Neuroserve Foundation Zimbabwe: Summary of Concept

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NeoroServe Foundation Zimbabwe is an organization that seeks to helps children and people
living with autism and cerebral palsy. The organization seeks to provide awareness campaigns,
counselling for parents or guardians who live with these people, physio-therapy, health services
and education.


To provide quality health care, education and help to people living with autism and cerebral
palsy. It would also educate people and create a better community for these people to live in.
Educating every Zimbabwean that we also are people no matter what we are living with

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To promote quality health care for people living with autism and cerebral palsy.

To create an environment of unity and love amongst the Citizens.

To promote quality education for children suffering from autism and cerebral palsy.

To raise awareness on autism.

NeuroServe Foundation Zimbabwe CONSTITUTION

Article 1


The name of this Organization shall be known as NEUROSERVE FOUNDATION

ZIMBABWE here after called N.S.F.Z.

Article 2


The purpose of N.S.F.Z is to facilitate and help with quality education and healthcare for
children with autism and cerebral palsy. It will also provide awareness campaigns on autism and
how to help people living with it.


N.S.F.Z is an Organization that is in Zimbabwe, which in turn is willing to provide Zimbabwe to

develop the way their goods are transported and vehicle servicing. E.M.L shall pursue the

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mission of Zimbabwe in harmony with the doctrines, programs and initiatives adopted and
approved by the Country.



Neuroserve Foundation Zimbabwe will be located in Harare, Zimbabwe and with time we will
open more centers in Bulawayo, Mutare, Gweru and other cities across the country.



The membership of N.S.F.Z shall consist of members chosen by the C.E.O and board of trustees.



N.S.F.Z membership may be dissolved only by C.E. O’s only and delegates present if authorized
to do so by C.E. O’s.

Article 8


This constitution shall as per agreement of the C.E. O’s and amended also to conform to the
model Country`s Constitution when it is amended by the action of the general Meeting Executive
Committee close to the end of the year.

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N.S.F.Z Committee shall be elected at its regularly scheduled General Meeting.

9.1.1 C.E. O’s

9.1.2 Deputy C.E.O







9.1.9 SPONSOR(S)


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9.2.1 Chief Executive Officer C.E.O

-Chair of all meetings.

-Oversees the well-being of the Organization

-Receives information from other authorities to the members

-Attends training and leadership workshops

-Assumes personal responsibility over all issues positive or otherwise.

-Gives directives on the suitable action to be taken after consultation with other officers.

-Makes urgent decisions on behalf of the association after trying by all means to reach out to the

-Reporting at the end of the Year


The Secretary, associated with the C.E. O’s as an executive officer, shall serve under the
direction of the Executive Committee and shall act as vice Chairperson of the Ex -Com. The

-Keeps the minutes of each and every meeting.

-Furnishes these minutes to the Ex-Com members.

-Preparation of the Agenda.

-Provision of information as may be requested by the president or Ex-Com.

-Filing of information and documents

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-Keeping track of membership records and other relevant information.

-Perform such other duties as usually pertain to the office.


-Responsible for providing financial leadership to the association which will include:

-Receiving, safeguarding, and disbursing funds in harmony with the actions of the Ex-Com.

-Providing financial information to the C.E.O and Ex-Com.

-Furnishing copies of the financial statements to the C.E.O, Executive Committee members.

-Perform such other duties as usually pertain to the office.


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P.E.P is an information giver, and for an effective educative and informative platform visual and
phonetic aids have to be put in place therefore the great need of a specialist in computer, audio
and visual technologies. The I.T coordinator:

-Expresses creatively what is being presented simultaneously with the presentation?

-Sets up the visual and audio instruments well before the meeting starts.

-Gives lectures on technological advancements.

- Ensures that all e-mails are checked and sets the tone for each and every presentation with a
mood of laughter.

-Sets up all networking sites for the association and gets feedback from the N.S.F.Z committee
and communicates it to the Ex-Com.

-Creation of organization website as well as maintaining the database of the organization’s



Public Relations Officer

The public relations officer:

- Is to become the link between the organisation and the citizens of Zimbabwe

- Pioneer and lead the organisation into getting known, and maintain good reputation in
the Country

- Find ways to publicise the Organisation in inventive, creative and original ways

- Practice marketing strategies set-up by the Organisation (Printing of fliers, t-shirts,

billboards, leaflets and engagement with social activities)

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- Provide accurate and appropriate information to the Organisation and the citizens

- Overlook and manage human resources of the Organisation

- Maintain contact with citizens Representative Council and other administrative


9.2.6 Committee Members

These are very important members of the organisation; they need to be resourceful, very active
and very understanding.


Before the Meeting

Consult with the Chairperson (C.E.O) on the order of business for the meeting, and the way in
which it should be dealt with on the agenda. Decide what business requires discussion and what
requires a decision by the Management Committee;

Ensure that the notice of the meeting is given, that suitable accommodation is arranged and
confirmed, and that copies of the agenda is prepared;

Circulate to all members (a) any papers to be discussed at the upcoming meeting and (b) a copy
of the agenda, minutes of the previous meeting; and

Make sure that any reports or information requested at the last meeting is available or that there
is a good reason why not.

At the Meeting

Arrive in good time before the meeting with the minutes and with all the relevant
correspondence and business matters for that meeting, in good order. Record the names of those
who are present, and convey and record apologies received from those who are absent;

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Read the minutes of the previous meeting, and if they are approved, obtain the Chairperson's
signature on them;

Report on action or matters arising from the previous minutes. Read any important
correspondence that has been received;

Unless there is a Minutes Secretary, take notes of the meeting, recording the key points and
making sure that all decisions and proposals are recorded, as well as the name of the person or
group responsible for carrying them out. Make sure action points are clear; and

Make sure that the Chairperson is supplied with all the necessary information for items on the
agenda, and remind the Chairperson if an item has been overlooked.

After the Meeting

Prepare a draft of the minutes (unless there is a minute’s secretary) and consult the Chairperson
and most senior staff member (where relevant) for approval;

Send a reminder notice of each decision requiring action to the relevant person; this can be done
by telephone, or by an ‘action list' with the relevant action for each person duly marked; and

Promptly send all correspondence as decided by the Management Committee.


Before The Meeting

Prepare all the financial statements and releases funds to cater for the proceeding of the meeting
e.g. refreshments. Works hand in hand with the secretary to organize the meeting.

In The Meeting

Give ideas on how to save money in any way as per the ideas of the committee. Contribute in the
meeting in any respect and keep quite when asked to.

After Meeting

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Analyze all augment that paten to his presentation and improve better for the next meeting or

I.T Coordinators/Manager

Before Meeting

Make sure all the I.T related gadgets that will be used in the meeting make sure that are put in
place and operating well. Make sure that information has spread around the committee.

In Meeting

Put up new technological advancement that the business can use to boost up the organization.
Should also have the cost of machinery needed by the organization to be successful. Correct any
technological fault that will have gone wrong with the meeting.

After Meeting

Note improvements needed to be done by the organization. To meet better meetings.

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