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Directorate of Education GNCT of Delhi

Subject: Mathematics Worksheet: 1 Date: 05.07.21

Class: IX Name of Student…………………… Name of Class Teacher…...……………..

Students, we will practice situational problems based on basic mathematical operations.

Try to understand the given problem, apply suitable operation and find the solution.

Q.1 Rani has Rs. 452. Her father gives her Rs. Q.2 Ronit has Rs. 712. His brother takes
289 more. How many rupees does she have? Rs.289. How many rupees does he have?
Sol. HTO Sol. HTO
Rani has rupees 4 5 2 Ronit has Rs. 7 1 2
Her father gives her Rs. 2 8 9 His brother takes Rs. 289 2 8 9
Total amount she has is Rs.741 7 4 1 Total amount he has is Rs.423 4 2 3

Q.3 There are 49 children in a park and each Q.4 There are 1014 apples. Sonu wants to arrange
one has 13 balls. How many balls are there in them in 3 equal rows. How many should he put in
all? each row?
Sol.3 HTO Sol.4 Th H T O
Total students are 49 4 9 Total apples are 1014 3) 1 0 1 4 (338
each student has 13 balls 1 3 Arrange them in 3 equal rows 0 9
. 1 4 7 . 0 1 1
. 4 9 × . 0 9
Total numbers of balls is 637 6 3 7 . 2 4
. 2 4
Practice Work Apples in each row is 338 0

1. A school has 725 students. If 76 students absent today. How many students are present in the school?
2. In a school, 24 students absent today. If 726 students are present, then find the total number of students in
the school.
3. Lata has 309 toy Cars. Raghu has 174 toy cars. How many do they have together?
4. In an exam, Ali gets 421 marks and Mani gets 331 marks. How many more marks does Ali have than Mani?
5. Munni has 3 times as many flowers as Chunni has. If Chunni has 8 flowers, then how many flowers does
Munni have?
6. A dress is made in 3 different sizes and 4 different colours. Find the total number of such dresses?
7. There are 567 plants. Rita wants to arrange 9 plants in each row. How many rows can be made?
8. Solve the following: -
(I) 4789 + 2947 (II) 2451 – 1457 (III) 746 х 37 (IV) 5005 ÷ 5
1. Solve 41 + 9 × 1 – 20 ÷ (2 + 3) According to the BODMAS,
Sol. 41 + 9 × 1 – 20 ÷ 5 solve bracket first i.e., (2 + 3) = 5
= 41 + 9 × 1 – 4 then do division i.e., 20 ÷ 5 = 4
= 41 + 9 – 4 then do multiplication i.e., 9 × 1 = 9
= 50 – 4 then do addition i.e., 41 + 9 = 50
= 46 lastly, do subtraction i.e., 50 – 5 = 46
Practice work
Solve the following: -
1. 200 - 15 ÷ 3 × 5 2. 24 ÷ 3 – 2 × 4 3. 5 × 6 ÷ 6 + 5 4. 21 – 8 ÷ 4

COVID appropriate behaviour (CAB) message:

Wash your hands with soap and water regularly.
शशिक्षा ननिद्षे शिाय्षा, राष्ट्रीा राजधानिी क्षेषेत्र, दद्षल्य्षी

नविषा : हहिंदी काार्यपषेत्रक :01 नतिशथ: 05/07/2021

कक्षा: IX नविद्याथर्थी का निाम ……………… कक्षाध्ाापक का निाम …...……
अपठठित बोध
प्रश्न 1. ननिम्निललिखखित गद्यांश कोो पकरकोखि पछपढे ग प प्रश्न्न कोे उत्खि ललिखखि प।
महि्यत्म्य ग्यांधी जी कोी येे ब्यत ्वचढत्य पखि ीी लि्यगछप हिोती हिै नको अगखि हिम मम्यज मं बदलि्यव दे खिनि्य च्यहिते हिै तो
मवर्वप्रथम हिमं ्वयेां मं बदलि्यव लि्यनि्य हिोग्य। हिखि कोोहोग दमखि्न कोी खि्यहि तकोत्य खिहित्य हिै। औखि पहिलिे ।प-पहिलिे ।प मं
ग्यड़ी ढछप ट ज्यती हिै। म्य -म ्यहोग मे हिम्यखि्य तनि-मनि दोनि्न ्व्थ औखि मुखिककत खिहित्य हिै। येहि हिमं नकोमी औखि कोे ललि प
निहिी, वखिनि् खिुद कोे ललि प कोखिनि्य हिै। येहि ज्यगरकोत्य जनि-जनि तको पहुच्यनिी हिोगी। हिमं मकोे ललि प जमीनिी ्तखि मे
लिगकोखि को्यम कोखिनि्य हिोग्य। हिमं बचपनि मे हिी बचच्न मं म ्यहोग कोी ।दत डलिव्यनिी हिोगी। उनहिं लमखि्यनि्य हिोग्य नको, पको
कोुत््य ीी जहि्यां बैठित्य हिै, उम जगहि कोो झ्यड़-पोढ कोखि बैठित्य हिै। जब ज्यनिवखि्न मं म्य -म ्यहोग कोे प्रनत तनिी
ज्यगरुकोत्य हिै, न खि हिम तो नम्यनि हिै। पको नवद्यनि निे कोहि्य हिै नको ्वचढत्य हिम्यखिे ्व्य््ये कोे ललि प अत्येांत ।वशयेको हिै
येठद हिम अपनिे जीवनि मं ्वचढत्य कोो अपनि्य पांगे तो ननिकशत ततखि पखि हिम ्व्थ औखि प्रमस ्चत् खिहिंगे ्वचढत्य पको
वखिद्यनि हिै जो मनिुषये कोो ननिखिांतखि प्रगनत पवां नवको्यम कोी ओखि ।गे बकरनिे कोी प्रेखिे्य दे त्य हिै ्वचढत्य को्य प्यलिनि कोखिनिे मे
हिम बीम्यरखिये्न मे तो बचंगे हिी जीवनि कोे नि प-नि प अधये्यये कोोलशश कोखिकोे मदै व ।गे बकरते खिहिंगे।

(को) हम बीमारराय ंे नकं तिरह बच ंकतिे है ?

(खि) ्वचढत्य कोो पको वखिद्यनि कोहि्य गये्य हिै, क्ये्न ?

(ग) हिम नकोम प्रको्यखि महिी चुनि्यव कोखिकोे म लित्य प्र्य्त कोखि मकोते हिै ?

(घ) मम्यज मं बदलि्यव लि्यनिे कोे ललि प हिमं क्ये्य कोखिनि्य हिोग्य ?

(ङ) उपयेुर्व्युक गद्यांश को्य उ्चत शीरर्वको दीए।ाज प।

कोनविड के ंनद्षरर्य म उचचति वविहार ंसबसधी (CAB) ंसद्षेशि :

ननिाचमति रूप ंे अपनिे हाथय को ंाबन नि पर पानिी ंे धोएँ l

Directorate of Education, GNCT of Delhi

Class: –IX, Subject: Science Worksheet: 1 Date:05/07/2021

Student’s Name_____________ Teacher’s Name________

Plants (Photosynthesis)

• A plant consists of different part. The part of plant above ground is called the Shoot
system. This includes stem, branches, leaves, flower and bud. The part of plant below
ground is called Root system. This includes root and root hairs.
• Leaves are generally green in colour due to the presence of chlorophyll.
• Plants can synthesise their own food by photosynthesis thus called Autotrophs.
• Animals depend on plant for their food thus called Heterotrophs.


• During photosynthesis chlorophyll containing

cells of leaves, in the presence of sunlight, use
carbon dioxide from air and water from soil to
synthesise carbohydrates (glucose) and releases
oxygen in the air. It can be represented as:

Carbon dioxide + Water – --->Carbohydrate + oxygen

Stomata are the tiny pores present on the

leaves that helps in:

1.Exchange of gases.
Fungi are the organisms which takes
2.Transpiration of
the nutrients from
water from the leaves.
dead and decaying

matter thus are

called saprotrophs.
Check yourself:

Q1.Why plant leaves are green in colour?

Q2.what are Autotrophs, Heterotrophs and Saprotrophs ? Give example.

Q3.Why animals cannot perform photosynthesis?

Q4.What is photosynthesis? Explain with a diagram.

COVID appropriate behaviour(CAB)message:

Wash your hands with soap and water regularly.

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