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NAME:_________________ SEC:_____ ROLL NO:______________

Q1.Fill in the blanks:

a) 11,304 + 0 = _______________.
b) 8,999 + 1 = ______________.
c) The answer in addition is called the ____________.
d) 9,999 + 1,000 = ______________.
e) 46,766 + ___________ = 46,766.
f) 6,78,227 + ( 8,933 + 1,33,770 ) = ( 1,33,770 + 6,78,227) + _________.
g) The numbers which are to be added are called the _____________.
h) Adding one to the given number gives the _________________of a number.
i) 99,999 + ________ = 1,00,000
j) 100 more than 9,999 is equals ______________.
Q2. Story sums:
Eg: a) The cost of a motorcycle is Rs 42,850 and the cost of a scooter is Rs 28,350. What
is the total cost of both the vehicles?
Solution: Cost of the motorcycle = Rs 42850 42850
Cost of scooter = Rs 28350 + 28350
Total cost of both = Rs 42850 + Rs 28350 =Rs 71200 _________
Thus, the total cost of both vehicles is Rs 71,200 71200

Solve the following:

b) A factory manufactured 72,584 locks in the year 2013 and 37,846 locks in the year
2014. How many locks did the factory manufacture in the two years?
c) During a census, it was found that there were 2,34,786 males and 1,93,877 females
in a town. Find the total population of the town.

d) A number exceed 8,76,543 by 12,345. Find the number.

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