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Things to Remember


|. Algebraic Expression: Any expression containing constants,

variables and operations like addition, subtraction, etc. is called
an algebraic expression.
2. Polynomial: A polynomial p(x) in one variable x is an algebraic
expression of the form:
p(x) = anxn + an–|xn – | + . . . + a2x2 + a|x + a0
where a0, a1 , a2 , . . . a n are constants and n is a whole number.
a0, a|, a2, . . .an are the coefficients of x0, x, x2 , . . . x n respectively.
If a n ≠ 0 , the degree of the polynomial is n. Each of a n xn, a n–1x n–1, . . .
a0 is called a term of the polynomial p(x).
3. Constant Polynomial: A polynomial consisting of only a constant
term is called a constant polynomial.
4. Zero of a Polynomial: A real number ‘a’ is called zero of a
polynomial p(x) if p(a) = 0. In this case, ‘a’ is also called a root
of the equation p(x) = 0.
5. Remainder Theorem: If p(x) is any polynomial of degree
greater than or equal to | and p(x) is divided by a linear
polynomial (x – a), the remainder is p(a).
6. Factor Theorem: If p(x) is any polynomial of degree greater
than or equal to | and if (x-a) is a factor of the polynomial
p(x), then p(a) = 0.

Things to Remember

Introduction to Euclid’s Geometry

1. Euclid's Definitions:
a. A point is that which has no part.
b. A line is a breadthless length.
c. The ends of a line are points.
d. A straight line is a line which lies evenly with the points on
e. A surface is that which has length and breadth only.
f. The edges of a surface are lines.
g. A plane surface is a surface which lies evenly with the straight
lines on itself.
2. Euclid's Axioms:
a. Things which are equal to the same thing are equal to one another.
b. If equals are added to equals, the wholes are equal.
c. If equals are subtracted from equals, the remainders are equal.
d. Things which coincide with one another are equal to one another.

Things to Remember

e. The whole is greater than the part.

f. Things which are double of the same things are equal to one
g. Things which are halves of the same things are equal to one
3. Euclid's Postulates:
Postulate |: A straight line may be drawn from any one point to
any other point.
Postulate 2: A terminated line can be produced indefinitely.
Postulate 3: A circle can be drawn with any centre and any
Postulate 4: All right angles are equal to one another.
Postulate 5: If a straight line falling on two straight lines makes
the interior angles on the same side of it taken together less
than two right angles, then the two straight lines, if produced
indefinitely, meet on that side on which the sum of angles is less
than two right angles.

Things to Remember

Diagrammatic Representation of Euclid's Postulate

+ < 1800

The two equivalent versions of Euclid’s fifth postulate are:

(i) For every line l and for every point P not lying on l, there exists a
unique line m passing through P and parallel to l.
(ii) Two distinct intersecting lines cannot be parallel to the same line.

Things to Remember

Force & Laws of Motion

|. Force has both magnitude and direction. Its S.I. unit is newton (N).
2. Effects of Force:
a. Force can set a stationary body in motion.
b. Force can stop a moving body.
c. Force can change the speed of a moving body.
d. Force can change the direction of motion of a body.
e. Force can change the shape and size of a body.
3. Resultant of Two Forces Acting Along a Line:
a. If two or more forces are acting in the same direction, the
net force is equal to their algebraic sum.
b. If two forces are acting in opposite directions, the net force is
equal to the difference between the forces and acts in the
direction of larger of the two forces.
4. Balanced Forces: If the resultant of two or more forces is
equal to zero, the forces are called balanced forces.
5. Unbalanced Forces: If the resultant of two or more forces is
non-zero, the forces are called unbalanced forces.

Things to Remember

6. Inertia: The property of a body due to which it resists a change

in its state of motion is called inertia. Inertia is directly
proportional to mass of the body.
7. Newton’s First Law of Motion: A body at rest will remain at rest
and a body in motion will continue moving in a straight line with
uniform speed unless acted upon by an unbalanced external force.
8. Momentum: The momentum of a body is defined as the product of
its mass and velocity.
Momentum = Mass × Velocity
9. Newton’s Second Law of Motion: The rate of change of
momentum of a body is directly proportional to the applied force
and takes place in the direction in which the net force acts.
F = Rate of change of momentum = m(v-u) = ma

Things to Remember

Is Matter Around Us Pure?

|. Elements: These are pure substances having the same number of

protons in their atomic nuclei.
2. Compounds: These are pure substances which are formed by
chemically combining two or more elements in definite proportions.
3. Mixtures: Mixtures are those substances that contain more than
one kind of pure forms of matter which are not chemically
4. Homogeneous Mixtures: A mixture is said to be homogeneous if all
the components of the mixture are uniformly mixed and there are
no visible boundaries of separation between them.
5. Heterogeneous Mixtures: A mixture is said to be heterogeneous if
all the components of the mixture are not uniformly mixed and
there are visible boundaries of separation between them.
6. Concentration of a Solution:
Mass of solute x 100
a. Mass by mass percentage = Mass of solution
b. Mass by volume percentage = Mass of solute x 100
Volume of solution
c. Volume by volume percentage = Volume of solute x 100
Volume of solution

Things to Remember

7. Solution: A solution is a homogeneous mixture of two or more

substances. It has solvent and solute as its components. The
component of the solution that dissolves the other component
in it (usually the component present in larger amount) is called the
solvent. The component of the solution that is dissolved in the
solvent (usually present in lesser quantity) is called the solute.
8. Suspension: A suspension is defined as a heterogeneous mixture
with particle diameter greater than 1000 nanometres such
that the particles are visible to naked eye.
9. Colloid: A colloid is intermediate between solution and suspension. It
has particles with sizes between 2 to 1000 nanometres. Colloids
can be distinguished from solutions using Tyndall effect. Tyndall
effect is defined as the scattering of light through a colloidal

Things to Remember


|. A tissue is a group of cells that work together to perform a

particular function.
Plant Tissue

Meristematic Tissue Permanent Tissue

Apical Lateral Intercalary S imple Complex

Phloem Xylem
Parenchyma Collenchyma Sclerenchyma Protective

Epidermis Cork
2. Meristematic Tissues: These are responsible for growth in plants.
Cells in these tissues can divide and form new cells.
3. Permanent Tissues: Cells of meristematic tissues change their
shape and size to get specialised in performing other functions in
plants. They take up a specific role and lose the ability to divide. As
a result, they form a permanent tissues. This process of taking up
a permanent shape, size and function is called differentiation.

Things to Remember

4. Simple Permanent Tissues:

a. Parenchyma is the most common simple permanent tissue. The
cells of this tissue are living.
b. In some situations, it contains chlorophyll and performs
photosynthesis and is called chlorenchyma.
c. In aquatic plants, large air cavities are present in parenchyma
to help them float. Such tissue is called aerenchyma.
d. The flexibility in plants is due to another type of permanent
tissue known as collenchyma.
e. Sclerenchyma is the tissue which makes the plant hard and stiff.
The cells of this tissue are dead. This type of tissue is present
in stems, veins of leaves and hard covering of seeds and nuts.
f. The epidermis is the outermost layer usually made of a single
layer of cells. Small pores called stomata are present in the
epidermis of the leaf. The stomata is enclosed by two
kidney-shaped cells called guard cells.

Things to Remember

5. Complex Permanent Tissue:

a. Xylem: Xylem is the tissue that transports water and nutrients
from root to other parts of the plant. It is composed of four
types of cells - vessel, tracheid, xylem parenchyma and xylem
b. Phloem: Phloem is the tissue that transports food from the site
of photosynthesis to different parts of the plant. It is composed
of sieve elements, companion cells, phloem parenchyma and
phloem fibre.

The Reason Behind

1 A fielder pulls his hands gradually with the moving

ball while taking a catch.
2 When a motorcar makes a sharp turn at a high
speed, the passengers tend to get thrown to one
3 When a bullet is fired from a gun, the gun recoils.

4 A solution of copper sulphate in water does not

show Tyndall effect but a mixture of water and
milk does.
5 Cream separates out from milk when the milk is
6 Sublimation method is used for separation of
ammonium chloride and salt.
7 Meristematic cells lack a vacuole.


Solve the following questions

01. If x + x−| = ||, what is the value of x2 + x-2 ?
A. ||9 B. |20
C. |2| D. |22

02. If p(x) = 3x + bx2 + | and p(3) = -35, what is the value of b?

A. 5 B. -5
C. |0 D. -|0

03. Find the zero(s) of the following polynomials:

a. p(x) = -3x + |
b. p(x) = x2 - |
c. p(x) = mx - n
d. p(x) = 2x2 - 2

04. What is the quotient when p(x) = 4x2 + x - 3 is divided by

g(x) = | + x?
A. 4x - 4 B. 4x - 3
C. 3x - 4 D. 3x - 2


05. What is the degree of the polynomial p(x) = x + x2 + |?

A. 0 B. 4
C. | D. 2

06. . is the remainder when x4 + x3 – 2x2 + x + | is divided by x + |?

A. -2 B. 2
C. 3 D. -4

07. If. a polynomial p(x) intersects the x-axis at two points and
y-axis at four points, what is the number of zeroes of the
polynomial p(x)?
A. 0 B. 2
C. 3 D. 4

Introduction to Euclid’s Geometry

Solve the following questions

01. State whether the following statements are TRUE or FALSE.
a. There are infinite number of lines which can pass through
two distinct points.
b. A ray can be extended indefinitely on both sides .
c. Two distinct points always determine a line.

02. If a point C lies between two points A and B such that AC = BC,
prove that AC = AB 2

03. Which of the following statements is not a correct version of

Euclid’s 5th postulate?

A. For every line l and for every point P not lying on l, there
exists a unique line m passing through P and parallel to l.
B. Two distinct intersecting lines cannot be parallel to the
same line.
C. Two distinct lines cannot have more than one point in
D. If a straight line falling on two straight lines makes the
interior angles on the same side of it taken together less
than two right angles, then the two straight lines, if
produced indefinitely, meet on that side on which the sum
of angles is less than two right angles.

Introduction to Euclid’s Geometry

04. Prove that only one triangle can be formed with the same set of
three lines.

05 ‘All. right angles are equal to one another’ is stated in the

form of a:

A. Definition B. Corollary
C. Theorem D. Postulate

06 . is the number of line segments determined by three

non-collinear points?

A. One B. Two
C. Three D. Four

07 It is known that if a + b = 8, then a + b + r = 8 + r. Which of

the following Euclid’s axioms illustrates this statement?
A. Things which are equal to the same thing are
equal to one another.
B. Things which are double of the same thing are
equal to one another.
C. Things which coincide with one another are equal
to one another.
D. If equals are added to equals, the wholes are equal.

Force & Laws of Motion

1 A motorcar and a lorry are moving with the same velocity. Equal
stopping forces are applied to both of them. If the ratio of the
mass of the motorcar to the mass of the lorry is |:3, what is the
ratio of time taken by the motorcar to that taken by the lorry
to stop?
A. |:2
B. |:3
C. 3:|
D. |:9

2 Which of the following does not require application of a force?

A. Increasing the speed of a body

B. Decreasing the momentum of a body
C. Changing the direction of motion of a body
D. Maintaining uniform velocity of a body

Force & Laws of Motion

3 When a cannonball of mass 2 kg is fired at a target, the 400 kg

cannon recoils with a velocity of 2 ms-|. What is the time taken
by the cannonball to hit the target if the target is 500 m away
from the cannon? Assume that the cannon travels at a constant

A. |.25 s
B. 2s
C. |.5 s
D. 0.2 s

4 Which of the following is incorrect regarding action and reaction


A. They act on the same body.

B. They have opposite directions.
C. They have equal magnitude.
D. They act simultaneously.

Force & Laws of Motion

5 Which of the following statements is not correct for an object

moving with a constant acceleration along a straight line?

A. Its speed keeps changing.

B. Its velocity keeps changing.
C. The direction of its velocity remains constant.
D. A net force always acts on it.

6 A body of mass 300 g kept at rest explodes into three equal

fragments. The first fragment is found to be at rest while the
second fragment is moving at a speed of |2 ms-| towards east.
What is the velocity of the third fragment?

A. |2 ms-| towards west

B. |2 ms-| towards east
C. 24 ms-| towards west
D. 24 ms-| towards east

Force & Laws of Motion

7 Ronaldo and Messi, while trying to hit a football on the ground,

collide and immediately get entangled. Ronaldo has a mass of
70 kg and was moving with a velocity of 5.0 ms-| while Messi has
a mass of 60 kg and was moving faster with a velocity of 7.0
ms-| towards Ronaldo. With what velocity will they move after
the collision? Neglect friction.

A. 0.38 ms-|
B. 0.26 ms-|
C. 0.43 ms-|
D. 0.54 ms-|

Matter and Its Purification

1) While treating water, Abhishek allowed solid impurities to

settle down. What is this stage known as in the water
purification process?

A. Chlorination
B. Sublimation
C. Distillation
D. Sedimentation

2) Aditya, a high school chemistry teacher, was planning to

demonstrate Tyndall effect to his students. Which of the
following solutions should he choose to perform the

A. A solution of common salt

B. A mixture of milk and water
C. A solution of copper sulphate
D. A solution of sodium carbonate

3) Manish was given a mixture of common salt, sulphur, sand

and iron filings. He shook the mixture with carbon
disulphide and filtered through a filter paper. The filtrate
was evaporated to dryness in a china dish. What was left
in the china dish after evaporation?

A. Salt B. Sulphur
C. Sand D. Iron filings

Matter and Its Purification

4) Anshul heated ink in a watch glass to obtain a coloured

component (dye) as shown below. What is the process
involved here and what component of ink is removed?
Blue Ink Watch glass
A. Condensation, oil Beaker
B. Evaporation, water Water
C. Melting, water vapour
D. Sublimation, water vapour

5) 20 cm3 of alcohol is dissolved in 80 cm3 of water. What is

the concentration of the solution in terms of volume by
volume percentage?

A. |0
B. |5
C. 20
D. 25

6) After a hectic training session, athletes were advised to

dissolve 50 g glucose in 250 g of water and drink it.
What is the concentration of the solution in terms of
mass by mass percentage?

A. |0.33
B. |3.67
C. |6.67
D. 20.33

Matter and Its Purification

7) Identify components A, B and C in the following

equipment used for fractional distillation.


Water out


flask Water in



1. What are the components A and B in the given diagram of

A. A - Sieve tube; B - Parenchyma
B. A - Sieve tube; B - Companion cell A

C. A - Parenchyma; B - Sieve tube
D. A - Sieve plate; B - Sieve tube
2. Which of the following statements is incorrect?
A. Some tissues in plants divide throughout the life while others lose the
ability to divide and become permanent tissues.
B. Cell growth in animals is more uniform as compared to plants.
C. Animals have more dead tissues compared to plants.
D. Animal cells do not have a cell wall.
3. Which of the following is the function of guard cells?
A. Opening and closing of stomata
B. Producing antioxidants
C. Protecting the plant from fungal contamination
D. Transporting food


4. Match the following tissues with their functions.

Tissue Function
A Tendon 1 Transports food in plants
B Adipose 2 Transports water in plants
C Phloem 3 Connects muscles to bones
D Xylem 4 Stores fat in our body

5. What is the criterion based on which plant tissues are

categorised into meristematic and permanent tissues?
A. Ability to undergo photosynthesis
B. Ability to divide actively
C. Ability to move
D. Complexity to perform a function
6. Miss Shukla showed her class a permanent slide with
elongated cells which are irregularly thickened at the
corners. Identify the cell type.
A. Parenchyma cells
B. Nerve cells
C. Sclerenchyma cells
D. Collenchyma cells


7. Which of the following is not a characteristic of cardiac

A. They are branched.
B. They are multinucleated.
C. Intercalated discs are present in them.
D. They are involuntary.

Visualizing the Basics

1 1. As shown below, three horizontal forces are acting on a block of

mass 5 kg kept on a horizontal surface. What is its acceleration?

5 kg
20 N
10 N

2 A horizontal force is applied to a body kept at rest on a rough

horizontal surface. Identify the forces A, B and C.
No Motion

Applied Force

3 Label the different stages in water purification process.
A. : To allow solids Fine sand Coarse To kill harmful
Reservoir to settle Water Gravel gravel micro organisms
B. :
C. : To home

Visualizing the Basics

4 4. Match the following diagrams of epithelial tissues with their types.

A |

B 2 Squamous

C 3 Columnar

D 4 Cuboidal

Visualizing the Basics

5 1. Label the given diagram of a neuron.

6 What is the name of the tissue shown below?

A. Striated muscle
B. Tendon
C. Smooth muscle
D. Transitional epithelium

Visualizing the Basics

7 1. If the graph of the polynomial p(x) = ax2 + bx + c looks as shown

below, which of the following options lists the correct set of values of
a, b and c?

-3 -2 -| 0 | 2 3






A. a = |, b = 0, c = 4
B. a = |, b = 0, c = - 4
C. a = |, b = 2, c = 4
D. a = |, b = 2, c = - 4

The Reason Behind

A fielder pulls his hands gradually with the moving ball while taking a
catch to increase the time taken by it to come to rest. By doing so,
acceleration of the ball is reduced and therefore the impact of
catching the fast moving ball is also reduced.
If the ball is stopped suddenly, its velocity decreases to zero in a
very short interval of time. Thus, the rate of change of momentum
of the ball is very high and a large force has to be applied which
may hurt the fielder.
When a motorcar makes a sharp turn at a high speed, the
passengers try to resist the change in state of motion because of
inertia. As a result, they tend to get thrown to one side.
This can be explained using Newton's third law of motion. When a
bullet is fired from a gun, the gun exerts a forward force on the
bullet. The bullet, in turn, exerts an equal and opposite reaction
force on the gun. This results in recoil of the gun.

The Reason Behind

In a solution of copper sulphate in water, the solute particles are so

small that they cannot scatter light. Hence, copper sulphate solution
in water does not show Tyndall effect. A mixture of milk and water
is a colloidal solution. Particle size is big enough to scatter light.
Hence, it shows Tyndall effect.
Centrifugation is the technique used to separate cream from milk.
The principle is that when spun, the heavier milk is pulled outward
against the walls of the separator and the cream, which is lighter,
collects in the middle.
Ammonium chloride changes directly from solid to gaseous state on
heating. So, to separate mixtures that contain a sublimable volatile
component (here ammonium chloride) from non-sublimable impurity
(here salt), the method of sublimation is used.
Meristematic cells divide frequently and give rise to new cells. Hence,
they need dense cytoplasm and soft cell wall. Presence of vacuoles
causes hindrance in cell division as vacuoles are full of cell sap and
provide turgidity and rigidity to the cell.


01. Option A
x + x−| = ||
⇒ (x + x−|)2 = ||2
⇒ (x)2 + (x−|)2 + 2(x)(x−|) = |2|
⇒ x2 + x−2 + 2 = |2|
⇒ x2 + x−2 = |2| − 2 = ||9

02. Option B
Given: p(x) = 3x + bx2 + |
⇒ p(3) = 3(3) + b(3)2 + | = |0 + 9b
But p(3) = -35
⇒ 9b + |0 = -35
⇒ 9b = -45
⇒ b = -5

03. a. p(x) = -3x + | = 0

b. p(x) = x2 - | = 0
⇒ x2 = |
⇒ x = ±|
c. p(x) = mx - n = 0
d. p(x) = 2x2 - 2 = 0
⇒ 2x2 = 2
⇒ x2 = |
⇒ x = ±|


04. Option B
4x - 3
x+| 4x2 + x - 3
4x2 + 4x
-3x - 3
-3x - 3

05. Option D
p(x) = x + x2 + | is a polynomial with three terms having the
highest power as 2. Hence, its degree is 2.

06. Option A
The remainder is equal to -2.
x3 - 2x + 3
x+| x4 + x3 - 2x2 + x + |
x4 + x3
-2x2 + x + |
-2x2 - 2x
3x + |
3x + 3


07. Option B
The points where a polynomial p(x) intersects the x-axis are the
zeros of the polynomial. Since the given polynomial intersects the
x-axis at 2 points, the number of zeros is 2.

Introduction to Euclid’s Geometry

01. a. FALSE
Only one line can pass through two distinct points.
A ray can be extended indefinitely on one side only.
Two distinct points always determine a line.

02. Given that: AC = BC

⇒ AC + AC = BC + AC (Equals are added to equals.)
As the sum of the line segments BC and AC coincides with AB,
BC + AC = AB.
Hence, 2AC = AB
⇒ AC = AB

03. Option C
Option (D) is the statement of Euclid’s fifth postulate while
options (A) and (B) are equivalent versions of the fifth
postulate. The statement “Two distinct lines cannot have more
than one point in common” is a direct consequence of “Only one
distinct line can be drawn passing through two distinct points”
and has no connection with Euclid’s fifth postulate.

Introduction to Euclid’s Geometry

04. Let us take two straight lines ‘m’ and ‘n’ and a transversal line
‘l’. The transversal line ‘l’ intersects the lines m and n at two
distinct points. Let the interior angles be α and β such that α +
β < 1800.
As per Euclid’s 5th postulate, if the sum of interior angles α
and β is less than 1800, the given lines m and n will intersect on
the side of interior angles α and β if they are produced
indefinitely. I
P m

+ 1800
In the above figure, O is the point of intersection of lines m
and n and ΔOPQ is formed. Hence, only one triangle can be
formed by the same set of three lines.

Introduction to Euclid’s Geometry

05. Option D
Euclid’s fourth postulate states that all right angles are equal to
one another.

06. Option C
Only one line can be drawn passing through 2 distinct points. Using
any two of the points A, B and C, three distinct pairs [(A, B), (B, C)
and (A, C)] can be selected. Hence, three different line segments
can be determined using three non-collinear points.

Introduction to Euclid’s Geometry

07. Option D
Euclid’s 2nd axiom states that if equals are added to equals, the
wholes are equal.
Here, a + b is equal to 8. Equals (each equal to r) are added to two
equal quantities. Hence, the wholes a + b + r and 8 + r will also be

Force & Laws of Motion

1 Option B
Let the masses of the motorcar and the lorry be m and 3m respectively and v
be their initial velocities.
Force applied on both of them is same.
So, m (Acceleration of motorcar) = 3m (Acceleration of lorry)
O - v = 3m 0 - v
⇒ m t tlorry
tmototcar |
⇒ =3
t lorry

2 Option D
Force acting on a body is directly proportional to the rate of change of
momentum of the body. If the body continues to move with a uniform velocity,
there is no change in its momentum. Hence, no force is required to maintain
uniform velocity.

3 Option A
According to the law of conservation of linear momentum,
m| u|+ m2 u 2 = m| v| + m2 v2
Total momentum before firing = 0
⇒ Mass of cannon × Velocity of cannon + Mass of cannonball × Velocity of
cannonball = 0
⇒ 400 × 2 + 2 × Velocity of cannonball = 0

Force & Laws of Motion

⇒ Velocity of cannonball = - 400 ms-|

Negative sign shows that the cannonball moves opposite to the cannon.
500 s = 1.25 s
Hence, time taken by the cannonball to reach the target = 400

4 Option A
According to Newton's third law of motion, for every action, there is an equal
and opposite reaction. These action and reaction forces act simultaneously on
two different bodies.

5 Option C
If a body is accelerating along a straight line, its speed will be changing
continuously. Hence, its velocity will also keep changing. Moreover, for a change in
velocity, a net force is a must. However, the body can change its direction of
motion even if it is accelerating along a straight line. This can happen when the
body has some initial velocity and a negative acceleration.

6 Option A
Mass of each fragment = 300 g
3 = |00 g = 0.| kg
According to the law of conservation of linear momentum,
m| u|+ m2 u2 + m3 u3 = m| v| + m2 v2 + m3 v3
⇒ 0 = m| v| + m2 v2 + m3 v3

Force & Laws of Motion

⇒ 0 = 0.| × 0 + (0.| × |2) + ( 0.| × v3)

⇒ v3 = -0.|0.|× |2 = -|2 ms-|
The negative sign indicates that the third fragment moves opposite to the
second fragment.
Hence, the third fragment moves in the opposite direction (towards west) with
a speed of |2 ms-|.

7 Option D
Total momentum before collision = m|u| + m2 u2 = 70 × 5 + 60 × (-7)
= 350 - 420 = - 70 kg ms-|
Negative sign signifies that initial momentum is along direction of motion of Messi.
If v is their combined velocity after collision, total final momentum is given by
(m|+ m2) v
= (70 + 60) × v
= |30 v
Equating the initial momentum and the final momentum,
|30 v = -70
⇒ v = -|30
70 = -0.54 m/s

Thus, the two entangled players would move with a velocity of 0.34 ms-| in the
direction Messi was moving before collision.

Matter and Its Purification

1) Option D
Sedimentation is the process of settling of particles in a suspended medium.
It is a physical process used to remove suspended solids from water. The
particles settle down at the bottom because of their weight.
2) Option B
When a beam of light passes through a true solution, there is no scattering
and the path of light cannot be traced. However, when the beam of light is
allowed to pass through a colloid, it gets scattered by the colloidal particles
and the path of the light can be traced. This phenomenon of scattering of
light by colloidal particles is called the Tyndall effect. A mixture of milk in
water, being a colloid, shows Tyndall effect.
3) Option B
Common salt, sand and iron filings are insoluble while sulphur is soluble in
carbon disulphide. Upon mixing the given mixture with CS2 and filtering, the
filtrate would consist of sulphur dissolved in CS2. When heated in a china
dish, CS2 would evaporate leaving behind sulphur.
4) Option B
Ink is a mixture of dye in water. We can separate the volatile component
(water) from its non-volatile solute (dye) by the method of evaporation. If
we heat the ink kept in a watch glass, water evaporates leaving behind
ink pigment.
5) Option C
Volume of alcohol (solute) = 20 cm3
Volume of water (solvent) = 80 cm3
⇒ Volume of solution = Volume of solute + Volume of solvent
= 20 cm3 + 80 cm3
= 100 cm3
Hence, concentration of the solution = Volume of solute x 100
= 20 x 100 Volume of solution
= 20 o/o

Matter and Its Purification

6) Option C
Mass of glucose (solute) = 50 g
Mass of water (solvent) = 250 g
⇒ Mass of solution = Mass of solute + Mass of solvent
= 50 g + 250 g
= 300 g
Hence, concentration of the solution = Mass of solute x 100
= 50 x |00 Mass of solution
= 16.67 o/o
7) Fractional distillation is a separation process in which the volatile
components (having different boiling points) of a mixture are separated
from one another by heating the mixture in a column and collecting and
condensing the vapours. The various components of the equipment are:
A - Condenser
B - Bunsen burner
C - Fractionating column

Fractionating Water out

Column (C)
Condenser (A)

Water in

Bunsen burner (B)


1. Option B
Component ‘A’ is sieve tube which is basically the conduit of food transport
in plants. Component ‘B’ is companion cell.

Sieve tube

2. Option C
All the statements except C are correct. Plants have sedentary life as they
do not move from their place. The dead cells present in the plants can
provide mechanical strength just like the living cells and need less
3. Option A
Stomata are enclosed by two kidney-shaped cells called guard cells. They
help regulate the rate of transpiration by opening and closing the stomata.
4. A - 3, B - 4, C - 1, D - 2
The functions of the following tissues are:
Tendon - Connects muscles to bones
Adipose - Stores fat in our body
Phloem - Transports food in plants
Xylem - Transports water in plants


5. Option B
Meristematic tissues are a set of immature cells having dividing capability.
Their ability to enlarge and differentiate makes them special. Meristematic
tissues are found in all growing tips and nodes of plant parts like stems,
roots and branches. These are responsible for the increase in length and
width of trees. These tissues mature to form permanent tissues.
Permanent tissues are the tissues which have lost their dividing capacity.
6. Option D
The cells of collenchyma tissue are living, elongated and irregularly
thickened at the corners. There is very little intercellular space.
7. Option B
The muscles of the heart show rhythmic contraction and relaxation
throughout life. These involuntary muscles are called cardiac muscles. Heart
muscle cells are cylindrical, branched and usually uninucleate. Intercalated
discs are present in them.

Visualizing the Basics

1. Net force on the block = 20 N - 10 N - 5 N = 5 N towards right.

Net force
Using the second law of motion, its acceleration =
= 5 = | ms-2
Hence, the block will accelerate towards right with an acceleration
of | ms-2.

2. The different forces acting on the body are:

Normal Reaction
Force by Ground

No Motion

Force of Friction Applied Force

Force of Gravity

3. The different stages in the given water purification system are:

A. Sedimentation
B. Filtration
C. Chlorination

Visualizing the Basics

4. The given diagram shows the different types of epithelial


Hence, the correct answer is A - 4, B - 3, C - 2, D - 1.

5. The different parts of a neuron are labelled in the diagram below:

Cell Body
Nerve ending


Visualizing the Basics

6. Option A
Striated muscle cells are long, cylinder-shaped unbranched
cells. They are multinucleated.

7. Option B
The graph meets the x-axis at two points: x = 2 and x = - 2.
This means that the zeroes of the quadratic polynomial are 2 and -2.
Hence, p(x) = k(x - 2)(x + 2) = k(x2 - 4) = kx2 - 4k, where k is a
When x = 0, p(0) = k × 0 - 4k = -4k
From the graph, p(0) = -4
⇒ -4k = -4

⇒k = |

So, the polynomial is p(x)= x2- 4 × | = x2 - 4.

Comparing the coefficients with ax2 + bx + c, we get a = |, b = 0
and c = - 4.


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