
清理腐土和植物 remove cultivation soil and vegetation / site cleaning
受污染的土壤 contaminated soil
受污染水 polluted water / river / air polluction
水塘 pond
碎砖瓦砾、废墟 rubble
垃圾 debris / garbage / rubbish / refuse
地形地貌 terrain
搭建临时设施 set up temporary facilities
安排施工用水、用电、排污 arrange construction power, water, sewage
打桩机进场 piling machine move in site
地质条件 geological conditions / terrine
开工会议(工程启动会) project kick-off meeting
永久水电 permanent water / power
开工典礼 ground-breaking ceremony
开工典礼服务公司 GBC service agent
搭建主席台/讲台 set up a stage / podium
横幅 banner
临时棚 temporary shelter
临时停车场/道路 temporary parking / roads
奠基石 corner stone ( engraved with project name and ground-breaking date)
土堆 soil pile
铲子 shovels / spade
奠基仪式 inauguration ceremony
出席嘉宾 guests
政府官员 government officials
政府机构 government bureaus / agents
施工许可证 construction permit
地质勘探 geo-tech survey / report
红线图 red-line map ( property-line map)
植物/花篮 plants / flower bouquet
邀请函 invitation card / letter
鞭炮 crackers
礼花 fire work
红毯 red carpet
主持人 host
发言 speech
发言人 speaker
发言稿 speech script
礼物 give-away gifts
晚宴 dinner banquet
着装要求 dress code (晚宴装 black tie, 商务便装 business casual, 便装 casual)
礼仪小姐 model attendants / waitress / ritual girls
登记 registration
登记簿 registration book / sign-in book
音响系统 audio system
麦克风 microphone
扩音器 loudspeaker
观众 audience
彩排 rehearsal

4. 采购 procurement / purchasing
下订单 place PO (purchasing order)
交货期 lead time
长交货期材料 long lead time items
催货 expediting
海关清关 customs clearance
陆地送货 inland transportation
运送 shipping
一批货物 shipment
卸货 unloading
仓库 storage / warehouse
库存 inventory
账单 invoice / bill
发票 receipt / legal receipet
提货单 Bill of Lading / Cargo Bill
信用证 Letter of Credit (LC)
离岸价 FOB (Free on Board)
到岸价 CIF (Cost, Insurance and Freight)

5. 工地管理 site management

工地 site / job-site
现场管理 site management
场地布置 site layout
第一期 phase I
第二期 phase II
施工段 segment / section
分段施工 segmented construction
施工区 construction zone
生活区 living quarter / living compound
物料仓储区 material storage / storage yard / logistical center
加工区 fabrication yard
现场办公室 site offices
工人宿舍 workers' dormitory
门卫间 保安 guardhouse / security guard
围墙 fence / boundary fences
进场准备 mobilization / preparation for construction
临时水、电 temporary power & water for construction
临时排污 temporary sewage system
工地标志 site signage
安全标志 safety signs / warning signs
安全生活用具 safety equipemnt
安全帽 helmet
手套 gloves
安全鞋 safety boots
保险带 safety tie-back / harness
急救箱 first-aid kit
担架 stretcher
安全眼镜 safety glasses / goggles
工作服 uniform
焊工眼镜面罩 welder's mask
监工/工头/组长 foreman / superintendent
安全拉杆 safety barrier
安全带子 safety banner (yellow banner)
吊车驾驶员 crane operator
生产组 construction crew
施工记录 construction record
施工日记 daily log
进度 progress
进度报告 progress report
进度付款 progress payment
进度表 progress schedule
进度趋势 progress trend / forecast
晚间巡逻 night patrol
工期 schedule
工期表 schedule chart
结点 milestone
检查 check / inspect
验收 inspection
流程图 flow chart / flow diagram
施工计划 construction plan / execution plan
施工组织计划 construction execution plan
施工人员组织表 site organization chart
管理人员 management staff
工人 workers / labor
技术人员 technical staff / engineers
质量员 quality inspector
日常作业 routine operation / daily operation
常规施工作业 conventional process
材料 materials
设备 equipment
临时堆放区 temporary lay-down area / storage
生产设备(进口)临时仓库 temporary storage for imported production equipemnt
租赁的仓库 leased warehouse
租金/月租金 rental / monthly rental
桩临时堆放区 pile storage yard
中间验收 hold-point inspection
评判标准 judgment standards
完工 completion
竣工 final completion
竣工验收 final acceptance inspection
工期延误 schedule delay
超过预定工期 ahead of schedule
落后预定工期 behind of schedule
罚款 penalty
雨季 rainy season
工程验收记录 inspection record
隐蔽工程验收记录 concealed work inspection record
安全事故报告 accident report
入住 move-in / occupancy
关键途径 critical path
材料样品 material sample
样品板 sample board
通过 accepted / passed
拒收 declined / rejected
运行不正常 mal function
有缺陷的产品 defective
缺陷 defects
次品 substandard products / sub-grade / off-grade product / seconds
变形 deformation
局部变形 local deformation
下弯 deflection
卷曲变形 warping / warpage
翻边 turn-up / turn-along edge
脱落/松动 loosing
剥落 peeling off
分离 detached
隆起 swell
生锈 rust
褪色 color deterioration
不均匀 unevenness
起砂 sanding
起泡 bubbling
起皱 wrinkling
刮痕 scratches
印痕 marks
裂缝 crack / cracking / fracture
细裂缝 fissure
漏水 leaking / leakage
渗漏 seepage
水痕 water stain / water marks
平整度 flatness
光滑度 smoothness
凹凸起伏 sags and nipples
凹凸小麻点 dimples and nipples
突起物 bumps / raised bumps
表面凹坑(被砸的) dent
返工 rework

6. 打桩及基础工程 piling & foundation work

桩 pile
方桩 square pile
圆桩 round pile
导桩 pilot pile
空心桩 hollow pile
运桩 shipping of piles
桩临时堆放区 temporary lay-down yard for piles
桩的养护(所有混凝土的养护) curing
浇制场地 casting yard
现场搅拌 on-site mixing
开控 excavation
地沟 ditch
坑 pit
制作桩帽 pile-cap
模板 form work ( steal, timber)
支模板 erect formwork
钢筋笼 re-bar cage
扎钢筋 tie re-bar
浇制 casting
浇制板、梁、柱 cast / slab, beam, column
浇混凝土 pore concrete
缓凝剂 retarder / retarding agent
缓凝护凝土 retarded cement
按体积配料 proportioning by volume
散装材料 bulk material / in bulk
养护 curing
制作地梁 cast ground beams
钢结构预埋件 cast-in anchor bolts
回填土 back-fill
夯实 compacting / compaction
振动夯土机 vibro-soil compactor
设备基础 production equipment foundation
地基处理 soil treatment / foundation treatment
压密注浆 injection grouting
防渗水层 impervious course / layer
单层 sole course
土工布 geo-fabric
灌浆 grouting
地下水位 underground water table
预制桩 pre-cast piles
打桩机 pile-driver / piling machine
起重机械 lifting / appliance / equipment
起重滑轮 lifting block / chain block
导杆 guide pillar
起重杆 lifting rod / suspender
定位 positioning
起吊 hoisting
打桩 piling (drive piles)
试桩 pile testing
抗拔试验 uplift load test
养护期 curing time
地面以下 below ground level
地面以上 above ground level

7. 地坪工程 ground slab

地板/楼板 slab
钢筋 re-bar
箍筋 stirrup
砼(混凝土) concrete
碎石(骨料) aggregate
石块 gravel
大石块 boulder
水泥 cement
地坪浇制 ground slab casting
砂浆底层 mortar bedding
表面找平层 surface screening
表面封闭 sealant
防水膜 water proofing membrance
防滑条 non-risk strips (non-slip 形容人) / cuts
伸缩缝 expansion joint
沉降缝 settlement joint
表面硬化处理 hardened surface
地下管道预埋 underground pipes (pre-buried)
现场浇筑 cast-in-sites / cast-in-place / cast-in-situ
倒塌 collapse
沉降 settlement
沉降观测 settlement survey
坡道 ramp / slope
坡度 grade of slope / gradient
管道沟 pipe ditch

8. 刚结构及砖石工程/结构工程 steel structure & masonry work / structure work

上部结构 superstructure
刚结构 steel structure
地脚螺栓 anchor bolt / screw
锚座 anchor socket
螺纹 screw thread
预埋件 cast-in anchor
主立柱 main columns
柱子底座 plinth
型钢 section steel (H, C, L) I, angle
主梁 main beams
次梁 secondary beams
大梁 girder
脊梁 ridge beam
檩条 purlin
圈梁 ring girder
工字钢 H-column / H-beam / I-beam
腹 web plate
双腹 double-webbed
屋顶桁条 roof truss
屋檐 eaves
屋脊 rigid
飞檐 cornice / upturned eaves
门、窗框架 window door frames
压条 gasket / rubber gasket / bead
金属、模板、墙面板 wall panels
屋面板 roof panels
采光带 light belt / skylight / meltable skylight panel
彩钢板 steel sheet
彩钢板三明治板 sandwich panels
拼接 splice (splice joint, spliced connection, splicer)
空间网架 space gird
钢丝网 barbed wire
保温层 insulation (fiber, foam)
表面钢板 skin sheet
外层 external
内层 internal
室内 exterior
室外 interior
表面油漆处理 surface coating
防火涂料 fire-proof coating
女儿墙 parapet wall
山墙 gable
红砖 clay bricks
层面天沟 roof gutter
天沟 roof valley
落水管 downspout / down pipe
暗雨水管 concealed fall pipe
护栏(水泥) balustrade
落差 falling head
搭接 lap connection
屋顶气楼 ventilation tower
屋顶坡度 pitch of roof
四坡屋顶 hip roof
缓坡屋顶 low pitched roof
不上人屋顶 non-accessible roof
百叶窗 louver (louver window)
铝合金门窗 aluminum doors & windows
雨棚 canopy
小雨棚 awning
氟碳烤漆 FCP (fluorine carbon paint)
铝型材 (aluminum extrusion)
双层中空玻璃 double glazing
抗紫外线玻璃 low-e glass
铸铁 cast iron
紧固件 fastener / fastening bolt
夹层 mezzanine / mezzanine floor
人行桥 cast walk
楼梯井 staircase well
楼梯 staircase (single flight, double flight)
螺旋式楼梯 spiral stairs
圆弧扶梯 winding stairs
车间 workshop
辅助建筑 subsidiary / auxiliary buildings
裙房 annex / podium
局部承压 local bearing
局部照明 local lighting
高杆照明 high mast lighting

9. 砖石工程 masonry work

水泥 cement
水泥标号 cement grade
钢筋 re-bar (steel re-bar)
石子 aggregate
大石块 boulder
道砖 ballast
砂子 sand
木材 timber
混凝土 concrete
钢筋混凝土 reinforced concrete (RC)
商品混凝土 ready-mixed / plant-mixed
混凝土等级 concrete grade
混凝土塌落度试验 slump test
配方 recipe
整体式混凝土 monolithic concrete
整块浇筑 monolithic pour
整体浇铸 integral cast
砂浆砌筑 mortar bond
混合比 mix proportion
中间层 intermediate layer
砌块墙体 block wall
人字铺砌 herring bond pavement
丁砖砌合 header bond
一丁一顺砌合 Flemish bond
墙面照平抹灰 plastering
打磨 polishing / sanding
涂料 paint / painting
底漆 primer coating
过梁 lintel
门窗框 frames for doors and windows / door jamb / header
地砖 floor tiles
管线预埋管子 wire duct / conduit
排水系统 drainage system
检修孔 inspection hole = man-hole
集水坑 collection hole / pit / skinhole
水管工程 plumbing work
供水 water supply
排水 drainage / severage
污水管 sewer
化粪池 septic tank
过滤池 filtering tank / filtration tank
蓄水池 reservoir
排水孔 drain hole / sewer outfall / sinkhole
混凝土砌块 concrete block
砂浆 mortar (cement mortar)
水泥砂浆抹灰 cement mortar plastering
现浇梁/板 cast-in-site beam / slab (=cast-in-situ) / cast slab, cast beam, cast column
堤 dike
污泥 sludge
淤泥、腐土 muck soil
疏通河道 dredge
填塞、捣实 tamping / stuff

10. 机电系统 mechanical & electrical systems

设备安装 equipment installation
供电系统 power supply and distribution system
变压器 transformer
变电站 power sub-station
配电房 power transformer room
高电压柜 hi-voltage switchgear
低电压柜 low-voltage switchgear
电缆 cable
粗电线 wire
细电缆桥架 cable tray
母线槽 busbar / bus rail
配电板/箱 distribution panels / box
信号线 cable /.signal cable
(IT/电话/投影仪)网络/通讯系统 IT / telecom systems
网络中的结点 node
服务器 server
程控交换机 programmed exchanger
中转板 harbor
空调系统 air conditioning system / AHU (air handling unit)
冷冻机 chiller
中央空调 centralized AC system
温度控制 temperature control
湿度控制 humidity control
局部采暖 local heating
局部通风 local ventilation
区域吸顶空调 VRV ceiling mount AC units
独立式空调 free-stand unit
挂壁式空调 wall mound unit
控制板 control pad / thermostat
遥控器 remote control
风管 duct / pipe
冷媒管 coolant pipe / cooling media
冷凝水管 condensation pipe
冷凝器 condenser
落水管 rain leader
风冷冷凝器 air cooled condenser
空调出风口 air outlet
回风口 air inlet
回风管道 air return duct
散流器 diffuser
新风 make-up air
空气压缩机 air compressor
压缩空气 compressed air
罩子 hood
电梯 elevator / lift
液压电梯 hydraulic lift
自动扶梯 excalator
快速滑升门 fast-speed overhead door
红外线感应 infra-red sensor
防撞杆 bollard / bump post
移门 sliding door
阀门 valve
球阀 ball valve
止回阀 backwater valve / non-return valve
减压阀 reducing valve
溢流阀 relief valve
调节阀 regulating valve
加气砼 air-entrained concrete
通风 ventilation
排废气 exhaustion
支架 bracket
牛腿 corbel
支撑 bracing
支撑柱(泛指) bracing column
撑杆 brace
吊杆(柱条、撑条) suspender / hanger
支杆 strut /tie
壳 case
泵壳 pump case
架板、脚手架 gang board
大小头变径管 reducer / reducing
镀锌铁管 galvanized iron pipe
光钢筋 plain bar
铜管 copper tube
盘管 coil
保护管套 protective sailing
轴承 bearing
扬程 lift of pump
弹性缝 resilient joint
支承块 rest pad
花纹钢板 raffled plate
垫板 padding plate
油毡 roof felt
管长 pipe clip
基座 pedestal
刚度 rigidity
柏油毡 pitched felt
白铁皮 galvanized iron sheet
阳极电镀 anodized
镀铬 chrome plated
法兰 flange
环箍 hoop / hoping / insulation block
垫圈 washer / spring washer
管套 collar / sleeve
90 度接头 elbow connector / bend
三通 tee joint / connector
闷头 end-cover
压力调节器 pressure regulator
预应力砼 priestesses concrete
滑轮 pulley
减震木垫 wooden cushion block
柴油 diesel
润滑油 lubrication oil
汽油 gasoline / gas
齿轮 gear
内套筒 inner sleeve
绝缘子 insulator

11. 消防系统 fire-fighting system

总管 main pipeline
支管 branch pipeline
消防水管 fire water pipes
消防水泵房 pump room
消防栓 fire hydrant
消火栓箱 hose cabinet
软管 hose
喷嘴 nozzle
灭火器 fire extinguisher
喷淋头 sprinkler head
喷淋头灭火系统 sprinkling system
烟感 smoke detector
压力表 pressure meter
备用发电机 back-up generator
紧急照明灯 emergency light
疏散指示灯 evacuation light
消防水池 fire water tank
消防验收 fire marshal inspection
防火卷帘门 fire roller door
防火门 fire door
旋转门 revolving door
防暴门 blast-resistant door
隔音门 sound-proof door
弹簧门 swing door

12. 废水处理 waste water treatment

废水处理站 waste water treatment station
排水沟/管 drainage ditch / pipe
排水井 drainage well
明沟 open drain
地漏 drainer / drain hole
沉淀池 sedimentation tank
管道沟 pipe ditch
沉积物 dediment

13. 室内装修 interior decoration / fit-out

朝向 orientation
空房 vacant room
概念设计 schematic design
放样 lay out / set out
平面布置 floor layout
风水 geomancy
空间利用率 space efficiency / floor efficiency
门厅 foyer
门廊(室外) porch
走廊过道 passage / walkway
背景墙 logo wall
接待大厅 lobby
接待台 reception desk
办公区 office = open office
坐位间过道 aisle / walkway
走廊 hallway / cooridor
小办公室 private office / manager's office
会议室 meeting room / conference room
公共洗手间 common washing room
茶水间 pantry / tea room / coffee room
办公隔断单元 cubical / work station
办公桌隔断 workstation cubical partition
隔墙/隔断 partition wall / dry wall / gypsum board / frames / ribs
轻刚龙骨 light gauge steel joist
承重墙 load bearing wall
玻璃隔断 glass partition
护墙板 墙裙 wall panel
花窗 lattice window
文件柜 file cabinet
文印间 printing and faxing room
食物准备间 food preparation room
清洗间 washing room
更衣间 locker room
挂衣柜 wardrobe / built-in wordrobe
搁板 shelves
挂衣杆 rail
衣架 hanger
壁橱 closet
食堂/厨房 canteen / kitchen
茶水柜 counter / island counter
吊柜 cupboard / wall-hung cupboard / wall-mounted cupboard
展示柜 show case
展示架 display shelves
家具 furniture
单人沙发 armchair
长沙发 sofa / couch
沙发床 davenport / divan bed
休闲椅 lounge chair
壁炉 fireplace
阳台 balcony
露天大平台 terrace
清洁工人房 janitor's room
娱乐设施 recreation facility
健身房 gym / fitness center
地砖 floor tile
PVC 地砖 PVC floor tile
玻化地砖 vitrified floor tile
瓷砖 ceramic tile
防滑地砖 anti-slip tile
防滑 anti-slip
防磨损 anti-abrasion / anti-friction
墙砖 wall tile
瓷砖 ceramic tile
多孔砖 porous bricks
机房 server room
防静电架空地板 anti-static raised floor
地毯 carpet / carpet tile
块毯 wall to wall
地毯底衬(全铺) under-layer / lining
门口踏毯 door mat
挂毯 rug
承重墙 bearing walls / partitions
非承重墙 non-bearing wall
空心墙 hollow core wall
螺纹连接 nipple joint
六角螺栓 hexagonal bead bolt
反拱 inverted arch
拉毛 hacking
悬挂脚手架 hanging scaffold
硬木板条地板 hardwood strip floor
楼板 slab
楼层 floor
楼梯 staircase
单距 single flight
双距 double flight
旋转楼梯 spiral stair
圆弧楼梯 winding stair
楼梯间 staircase
楼梯井 stair well
电梯井 elevator shaft
垃圾滑道井 refuse chute
扶手 railing / rail / handrail / grab rail
拉手 pull / pull bar
踏步 tread
侧踏步 riser
休息平台 landing
入口/出口 entrance / exit
吊顶 suspension ceiling / suspended ceiling
吊顶龙骨 ceiling joist / sub joint / suspender / double-nead / T-joint T
形龙骨/石膏板 gypsum board
造型吊顶 featured suspension ceiling
装饰板 ornamental board
装饰柱 ornamental column
镶边 margin
挑檐 overhanging eaves
打眼 holing
吊杆吊筋 suspender / hanger (斜 inclined 硬 stiff 软 flexible)
照明灯具 lighting fixture
吸顶式 ceiling mount / ceiling-hung / ceiling hanging
工矿灯 workshop light
日光灯 fluorescent lamp
泛光灯 flood light
卤素灯(外墙、广告牌) halogen light
白炽灯 incandescent light
低压卤钨灯 low-voltage tungsten halogen lamp
霓虹灯 neon tube
乳白灯泡 opal lamp
天花嵌入式射灯 recessed spot light in ceiling
高压汞灯 high pressure mercury lamp
射灯 spot light
筒灯 down light
可调节方向射灯 directional spotlight
灯带 light trough
隐形灯槽 concealed light trough
吊灯 pendent lamp / light
水晶吊灯 crystal pendent light
挂壁灯 torch
照度 luminance
开关 switch
声控开关 sound control switch / acoustic control switch
双向开关 2 way switch
插座 patch panel
插线板 dimmer / dimmer switch
可调节亮度开关 power socket / power outlet
电插座 power socket / power outlet
网络插座 IT / telephone socket
线槽/管 duct / conduit
地插座 floor embedded socket
防触电式电源插座 ground fault interrupt outlet
双电源插座 dual voltage outlet
复试插座 duplex outlet (2 pin / 3 pin combination)
转换插头 adaptor
暗线 concealed wiring
电视插座 TV antenna outlet / cable TV outlet
保险丝箱 fuse box
电闸 power brake
窗帘盒 pelmet
窗帘杆 curtain rail
窗台 window sill / elbow board
百叶窗 roller shutter
窗扉 window casement / sash
平开窗 side-hung window / door
窗调/窗套 window opening / window casing
单窗 single sashed window / casement
双窗 double sashed window / casement
防门窗 weather tight window
防眩目玻璃 glare control glass
防潮水泥垫层 moisture-proof / damp-proof cement bedding
猫眼 peep hole
移门 sliding door / panel
旋转门 revolving door
隔音门 sound-proof door
防暴门 blast-resistant door
防风窗 weather tight window
天窗 skylight / skylight belt
老虎窗 dormer window
滑轨(上) slide rail
滑轨(下) slide track
滑轨条 guide bead
支架 support hanger
平头 flush butt screw
平头钉 flat bead nail / screw
平面框架 plane frame
木门 timber door / wooden door
木贴面门 timber veneer
隔汽层 vapor barrier
五金 hardware / ironmongery
配件 accessories
闭门器 door closer
门吸 door stop
铰链、合页 hinge
把手/锁 handle / bar / lcok
榫头 rabbet
榫头/榫眼 plug tenon (tail) / eye (socket)
燕尾榫 dovetail
人字榫 herring bond joint
内嵌式 recessed / flush mount
外紧固式 surface mount
插销 latch
助推助拉铰链 inject / eject hinge
移门 sliding door
移门轨道(上、下) rail, track
窗户滑轨 guide bead
地弹簧 floor spring
窗钩 window catch
暗锁 mortise lock / bolt
插槽 slot
踢脚线 skirting / skirt
凹阳台 recessed balcony
凸阳台 cantilever balcony
厕所 toilet
马桶隔间 booth
卫生洁具 sanitary ware
手纸器 roll-tissue dispenser
擦手纸盒 paper towel dispenser
洗手盆及龙头 washing basin and faucet / washing bow
拖把洗槽 mop washing sink
冲淋房 shower room
马桶 toilet, water closet (WC)
小便斗 urinal
蹲便器 squat unit
手动 manual
自动 sensor controlled / automatic
浴缸 bath tub
拉手杆 grab bar
肥皂盒 soap dish
液体肥皂器 liquid soap dispenser
毛巾架 towel rack
毛巾杆 towel rail
系杆 tie bar
钢性吊杆 rigid hanger / stiff hanger
可伸缩晾衣绳 retractable washing line
浴缸龙头 mixer
冲淋房 shower chamber
冲淋头 shower head
冲淋器 shower tower
洗手盆 washing basin
水垢 deposit of scale / scale (硬皮的)
粘软的 gunk
垃圾桶 waste bin
镜子 mirror
存水 trap
壁挂式取暖器 wall radiator
木材 timber
木饰面板 wood veneer
木纹理 grain
木节 knot
三聚氰胺贴面刨花板 MFC melamine faced chipboard
不锈钢 stainless steel
纤维板 particle board
钢化玻璃 tempered glass / annealed glass
喷砂玻璃 frosted glass / sand blasted glass
透明玻璃 clear glass
有色玻璃 tinted glass
有机玻璃 plexiglass
水磨石 terrazzo
大理石 marble
人造大理石 imitation marble
花岗岩 granite
表面纹理 texture
粗面砖 texture tile / rough surface
大石砾 gravel
大石块 boulder
光泽 gloss / glossiness
框饰 finish casing
复合板 laminated wood board
安全玻璃 laminated glass
丙烯酸底涂 acrylic primer
喷漆 spray painting
乳胶涂料 latex paint / emulsion paint
(室外墙面 厚)滚涂刷 roller brush
环氧涂料 epoxy coating
(地面)自流坪 self-leveling epoxy coating
底漆 primer / undercoating
瓷釉漆 enamel paint
丙烯涂料 acrylic paint
榫头 rabbet
沟缝 caulking
腻子 putty
勾缝 pointing / pointing joint
勾缝料 pointing stuff
勾缝刀 pointing trowel
油灰漆 putting joint
浇筑缝 joint between cast poring
抹灰(墙面砂浆抹灰) plastering
抹灰面 plaster finishing
复合地板 laminated timber floor
搁栅(龙骨) joist
夹板 plywood
消音板 acoustic panels
凸窗 bay window
窗台板 elbow board of window / window sill
窗帘 blinds / curtain / drapery / shade
电动窗帘 motorized drapery
空心抹灰 hollow plastering
(不好)刮平抹平 striking
填缝 seal crakes / joints
大理石贴面 marble facing
灰饼 lime mark
企口拼接 match joint
企口地板 matched floor
盆景 miniature garden
微裂缝 micro-fissuring
假窗 mock window
护角条 corner bead
开槽砖 notched tile
悬挑板 overhanging slab
架空线 overhead line pipe
凹缝 recessed joint
切口,凹口 notch
层理 lamination
装玻璃工作 glazing
花边 lace work
踢脚板 kick panel / kicking panel / skirting
螺旋弹簧 helical spring
拼花地板 overlay flooring / matched floor
铺设管道 laying pipes
找平/刮平 leveling
找平层 leveling course
原型 prototype
锁紧力,咬合力 locking force
修边 nip / pipping
阴文 incised engraving
焊脚 leg of weld
照明带 light band / trough
薄板 light gauge sheet
石灰浆 lime paste / slurry
灰土垫层 lime-soil cushion
里衬 liner
外墙面 facade
玻璃幕墙 curtain wall
铝型材 aluminum extrusion
氟碳烤漆 fluorine carbon paint (FCP)
硅胶 silicon glue / silica
橡皮垫圈、压条 rubber gasket
上下推开关窗 sash window
中空玻璃 double-glazing
安全玻璃(夹胶玻璃) laminated glass
纱窗 mosquito screen
外挂包裹 clad
干挂 dry fixing
湿挂 wet fixing
龙骨架 joist frame
定位卡 positioning pin
分割线/分隔沟 division joint
重叠 overlap
墙面抹灰压角条 plaster stop
拼缝条 splicing plate
错位拼接 staggered joint / alternate joint
嵌入(固定) built-in
埋入的(小件) embedded (socket box) (anchor holts)
内凹 recessed (light)
浅槽 groove
切口槽 notch (V 形)
边缘切口 reveal (along edge)
企口、突缘 flange / raised edge
槽条 channel
木线条 molded strip
一般的 architrave
带造型嵌缝的小条子 calking strip
耐磨涂料 high resistance paint
防霉涂料 mildew resistant paint
防潮涂料 damp-proof coating
防腐涂料 corrosion-proof coating
防水涂层 waterproof coating
节能材料 energy-sawing products / materials
防腐材料 preserving material
环保材料 environment friendly products (green products)
拉毛抹灰 stucco
油毡 malthoid
混水油漆 opaque timber finish (painting)
清漆 varnish / lacquer paint
防潮漆 damp-proof paint
防锈漆 anti-rust paint
瓦棱板(波浪板) corrugated glass / panel
半亚光涂料 semi-gloss latex paint
亚光 low gloss
喷砂玻璃 opaque / sand-blasted / frozen glass
砂纸 sand-paper
金属板吊顶 metal panel ceiling
合金 alloy
铝合金 aluminum alloy
刨花板 chip board / particle board
刨花 shavings
夹板 plywood / plywood panel
铝塑板 Alucbond (alum and plastic laminated board)
人造大理石 artificial marble
木贴面夹板 plywood with wood veneer
木材纹理 grain
樱桃木 cherry wood
橡木 oak wood
松木 pipe wood
榉木 beech wood
黑胡桃木 dark wood
树脂 resin
聚氨酯 polyurethane (PU)
表面质感 surface texture
耐用性 durability
门禁系统 door access control system
刷卡器 sensor pad
卡 card key
密码 combination
红外线感应探头 infra-red motion sensor / detector
监控系统 surveillance system
风格 style
仿古 pseudo-classic
现代 modern / contemporary
后现代 post-modern
仿旧 reconstruction
保守 conservative
传统 traditional
经典 classical
流行 fashionable / trendy
前卫 cutting-edge
落后潮流 out-of-fashioned
中国元素 China elements / flavors
浮雕 relief sculpture
新古典主义 neo-classical
豪华 luxury
简洁 simple and elegant
粗圹 rustic
步行街 pedestrian mall
装饰品 ornament

14. 施工工具/施工设备 tools / construction machinery

打桩机 pile driver
打夯机 rammer
挖土机 excavator
推土机 bulldozer
履带式 crawler
压路机 roller
钻孔机 boring machines
砼搅拌车 concrete agitating truck
铲车 dumper
翻斗卡车 dumper track
小翻斗车 skip car
斗 bucket / hoe
料斗 bucket
漏斗 funnel / silo
装料斗 hopper
塔吊 crane
履带式起重机 caterpillar crane
起重半径 crane radius
吊车/起重机 hoisting machine
重型 heavy duty
锤夯 hammer tamping
起重设备 hoisting equipment
起重葫芦 hoister
手拉葫芦 chain block
卷扬机 cable hoist / cable crane / winching hoist / winch
龙门吊 gantry crane
龙门架 portal frame
行车 overhead traveling crane
脚手架 scaffolding / scaffold
混凝土搅拌车/机 concrete mixer / concrete truck
卡车 truck
小卡车 pick-up / lorry
混凝土振捣机 concrete vibrator
压缩空气机 air compressor
氧气瓶 oxygen cylinder
电焊机 welding machine
压弧焊机 arc welding machine
火焰切割 flame cutting
千斤顶 jack
电焊条 welding rod
钨丝条 tungsten
超载 overload
筛子 sieve
锤子 hammer
钻枪、冲击钻/电钻 impact drill / power drill
检修孔 man-hole
刨子 planer
扳手 wrench
锯子 saw
电锯 power saw
凿子 chisel
矬子 file
风钻 pneumatic drill
镐 pick
螺栓、螺帽 bolts and nuts
螺丝 screw
自攻螺丝 self-tapping screw
螺丝刀 screw driver
钉子 nail
铆钉 rivet
平头铆钉 flush head rivet
铆钉枪 rivet pistol
钢筋弯折机 angle-bender / bar bender
老虎钳 pincer / clamp
刷子 brush
夹子 clamp
烙焊 lap welding
榫接 mortise joint
木工 capenter
电焊工 welder
电工 electrician
刮刀 chaser
超声波探伤 ultrasonic detection

15 室外工程 yard work / external work

道路 road
伸缩缝 expansion joint
围墙 fence / boundary fence
临时板围墙 hoarding
(施工用)隔栅围墙 grill fence
树篱笆 hedge
一砖墙 one brick wall
亭子 pavilion
小溪 creek / brook
池塘 pound
门卫 guardhouse
红外线探头 infra-red motion sensor
避雷针 lightning rod
道路照明灯 road light
灯杆 light pole
停车场 parking / parking lot
停车位 berth
临时警戒围栏 hurdle
架空管道 hanged pipe
螺旋线 helical line
防滑条 non-slip strip 人 / nonskid strips
车 踏步前缘 nosing
凸缘条 nosing strip
卸货平台 loading / unloading dock
升降机 dock leveler
坡道 ramp
滑升门 overhead door
转弯半径 turning radius
大斗 sharp
减小弯度 reduce sharpness
柏油碎石路 tarmac road
柏油路 tar road
碎石拼的路面 crazy paving
毛石墙 rubble wall
毛石护坡 rubble mound
化学品仓库 chemical storage
高压电房 power station / transformer room
烟囱 stake / chimney
自动移门 automatic sliding door
手动移门 manual sliding door
伸缩门 articulated sliding door
自动起落杆 automatic lift bar
带遥控 with remote control
雨水管、落管 downspout / down pipe
旗杆 flag pole
侧石 kerb / kerb stone
人行道 sidewalk
溢水沟 spillway
路边窖井 kerb inlet
阴沟 under drain / under ground sewer
阴沟洞 sinkhole
混凝土路面 concrete pavement
路面标志 traffic control lines / marks
道路分割线 lane division lines
斑马线 zebra crossing
绿化 landscaping
草地 green lawn
草皮 turf
种花种草 planting
种植土 topsoil
施肥 fertilizing
跟土 sowing
除杂草 weeding
播种 seeding
发芽 germination
护根 mulch
护树杆 stake and tie
修剪 trim
常青树 evergreen shrubs trees
灌木 shrubs
灌木丛 shrubbery
香樟树 camphor tree
梧桐树 phoenix tree
枫树 maple tree
松树 pine tree
柳树 willow
杨树 poplar tree
棕榈 palm tree
柏树 cypress
白杨树 white poplar tree
黄杨树 box tree
银杏树 gingko tree
冷杉 fir
竹子 bamboo
喷泉 water fountain
绿化带 green belt
花坛 border
树篱笆 hedge
小路 path
灌溉系统 irrigation system
草地灯 lawn lamp
年轮 annual rings

16. 生产工艺设备 production equipment

定型机 stenter
O 型染色机 beam
J 型染色机 Jet
蒸汽机 steamer
印花水洗机 washing machine
蒸化定型机 fixing machine
平网印花机 flat bed printing machine
圆网印花机 rotary machine
逆流漂洗机 rope washing machine
烘干机 dryer
大卷机 rolling machine
装配 assemble
拆开 disassemble
设备调试 testing and commissioning
试运行 trial run
行车 traveling crane
振动 vibration / shaking
隔振 vibration absorber / vibration isolator
颗粒 particle
粉末 power
碎片 chip
块 chunk
退浆 scoaring
碱减量 weight reduction
碱性的 alkaline
配色间 color kitchen
后整理(开幅定型) finishing
定型 fixing
收缩 shrinkage
色度 chrome
耐酸 acid-resistance / acid-resisting
耐热 heat-resisting
耐磨损 abrasion resisting
耐火 fire resisting
耐碱 alkali resisting
易燃 inflammable
易爆 combustible
密封 air-tight / weather tight
染料 dye stuff
纱绽 yarn
织布 weaving
布匹 fabric
软化水 softened water
再生水 reclaimed water
热能回收再利用 reclaim the surplus heat
循环利用 recycle
水解 hydrolysis
酸化 acidulation
洗涤剂 detergent
小苏打 baking soda
导热油 heat-exchange oil
烧碱 caustic soda
冰醋酸 glacial acetic acid
硫化硫酸钠 sodium hypo sulfide
乙烯 ethylene
乙烷 ethane
聚乙烯 polyethylene
PVC poly vinyl chloride
催化剂 catalyst / catalytic agent
稀释剂 thinner
均染剂 equalizing agent
絮凝剂 polymer
增稠剂 thickener
低酸度 light acid
辅助剂 auxiliaries
保湿剂 wetting agent
渗透剂 penetrating agent
柔软剂 softener
分散剂 dispersant agent
尿素 urea
明矾 potash alum
混合 blend / mix
结露 condensation
挥发 surplus heat
余热 piping
冷库 valve
管道 piping
阀门 valve
漏斗 silo
货架 rack
框架 frame
泵 pump
排气管道 exhaust duct
自来水 potable water / tap water
天然气 natural gas
蒸汽 steam
热供站 thermal plant
排风口 exhaust outlet
垫子 pad / cushion
软的垫块 法兰 flange
集装箱卡车 container truck
集装箱 container (40ft, 20ft)
地下电缆 buried cable
地下埋管 buried pipe
叉车 forklift
手推托盘叉车 pallet cart
枕木 wooden sleeper
垫块 footer / base plate / pad
传送带 conveyer belt
弯度 sharpness
封住 seal off

17 工程检测 testing & survey

测量仪器 survey instrument
测绘 surveying and mapping
经纬仪 theodolite / transit
经纬仪测量 transit survey
光学经纬仪 optial transit
激光 laser
地平仪 level gauge / level
大地基准点 geodesic datum
大地测量基线 geodesic base line
大地测量坐标 geodesic coordinates
基准点 bench mark
无损检测 non-destructive detection
恢复 recovery
纠正 rectify
放样、放线、定桩 staking / setting out / setting out
放线 setting out
基础放线 setting out of foundation
弹线 setting out with lime line / ink line
定线桩 setting out stake / rod / pin
标桩线 stake-line
测量标杆 pole / survey pole / mark
三角架 tripods
测角仪 angle tester / angulometer
测距离 distance finding / ranging
测量点 measuring point
误差 error / deviation
允许误差 allowable deviation / tolerance / permit tolerance
校准 calibration
较正、对正直线 alignment
标高 elevation
标准 standard
规范 code / codes
中国规范 Chinese codes
欧洲规范 European codes
参数 parameters
最小值 minimum
最大值 maximum
增加 addition
扣除 deduction
平均误差 mean error
比例 ratio
测试 testing / testing report
强度极限 limit of strength
网格 lattice grid
偏移 deflection
数据 date
记录 record
坐标 coordinate
坐标网格 coordinate grid
对称 symmetric
对称轴 symmetric axis
垂直 perpendicular
平行 parallel
平行、垂直 horizontal / vertical
倾斜的 tilted
斜的 inclined
斜旋杆 inclined suspender
斜拉绳 inclined cable
坡(面) sloped / sloped roof
倒了 upside down
核磁共振仪 NMR (nuclear-magnetic reactor)
屏蔽门 shielding door
集中质量 lumped mass
崩坡、塌方 slide

18 商务及合同 commercial & contract

预算 budget
超支 over-run
盈余 under-run
估价 cost estimate
降低成本 lower cost / cut cost
优化设计 optimize design
降低等级、标准 lower grade / standard
投标 bidding / tendering
投标人 bidder
短名单 short-list
总包 general contracting
分包 sub-letting
机密 confidential
合同条款 contract clauses
变更 variation / changes
变更指令 change order
总价 price / total price
单价 unit price / unit rate
固定总价 fixed lump sum price
暂定价 provisional sum
谈判 negotiation
让步 compromise
合同更改 revision / revised version
保险 insurance
第三方责任险 third party liability
工程一切险 builder's all-risk
履约保函 performance bond
付款保函 payment bond
现金抵押 cash collateral
付款 payment
滞纳金、质保金 retention money (5%)
进度付款 progress payment
质保期 warrantee
工期延长 schedule extension
分歧、争端 dispute / disagreement
文件互相矛盾 contradictory
文件不一致 discrepancy
适用法律 applicable laws
附件 appendix
补充、增补 addendum
达成一致 reach an agreement
合同文本 contract document
法人代表 legal representative
付款请求 payment application / request
支票 check
合同印章 company seal
法人章 seal of legal representative
财务章 financial stamp
银行账号章 bank account number stamp
银行转帐 bank transfer
合同中止 suspension of contract
合同终止 termination of contract
不可抗力 force majeure
索赔 claim (for)
索赔通知 claim notice
变更索赔 variation claim
结账 final closing / liquidation
违约 breach the contract / violet
仲裁 arbitration
律师 lawyer / attorney
法院 court
起诉 sue
税收 taxes
公司开支 overhead
开销、开支 expenses
成本 cost
加费利 mark-up
未付款 outstanding payment
账面结余 account balance
工程量摘列 take-off

19 图纸及设计 design and drawings

平面布置图 layout plan
总平面图 master layout plan
图例 legend
透视图 perspective draining
甘特图 Gantt chart / bar
平面图 plan view
效果图 rendering
立面图 elevation
正立面、背立面、侧立面 front / back / side elevation
截面图 cross drawing
细部图 detail drawing
加工图 workshop drawing
蓝图 blue-print drawings
修改过的图纸 revised drawings
草图 sketch
修改 modification / change
尺寸 dimension
图纸编号 drawing no
天花图 ceiling plan
云图 clouds
工艺布置图 process layout plan
比例 scale
审图 audit
编号 numbering
尺寸 dimension
跨度 span
长度 length
宽度 width
高度 height
深度 depth
净高 clear height
层高 floor height
轴线 axial line
签字 signatures
设计修改 design change
确认 confirmed (approved)
横向 lateral
纵向 longitudinal
侧向的 lateral
纵横方向 in length and breadth
插图(说明图) illustration picture
立体的 3-d
平面的 plane
平面图形 plane figure
平面曲线 plane curve
平面运动 plane motion
拱 arch
半圆 semi circle
折射面 plane of reflection
丁字尺 T-square
卡尺 calipers
公制 metric system
英制 GB system
加 plus
减 minus
乘 multiplied / timed by
除 divided by
等于 equals / is equal to
小于 less than
大于 more than / greater than
平方 square
立方 cubic
平方根 square root
立方根 cube root
N 次幂 to the power of n
半径 radius
直径 diameter
周长 girth
度 degree
摄氏 Celsius / centigrade
华氏 Fahrenheit
长度计量 linear measure
面积计量 area measure
体积计量 cubic measure / volume measure
重量计算 weight measure
抛物线 parabola

20 市政配套及报批 utilities & permitting

市政公用配套设施 municipal utilities / infrastructure
基础设施 infrastructure
主管部门 authority in charge
市政污水管 municipal sewage pipes
水文地质站 hydro geological station
水文气象 hydro geological
报批 permitting
批准、批文 approval / certificate
批复意见 comments
提交 submission
退回 rejected
水文站 hydrological station
水文调查 hydrological survey
建筑面积 gross building floor area (GFA) / built-up space
容积率 plot ratio
总建面/土地面积 = property-to-land ratio = built-up space / land
覆盖率(密度) density = plot coverage ratio = building foot-print / land
环境评估 environmental impact assessment
可行性报告 feasibility study report
职业健康评估(卫评) occupational health impact assessment
消防部门 fire marshal / fire bureau
电力部门 power bureau
环保部门 environmental bureau
规划部门 planning bureau
土地局 land bureau
绿化率 green ratio

21 竣工退场 completion & de-mobilization

开工、竣工 completion / completion
退场 de-mobilization
垃圾清运 debris cleaning and hauling off / waste cleaning and disposing
竣工验收 final acceptance inspection
整改单 punch list / defect list
整改工作 defects ratification work
后期修补工作 final-touch
拆除 demolish / tear down
恢复原状 restore back to original
移交 hand-over
入住 move-in / occupancy
试运行 trail run
竣工图 as-built drawings
竣工资料 as-built document
运行手册 operation manual
资料移交 document transfer
资料归档 archiving
竣工证书 final completion certificate
开业典礼 inauguration ceremony / grand opening ceremony

22 几何图形 geometric patterns

花式 pattern
正方形 square
长方形 rectangle
圆形 cycle
平行四边形 parallelogram
菱形 rhombus
三角形 triangle
马鞍形 saddle
扇形 sector
梯形 trapezoid
八边形 octagon
之字形 zigzag
S 形曲线 ogee curve
倒 T 形 inverted T
弧形 arc
月牙形 crescent
椭圆的 elliptical /oval
条纹 stripes
方格 checkers
点状 dots
网格的 lattice
人字形 herring-bone
随机花式 random pattern

23 基本力学词汇 mechanics terms

专业术语 terminology / jargon
承载力 loading capacity
荷载分布 load distribution
承重能力 load-carrying ability
反向荷载 reverse load
抗拉强度 tensile strength
抗压强度 compressive strength
抗剪强度 shear strength
抗扭强度 torsion strength
抗弯强度 bending strength
屈服点 yield point
增量 increment
惯性运动 inertial motion
抗震 earthquake resistance
拉伸 stretch
压 compress
剪切 shear
扭曲 torsion
弯曲 bend
挠曲力 bending force
应力 stress
应变 strain
压力 pressure
破坏 failure

24 文具 stationery
信封 envelop
公司信笺 letterhead
回形针 clip
夹子 clip
剪刀 clipper
胶带 tape
胶带座 tape dispenser
胶水 glue
胶棒 glue stick
订书机 stapler
订书针 staple
图钉 drawing pin / stud pin
大头钉 吸铁石 magnet
文件夹 file folder
面巾纸 tissue
卫生纸卷 toilet roll tissue
尺 ruler
卷尺 roller tape (for measuring)
起钉器 claw
文件柜 file cabinet
文件柜带门 fire cupboard
文件架 shelves (shelve)
咖啡桌 coffee table
台式电脑 desk-top computer
手提电脑 lap-top computer
键盘 key board
显示器 monitor
饮水机 water fountain
计算器 calculator
橡皮筋 rubber band
橡皮 rubber leads
铅锌 pencil leads
打孔机 hole puncher
碎纸机 shredding machine
装订机 binding machine
保险箱 safe
写字白板 white board
擦子 eraser
马克笔 mark pen
彩笔 highlight pen
笔筒 pen holder
便条 note pad / poster / sticker
印泥 ink-pad
粘贴纸 sticker / sticker poster
涂改液 liquid paper / blanco
复印机 copy machine
打印机 printer
传真机 fax machine
无线上网 wireless internet access
水杯 mug
充电器 charger / butlery charger
接线板 junction box
电源线 power cord
电源插座 power outlet
插头 plug (2 pin 3 pin) / socket
转换插头 adaptor
打印机墨盒 toner
快递 express delivery
名片夹 business card album

25 行政管理 office administration

上班 report to work
下班 off work
上午、下午 am/pm
打钟 punch clock
病假 sick leave
年假 annual leave
晚班 night shift
加班 over time
两班倒 two shifts
翻译 translator / interpolator
仓库保管员 warehouse keeper
午餐外卖 lunch catering / lunch delivery
休息 break
送外卖 delivery
操作员 operator
津贴 allowance
加班费 OT pay
会议议程 meeting agenda
出差 business trip
行程安排 itinerary
出差费报告 travel expense report
报销 reimburse
上工表 time sheet
订酒店 book hotel room
标准房 standard room
双人房 double room
单人房 single room
中床、大床 queen size / king size bed
优惠价、协议价 discounted rate / contracted rate
高速公路过路费 highway toll
收费站 toll booth
预约 appointment
诊所 clinic
外籍员工 expat
本地员工 local staff
记账 book keeping
出纳 cashier

26 标点符号 punctuations
逗号, comma
句号。 full stop
省字号’ apostrophe
商略号…… dots
冒号: colon
分号; semicolon
破折号- dash / hyphen
引号“” quotations marks
括号() parentheses
方括号[ ] brackets
星号* star
井号# pound
斜杠/ slash
反斜杠\ back slash

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