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Nematode Diversity as an Indicator of Soil Quality ...

Journal of Biodiversities Vol. xx No. xx (20xx)

1 LOGBOOK 01 Februari 2021


3 199407052019032022

5 Mensubmit revisi manuskrip di jurnal Biodiversitas

6 (a.n Iis Nur Asyiah)

9 (Nematode Diversity as an Indicator of Soil Quality in Sugarcane Fields)
11 Iis Nur Asyiah 1), Sylvia Anggraini 2), *, Pujiastuti 1), Imam Mudakir1), Jekti Prihatin1), Suratno 1), Ika Lia
12 Novenda 1), Dwi Wahyuni1), Nadyatul Ilma Indah Savira 1)
13 1)
Biology Education Study Program, Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, University of Jember
14 2)
Alumni from Biology Education Study Program, Faculty of Teacher Training and Education,
15 University of Jember Jalan Kalimantan 37, Jember 68121
16 * E-mail:
18 Abstract
20 Intensive processing to produce optimal crop yields can cause a decrease soil quality, both physically,
21 chemically, and biologically. This study aimed to determine the soil quality on sugar cane field PTPN XI PG
22 Asembagus Siliragung, Banyuwangi district, using nematodes as bioindicators. Nematodes have an essential role
23 in various soil processes to become instruments for monitoring soil quality, soil function, and soil disturbance.
24 The sampling method used a systematic random sampling method with a diagonal pattern. This study found ten
25 genera of nematodes in sugarcane fields, namely Pratylenchus, Mesocriconema, Tylenchorhynchus, Tylenchus,
26 Rhabditis, Alloionema, Panagrolaimus, Cephalobus, and Bathyonchus. There are three genera of parasitic
27 nematodes as plant-parasitic. These results show that soil quality in the sugarcane fields is low quality with the
28 presence of plant-parasitic nematodes and the number of bacterial feeders nematodes more than fungal feeders
29 nematodes. Furthermore, there were no omnivoress nematodes in the soil.

Nematode Diversity as an Indicator of Soil Quality ...
Journal of Biodiversities Vol. xx No. xx (20xx)

32 Keywords: soil quality, nematodes, sugarcane field
36 Commonly, sugarcane land is clay soil (Cherubin et al., 2016). Clay has refined grains; the arrangement is
37 very tight so that air and water are not easy to enter. It means air and water are not easy to escape, so the clay is
38 slow to dry (Mörtl et al., 2016). Farmers carry out intensive processing by loosening the soil and turning the soil
39 without adding crop residues as mulch to protect the soil from surface erosion until they get the desired results.
40 Over an extended period, this cultivation system causes a physical, chemical, and biological degradation of soil
41 quality (Lal, 2015). The processing of sugarcane fields is diverse, including differences in soil processing systems,
42 regulation of sugarcane plant density, types, and quantities of fertilizers, impacting soil quality.
43 Soil quality is the soil's capacity as the carrying capacity of plants and animals in an ecosystem. Soil quality
44 that is complex cannot measure but can estimate from the soil properties, used as soil quality indicators (Muñoz-
45 Rojas, 2018). Soil quality indicators are physical, chemical, biological, and process properties and characteristics
46 that can be measured to monitor various soil changes (Bünemann et al., 2018).
47 So far, soil quality evaluation has focused more on soil physical and chemical properties due to the simple
48 measurement method and available parameters. However, recently, it has been agreed that soil's biological
49 properties are more sensitive than chemical and physical indicators. Soil biological characteristics are sensitive
50 indicators of agroecosystem damage or changes in soil productivity because it is the most alive and active part of
51 the soil's organic matter and for acting in critical biochemical processes. (Bueno et al., 2018). Determining soil
52 quality through physical properties has weaknesses, taking soil samples to the laboratory, which is too far or takes
53 a long time to cause damage to the soil sample. In contrast, determination through chemical properties has a
54 weakness; it is less sensitive to soil changes due to soil use and treatment. This biological indicator's sensitivity is
55 instrumental in determining soil quality and the ecosystem's sustainability (Bünemann et al., 2018). Biological
56 indicators often used in determining soil quality are the presence of soil microbes.
57 Bacteria and fungi are the main components of soil microbial biomass, so they are often considered
58 bioindicators of good soil quality. However, soil microbes are difficult to measure because of the thousands of
59 different species in large numbers. The life cycle of microbes is also relatively short so that the population changes
60 rapidly in response to changing environmental conditions such a s humidity and temperature. Commonly,
61 nematodes consider being better bioindicators (Stirling, 2014).
62 Nematodes are a small microfauna group with a length of 0.4-0.7 mm, which is often used as biological
63 indicators (Lu et al., 2020). Nematodes have an essential role in various soil processes, determine soil
64 characteristics, and reflect soil ecology conditions (Mekonen et al., 2017). Based on the type of food, the
65 nematodes are divided into five groups: bacterivores, plant-parasites, fungivores, predatory nematodes, and
66 omnivores. The five groups of nematodes can be distinguished from the head nematodes' structure (Stirling, 2014;
67 Wang et al., 2014).
68 Severa l things support the use of nematodes as bioindicators of soil quality; nematodes found in all types
69 of soil, nematodes easy to extract from the soil, the number of nematodes is easy to fluctuate, nematodes play an
70 important role in decomposition, and the diversity of nematodes is easily distinguished based on structure mouth
71 (Stirling, 2014).
75 Place and time of research
76 The soil sample was obtained from the sugarcane field of PT Perkebunan Nusantara XI PG Asembagus in
77 Seneporejo Village, Siliragung District, Banyuwangi Regency. Extraction, identification, and calculation of
78 nematodes carried out at the Biology Education Laboratory, Faculty of Teac her Training and Education,
79 University of Jember. The study was conducted from 15 May to 8 July 2020.
81 Tools and Materials

Nematode Diversity as an Indicator of Soil Quality ...
Journal of Biodiversities Vol. xx No. xx (20xx)

82 The tools used in this study include trowels, plastic bags, digital cameras, digital scales, measuring cups,
83 size filters (300 mesh), filter paper, counting cups, pipettes, plastic trays, filter trays, micropipettes and tips, glass
84 objects, cover glass, nematode hooks, microscope. The materials used were sugarcane plantation soil samples
85 (200 g), tissue, water, 70% alcohol, and label paper.
87 Sampling Method
88 The soil sample was collected from 6 blocks. In each block, one plot was selected to take the soil sample
89 using the sampling technique, Systematic Random Sampling with a diagonal pattern. In one plot decided as the
90 point center, the wheel is determined four points around (1 center point + 4 points at each corner), with the distance
91 set each point approximately 50 meters measured from the center point. Soil is taken at a depth of 10-15 cm using
92 200 grams of a trowel. The Soil sample taken from the 5 points were then composite and put in a plastic bag (Pusat
93 Penlitian Tanah dan Agroklimat, 2000).
95 Nematode Extraction
96 First, arranged plastic trays, filter trays, and filter paper in a row from the bottom. Soil sample ± 200 g is
97 spread evenly on filter paper and filled with water slowly until the entire soil sunken in water. After that, incubate
98 for 24 hours at room temperature. After that, the filter tray was removed and filtered the tray's water with 300
99 mesh.
100 The trapped nematodes in the filter were removed by spraying clean water, and the spray water was
101 collected into a beaker glass. The nematode suspension was poured into counted plates for microscopic
102 observation. Nematodes were observed under a microscope for identification
104 Nematode Identification
105 The extracted nematodes were identified until the genus level based on their morphological characteristics
106 and classified into feeding groups or nematode mouth types. Identification of the nematodes using observation
107 pictures as compared with key of Interactive Diagnosis for Parasitic Nematodes Tum harbor, Free-living, and
108 Predator by UNL Nematology Lab in the adaptation of An Illustrated Key to nematodes Found in Fresh Water.
110 Nematode population calculations
111 Nematodes population was calculated by pouring the nematodes suspension obtained from the extraction
112 into a glass beaker with a volume of 100 ml. The mixture of nematodes was stirred evenly using a pipette, sucked,
113 and re-sprinkled, which was done three times. Which further suspension of nematodes laid in an arithmetic cup
114 (counting disk) 10 mL using a pipette done under a binocular microscope to observe the appropriate lines of the
115 existing line to the cup counterclockwise. The counting was done three times. The nematode suspension that has
116 been calculated was then returned to the beaker. According to Prasetyono (1997), the population's calculation per
117 100 ml of soil samples is as follows:
(p1 + p2 + p3)x10
118 P=
121 Information
122 P: Population of nematodes per sample unit taken
123 p1, p2, p3: Calculate every 10 ml of the nematode suspension with three 10: 100 ml replications.

Nematode Diversity as an Indicator of Soil Quality ...
Journal of Biodiversities Vol. xx No. xx (20xx)

126 Research Data Analysis
127 The results included the type and number of nematodes. Here are some calculations to determine the value
128 of nematode dominance. Nematodes that have a high dominance value are nematodes that have the potential to
129 dominate the sugarcane fields (Norton, 1978).
131 1. Absolute Population Density (APD):
132 APD =
100 ml
133 2. Relative Population Density (RPD):
134 RPD =
136 3. Absolute Frequency (AF) :

137 AF = x 100%
138 4. Relative Frequency (RF) :
139 RF = x 100%
141 5. Dominance Value (D):
APD x √ AF
143 D= x 100%
147 Information:
148 F: Frequency of All Nematode Species
149 N: Σ All Nematode Species
150 n: Σ A Nematode Species
151 S: Σ All Samples
152 s: Σ Sample Containing Nematodes
156 Nematode Identification
157 The identification results of nematodes in a suga rcane plantation in Siliragung District, Banyuwangi
158 District, found ten genera from 10 families. The results of identification and the number of nematodes found in
159 200 grams of soil are presented in Table 1.
160 Table 1 Identification result of nematode in sugarcane fields PTPN XI PG Asembagus.

Nematode Diversity as an Indicator of Soil Quality ...
Journal of Biodiversities Vol. xx No. xx (20xx)

No Order Family Genus Total Mouth Type

1 Tylenchida Hoplolaimidae Pratylenchus 77 Plant-parasitic
2 Tylenchida Criconematidae Mesocriconema 47 Plant-parasitic
3 Tylenchida Tylenchorhynchidae Tylenchorhynchus 43 Plant-parasitic
4 Tylenchida Tylenchidae Tylenchus 47 Fungivores
5 Rhabditida Rhabditidae Rhabditis 360 Bacterivores
6 Rhabditida Alloionematidae Alloionema 100 Bacterivores
7 Rhabditida Pangrolaimidae Panagrolaimus 50 Bacterivores
8 Rhabditida Cephalobidae Cephalobus 60 Bacteriovores
9 Araeolaimida Leptolaimidae Bathyonchus 103 Predator
10 Araeolaimida Rhabdolaimidae Rhabdolaimus 243 Bacterivores
163 The results showed ten genera in the three orders; Tylenchida, Rhabtditida, and Araeolaimida. These ten
164 genera classified based on the type of food or type of mouth, such as nematode-eating bacteria (Rhabdolaimus,
165 Rhabditis, Cephalobus, Alloionema, and Panagrolaimus), plant-parasitic nematodes (Pratylenchus,
166 Tylenchorhynchus, and Mesocrichonema), nematode predators (Bathyonchus), and nematode-eating fungi
167 (Tylenchus).
168 Nematodes of Tylenchida are commonly found in soil and are associated with eating algae, mosses, fungi,
169 and plant roots. Several types consider as parasites in plants, and parasitic nematodes are one of the pests of plant
170 organisms that attack various types of plants (Stirling, 2014). Nematodes of Tylenchida have a slender, elongated,
171 small size and have the same sex. The stylet belonging to the Tylenchida order is generally small and smooth, but
172 it finds that a large stylet serves to pierce in several types. The median bulbous of this order mostly has a small
173 shape (Sturhan and Hohberg, 2016).
174 This study found Pratylenchus as plant-parasitic nematodes, which migratory endoparasitic. They attack
175 the hairy root cortex tissue, mainly active hairy roots that absorb nutrients and water (Jones et al., 2013).
176 Pratylenchus has a body length of 377.9 6 μm, has a stoma shaped like a bowl with a 6:04 μm long stylet that has
177 the knob. The median bulbous shape is oval with a smooth cuticle. This study found female Pratylenchus, a
178 tapered tail with the tip width rounded, vulva position is in the posterior part of 70% of the length. According to
179 Castillo and Vovlas (2007), Pratylenchus has various body lengths (~0,35 and 0,5mm), a low and flathead, ~16
180 µm long stylet. Female nematodes vulva is in the 70-80% posterior part of the body length, and it has a sub-
181 cylindrical-shaped tail, has median bulbous oval and fallow tot, with with the annulated body is smooth.
182 The other Tylenchida order found in this study was Mesocriconema, plant-parasitic nematodes, root
183 ectoparasites (Inácio et al., 2019). Mesocriconema has a body length of 481, 84 μm, conical shape with a stylet
184 stoma size of 36.60 μm, which has a knob. The median bulbous is oval with a valve, and the annulated cuticle is
185 transparent without a sheath cuticle. The posterior part contains a vulva like a slit and appears closer to the tail.
186 The tail is t- shaped and slightly tapered.
187 According to Cordero et al. (2012), Mesocriconema nematodes have a body length (0.3 to 0.6 mm), slightly
188 conical lip area, and long, slender and robust stylet with concave knobs. The cuticles have a clear annulation. The
189 female Mesocriconema nematodes have an open vulva in the posterior region that looks like a slit and has a cone-
190 shaped tail and pointed at the tip.
191 Tylenchorhynchus is a type of plant-parasitic nematode, an ectoparasite on the roots or sometimes semi-
192 endoparasite depending on the host plant. Tylenchorhynchus has a body length of 318.18 μm, stoma rounded, and
193 stylet size 8:38 μm with a basalt knob. The median bulbous is oval-shaped with an oval valve. Tiny bubbles
194 surrounded the edges of the smooth cuticle. This nematode has female sex because it has a vulva located 50% of
195 its body length with a rounded tail (Handoo et al., 2014).

Nematode Diversity as an Indicator of Soil Quality ...
Journal of Biodiversities Vol. xx No. xx (20xx)

196 According to Xu et al. (2020), the size of a Tylenchorhynchus female is around (0.30-1.6 mm) with round
197 lips, robust stylet (8-8.6 µm) with a prominent basal knob. The median bulbous is oval with a valve. The cuticle's
198 edge is surrounded by a small bubbles swarming phenomenon related to virus particles in the surface layer of the
199 cuticle on the hypodermic. The virus makes nematodes more susceptible to chemicals and other adverse conditions
200 (Bellafiore, 2010). The vulva's form is a transverse slit located in the middle of the body with a rounded tail.
201 The other Tylenchida found in this study is Tylenchus, a type of fungus-eating nematodes. Tylenchus
202 mostly find in the soil as plant feeders (algae, fungi), moss feeders fed by piercing, or hyphae feeders (Ciobanu et
203 al., 2003). Tylenchus has a body length of 465.77 μm, protruding stoma, and flat, tapered stylet Beru Kuran 9:23
204 basal μm with a small knob. The median bulbous is oval with the female sex because it has a vulva that is 60-70%
205 of the length of the body with a pointed tail (Siddiqi, 2000). Figure 1 shows some genus found from the order
206 Tylenchida.
(a) (b)
(c) (d)
225 Figure 1. Pratylenchus (a), Mesocriconema (b), Tylenchorhynchus (c), Tylenchus (d)

226 Rhabditida nematodes have an essential role in destroying organic matter in the soil, eating bacteriophages
227 or saprophages. The Rhabditida group has the characteristic of not having stylet or teeth but has a stoma in the
228 form of a hollow tube which functions to engulf bacteria (Abolafia and Santiago, 2007).
229 Rhabditis is a genus in the Rhabtiditida group, a type of bacteria-eating nematode (Bacterivores). It has a
230 short life cycle, high fecundity, and can live continuously in nutrient-rich media (Park et al., 2011). Rhabditis has
231 had a body length of 373.51 μm, stoma tubular, slightly enlarged esophagus. The median bulbous is oval and has
232 valves, has gonads, which are reproductive glands, and has male sex, which is characterized by slim spicules with
233 a needle-shaped tip, a tapered tail at the end (Stock et al., 2005).
234 The other Rhabditida nematode is Alloionema, a bacteriophage related to snails, with a free and parasite
235 life cycle. During the cycle, the parasite (third soil juvenile (J3)) enters the body of the snail via its legs, where
236 the nematode changes skin into the fourth stage juvenile (J4), which is encased in the pedal muscle. Moreover,
237 the nematodes emerge from the snails to become free-living adults (Laznik et al., 2010). Nematoda Alloionema
238 has a body length of 906.52 lm. With a narrow tip, the walls of the stoma are tubular. The esophagus is enlarged

Nematode Diversity as an Indicator of Soil Quality ...
Journal of Biodiversities Vol. xx No. xx (20xx)

239 and has a median oval bulbous. This nematode has female sex characterized by a uterus and a slightly protruding
240 vulva with a long, narrow, and tapered tail (Nermut et al., 2016).
241 Panagrolaimus is one of the Rhabditida groups, a bacteriovoress, but some are saprophytes and have three
242 different reproductive models (gonochoristic, hermaphroditic, and parthenogenetic) (Abawi et al., 2012). This
243 nematode has a body length of 638.66 µm, with a narrow lip but a short cylindrical stoma. The body part of the
244 abdomen is curved with a smooth cuticle. The median bulbous is oval in shape with a valve. This nematode is
245 female because of its visible vulva with a simple shape located posterior to the body and a conical tail (Seddiqi et
246 al., 2016).
247 The other genus of Rhabditida groups is Cephalobus, which live freely and eat bacteria. The Cephalobus
248 has a body length of 326.04 µm, and the lip area is open with a U-shaped stoma. Cuticle with clear annulation
249 accompanied sheath cuticle, median bulbous owned oval with a valve. Cephalobus sex is female because it has a
250 vulva. The tail of the Cephalobus is tapered with a blunt tip (Nguyen et a l., 2016). Some genus from the order
251 Rhabditida in this study is shown in Figure 2.
261 (a) (b)
270 (c) (d)
271 Figure 2. Rhabditis (a), Alloionema (b), Panagrolaimus (c), Cephalobus (d).
273 Araeolaimida order has several characteristics; The lip area is sha ped like a bowl, some types have smooth
274 and striated cuticles. The presence of setae, teeth, and median bulbous, and some types have a cylindrical
275 esophagus, rarely experience enlargement (expansion) (Fonseca and Bezerra, 2014).
276 This study found Bathyonchus as a genus of the Araeolaimida group. According to Holovachov (2014),
277 the Bathyonchus is a predatory nematode based on its mouth and cylindrical esophagus. This nematode hasa body
278 length of 676.13 µm, a blunt lip region, with a wide but short tube-shaped stoma with setae. The stomach's body
279 is curved and cuticles with a clear annulation, the esophagus is shaped like a cylinder. It does not appear to be a
280 median bulbous, has female sex with a visible vulva located 40-42% of the body length. Bathyonchus tail is conical
281 and narrows at the end. According to Hoang (2007), the Bathyonchus has a tapered body 0.5-0.8 mm in length
282 and has a cuticle with a transparent annulation. Stoma open, but short, esophagus cylindrical. The vulva is located
283 40-42% of its body length, with a cone-shaped tail narrowing at the end.
284 The other of the order Araeolaimida is Rhabdolaimus. This nematode survives in oxygen-rich and humid
285 conditions as a bacteria feeder (Tahseen et al., 2012). It has a body length of 197.96 µm, and the lip area is rounded
286 with a narrow stoma with denticles (small teeth) at the base of the stoma. The cuticle is smooth, and the median
287 bulbous is oval with a valve. Rhabdolaimus sex is female because it has such a small gap jagged vulva is 50-60%
288 of the body length, with the pointed tail with rounded ends.
289 According to Tahseen et al. (2012), Rhabdolaimus has a small body measuring 0.1-0.9 mm, smooth cuticle
290 1 mm thick, the lip area is rounded with a long and narrow stoma with small denticles at the base of th e stoma.
291 The median bulbous is oval with an elongated valve. The female Rhabdolaimus has a vulva in the form of a small,
292 serrated slit located anterior to the middle of the body about 50-60% of its body length. Tail owned Rhabdolaimus
293 cone-shaped elongated and tapered and rounded or blunt. Bathyonchus and Rhabdolaimus, the order
294 Araeolaimida, are presented in Figure 3.

Nematode Diversity as an Indicator of Soil Quality ...
Journal of Biodiversities Vol. xx No. xx (20xx)

304 (a) (b)
305 Figure 3. Bathyonchus (a), Rhabdolaimus (b).
307 Nematode Diversity and Dominance
308 Table 2 shows the diversity of nematodes and the analysis of the nematode dominance values found based
309 on their genus.
311 Table 2 Nematode Diversity and Dominance
No Genus Nematoda Total Dominance Value Specification
1. Pratylenchus 77 1,99 Plant-parasitic
2. Mesocriconema 47 0,94 Plant-parasitic
3. Tylenchorhynchus 43 0,84 Plant-parasitic
4. Tylenchus 47 0,94 Fungivores
5. Rhabditis 360 20,3 Bacterivores
6. Alloionema 100 2,97 Bacterivores
7. Panagrolaimus 50 1,05 Bacterivores
8. Cephalobus 60 1,38 Bacterivores
9. Bathyonchus 103 3,12 Predator
10. Rhabdolaimus 243 11,2 Bacterivores
314 Based on Table 2, nematodes were classified by way of eating/mouth type. The number and group of
315 nematodes provide an overview of the soil's food web. Moreover, analyzing dominance value aimed to determine
316 the genus dominant on land. The dominance index ra nges from zero (0) to more; the smaller the dominance value
317 indicates that no genus dominates. On the contrary, the greater the dominance value suggests a specific genus that
318 dominates the land. By knowing the dominant genus, it can describe the soil conditions in the sugarcane plantation.
319 The percentage of nematode communities on sugarcane fields grouped by feeding group/mouth type of nematodes
320 presented in Figure 4.

Nematode Diversity as an Indicator of Soil Quality ...
Journal of Biodiversities Vol. xx No. xx (20xx)

Series1; Series1;
predator ; Komunitas Fungivore ;
3,1247943 Nematoda 0,9483550
23; 7% 25; 2%
Series1; Fungivore
3,7939031 Plant-parasitic
44; 8%
321 15; 83%
322 Figure 4. Percentage of nematode communities in sugarcane fields grouped by feeding group / mouth type of
323 nematodes

324 The high nematode diversity and existence in most trophic levels of the food web show that nematodes
325 have an essential role in various soil processes and determine soil characteristics (Ferris, 2010).
326 The number of bacterivores nematodes genus was more than the other nematode genus. The diversity of
327 nematodes in sugarcane fields was low because, according to the interviews with farmers, this sugarcane field was
328 a conversion of forest to agricultural land, and intensive management to obtain satisfactory yields, without
329 realizing an impact on the soil quality. According to (Benayas and Bullock, 2012), changing forests into intensive
330 agricultural land impacted soil ecosystems' diversity and function; intensive agricultural management reduced
331 plant, animals, and soil microbes diversity.
332 The value of dominance is significant in the diversity of nematode groups. It aims to know the dominance
333 of nematode groups from others. (Hu, 2010). There were four feeding-groups of nematodes with percentages that
334 differ in sugarcane fields. Fungivores 2%, Bacteriovores 83%, plant-parasitic 8%, and predatory nematodes 7%.
335 The bacterivores has the highest dominance percentage and has high spreadability in the soil.
336 According to Stirling (2014), bacterivores dominance indicates that the nutrient cycle occurs quickly
337 through bacterial decomposition. Furthermore, it means high fertilization input or in new land preparation
338 conditions. Stirling showed that the low population of omnivores nematodes indicates that soil biology was
339 influenced by pollutants or excessive fertilizer input and interference through soil management practices. It is
340 following the results of this study where high bacteriovoress dominance in the sugarcane fields and absence
341 omnivores nematode populations. Interviews with farmers supported these results who said that the sugarcane
342 field was fertilized regularly and intensively cultivated to increase sugarcane yields.
344 Abiotic Nematode Environment
345 Abiotic factors that can affect nematode diversity include soil pH and the availability of organic matter.
346 Following are the results of measurements of abiotic factors in sugarcane soil.
347 .
348 Table 4.4 Measurement Results of Abiotic Fa ctors
Abiotic Factors Average Value Category
C / N ratio 5,954 Low
C-Organic (%) 1,022 Low
N-Total (%) 0.172 Low
pH 4,275 It's sour
Litter thickness (cm) 4 Moderate


Nematode Diversity as an Indicator of Soil Quality ...
Journal of Biodiversities Vol. xx No. xx (20xx)

Soil acidity (pH) affected nematode life. Nematoda could not survive in acidic soils (pH <3.5). Soil pH on
sugarcane field has a mean of 4.2 75 with the acidic soil category. According to Slessarev et al. (2016), the causes
of low soil pH were high rainfall, which led to leaching of nutrients in the soil; excess fertilization ca used the soil
to become acidic, besides that forest land commonly has acid soil. According to farmers' interviews on the field,
fertilizing routine without adding organic fertilizer and forests' agriculture changes led to lower soil pH. So, the
measured soil pH was less good for nematode's life.
Nematodes prefer habitats rich in organic matter as a food source (Liu, 2016). The availability of organic
matter is determined by several factors, such as litter and soil treatment practices. Soil litter affects nematode life.
According to Liu et al. (2019), litter had a role a s a provider of nutrients for the nematodes indirectly through the
soil's decomposition process. Also, at ground level, it provided a shady environment for the nematodes. The
thickness of the litter in this land was about 4 cm. The litter came from fallen branches of sugarcane.
Soil C/N ratio is an essential factor in soil decomposition by decomposing organic matter (Mueller et al.,
2016). Based on the soil analysis test results, the C/N ratio of soil was 5.954 % with a total N-composition of
0.172%, and C-Organic 1.02 %. According to the Badan Penelitian dan Pengembagan Pertanian (2014), the
optimum C/N ratio ranges from 20-25. The C/N ratio criteria included <5 very low, 5-10 low, 11-15 moderate,
16-25 high, and >25 very high (Badan Penelitian dan Pengembagan Pertanian, 2005). The results of the analysis
of soil samples with a C/N ratio of 5.954% were low. According to the Badan Penelitian dan Pengembagan
Pertanian (2011), a high C/N ratio indicated a relatively large amount of side dishes. On the contrary, the smaller
the C/N ratio, the easier it is to decompose. Following the results of this study in which bacterio vores dominated
in sugarcane fields. According to Ferris et al. (2004), bacterivores were very important in decomposing organic
matter and recycling nutrients in the soil, accelerating soil decomposition and mineralization.
The soil decomposition involves soil organisms that need carbon as an energy source and cell formation.
Organic carbon is an important part of the organic materials ber role in determining soil fertility and productivity.
According to Badan Penelitian dan Pengembagan Pertanian (2005), organic C content criteria are <1 very low, 1-
2 low, 2-3 medium, 3-5 high, and >5 very high. The a nalysis results showed that the soil sample's carbon content
(C) was 1.022%, which was low. Nitrogen also plays a role as a nurturer and the formation of microorganism
body cells that help the decomposition process (Song et al., 2016). The criteria for the N content according to
Badan Penelitian dan Pengembagan Pertanian (2005) include <0.1 very low, 0.1-0.2 low, 0.21-0.5 moderate, high
0.51-0.75 and >0.75 very high. Based on the data from the analysis test results of nitrogen (N), the soil sample
was 0.172, categorized a s low. According to Lago et al. (2019), C-organic and N-total soil without intensive
cultivation had a high value, while soil with intensive cultivation had a low value. Because in intensively managed
soil, the decomposition of organic matter ran faster due to soil aeration. Following this research results in which
the sugarcane field used tillage system intensively, organic C and N-total value were low. Based on the analysis
of the nematode community, a ccording to Capo (2013) and Stirling (2014), quality soil has the following
1. Free-living nematodes rather than parasitic nematodes dominate the nematode community.
2. Low plant-parasitic nematode populations, such as Pratylenchus.
3. Types of nematodes diverse and good if bacterial nematode feeders are in balance with fungal feeders.
4. Omnivores and predatory nematode populations are relatively high.
Based on these characteristics, the soils derived from sugarcane fields with low quality because parasitic
nematode’s population was high, second only to the bacterial-eating nematodes. The presence of bacterial feeders'
nematodes did not balance with fungal feeders omnivores nematode population that did not found. However, the
domination of the nematode community was free-living nematodes.


The diversity of nematodes found in PTPN XI PG Asembagus, Siliragung District, Banyuwangi Regency,
found ten genera of nematodes, namely Pratylenchus, Mesocriconema, Tylenchorhynchus, Tylenchus, Rhabditis,
Alloionema, Panagrolaimus, Cephalobus, and Bathyonchus. Soil quality in this suga rcane field had a low soil
fertility level because parasitic nematodes were still high. The presence of bacterial feeders' nematodes did not
balance with fungal feeders, and the population of omnivores nematodes did not found.

Nematode Diversity as an Indicator of Soil Quality ...
Journal of Biodiversities Vol. xx No. xx (20xx)


Thanks to University Jember, which has funded this research through a KeRis grant scheme 2019, and PT
Perkebunan Nusantara XI PG Asembagus Seneporejo Village, District Siliragung, Banyuwangi on the permission
in sampling withdrawal to collect some information to complete the research results


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