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Oberthur Primary School Year 5/6 Term 3 Parent Overview

During Term 3, your child will be engaging in learning of the following curriculum
content. Please note, that the year level teaching team develop curriculum plans
Chinese Language: Year 5 / 6 collaboratively, therefore your child will be engaging in learning identified for the
Task basked oral interactions using modelled year level as a whole.
descriptive and expressive language to ex-
change information. Continue Chinese Journal English
writing and leveled reading program. System-
atic learning of Chinese writing system – Reading and Viewing – Applying the viewing codes and conventions to analyse and
interpret multi-model text using the works of author/illustrator: Shaun Tan.
radicals and work on the writing project “My
Year 6 students will delve deeper by comparing and analysing Shaun Tan texts.
World”. Integrate Chinese language learning
with Science and Health and Well-being Curric- Writing and Creating – use iMovie to digitally create a movie trailer applying their
ulum. knowledge of the viewing codes and conventions. Students will continue to develop
their ability to write in different genres such as, free verse poetry and informational
text linked to Geography and STEM cooking project. Students engaged in individual
The Arts: Year 5/6 spelling programs which involves looking at words through the three lenses.
Surrealist artists- Students will be exposed to Speaking and Listening– students participate in three oracy tasks utilising poetry to
Shaun Tan and other surrealist artist style and developing their fluency and presentation skills.
apply these techniques to create their own art-
work using collaging. Vocabulary- understanding the differences of precise language and word origin.
Sentence Stalking (functional grammar)- noticing how author create effective sen-
tences. Language features- similes, metaphors, allusion, alliteration, personification,
Health & Physical Education idioms, allusion, and hyperbole.
Year 5: Goal Setting – student will continue to
develop their ability in becoming a reflective
learner. They will be exposed to the different Mathematics
types of feedback and how this links to becoming
Number elements consolidated from Semester 1 in warm-up sessions also including
successful learner.
all four number operations. Focus on division and multiplication strategies such as
Healthy diet/ Health lifestyle - Strategies that
lattice, halving and splitting strategies. Solve fraction, decimal and percentage word
promote a safe and healthy lifestyle such as com-
problems and equations. Positioning Fractions, decimals and percentages on a range
paring food labels., food energy (K Joules) salt, fat
of differently scaled number lines.
and sugar contents.
Year 6: Drug education- alcohol, passive smoking, Data Handling and Representation- surveys, tables and pie charts, column and line
medicines and caffeine. graphs. Using excel and Iworks (number) to classify, analyse and record data. Inter-
pret different data. Understanding average.

Technologies Year 5/6 Chance and Probability- chance experiments and representing outcomes using frac-
Design Technology & Sustainability Measurement and Geometry: three-dimensional objects and their Nets, Transfor-
Design, plan, construct & critique a STEM task mation and enlargement of two-dimensional shapes, compare 12- and 24-hour sys-
linked to food technology. tem and convert between them, translation, reflection and rotation of two-
The Scone Challenge—Students will make and dimensional shapes, identify line and rotational symmetry, constructing angles using
bake individual scones innovating with flavour to a protractor.
produce the best tasting scone linked to creating
and understanding the structure of procedure
writing. Science - Chemical Science: Year 5
Students classify solids, liquids and gases according to their observable properties
Digital Technology
and behaviours.
Understanding the different parts of the network
systems such as hardware software, peripheral
systems and website design. Technology Through
The Ages- assembly item Week 2 Term 4. Humanities and Social Sciences— Geography
Iworks software- Coding – Introduction to scratch Y5 Comparison between North America, South America & Australia
and The Hour of Code. Manipulation of Makey How natural disasters such as floods and bushfires affect communities?
Makey, Sphero, Edison Robots. Simple circuits. Y6 Comparison between Asia and Australia.
Making electrical circuits, switches and electro- How culture diversity affects these continents and their indigenous communities.

Every student, every classroom, every day, inspiring futures

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