Chapter 03 - OM-FR-CT005-BE-2251-50-2001-01-C

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Nº ABB: 1/1
3BHS 126 255

FL 0 1 2 3 4 FL 0 1 2 3 4 FL 0 1 2 3 4 FL 0 1 2 3 4 FL 0 1 2 3 4
01 X X 26 X X 51 X X 76 X X 101

02 X X 27 X X 52 X X 77 X X 102

03 X X 28 X X 53 X X 78 X X 103

04 X X 29 X X 54 X X 79 X X 104

05 X X 30 X X 55 X X 80 X X 105

06 X X 31 X X 56 X X 81 X X 106

07 X X 32 X X 57 X X 82 X X 107

08 X X 33 X X 58 X X 83 X X 108

09 X X 34 X X 59 X X 84 X X 109

10 X X 35 X X 60 X X 85 X X 110

11 X X 36 X X 61 X X 86 X X 111

12 X X 37 X X 62 X X 87 112

13 X X 38 X X 63 X X 88 113

14 X X 39 X X 64 X X 89 114

15 X X 40 X X 65 X X 90 115

16 X X 41 X X 66 X X 91 116

17 X X 42 X X 67 X X 92 117

18 X X 43 X X 68 X X 93 118

19 X X 44 X X 69 X X 94 119

20 X X 45 X X 70 X X 95 120

21 X X 46 X X 71 X X 96 121

22 X X 47 X X 72 X X 97 122

23 X X 48 X X 73 X X 98 123

24 X X 49 X X 74 X X 99 124

25 X X 50 X X 75 X X 100 125





Title: Drwg No:

Gearless Mill Drive Manual 3BHS 126 255

Issued by department: Date: Language: Register No.: Revision: Page:

ATBDE 31.07.2003 en E01/Volume1 B 1/86

ABB Switzerland Ltd

Business Unit Minerals
CH-5401 Baden, Switzerland

TITLE: SAG Mill Drive Operation Manual

EQUIPMENT: Cycloconverter for Gearless Mill Drive

PLANT: Sossego - Brazil

CUSTOMER: Mineração Serra do Sossego

ABB ORDER NO.: 1-1019781

Issued: Released: Revision: A B

Date: 31.07.2003 31.07.2003 Date: 31.07.03 23.02.2005
Sign: L. Bomvisinho J.Gonser Sign: Prasert Ch. L Bomvisinho
Std name: Std issued: File name: I:\01\Drives\Projects\PIBD\11019781 Sossego\02
Design Documents\040 GMD\Manual\Sag Op Manual_RevB.doc
Title: Drwg No:

Gearless Mill Drive Manual 3BHS 126 255

Issued by department: Date: Language: Register No.: Revision: Page:

ATBDE 31.07.2003 en B 2/86

Table of contents


1.1 Why You Should Read this Manual 5

1.2 How to Read The ‘Operation Manual’ 6

1.2.1 Safety Instructions 6
1.2.2 General Secrecy 7
1.2.3 Edition 7

1.3 Hotline 7

1.4 Converter Fault or Malfunction - What to Do 7


2.1 The Cycloconverter-Fed Synchronous Motor 13

2.2 Design and Operation 13

2.3 Motor 14

2.4 Static Converter 15

2.5 Methods of Controlling the Cycloconverter 18

2.6 Static Flux Model 20

2.7 Dynamic Flux Model 21

2.8 Current Control Circuit 22

2.9 Trapezoidal Mode 23

2.10 Specific System Features 23

2.11 Network Reactions 24

2.11.1 Power Factor 24
2.11.2 Harmonic Currents 24



4.1 Safety Instructions 29

4.2 Why You Should Read this Chapter 29

4.3 Operation Instructions 30

4.3.1 General Description of the Converter Cabin 30
4.3.2 Reasonable Use 31

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Title: Drwg No:

Gearless Mill Drive Manual 3BHS 126 255

Issued by department: Date: Language: Register No.: Revision: Page:

ATBDE 31.07.2003 en B 3/86

4.4 Why You Should Read this Chapter 33

4.4.1 Plant / Converter Interface 34
4.4.2 Converter Local Control Panel 36
4.4.3 Faults and RESET Function 42
4.4.4 Faults Control 48
4.4.5 Converter Standstill 49

4.5 Motor Local Control Box (MLCB) 50

4.5.1 Layout 50
4.5.2 Construction 51
4.5.3 Control display panel AF C094 51
4.5.4 Functional Description 52
4.5.5 Control Place Selection 52
4.5.6 Key Switch 52
4.5.7 Function Push Buttons 53
4.5.8 Inching Mode 53
4.5.9 Creeping Mode 53
4.5.10 Normal Mode 54
4.5.11 Reduce Mill Rocking 54
4.5.12 Manual Lowering 54
4.5.13 Horn 54
4.5.14 Emergency Push Button 54
4.5.15 Control push button station 54
4.5.16 Status, Fault & Alarm Signals 55
4.5.17 Actual Signals indicated: 55


5.1 General 56

5.2 Basic Training (1 day / compulsory) 56

5.3 Maintenance Training (3 to 5 days / optional) 56


6.1 Principle of regulation 57

6.2 Overview 57

6.3 Current regulators (INT1 - S16..S18) 58


7.1 Thyristor Monitoring 59

7.1.1 Introduction 59
7.1.2 The thyristor control system 60
7.1.3 Monitoring PCB (MP) 61
7.1.4 Thyristor Monitoring (TM Li) 61
7.1.5 Indication of a faulty thyristor 63
7.1.6 Fibre optic (FOP) 63
7.1.7 Power supply 63
7.1.8 Mechanical description 63
7.1.9 Operation 63
7.1.10 Preparational operations 63
7.1.11 Checks before start up 64
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Title: Drwg No:

Gearless Mill Drive Manual 3BHS 126 255

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ATBDE 31.07.2003 en B 4/86

7.1.12 Environmental requirements 64

7.1.13 Maintenance 64
7.1.14 Normal maintenance 64
7.1.15 Preventive tests 64
7.1.16 Technical qualification of maintenance personnel 64
7.1.17 Spare parts 64
7.1.18 Use of spare parts 64

7.2 Ringmotor Air Gap monitoring system 66


8.1 Precalculation and Comparison 68

8.2 System Description 69

8.3 Advantages 69

8.4 Limits 70

8.5 General 70

8.6 Frozen charge application software. 71

8.6.1 Angle detection. 71
8.6.2 Frozen charge detection. 71


9.1 Safety Instructions 73

9.2 Why You Should Read this Chapter 74

9.3 Dealing with Troubles 75

9.4 Scope 75

9.5 Converter Fault Finding and Trouble Shooting Chart 76

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Gearless Mill Drive Manual 3BHS 126 255

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1. Introduction


Read this manual before energizing the converter!

Keep this manual for future reference!

In case of fire

High voltage!
Toxic Gases!

1. Press the emergency off button.

2. Put on a protection mask. Inflammable substances, toxic gases!
3. De-energize the converter.
4. Earth the de-energized converter module.
5. Don’t use water or any other chemical agent to extinguish the fire; use FM200 or CO2.

1.1 Why You Should Read this Manual

Before beginning the maintenance work read this manual carefully in order to be able to do
maintenance work of the converter in a safe and correct manner.

Note that all parts of the 'Operation Manual' are intended to be the basic documentation for
operation,checking and maintenance tasks. Pay special attention to all safety instructions.

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Title: Drwg No:

Gearless Mill Drive Manual 3BHS 126 255

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ATBDE 31.07.2003 en B 6/86

1.2 How to Read The ‘Operation Manual’

1.2.1 Safety Instructions

The safety instructions always appear at the beginning of each chapter, paragraph and/or
sub-paragraph. The safety instructions are divided into five categories and emphasized by
the use of the following safety signs on the left side of the page:

Danger Herewith an imminent danger, which can lead to life

threatening injuries, is indicated.

! Attention Herewith a possibly dangerous situation, which could

lead to bad or life threatening injuries, is indicated.

! Caution Herewith a dangerous situation, which can lead to

injuries, is indicated.

Notice Herewith is indicated that something can damage the


! Important All important information is emphasized by the use of

this sign and text on the left side of the page.

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1.2.2 General Secrecy

ABB Switzerland Ltd reserves all rights to the information contained in this document.
Reproduction, use or disclosure to third parties without express authority is strictly forbidden.

1.2.3 Edition

The 'Operation Manual' is subject to revision. The ABB update service provides you with the
most recent edition.

1.3 Hotline

If your local ABB service organization is not able to solve your problem, a hotline is at your
disposal every day for 24 hours.

Phone Switzerland: +41 (0) 844 845 845

Fax No.: +41 (0) 58 586 73 08

Please prepare the following information before calling the hotline:

- specify the location of the plant (customer, country)

- specify the plant (converter type, ABB order number, ABB block serial number, year of
- your name and your phone/fax/telex number
- describe the problem as follows (use form 1 next page):
What / When / Where / How / Why did it happen?

1.4 Converter Fault or Malfunction - What to Do

If a fault or malfunction occurs, please send form 1 by fax to ABB Switzerland Ltd,
Department ATBDE, CH-5401 Dättwil/Switzerland, fax ++41 58 586 7323. You will help
ABB Switzerland Ltd to continuously improve the product quality.

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Title: Drwg No:

Gearless Mill Drive Manual 3BHS 126 255

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ATBDE 31.07.2003 en B 8/86

Form 1 / Page 1

Fault Description

Return to:
ABB Switzerland Ltd, Department ATBDE, CH-5401 Dättwil/Switzerland
Fax ++41 58 586 7323


Location of plant...................................................................................................................

Reporting person (Name / Phone/ Fax):...............................................................................

Type of plant:....................................…… Type of drive:.......................................................

ABB block serial number:......................... ABB order number:...............................................

Year of delivery:................................…… Date of provisional acceptance:............................

Covered by warranty:..........……….......... ¨Yes ¨No

1. Define the fault(s) by filling in page 3 and 4.

2. At which operating phase did the fault occur? Please specify:

¨ during start-up ¨ cont. operation ¨ acceleration ¨ deceleration

speed = ...............rpm power = ................kW line volt. = .............kV

3. What did happen just before the fault has occurred? Please specify:

¨ lightning ¨ voltage dip ¨ start-up of other consumers

¨ others / please specify....................................................................................................


4. Brief description / Your comments:



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Title: Drwg No:

Gearless Mill Drive Manual 3BHS 126 255

Issued by department: Date: Language: Register No.: Revision: Page:

ATBDE 31.07.2003 en B 9/86

Form 1 / Page 2

Fault Description

5. When did the fault occur? (year, month, day, time)......................................................

6. Did the fault occur for the first time? ¨ Yes ¨ No

7. Could you localize and clear the failure and restart the drive? ¨ Yes ¨ No

8. Do you need assistance by ABB Switzerland Ltd? ¨ Yes ¨ No

Date.....………………………………. Signature.......................................................................

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Title: Drwg No:

Gearless Mill Drive Manual 3BHS 126 255

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ATBDE 31.07.2003 en B 10/86

Form 1 / Page 3

Fault Description

Fault Indications at the Cyclo-Converter Control Display (Panel +F02)

Tier 1

(press or to show additional faults):

No. Text

First Fault*

*first message on the PSR display AFC094

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Title: Drwg No:

Gearless Mill Drive Manual 3BHS 126 255

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ATBDE 31.07.2003 en B 11/86

Form 1 / Page 4

Fault Description

Fault Indications at the PCB's in the PSR Rack- Tier 4

(if LED is "on" cross the box)
-A PCB type LED On? -A PCB type LED On? -A PCB type LED On?
13 NU 8976 a ON 45 UDA 327 M1 69 GD B021 ON
21 PP C322 ON 49 UDA 327 M1 MOD ERR
READY M2 73 GD B021 ON
33 PMA324 ON 57 GD B021 ON 77 GD B021 ON
37 UA C326 ON 61 GD B021 ON
41 UA C326 ON 65 GD B021 ON

Fault Indications at the Protection PCB's in the PSR Rack - Tier 6

(if LED is "on" cross the box)
CS A463/-A09 CS A465/-A01
LED Protection Function On? LED Protection Function On?
04 Cycloc.Overcurrent R1 03 HW Error PPC322
07 Cycloc.Overcurrent S1 04 HW Error PMA324
10 Cycloc.Overcurrent T1 05 HW Error UAC326 .1
28 Cycloc.Overcurrent R2 06 HW Error UAC326.2
31 Cycloc.Overcurrent S2 07 HW Error UDA327.1
34 Cycloc.Overcurrent T2 08 HW Error UDA327.2
09 HW Error UDA327.3
10 HW Error GDB021.1
11 HW Error GDB021.2
12 HW Error GDB021.3
27 HW Error GDB021.4
28 HW Error GDB021.5
29 HW Error GDB021.6

-A PCB Type LED On? -A PCB Type LED On?

13 FM 9925 10 45 LT 8978 15
17 DDA353 15 49 LT 8978 15
21 LT 8978 15 53 LT 8978 15
25 LT 8978 15 57 LT 8978 15
29 LT 8978 15 61 LT 8978 15
33 LT 8978 15 65 LT 8978 15
37 LT 8978 15 69 LT 8978 15
41 LT 8978 15

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Title: Drwg No:

Gearless Mill Drive Manual 3BHS 126 255

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ATBDE 31.07.2003 en B 12/86

Form 1 / Page 5

Fault Description

Fault Indications at the Thyristor Monitoring Rack- (+Tier 8)

(if LED is "on" cross the box)

-A Unit Lamp/LED On? -A Unit Lamp/LED On?

09 XV C512 Alarm 53 XV C513 X1 RED
Trip X2 RED
Ready X3 RED
Busy X4 RED
Fault indication at XV C513 -A49 X7 RED
-A53 X8 RED
-A57 X9 RED
-A Unit Lamp/LED On? X12 RED
49 XV C513 X1 RED 57 XV C513 X1 RED

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Title: Drwg No:

Gearless Mill Drive Manual 3BHS 126 255

Issued by department: Date: Language: Register No.: Revision: Page:

ATBDE 31.07.2003 en B 13/86

2. General Part
2.1 The Cycloconverter-Fed Synchronous Motor

Although the principle of the cycloconverter has been known since the thirties, it has only
been possible to employ it for the supply of synchronous machines with variable
frequency since the introduction of semiconductor systems to the fields of power and
electronic control engineering. Moreover, the requirements placed by industry on drive
systems could no longer be mastered by conventional means.

In the mid-sixties ABB respectively BBC undertook to build a drive for the then largest
cement tube mill in the world, with a drive rating of 6400 kW and a speed of 15,5 rev/min.
Considerable thought was given to the question of whether this was possible with
conventional gearing and a high-speed motor. A reliable drive system could only be
realized without gearing. BBC built for his a synchronous motor direct on the mill shell,
i.e. with a speed of 15,5 rev/min. For a 50 Hz supply this speed would require 400 poles,
a number for which the motor could not be designed. This problem was solved by
supplying the motor via a cycloconverter with which the pole number and the motor
frequency could be optimized, using 44 poles at a frequency of 5,5 Hz. His low frequency
also complies with the principle of the cycloconverter, which is operated preferably at
frequencies lying well below the mains frequency.

At the same time, it was possible with the cycloconverter to control the frequency
continuously, beginning at zero. This also solved the start-up problem in that the motor,
during frequency start-up, produced the required high starting torque with the lowest
possible power system load. In addition-although this was no original requirement-the
drive system permits the operating speed to be controlled to the optimum grinding speed.

Since successfully beginning operation at the end of 1969, this first gearless cement mill
drive in the world operating with a cycloconverter-fed synchronous motor has been
followed by no less than 50 such BBC/ABB drives-firm confirmation that BBC were on the
right path.

To make this established drive system suitable for other applications, particularly for mine
winders and rolling mills, it was necessary to satisfy other requirements not applicable to
the tube mills. These lay in the direction of higher speeds and frequencies (up to 50% of
the mains frequency) and also in the direction of improved control response, thus
permitting very high torque adjustment speeds. The article reports on the additional
development required to this end. The result is a cycloconverter-fed synchronous motor
which, with respect to its control response, is at least equal to the converter-fed d.c. drive
and is not subjected to the power limitations imposed by the latter’s commutator.

2.2 Design and Operation

Figure 1 shows the circuit diagram of the power section with the synchronous motor,
cycloconverter for stator supply with variable frequency and the controllable rectifier for
the excitation winding of the rotor.

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Title: Drwg No:

Gearless Mill Drive Manual 3BHS 126 255

Issued by department: Date: Language: Register No.: Revision: Page:

ATBDE 31.07.2003 en B 14/86

2.3 Motor

The motor is usually a conventional three-phase synchronous machine. The motor and
cycloconverter can be adapted to some extent to the operator’s required speed range
without great cost by appropriate selection of the pole number and frequency. Whether or
not a damper winding is required in the rotor depends largely upon the response
requirements to be met by the controlled drive. As a rule, the cycloconverter-fed
synchronous motor is used as an individual drive, being operated exclusively as a self-
regulating machine. This means that the synchronous machine sets its own frequency so
that the oscillations produced when operating with a power system with constant voltage
and frequency can not occur. Consequently, the damper winding necessary to prevent
these rotor oscillations is no longer required. The winding would even be detrimental
since it greatly reduces the synchronous machine reactance responsible for the harmonic
currents, and therefore increases the stator harmonics. Drives whose dynamic response
requirements are less strict, such as continuos tube mill drives, are therefore realized
with motors without damper windings.

T2 T1 T1 T1

n2 n1



iR iT

uR uS

Fig 1 – Basic circuit diagram of the cycloconvrter-fed synchronous motor (Power section)

S = Circuit-breaker i+,i-,u+,u- = Output current and

T1, T2 = Converter transfomer voltage of the cycloconverter
n1 = Cycloconverter ie = Excitation current
n2 = Excitation converter iR, iS, iT = Stator currents
SM = Synchronous machine uR, uS, uT = Stator voltages
A, B = Three-phase bridges f1 = Mains frequency
connected in antiparallel f2 = Frequency of synchronous motor

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Title: Drwg No:

Gearless Mill Drive Manual 3BHS 126 255

Issued by department: Date: Language: Register No.: Revision: Page:

ATBDE 31.07.2003 en B 15/86

For drives with a high level of control response for fast torque reversal, such as drives for
reversible rolling mills, the rotor must either have solid poles or, when laminated, be
provided with a damper winding. In this way it is possible to obtain machine reactances
and time constants which are sufficiently low to enable, in connection with a suitable
control system, rapid variation of the stator current component producing the torque.

2.4 Static Converter

In the operating range with constant machine flux, the synchronous motor requires stator
voltages UR, US, UT which rise in proportion to frequency f2. The three-phase
cycloconverter (Fig.1 ) consists of three star-connected, line-commutated reversible
static converters without circulating current, such as are employed in d.c. drive systems.
Since the static converters are line-commutated, normal mains thyristors can be used.
Converter transformers are used for the connection to the mains.

The cycloconverter produces the machine stator voltages direct from the mains voltages
by means of phase angle control. The converter control angle is controlled such that
converter output voltages with a mean sinusoidal characteristic result (Fig. 2). Both the
frequency and the amplitude are adjustable.

The output frequencies f2 are restricted to frequencies lying clearly below the mains
frequency (in the range f2 = 0 to some 50% of the mains frequency), so that the
maximum speed attainable for a drive, referred to the motors frequency, lies at
approximately half the synchronous speed. As shown in Fig.2 the output voltage and
output current are in phase, corresponding to a power factor of cos ϕ2 = 1 for the
synchronous machine.
The three-phase bridge A (Fig.1) delivers current I+ for the positive, and the antiparallel
bridge B current I- for the negative half-wave of the stator current. To ensure that the
transfer between bridges A and B entails no circulating current, a short interval without
current is introduced at each polarity change before the antiparallel bridge is released.

Fig. 2-Output voltage (u) and current (i) of the cycloconverter operating in sinusoidal mode
A = Three-phase bridge A in rectifier mode
B = Three-phase bridge B in rectifier mode
є = Current changeover interval
f2 = Frequency at converter output
1 = Three-phase input voltage with mains frequency
2 = Mean value of output voltage

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Title: Drwg No:

Gearless Mill Drive Manual 3BHS 126 255

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ATBDE 31.07.2003 en B 16/86

The cycloconverter can operate, as can every reversible static converter, in all four
quadrants, i.e. the cycloconverter output voltage and current can assume both polarities
independent of each other. This property is required, for example, for rapid torque
reversal. It would also present no problem to operate the system with any given machine
power factor. For cos ϕ2 = 1 during operation as a motor (or cos ϕ2 = -1 for operation as
a generator during braking). the cycloconverter, however, need only deliver active power
to the synchronous machine and could then be dimensioned for the lowest possible
power. The control system compels operation of the machine with a power factor of cos
ϕ2 = ± 1.

For better utilization of the system properties it is useful to control the three reversible
converters indirectly via three phase-current controllers, and thus to operate the
cycloconverter as a three-phase current source in star connection. The control
equipment regulates the three stator currents i R, S, T and the excitation current ie such
that the characteristics of the overall system are optimized both statically and
dynamically over the entire frequency range.

Fig. 3 – Output voltage (u) and current (i) of the cycloconverter in trapezoidal

1 = Fundamental oscillation
of the output voltage
A = Three-phase bridge A in rectifier mode
B = Three-phase bridge B in rectifier mode
є = Current changeover interval
f2 = Frequency at converter output
1 = Three-phase input voltage with mains frequency
2 = Mean value of output voltage

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Title: Drwg No:

Gearless Mill Drive Manual 3BHS 126 255

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ATBDE 31.07.2003 en B 17/86

Fig. 4 – Circuit and vector diagrams

a: DC machine

La = Inductance of armature winding

Le = Inductance of excitation winding
Lk = Inductance of compensating winding
a = Exciter axis
b = Brush axis

b: Synchronous machine

LS = Synchronous inductance
c = Winding axis of stator phase R

Explanation of indices:
w = Reference value
x = Actual value
d = Quantity in the direct axis
q = Quantity in the quadrature axis

For remaining notation see text

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Title: Drwg No:

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ATBDE 31.07.2003 en B 18/86

2.5 Methods of Controlling the Cycloconverter

Two different modes of operation are used to control the entire speed range (i.e.
frequency range) of the drive:
-Sinusoidal operation
-Trapezoidal operation

In the sinusoidal mode for the lower speed range, the machine voltages, and therefore
the voltages to be generated by the cycloconverter, are low. The converters always
operate with partial firing angles and the output voltages retain their mean sinusoidal
characteristic (Fig. 2). This operating mode is possible as long as the converters do not
attain their natural control limits as the output voltage amplitudes increase (rectifier and
inverter in their end position). One drawback is the relatively high reactive power required
for control. At low speeds, this results in a correspondingly low power factor for the

To improve the mains power factor the trapezoidal mode is employed in the upper speed
range, where the cycloconverter also has to supply higher voltages. This mode also
utilizes the static converters more effectively with respect to the voltage.

In the trapezoidal mode the static converters are operated at their firing limits for as long
as possible in the low-frequency cycle 1/f2, i.e. during operation as a motor with the
rectifier in its end position and during operation as a brake with the inverter in its end
position. The control angle only deviates from this in the area where the polarity of the
converter output voltages changes. As shown in Fig. 3 these have an almost trapezoidal
characteristic. Since there is no star connection between the machine and the
cycloconverter, the machine voltages still retain their sinusoidal shape. The difference
between the star points at a frequency three times the machine frequency.

The longer the converters are operated with a full firing angle over one cycle of the
machine frequency f2, the better the mains power factor is. The slopes of the trapezoidal
characteristic are then also correspondingly s., although the slope gradient does have a
certain limit.

If the voltage system of the synchronous machine is to remain controllable, not more
than one converter may ever be operated with the full firing angle at any one time. This
condition is satisfied when each converter is in its end position for no longer than π/3 in a
half-cycle of f2. This makes utilization of the cycloconverter more effective with respect to
the voltage. In this mode the peak value of the machine voltage for the fundamental
oscillation is 15% higher than the maximum instantaneous value of the converter output

Closed-Loop Control

Rapid torque control is an important aspect of a regulating drive. The drive torque at the
motor shaft should follow the torque value specified by a higher-order control system, for
example a speed controller, with as little delay as possible, as in the case of the
converter-fed d. c. drive. In the case of a d.c. drive, intervention in the torque is via the
armature current. The drive torque corresponds to the desired value as soon as the
current controller and the converter are able to regulate the load current I to the given
reference value iw . The proportionality between the current and torque is the result or the
principle according to which the d.c. motor operates.

The force acting on the armature conductors can be calculated from a machine vector
product of the resultant armature flux linkage and armature current, illustrated in the
diagram by the area between the vectors of the linear current density of the armature flux
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Printout date:24.02.200509:4809:48
Title: Drwg No:

Gearless Mill Drive Manual 3BHS 126 255

Issued by department: Date: Language: Register No.: Revision: Page:

ATBDE 31.07.2003 en B 19/86

linkage ψ (Fig. 4a). The torque is a maximum when these two vectors are perpendicular
to each other. We then have:

Mδ = ψ • I

ψ comprises the flux linkage ψe in the direction of the exciter pole, which is produced
from the field current and active in the armature, and the flux linkage ψa in the brush
shaft, which results from the armature current. Due to this load-dependent reaction of the
armature, the vector ψ of the resultant armature flow linkage would rotate from its
optimum position perpendicular to the current if there were no compensating winding on
the brush shaft. The armature current also flows through this winding and produces a
compensating flux linkage ψk of the same magnitude in opposition to ψa , with the result
that ψ is determined by the current in the excitation winding alone. The arrangement of
the windings in the d.c. machine automatically provide for decoupling of the resultant
armature flux linkage ψ and loading. ψ is set, for maximum utilization of the magnetic
circuit, by the excitation current ie or is controlled in the field-weakening range to the
maximum armature voltage uaw .

The object of the machine control system is to determine and generate the reference
values for all currents with the aim of obtaining the same operating conditions as with the
d.c. motor:

-The reference excitation current value iew ensures that the machine flux is independent
of the load.
-The reference stator currents iRw, iSw, iTw form a three-phase system, the amplitude of
which is given by the speed controller for setting the drive torque direct.

In the synchronous machine too, the torque is the vectorial product of the stator current
and the resultant stator flux linkage. To obtain a torque which is proportional to the
amplitude of the three –phase system, the phase position and frequency of the reference
values must be calculated such that, at that moment in the machine, the vector of the
linear current density of the stator I with the reference length iw is perpendicular to the
rotating vector of the resultant stator flux linkage ψ (or “machine flux”).

Correct calculation of the reference current values presupposes that, for ψ, the length of
the vector and its relative position (angle) to the stator winding are known. The possibility
of direct measurement of the air-gap flux can be eliminated, since this would require
changes to the machine design. Indirect methods such as integration of the stator
terminal voltages can also be disregarded. These methods can not be used since they
are subject to error at low speeds and standstill.

ABB use a model of the machine flux ψ as the heart of their machine control system.

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2.6 Static Flux Model

The electro-magnetic behaviour of the synchronous motor in operation becomes

particularly clear when considered in relation to the rotor. The excitation flux points
always in the direction of the rotor or d axis, irrespective of whether the motor is at
standstill or rotating. If the stator current vector I rotates at the same speed ω as the
rotor, the vectors of the currents and fluxes present a stationary picture with fixed angles.
This is the vector diagram of the synchronous machine in rotor coordinates (Fig. 4b).

Since there is no compensating winding in the synchronous machine, that machine flux ψ
is load-dependent due to the stator reaction Ls • I . If the stator current vector I with
length I is perpendicular to the machine flux ψ , load angle ϑ is produced as the result of
angle rotation between the rotor axis and ψ.
Ls • I
ϑ = arctan

To obtain the total angle α between the stator current vector I and the fixed winding axis
of the stator, the angle ε of the mechanical rotor position need only be added to the
angles of the vector diagram.

The reference stator current values are determined electronically by means of two
matrices, each circuit formed by multipliers and adders. An initial rotation of ϑ + π/2 is
controlled by a characteristic, taking equation (2) into account, while a second rotation is
controlled by a transmitter which measures the angle ε using opto-electronics to
determine the rotor position.

The basic structures of the three block diagrams indicate agreement. The only difference
lies in the functional unit for machine control, which determines the reference current
values and transmits them to the current controllers for excitation and to the armature or

The formation of a load angle between the machine flux ψ and the excitation flux ψe can
not be avoided in the synchronous machine. However, if the reference value for the
excitation current is given in advance with the aid of the geometric relationship

iew ∼ Ψe where :

ψ e = ψ 2 + Ls I 2


the point of the machine flux vector ψ moves in a circle. Except for operating ranges with
selected field weakening the machine flux therefore remains constant in magnitude.

With this type of machine control the synchronous motor exhibits a new operating
behaviour which can no longer be compared with operation on an infinite bus. The
controlled cycloconverter acts as a commutator, the linear current density of the stator is
linked direct to the position of the rotor and oscillations can no longer occur. When the
linear current density and machine flux vectors are perpendicular to each other, the
currents and terminal voltages are in phase and the synchronous machine runs with a
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power factor of cosϕ2 = 1. As with the armature converter of the d.c. machine, the
cycloconverter needs only to be dimensioned for the active power of the drive. The
synchronous motor draws reactive power via the excitation system alone.

The model of the synchronous machine, which is based on the described machine
control, is restricted to steady-state operating points. The machine condition is calculated
in advance from the reference load iw. Good control results can only be achieved when
the speed control circuit requires slow changes in load. This is the case for continuously
operated, heavy machines such as those red in tube mills.

The static model, however, is inadequate for highly dynamic drives requiring, for
example, sudden torque reversal, During transient conditions, simulation of the machine
flux is poor. At higher converter frequencies, the current control circuits are no longer
able to make the machine carry the currents with the required accuracy without support
from the model.

2.7 Dynamic Flux Model

The model arrangement is based on the flux-linkage equations for the direct axis and
quadrature axis of the synchronous machine.

When the machine data are known the actual state of the flux linkages ψd and ψq can be
determined direct from the reactances and the measured currents.

The actual value of the excitation current iex is transmitted direct to the flux model. The
stator current vector is obtained in rotor coordinates using the same method - a means
already used calculate the reference value. a matrix controlled by a rotor position
transmitter enables the three-phase system of the stator iRx, iSx, iTx, to be broken down
into its components id (in the direction of the rotor poles) and iq ( at right angles to this).

The damper winding currents still missing can not be measured on a normal motor. For
each axis the flux model solves a differential equation, which simulates the currents of
the damper winding in the direct axis and quadrature axis from the remaining quantities.
The flux model therefore requires no additional points for measurement.

All information required for correct calculation of the reference current values is available
at the model outputs. When sudden load jumps occur, the stator current vector remains
perpendicular to the momentary vector of the resultant stator flux linkage. It is only when
the compensating currents in the damper windings are decaying that the load angle
changes and guides the stator current vector to the new steady-state angular position.

The excitation current can only be used to influence the flux linkage ψd of the direct axis.
ψd must always be added vectorially to the momentary flux linkage ψq in the quadrature
axis to obtain a constant resultant stator flux linkage ψ = ψw.

ψ d = ψ w −ψ q
2 2

Taking into account the instantaneous stator reaction, the reference excitation current iew
is calculated such that the flux of the direct axis attains the required value ψdw.

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Machine control with the dynamic flux model has the advantage that the control
objectives are achieved and adhered to already during transient machine conditions.
From the very beginning the torque area has the form of a right-angle when load surges
occur and the excitation current suppresses the effect of stator reaction on the resultant
stator flux linkage with optimum speed, without initiating any form of compensation itself.

2.8 Current Control Circuit

The control objectives defined by the machine control system can only be adhered to
when the stator and excitation currents attain their reference values rapidly and without

IψI = Resultant stator flux linkage

Mδ = Air-gap torque
iR, iS, iT = Stator current
uT = Frequency converter phase voltage
Index w = Reference value
Index x = Actual value

When the dynamic flux model is used for control, the excitation current controller
considers the excitation winding as being more or less as passive load. A conventional
solution with a PI-controlled three-phase bridge on therefore be used for the exciter

The current controllers of the cycloconverter phases operate under adverse conditions
with the currents having to follow an alternating signal. In addition, alternating voltages
are induced in the stator which act on the control system as dynamic disturbance
quantities already during steady-state operation.

Selective control interventions in the converter are required to relieve the controller. The
switching logic guarantees short intervals without current when changeover takes place
between the bridges with negative and positive current direction, and an adapter ensures
smooth current build-up after pulse release.

The effect of the induced machine voltages on the control result is suppressed by
connecting an additional voltage. The machine control system with the dynamic flux
model calculates from the vector of the resultant stator flux linkage and the machine
speed nx the rotationally induced voltages of the stator uhR, uhS, uhT. The three-phase
bridges are controlled such that the converter and machine voltages are balanced in the
steady state. The controller only needs to intervene to correct faults caused by an
inaccurate additional voltage and to vary the state of the machine’s magnetization when
the load changes.

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2.9 Trapezoidal Mode

In the trapezoidal mode, one three-phase bridge is always operated at the full firing
angle. Reserve control potential is therefore available in the two remaining cycloconverter
phases. A balancing network between the control voltages ensures that intervention by
the controllers and additional voltages in the three-phase voltage system of the
cycloconverter is still retained even in this mode. Since there is no star-point connection
between the cycloconverter and the machine, the unrestricted three-phase bridges can
combine the voltages between the phases to form a sinusoidal system.
The machine voltages may exceed the available converter voltage by 15% without losing
control over the stator currents.

In the field-weakening range, the machine voltage is held exactly at this value. However,
the excitation current controller does not, as in the case of a d.c. motor, follow a voltage
regulation system, but receives via a “trapezoidal controller”, a reference correction value
such that at least one converter is operating at its full firing angle. However, excitation
decreases as long as more than one converter phase is in its end position. The
trapezoidal shape and reliable control of the current are retained irrespective of the
supply voltage.

2.10 Specific System Features

The cycloconverter –fed synchronous machine corresponds, similar to the d.c. drive fed
by a reversible converter, to a genuine four-quadrant drive. As does the armature of the
d.c. machine, the stator of the synchronous motor receives only reactive power, so that
the machine power factor is equal to unity at all operating points. The possible frequency
range spans 0 to approx. 50% of the mains frequency. The required maximum speed is
obtained form the maximum frequency which can be set within this range can also be
accommodated to optimize matching of the drive to the load.

Even very low speeds down to n = 0 can be controlled without any problem, since the
cycloconverter-fed synchronous motor generates no torque pulsations of any
consequence. No additional equipment is therefore necessary for operation at the
crawling speed and for positioning.

The synchronous machine is not, as in the case of the d.c. machine, subject to the
restrictions imposed by a commutator. At standstill it is therefore possible to attain and
hold very high torques. High breakaway torques can be overcome. When running up to
the operating speed, the frequency of the synchronous machine is set by its own control
system. The machine is therefore synchronized during run-up, requiring from the mains a
current which corresponds to the load and acceleration torque only and not, as in the
case of an asynchronous run-up, a multiple of the rated current.

Since the machine controls itself, torque overloads do not cause the synchronous
machine to fall out of step. As with the d.c. drive, only the speed decreases when the
load torque is too high. The machine, however, remains synchronized.

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2.11 Network Reactions

2.11.1 Power Factor

Since the cycloconverter is line-commutated, it receives its reactive power for both
control and commutation from the three-phase power system. In respect of the network
power factor, its behaviour is similar to that of the converter-fed d.c. drive. When running
up from standstill the power factor is very low. The mean power factor cosφ, at the mains
end depends not only upon the firing angle of the cycloconverter but also upon the actual
machine power factor cosφ2. The maximum values are obtained in the trapezoidal mode
with the synchronous machine controlled to cosφ2 = 1. General these values apply at
rated frequency and voltage and are therefore also in the field-weakening range of cosφ1
= 0.72-0.84.

2.11.2 Harmonic Currents

The cycloconverter-fed synchronous motor causes harmonic currents in the mains in the
same way as with the converter-fed d.c. motor. Since the static converters of the three-
phase cycloconverter also operate in steady-state mode with a firing angle which varies
continuously, not only the known mains harmonic currents applying to the classical
converter system occur, but also the side-bands resulting from the output frequency f2 of
the cycloconverter. The ideal three-phase cycloconverter generates mains harmonic
currents with the following ordinal numbers:

v = (kp ± 1) ± 6 ⋅ n ⋅

v = Ordinal number of the harmonic
k = 1, 2, 3, etc.
p = Pulse number of the static converter circuit
n = 0, 1, 2, 3, etc.
f1 = Mains frequency
f2 = Output frequency of the cycloconverter

The magnitude of the individual harmonic currents depends largely upon the firing angle
of the cycloconverter, and different values are obtained for operation in sinusoidal mode
in the start-up range and in trapezoidal mode at high speeds. Nevertheless, the
amplitudes attained are never as high as those with a converter-fed D.C. motor of
comparable rating, irrespective of the operating conditions.

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3. Design datas

UL,aux UL, ∆uL, fL, SC

ex(e) ex ex ex

Uin(e) Uv0 Uv0 Uv0

Iin(e) Iv Iv Iv

Uf, If

Line voltage UL [V] 13’800
Line-voltage variation ∆uL [%] -7.5 / +5
Line frequency fL [Hz] 60
Min. fault level SCmin [MVA] 200
Max. fault level SCmax [MVA] 741

CONVERTER TRANSFORMER 3 x three-winding transformer vector group Dd0y1

ovld 1 hour cont. operation
Rated power (acc. to IEC 61378-1) SR [kVA] 11’590 / 2 x 5’795
Rated transformer input voltage UL [V] 13’800
Rated converter no-load voltage Uv0 [V] 2 x 1620
Rated transformer output current (fund.) I 1S [ARMS] 2168 2065
Short-circuit impedance ex [%] 17.0

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CONVERTER ovld 1 hour cont. operation

Converter input voltage Uv0 [V] 2 x 1620
Converter input RMS current (incl. Harm. currents) IC(in) [ARMS] 2271 2163
Converter output voltage UM [V] 4950
Converter output current (at 92.5% line voltage) I C(out) [ARMS] 2781 2649
Type of converter 12-pulse VERITHYR WX M for Megadrive Cyclo
Type of thyristor 72 x 3BHB010088 (100 mm, 6500 V)
Cooling water cooling system
Maximum water inlet temperature Tin [°C] 34

Stator rating max. values (uL = 92.5 %) rating
Output power PM1 [kW] 20‘000 20‘000
Voltage UM [V] 4579 4950
Current (fundamental) IM1 [Arms] 2649 2450
Frequency fM1 [Hz] 5.574 5.574
Speed n [rpm] 9.29 9.29
Motor starting current (130%, 10 x 30s per hour) I M,start [Arms] 3185
Motor overload current (105%, 1 hour per day) I M,ovld [Arms] (ref. uL = 92.5 %) 2781
Creeping speed / inching speed n c / ni [rpm] 0.8 / 1.3


Rated power (acc. to IEC 61378-1) SR(e) [kVA] 520
Excitation transformer input voltage UL,aux [V] 13’800
Rated transformer no-load voltage Uv0(e) [V] 600
Rated transformer output current (fund.) I 1S(e) [Arms] 550 500
Short-circuit impedance ex(e) [%] 4


Input voltage rating Uin(e) [VAC] 600
Input current rating (fund.. + harmonics) I in(e) [Arms] 443

MOTOR EXCITATION maximum rating

Excitation voltage Uf [VDC] 505 465
Excitation current If [ADC] 575 540

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Motor Voltage and Current

as a Function of Line-Voltage Variations

5200 3300

5000 duL > +0% 3200

4950 V

4800 3100

duL = -7.5%
4600 4579 V

4400 2900
motor voltage [V]

motor current [A]

4200 duL = -7.5% 2800
2781 A

4000 2700
duL = -7.5%
2649 A
3800 overload duL > +0% 2600
2573 A

3600 2500
duL > +0%
motor 2450 A
3400 2400
constant torque constant power
n < 9.29 rpm 9.29 rpm < n < 10.3 rpm
3200 2300
7.00 7.50 8.00 8.50 9.00 9.50 10.00 10.50
motor speed [rpm]

Motor starting current (130%, 10 x 30s per hour) I M,start [Arms] 3185
Motor overload current (105%, 1 hour per day) I M,ovld [Arms] (ref. uL = 92.5 %) 2781

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Maximum Inverter Firing Angle versus Load Current


153.6 deg

delay angle [deg].





90.8 deg
0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0
i [p.u.] (1 p.u. refers to 100% load current)


Converter input current

overcurrent limit setting (SW protection) ISW limit [Apeak] 5200
overcurrent limit setting (HW protection) IHW limit [Apeak] 6100

I*t Protection
current limit Ilimit [Apeak] 3200
duration of the delayed
overcurrent release τ [s] 10

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4.1 Safety Instructions

High Voltage


Always close the doors at normal operation!

4.2 Why You Should Read this Chapter

For your own safety read this chapter carefully before starting the converter. Do not hesitate
to call your local ABB service organisation if any question arises. Pay special attention to all
safety instructions

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4.3 Operation Instructions

4.3.1 General Description of the Converter Cabin

The converter-cabin described in this instructions consists of two parts:

- the converter
- the mechanical part which includes the cooling unit, all auxiliary and protection accessories

Cubicles and components, which are labeled with ‘+F…’ and which are built-into the
converter cabin are listed in the table below (refer also to the E-house layout 1TCH 106 727
[D5-FR-CT005-BE-2251-50-2022-XX-X], see latest revision).

+F Cubicle No. Designation

+F01 Control Excitation Cubicle
+F02 Cycloconverter Control Cubicle (PSR Controler)
+F03 Process Control (ABB PLC)
Video Maintenance System
+F05 … +F08 Motor Control Center Panels
+F14 Fire fighting system*
+F15 Recooling system
+F16 Transformer protection (relay panel) *
+F17 Lighting panel
+AC1 Air Conditioner 1*
+AC2 Air Conditioner 2*
+CA, +CB, +CC Cycloconverter Power Part

Note: The constructional design as well as the function and operation of fields marked ()* are
shown in separate operating instructions.

The complete converter cabin is an accessible cubicle which has the converter and all
accessories built-in to it.

The converter power section is water-cooled.

For the cabin air-conditioning, a water-cooled air-conditioning system is integrated.

For fire-fighting purpose the space is planned and all necessary breakthroughs exist.

See Blockdiagram 3BHS 126 246 [D5-FR-CT005-BE-2251-50-2004-XX-X].

See Single line Power part 3BHS 126 245 [D5-FR-CT005-BE-2251-50-2003-XX-X] page 15.
See MCC-Single Line / Low voltage distrubution 3BHS 126 245 [D5-FR-CT005-BE-2251-50-
2003-XX-X] page 16.

All ringmotor auxiliary drives are controlled by the ABB PLC (AC800M Controler).

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4.3.2 Reasonable Use

The converter is intended to operate as an SAG Mill grinding drive. The converter is designed
for continuous operation. The converter shall not be combined with other drives.

Expected life time: 10 years

Operation cycle: continuous

Note: The expected lifetime of the Variable Speed Drive System (VSDS) is defined as the
time during which the VSDS will remain suitable for the application for which it was made,
provided that it is used, regularly inspected and serviced in accordance with the
manufacturer’s instructions, and provided that lubricants and parts, which are subject to
mechanical wear, are replaced regularly.

The converter shall be installed in a protected environment intended for medium voltage
equipment. Access shall only be allowed to authorized personnel.

Be sure that all converter doors are accessible. Never install anything inside or outside to the
converter block. Never cover it for protection grids. Opening the doors to the cubicles +CA,
+CB, +CC will cause a trip to the external main circuit breakers.

Pay attention to always fulfill the following environmental conditions for properly operating the

Air temperature: +5°C... +40°C

Cooling air quality: free of particles (e.g. coal, iron, sand ...)
Relative air humidity: 5 ... 85 % (without condensation)
Raw water temperature and quality: min 20 °C, max. 35 °C, drinking water, ph-neutral

The minimum requirements for stationary use are defined on the basis of IEC 721-3-3
'Classification of environmental conditions; Part 3: Classification of groups of environmental
parameters and their severities; stationary use at weather protected locations'.

Classification: 3K3 / 3Z2 / 3B1 / 3C1R / 3S1 / 3M1

Microclimatic class: X2 / Y1

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Heart Pacemaker
The converter can influence the working of heart pacemakers. Be sure you have installed the
safety sign (part of the delivery) at a minimum distance of 6000 mm / 20 feet!

High Voltage


1. High voltage in the incoming cubicle (+CA, +CB, +CC)!

2. Never remove the protecting shields.
3. Before you attempt any converter maintenance task:
- switch off the converter
- disconnect the converter from the main power supply
- take steps against unintentional energizing
- check that HV has disappeared
- be sure the converter is disconnected from all machine side power supplies.
4. Be sure there is no high voltage at the incoming bars of +CA,+CB,+CC (line side) and
at the outgoing bars of +CA, +CB, +CC (machine side) before you attempt any earth
5. Connect the incoming bars of +CA,+CB,+CC (line side) to earth according the User`s
Manual 3BHS 130 197 instructions [MM-FR-CT005-BE-2251-50-2004-XX-X].
6. Connect the outgoing bars of +CA,+CB,+CC (machine side U,V,W) to earth according
the User`s Manual 3BHS 130 197 instructions [MM-FR-CT005-BE-2251-50-2004-00-

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Low Voltage


Always low voltage (480VAC, 230 VAC and 115 VAC) applied, if you disconnect the
converter from the main power supply.
Observe all local safety rules and regulations!

High temperature

Danger of burning

Always high temperature at bars, reactors and heaters.

4.4 Why You Should Read this Chapter

In this chapter you will learn about the converter module's features and its control. You will
find useful information on how to locate and operate its features and controls. Knowing what
the converter signals and pushbuttons indicate will help you to correct little problems before
they become big problems. Do not hesitate to call the hotline if any question arises (see
paragraph 1.4 of this manual). Pay special attention to all safety instructions.

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4.4.1 Plant / Converter Interface

The converter operates as an integral part of the plant. The converter is normally remotely
controlled in normal operation by the central control room. The local control of the converter
by the use of the converter control system is possible for maintenance, tests and
commissioning. The main control system initiates the start-up process of the converter.
Local control of the converter is only possible by switching the Selector-Switch (at the local
control box “MLCB”) to the position “MLCB”.
The converter supplies the synchronous machine with voltage and current of variable
frequency causing it to accelerate from standstill to the preselected speed.

1. Converter Control

The interface signals with the remote control system are transferred via serial data link from
the ABB PLC inside cubicle +F03 to the DCS. Please see PLC/DCS Interface Signal List
3BHS126251 [LT-FR-CT005-BE-2251-50-2002-XX-X].
All hardwired signals to and from ABB PLC inside cubicle +F03 are listed in PLC I/O Signal
List 3BHS126250 [LT-FR-CT005-BE-2251-50-2001-XX-X].

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2. Start Sequence Auxiliaries

! Important: Be sure you have switched on both the main power supply and the low
voltage power supplies before starting up the converter (check signal at
the main control panel).

3. Start Sequence Drive

4. Stop Sequence Drive

5. Stop Sequence Auxiliaries

6. Trip Sequence

7. Braking Sequence

With the braking sequence integrated in the converter control system, the converter will brake
the machine electrically down, if the speed reference is lower than the actual speed.
A normal stop will brake the machine electrically down to zero speed, the mill stops without
oscillating and will rest in balance.

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4.4.2 Converter Local Control Panel

The control panel indicates different operating conditions and information at its display for
properly controlling and testing the converter. The control system is connected to the ABB E-

01 Speed Setpoint
20 . 40 . 60 80 . 100%
... RPM

02 Actual Speed ... RPM

. 20 . 40 . 60 80 . 100%

04 Excitation Current ... A

. 20 . 40 . 60 80 . 100%

05 Motor Voltage ... V

. 20 . 40 . 60 80 . 100%

123 #




Control Panel – (Location +F02.K01 – Tier1)

1. Control Panel

The control panel consists of the following display, signal and control elements (for detailed
description see below point 2 and 3) :

a) display with 8 lines and 40 characters per line to indicate:

- 8 (of max. 152) fault messages with error number and description; the first failure
always appears in the first line (plain-language fault message mode)
- 8 (of max. 64) analog values with channel number, signal name, value and physical
unit (analog display mode)
- 4 analog values with channel number, signal name, value, physical unit and an
analog bar display of 0-120% (bar mode)
b) 6 control pushbuttons and 4 combined feed-back and control pushbuttons (each
equipped with a LED) for controlling the operation mode and the functions of the display
c) 16 feed-back and control pushbuttons (each equipped with a LED) for specific converter

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2. Feed-back and Control Pushbuttons for the Display Control

The following feed-back and control pushbuttons serve to control the operation mode and the
functions of the display:

Analog Display Button
Press this button to indicate numerical values in physical units of 8 plant
parameters (analog variables) together with the channel numbers and signal
name in plain language. Select following values by the scroll button. The yellow
LED is on.

Bar Display Button

Press this button to indicate 4 plant parameters as above, each with an additional
bar display having a scale 0 ... 120%. Select following values by the scroll button.
The yellow LED is on.

Trip/Alarm Button
By pressing this button or when a fault occurs the display changes automatically
to the fault message mode indicating 8 plain-language fault messages
(intermittent red light at the LED). The first fault appears on the first line and any
evolving fault(s) on the following lines. Press the scroll button to indicate
additional fault messages. The messages remain in the memory (even if the
supply fails) until they are deleted by pressing the reset button (see below).

Reset Button
Touch slightly the button for less than 1 second to reset alarms.
Press this button for more than 1 second to reset trips and first faults.
The red LED at the trip/alarm button will be off.
Note: The red LED at the trip/alarm button changes from blinking to continuous
light if you press the reset button before the fault has been removed.

Printer Key (Option)

Note: Ask your local ABB service organisation if you would like to connect a
printer to the control panel.
Printer installed: By pressing the printer key the analog signals of lines 1...8 are
sent to the optional printer via the serial interface RS-232. If error messages are
present they are also sent to the printer. The yellow LED is only active during data
transfer and printer ready mode. It starts blinking if the printer buffer is full.

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The following control pushbuttons serve to move within the display information:

# Cursor Button
The line to be edited is selected using the cursor button. The button is only active
when displaying analog variables with or without the bar display.

Scroll Buttons
The function of the scroll buttons depends on the display mode.
In the analog and bar display mode the selected line jumps to the next or the
preceding analog variable (line by line scrolling).
In the faults display mode lines 2 to 8 are all shifted up respectively down one
position. The first line does not change and always indicates the first fault.

Page Buttons
The page buttons are similar to the scroll buttons (see above) with the exception
that they scroll 10 lines at a time.

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3. Feed-back and Control Pushbuttons for the Converter Control

The converter is controlled remotely from the control room. Local control is only possible in
the drive is preselected to “LOCAL” operation mode (see chapter “MOTOR LOCAL
CONTROL BOX). The following control functions are available:

‘Auxiliaries On’ Feedback Signal and Button

Auxiliaries Press this button to start the auxiliaries.
ON LED Off: the auxiliaries are off
LED blinking: the auxiliaries (fans) are in the ON sequence
LED On: the auxiliaries are on

‘Auxiliaries Off’’ Feedback Signal and Button

Auxiliaries Press this button to stop the auxiliaries.
LED Off: the auxiliaries are on
LED blinking: the auxiliaries (fans) are in the OFFsequence
LED On: the auxiliaries are off
MAIN ‘Main Breaker ON’ Feedback Signal and Button
BREAKER Press this button to switch on the stator & rotor main circuit breaker
LED Off: Main breakers off
LED On: Main breakers on

‘Main Breaker OFF’ Feedback Signal and Button

BREAKER Press this button to switch off the stator & rotor main circuit breaker
OFF LED Off: Main breakers off
LED On: Main breakers on

MILL ‘Mill Start’ Feedback Signal and Button

Press this button to start the mill, the mill will turn with the
preselected minimum speed (Thyristor pulse release).
LED Off: Mill stop
LED On: Mill start

‘Mill Stop’ Feedback Signal and Button
STOP Press this button to stop the mill, the mill will stop with an activated
electrical break, end of the elec.break sequence pulse blocking.
LED Off: Mill turns
LED blinking: the mill electrical breaks
LED On: Mill stopped, thyristor pulse blocking

‘Faster’ Feedback Signal and Button

FASTER Press this button to increase the speed of the mill.
LED Off: command not activated
LED On: speed increase

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‘Slower’ Feedback Signal and Button

SLOWER Press this button to decrease the speed of the mill.
LED Off: command not activated
LED On: speed decrease

‘Forward’ Feedback Signal and Button

FORWARD Press this button to select the direction of rotation of the mill,
selection only possible if the drive is not running.
LED Off: command not activated
LED On: forward selected

‘Forward’ Feedback Signal and Button

Press this button to select the direction of rotation of the mill,
selection only possible if the drive is not running.
LED Off: command not activated
LED On: reverse selected

‘Select Meter Indication’ Button
METER Press this button to select different analog signals at the meter
The analog signals are internal regulation signals, only for service
and commissioning purpose.
‘Select Testprogram’ Button
SELECT Note: Press this button to select between different test modes (total
6 test modes are available, caution only for service and
commissioning engineers). The button is only active if the drive is in
‘Local’ & ‘Service’ mode The selected mode Nr. will be indicated at
the display screen.
‘Lamp Test’ Feedback Signal and Button
Press this button to check all LEDs at the converter control panel.
While pressing the button the LED will light continuously.

‘Motor Local Control Box’ Feedback Signal

MLCB LED Off: other control mode
LED On: the drive will be controlled from the MLCB

‘Central Process Control System’ Feedback Signal

LED Off: other control mode
LED On: the drive will be controlled from the DCS

‘E-House’ Feedback Signal

E-HOUSE LED Off: other control mode
LED On: the drive will be controlled from the E-House

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4. Emergency Stop

The emergency stop pushbutton is specially designed for emergency situations. If you press
this button

a) the converter and the auxiliaries are switched off;

b) the main circuit breakers (stator and rotor) opens immediately.

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4.4.3 Faults and RESET Function

Different alarm and trip signals indicate faults or malfunctions of the converter and the system
components. These faults are classified as follows (detailed description see below):

1. General faults
2. Hardware protection faults
3. Excitation controller faults
4. Thyristor monitoring faults

! Important: Write down in form 1 (see page 10 ... 14 of this manual) what has
happened and which fault is indicated before you press the reset button
and before you
start any repair work.
! Important: Any repair work has to be done only by specially trained personnel.

1. General Faults

These faults are indicated at the converter control panel (+F02) by

a) the common alarm or trip LED on the trip/alarm button is blinking

b) one or several fault message(s) on the panel display describes the fault by indicating the
fault number, the trip (F) or alarm (W) sign and the message text.

To reset the trip or alarm status press the reset button on the converter control panel
as follows:

- Briefly press (less than 1 second) the reset button to reset all alarms. Note: The first fault
remains on the converter control display.
- Press (for more than 1 second) the reset button to reset all trips and the first fault.

The converter control display indicates 8 fault messages at the same time (first message =

first fault). Press or for scrolling to show additional faults.

2. Hardware Protection Faults

The supervision for auxiliary drives, MCB and transformers is realized in the ABB - PLC.
All cycloconverter supervisions are detected and supervised by the PSR-system. In addition
to this supervision there is a hardware electronics provided with two prints (CS A463, CS
A465). Hereby a safe and controlled switching-off sequence is ensured even in case of failing
of PSR, or any periphery device.

In this safety unit the following signals are supervised:

- stator currents ixR, ixS, ixT
- PSR processor board and periphery devices
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These faults deriving from the protection PCB's CS A463 and CS A465 (placed in the
standard control rack Tier 6) are indicated at the converter control panel (+F02.K01) and at
the PCB by :

a) the common alarm or trip LED on the trip/alarm button is blinking

b) the fault message no. 49 (‘49 F: Faulte Safety Tier (CSA 463/465)’) appears on the panel
c) the fault indicated by a LED on the PCB

To reset the trip status press the reset button on the PCB CS A463 and/or CS A465 in
addition to the reset button at the converter control panel (see above point 1).

3. Excitation Controller Faults

These faults deriving from the excitation controller (+F01) are indicated at the converter
control panel and at the controller component as follows:

a) the common alarm or trip LED on the trip/alarm button is blinking

b) the fault message no. 58 (‘58 F: Excitation Converter DCF 600 ’) appears on the panel
c) the fault number (e.g. ‘F07’) of the first fault is blinking at the excitation controller display;
to indicate any further or resulting fault press the UP pushbutton at the excitation
controller display.

4. Thyristor monitoring faults

These faults deriving from the thyristor monitoring unit (+F02.K01, Tier 8) are indicated at the
converter module control panel and at the monitoring unit as follows:

a) the common alarm or trip LED on the trip/alarm button is blinking

b) the fault message no. 47 (‘47 F: Thyristor Failure’) appears on the panel display
c) the location of the faulty thyristor is indicated on the thyristor monitoring print boards (see
chapter 5.4 Thyristor monitoring)

To reset the trip status press the RESET button at the thyristor monitoring display in addition
to the acknowledge button at the converter module control panel (see above point 1).

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5. List of Fault Messages

(monitored at the Control panel)

No. Result* Description No. Result* Description

01 "F: Overcurrent detection Bridge RA" 54 "F: Earth Fault Stator"
02 "F: Overcurrent detection Bridge RB" 55 "F: Overvoltage Arrester Excitation"
03 "F: Overcurrent detection Bridge SA" 56 not used
04 "F: Overcurrent detection Bridge SB" 57 "F: Doors Cycloconv. Power Part Open"
05 "F: Overcurrent detection Bridge TA" 58 "F: Excitation Converter DCF 600"
06 "F: Overcurrent detection Bridge TB" 59 "F: Mill blocked"
07 "F: Thermal overload (I*t) Phase R" 60 "F: Mill motor overspeed "
08 "F: Thermal overload (I*t) Phase S" 61 “F: Stator Transformers Fault”
09 "F: Thermal overload (I*t) Phase T" 62 “F: Excitation Transformer Fault”
10 "F: Excitation overcurrent " 63 "F: Converter Voltage Trapez limit <"
11 "F: Excitation undercurrent " 64 "F: Converter Voltage Trapez limit >"
12 "F: 13,8 kV Line overvoltge " 65 "F: Air gap too small (Probe 1)"
13 "F: 13,8 kV Line undervoltage " 66 "F: Air gap too small (Probe 2)"
14 "F: 13,8 kV Breaker Feedback missing" 67 "F: Air gap too small (Probe 3)"
15 "F: 13,8 KV MCB1 or MCB 2651SE01 Trip” 68 "F: Air gap too small (Probe 4)"
16 "F: Rotor Circuit Breaker Trip" 69 "F: Air gap too small (Probe 5)"
17 "F: Pulse Amplifier-R1A (LT8978) +21" 70 "F: Air gap too small (Probe 6)"
18 "F: Pulse Amplifier-R1B (LT8978) +25" 71 "F: Air gap too small (Probe 7)"
19 "F: Pulse Amplifier-R2A (LT8978) +45" 72 "F: Air gap too small (Probe 8)"
20 "F: Pulse Amplifier-R2B (LT8978) +49" 73 "F: Air gap too small (Probe 9)"
21 "F: Pulse Amplifier-S1A (LT8978) +29" 74 “F: 24 VDC Power Supply (-304U2)”
22 "F: Pulse Amplifier-S1B (LT8978) +33" 75 “F: 13,8 kV Network Phase R undervoltage”
23 "F: Pulse Amplifier-S2A (LT8978) +53" 76 “F: 13,8 kV Network Phase S undervoltage”
24 "F: Pulse Amplifier-S2B (LT8978) +57" 77 “F: 13,8 kV Network Phase T undervoltage”
25 "F: Pulse Amplifier-T1A (LT8978) +37" 78 “F: 13,8 kV Network over/under Fequency”
26 "F: Pulse Amplifier-T1B (LT8978) +41" 79 “F: Mill charge is frozen”
27 "F: Pulse Amplifier-T2A (LT8978) +61" 80 “F: Brakes do not release at start”
28 "F: Pulse Amplifier-T2B (LT8978) +65" 81 "F: Cool.Unit Power Failure UAC096"
29 "F: Pulse Amplif.Desex.(LT8978) +69” 82 "F: Cool.Unit Sensor disturbance"
30 "F: Power Supply 48VDC (-304U6)" 83 "F: Cool.Unit Overtemp. Conv. inlet"
31 "F: Arcnet Communication Error" 84 "F: Cool.Unit Water flow low"
32 "F: Error Modbus-Coupler PMA324 (+F02)" 85 "F: Cool.Unit Water level low"
33 "F: Line Overvoltage arresters R1" 86 "F: Cool.Unit Water Pressure low"
34 "F: Line Overvoltage arresters R2" 87 "F: Cool.Unit Overtemp.Conv. outlet"
35 "F: Cycloconverter Auxiliary Fuses R" 88 "F: Cool.Unit Conductivity high"
36 "F: Motor Overvolt. Arrester phase R" 89 "F: Cooling water leakage (+F15)"
37 "F: Motor star point fuse" 90 "F: Critical Interlock"
38 "F: Line Overvoltage arresters S1" 91 not used
39 "F: Line Overvoltage arresters S2" 92 not used
40 "F: Cycloconverter Auxiliary Fuses S" 93 “F: PSR Print Boards Failure, CS A465”
41 "F: Motor Overvolt. Arrester phase S" 94 “F: Excitation Fan Fault”
42 "F: Line Overvoltage arresters T1" 95 not used
43 "F: Line Overvoltage arresters T2" 96 “F: Motor Unbalance Current”
44 "F: Cycloconverter Auxiliary Fuses T" 97 "W: Air gap low (Probe1)"
45 "F: Motor Overvolt. Arrester phase T" 98 "W: Air gap low (Probe2)"
46 "F: Rotor feeder feedback missing" 99 "W: Air gap low (Probe3)"
47 "F: Thyristor Supervis.Trip (Tier 8)" 100 "W: Air gap low (Probe4)"
48 "F: Emergency Stop button pressed" 101 "W: Air gap low (Probe5)"
49 "F: Hardware Overcurrent I>> ,CS A463" 102 "W: Air gap low (Probe6)"
50 "F: Circuit Breakers Control Part" 103 "W: Air gap low (Probe7)"
51 "F: Thermal Overload Excitation" 104 "W: Air gap low (Probe8)"
52 “F:Angle Shifter (FM 9925) +A13” 105 "W: Air gap low (Probe9)"
53 "F: Bridge Commut.Logic (DDA353) +A17" 106 “Start Interlock”

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No. Result* Description No. Result* Description

107 "W: Network Voltage < 92,5% (Nw&Iw Lim)" 130 "W: Auxiliary are not ready"
108 “Process Interlock” 131 "W: Ground Fault Rotor"
109 “W: Thyristor Supervis.not ready” 132 "W: Excitation Converter not ready"
110 “Non-Critical Interlock” 133 not used
111 “W: Stator Knife Switch open” 134 "W: 13,8 kV Breaker not available"
112 “W: Rotor Knife Switch open” 135 "W: Rotor breaker not available"
113 "W: Cool.Unit Sensor CT001 defect" 136 “W: Stator Transformer Alarm”
114 "W: Cool.Unit Sensor CF001 defect" 137 “W: Excitation Transformer Alarm”
115 "W: Cool.Unit Sensor CL001 defect" 138 not used
116 "W: Cool.Unit Sensor CP001 defect" 139 “W: Speed lowering delta psiT >”
117 "W: Cool.Unit Sensor CT002 defect" 140 “W: Speed lowering delta psiT <”
118 "W: Cool.Unit Sensor CD001 defect" 141 not used
119 "W: Cool.Unit Power Fail UA C096" 142 “W: Drive in torque limit 110%”
120 "W: Cool.Unit Sensor disturbance" 143 “W: Speed lowering during Unet <95%”
121 "W: Cool.Unit Overtemp.Conv.inlet" 144 “W: Speed limit delta psi-T”
122 "W: Cool.Unit Water level low" 145 "W: HW-Error UAC326-1(Tier4 +A37)"
123 "W: Cool.Unit Water Pressure low" 146 "W: HW-Error UAC326-2(Tier4 +A41)"
124 "W: Cool.Unit Overtemp.Conv.outlet" 147 "W: HW-Error GDB021-R1(Tier4+A57)"
125 "W: Cool.Unit Conductivity high" 148 "W: HW-Error GDB021-R2(Tier4+A69)"
126 "W: Cool.Unit Sensor CT004 defect" 149 "W: HW-Error GDB021-S1(Tier4+A61)"
127 "W: Cool.Unit Sensor CT005 defect" 150 "W: HW-Error GDB021-S2(Tier4+A73)"
128 not used 151 "W: HW-Error GDB021-T1(Tier4+A65)"
129 "W: No Local release Control Room" 152 "W: HW-Error GDB021-T2(Tier4+A77)"

* F = Trip
W = Alarm

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6. List of Analog Values

Channel No. Signal name Scaling

01 Speed Setpoint 100 % = 11.61 rpm

02 Speed Actual 100 % = 11.61 rpm
03 Line Voltage 100 % = 13800 V
04 Excitation current 100 % = 800 A
05 Motor Voltage l-l 100 % = 4950 Vac
06 Motor Power 100 % = 20000 kW
07 Load Cell Weight 100 % = 2814 Ton
08 Inching angle 100% 0..360°
09 Temp Conv Inlet CT001 100 % = 100 °C
10 Temp Conv Outlet CT002 100 % = 100 °C
11 Flow Conv Cooling CF001 100 % = 380 l/min
12 Water Level CL001 100 % = 100 %
13 Water Pressure CP001 100 % = 6.00 bar
14 Water Conductivity CD001 100 % = 4.00 µS/cm
15 Service Box Indication 100 % = 10.00 V
16 Temp Ext Inlet CT004 100 % = 100 °C
17 Temp Ext Outlet CT005 100 % = 100 °C
18 Current of Test Program 3 100 % = 4331 A
19 Speed of Test Program 3 100 % = 11.61 rpm
20 Motor Current Phase R 100 % = 2450 A
21 Motor Current Phase S 100 % = 2450 A
22 Motor Current Phase T 100 % = 2450 A
23 not used
24 Air gap sensor 1 100% = 30.0 mm
25 Air gap sensor 2 100% = 30.0 mm
26 Air gap sensor 3 100% = 30.0 mm
27 Air gap sensor 4 100% = 30.0 mm
28 Air gap sensor 5 100% = 30.0 mm
29 Air gap sensor 6 100% = 30.0 mm
30 Air gap sensor 7 100% = 30.0 mm
31 Air gap sensor 8 100% = 30.0 mm
32 Air gap sensor 9 100% = 30.0 mm

For the actual cooling unit setpoint value, please refer to the ”User’s Manual for
Cycloconverter” 3BHS 130 197 [MM-FR-CT005-BE-2251-50-2004-00-X]

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7. Analogue meter signal indication (Tier 2)

signal range nominal/max. value

stator current ixR 0-4000 A 2450 / 3185 A

stator current ixS 0-4000 A 2450 / 3185 A

stator current ixT 0-4000 A 2385 / 3185 A

actual speed nx 0…12.0 rpm 9, 29…10,3 rpm

excitation current ixe 0-800 A 540 / 575 ADC

selective indication : -2.0V..+10V

Speed reference nw 8V = 9.29 rpm
Current reference iw, mw 8V = 2450 A
Speed actual nx 8V = 9.29 rpm
Flux reference ψw 8V = ψwn
Flux actual ψx 8V = ψxn
Flux controller ∆ψT 8V = 100 % of ψwn
8. Settings

The circulating current detection are stored and signalled with the safety
Measurement on the CS A463 PCB.

The actual current is taken from the current burden an lead to the PCB
With the special modifications on the print board (acc. to the schematic
diagram), the trip level is set.

a) analog signals (CSA 463)

Signal Calibration/fault level

(Peak Value)
IXR1,2 6100 A= 10.56 V i ↯ R1 / i ↯ R2
IXS1,2 6100 A= 10.56 V i ↯ S1 / i ↯ S2
IXT1,2 6100 A= 10.56 V i ↯ T1 / i ↯ T2

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4.4.4 Faults Control

Different binary output trip and alarm signals indicate faults and malfunctions of the
converter, the circuit breaker and of external system components as described in sub-
paragraph 2.3.5 Be sure you have integrated these signals in the power plant control system
and in the main control panel for properly controlling the converter .

! Important: Write down in form 1 (see page 08 ... 12 of this manual) what has
happened and which fault is indicated before you press the reset
button and before you start any repair work.

! Important: Any repair work has to be done only by specially trained personnel.

1. 'COMMON-TRIP ' Signal

This signal indicates a converter fault or malfunction. Remove the trip cause and reset the
trip status in order to get the 'READY' signal for restarting the converter.

For your information: A trip initiated during the drive operation will cause the converter to stop
delivering power to the motor and the circuit breaker will open to de-energize the converter.
The drive operation is interrupted and cannot be repeated unless the cause is removed.

2. 'COMMON-ALARM' Signal

This signal indicates a converter fault or malfunction. Remove the alarm cause and reset the
alarm status in order to get the 'READY'-signal for restarting the converter.

For your information: An alarm initiated during the drive operation does not influence the
ongoing process. A converter restart, however, is not possible without removing the common
alarm cause.

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4.4.5 Converter Standstill

In the stand-by mode the converter may be de-energized for energy saving reasons. In that
case switch off the main power supply.

! Important: In the stand-by mode the low voltage power supplies should not be
switched off because the converter heating system should always be on
in order to avoid damages caused by extreme external humidity or
extreme temperature differences.

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4.5 Motor Local Control Box (MLCB)

4.5.1 Layout
Tag-Nr.: PN102-2251-MO-01

Tag No.

Hinged Door
500 mm


E- House
(with collar against MLCB *Radio C.
accidental depressing) Tag No.

Cable Entry
200 mm

Front Door Cut

PG13 PG16 PG13

* Radio Control (Optional)

400 mm

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F1 F2 F3 F4 F5 F6 F7 F8

F9 F10 F11 F12 F13 F14 F15 F16

F1: Auxiliaries ON F5: Forward

F9: Auxiliaries OFF F13: Reverse
F2: MCB ON F6: Manual Lowering
F10: MCB OFF F14: Reduce Mill Rocking
F3: Start F7: Lamp Test
F11: Stop F15: Mill Creeping Mode
F4: Faster / Angle UP F8: Mill Inching Mode
F12: Slower / Angle DOWN F16: Mill Normal Operation
RESET: Fixed Reset PB

4.5.2 Construction

Protection Class : IP 66
Size : Width X Height X Depth 400 x 500 x 200mm
Colour : n.a.
Cabinet : Stainless Steel
Shockproof up to 6Nm/mm2
Resistant against Corrosion,
Inside the box a control and display panel (AF C094) is mounted.

4.5.3 Control display panel AF C094

-ARCnet Fieldbus link to the ABB-PSR controller
-Display with 8 lines, each 40 characters (240x64 dots)
-10 control keys for operation mode and function
-16 keys with LED’s for plant specific controls
-4 contact interrogation inputs with short circuit proof +24V supply voltage
-3 relay outputs with changeover contact
-3 auxiliary outputs +24V /0V
-Serial interface RS-485 for download
-Serial interface RS-232 for printer

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4.5.4 Functional Description

4.5.5 Control Place Selection

The Control Place is initially set to DCS (Distributed Control System) and can be changed as

Command Key Switch Control place Remarks

Local DCS/E-HOUSE E-HOUSE At ABB-PSR control panel (+F02)
Remote MLCB MLCB No switchover possible until key
switch is set to DCS/E-HOUSE

4.5.6 Key Switch

The Key Switch selects the Mill’ s Control place once the preselection from the DCS has
been set to Local. From now on control can not be taken back by the DCS until the Key
Switch is set back to DCS/E-HOUSE.
For safety reasons, the Key can be removed in either position to prevent unauthorized

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4.5.7 Function Push Buttons

Action Effect
F1 Auxiliaries ON Initiates an automatic, normal start-up sequence for all Mill, Motor and
Cyclo Converter auxiliary drives.
F9 Auxiliaries OFF Initiates an automatic, normal shutdown sequence for all Mill, Motor
and Cyclo Converter auxiliary drives.
F2 MCB ON Main Circuit Breaker for Stator & Rotor are switched on
F10 MCB OFF Main Circuit Breaker for Stator & Rotor are switched off
F3 Start Mill start command; Effect is subject to the mill control mode
F11 Stop Mill stop command
F4 Faster/Angle up Speed is increasing / Inching Mode : Angle is increasing
F12 Slower/Angle down Speed is decreasing / Inching Mode : Angle is decreasing
F5 Forward Direction preselector; enabled during motor standstill
F13 Reverse Direction preselector; enabled during motor standstill
F6 Manual Lowering Manual release of Brakes as long as Button is depressed (The
Function is enabled in each mode but only if the Mill is stopped)
F14 Reduce Mill Rocking Manual Brake soft-apply as long as Button is depressed (The Function
is enabled in each mode but only if the Mill is stopped)
F7 Lamp Test LED and Lamp test of the MLCP
F15 Mill Inching Mode Selecting Inching mode :
(For Positioning) The Angle can be preselected via the Display. After the Start PB is
pressed, the Motorspeed will increase up to inching speed. The Motor
will stop immediately when the desired angle setpoint is reached and
the brakes will be quick –applied.
Function Push Buttons F4/F12 disabled.
F8 Mill Creeping Mode Selecting Creeping mode:
After the Start PB is pressed, the motorspeed will increase up to
creeping speed. Pressing the Stop PB will cause immediate Stop and
Brake quick -apply. Function Push Buttons F4/F12 are disabled.
F16 Mill Normal Mode Selecting Normal mode:
Motor is started with the Start PB and Speed can be increased/
decreased between MIN and MAX speed with the Faster/Slower PB.
Pressing the Stop PB will Stop the Mill.

4.5.8 Inching Mode

To position the Drive at a specific angle, “Mill Inching Mode” is selected. The Angle can be
entered via the Display using function keys F4 & F12
After the Start PB is pressed, the Mill will turn at Inching speed (1,3 rpm) until the desired
angle setpoint is reached. The Motor is stopped and the Brakes are applied in Quick braking
mode. This will prevent the Mill from rolling back and improves the angle accuracy. When
switching from DCS/E-HOUSE mode to MLCB,Inching mode is preselected.

4.5.9 Creeping Mode

To test the Drive locally with min. speed, “Mill Creeping Mode” is selected. By pushing the
Start PB the mill will increase to Creeping speed (0,8 rpm) and can be turned until the Stop
PB is pressed.
To prevent the Mill from rolling back, the Brakes are applied in Quick braking mode.

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4.5.10 Normal Mode

To run the drive between MIN and MAX speed, Mill Normal Mode is selected and the
Start PB is pressed. Speed can be increased/ decreased only via the speed setpoint
given by the DCS. When pressing the Stop PB, the mill speed decreases according to a
Ramp Function to eliminate Rocking.

4.5.11 Reduce Mill Rocking

To prevent the Mill from rocking, “Reduce Mill Rocking” is used. It is basically a manual Brake
quick -apply as long as the Button is depressed. Due to the fact, that Brake quick - apply
automatically takes place when stopping in Creeping or Inching mode, Reduce Mill Rocking
is used when switching from “MLCB” to DCS/E-HOUSE mode or after an Emergency Stop
has occurred.
The Reduce Mill Rocking - function is enabled in normal mode but only if the motor is not

4.5.12 Manual Lowering

Brake engagement in a position, where Cascading of the Charge has not taken place yet
puts a lot of stress on the brake Callipers. With Manual Lowering (which is basically a manual
Brake release as long as the Button is depressed) one can bring the mill into equilibrium.
The Manual Lowering Function is enabled in inching and creeping mode but only if the Motor
is not running.

4.5.13 Horn

Relay output (dry contact) foreseen to control an external mounted start-up warning horn.

4.5.14 Emergency Push Button

The emergency stop push button is maintained when depressed. When depressed, the
ring motor and all Mill Motor and Cyclo Converter auxiliary drives immediately and
simultaneously perform an emergency shutdown. All of these motors are prohibited from
restarting until the emergency stop push button is released and the trip reset.

4.5.15 Control push button station

The MLCB includes a mill creep control push button station with 16 meter long flexible
cord. The push buttons will be only active in “Creeping Mode”.

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4.5.16 Status, Fault & Alarm Signals

General fault and alarms will be indicated on the display.

Status of the mill during start up and operation will be indicated due to the LED’s of the
specific control keys of the control display AF C094.
Common Common
Alarm Trip
Stator – Transformer 1 X X
Stator – Transformer 2 X X
Stator – Transformer 3 X X
Excitation Transformer X X
MV - Circuit Breaker Stator X
MV - Circuit Breaker Rotor X
Cyclo Converter : Overvoltage/Overcurrent Protection X X
General Supervisions X X
Excitation Converter X
Ringmotor X X
Auxiliaries X X
Mill Lube System X X
Mill Brake System X X

4.5.17 Actual Signals indicated:

The signals displayed are :

- Ring motor Actual Speed

- Ring motor Reference Speed
- Excitation Voltage
- Excitation Current
- Motor Voltage
- Motor Current
- Motor Power
- Network Voltage
- Air gap (9)
Cycloconverter Cooling System Measurements

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5. Training

5.1 General

ABB Switzerland Ltd’s training programs are specially designed to give the appropriate
support to the customer for the fault-free and safe operation of the converter . The training
programs cover fundamentals on technology as well as practical exercises in order to
optimize the man-machine communication.

5.2 Basic Training (1 day / compulsory)

This compulsory 1-day basic training is held on site at the end of the commissioning phase.
ABB recommends to train at least three persons. They should have sufficient technical or
electrotechnical knowledge and experience. The training program covers the three steps
'Operation Instructions', 'Fundamentals Part 1 on Technology' and 'Safety Instructions'. This
training is always part of the delivery.

5.3 Maintenance Training (3 to 5 days / optional)

In accordance with the customer's needs ABB holds this additional training either in
Switzerland or at the customer's office. ABB recommends to train at least three persons at
the same time. They should be experienced professionals in the electrotechnical field. The
training program covers the four steps 'Trouble Shooting', 'Maintenance', 'Fundamentals Part
2 on Technology' and 'Safety Instructions'. The training will last between three and five days
according to the customer's demands and will be charged separately.

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6. Regulation
6.1 Principle of regulation

All the regulation except excitation current regulator are realized in the software of the
PSR(Programmable High Speed Controller) see attached block diagrams of the
regulation. 3BHS 126 245 from page 18 to 22 [D5-FR-CT005-BE-2251-50-2003-XX-X].

6.2 Overview

The whole regulation program is divided in four interrupt levels with four priorities. The
different priorities are shown in Figure 6.1. The filter programmes and the switching over
of actual current values have the highest priority.

Interrupt 0 : highest level (interrupt time = 0.694 ms)

Interrupt 1 : high level (interrupt time = 1.389 ms)
Interrupt 2 : low level (interrupt time = 4.167 ms)
Interrupt 3 : lowest level (interrupt time = 16.667 ms)

INT 2/1

INT 2/1 trapez generation
INT 0 iwe

current generation
referencies/ INT 1
phase current
INT 2 INT 2 shifting regulator
speed- R
INT 2 S over
speed- commands
INT 3 reference
service- output
box adaption

Fig. 6.1 Blockdiagram of regulation with referencies to the interrupt levels.

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6.3 Current regulators (INT1 - S16..S18)

Function : Each current regulator controls one stator phase.

The principle is explained in the blockdiagram of the stator phase R (Fig.

The difference between iWR and the filtered current actual value /ixR/ is the input of the
current regulator (PI-Type). At the output of this regulator the anticipatory voltage U* is

The summation UR is limited to the value of the rectifier limit position. From this limited
output UbR the voltages ∆us and ∆uT are subtracted (linearisation), see fig. 6.2

uaR Ui
kp TN kt Tt ks Ts
UstR Ud ixR
uR ubR
- - -
current- rectifier- rectifier- converter motor
regulator limit position limit position
/ixR/ duS duT

Fig. 6.2 Current regulation circuit of stator phase R

The limit indication signals of the three stator current regulators (Rlimited, Slimited,
Tlimited) are connected to the trapeze logic and influence the trapeze regulator.
The limited outputs (UStR, UStS, UStT) are rectified in accordance with the bridge
commutating commands

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7. Supervisions

7.1 Thyristor Monitoring

7.1.1 Introduction

The Thyristor control system is the link between the closed-loop control and the thyristors.
The system checks the proper function of the MP and the thyristors. If a thyristor or a MP is
faulty, a switch-off command is generated (TRIP).

The principle of the TM Li is shown in fig.7.1.


Release TM


via fibre optic Receiver 12

Receiver 2
the XT B750B06
Report pulses fom

Receiver 1



Fig. 7.1 Principle diagram of the TM Li

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The thyristor control system performs the following tasks:

- Supervision of the blocking capability of all thyristor places.

This enables continuous information to be obtained on the state of the thyristor valves.
If the blocking capability of a valve can no longer be assured, the thyristor control
system generates a TRIP-signal.

- Detection and localization of faulty thyristors resp. defective MP during energizing.

If the thyristors are able to block the voltage, the MP send report signals back to the
TM Li. In case of malfunction of thyristors or of the MP the TM Li generates ALARM
and TRIP signals.

7.1.2 The thyristor control system

The thyristor control system can be divided into 3 parts :
- Thyristormonitoring ( TM Li )
- Fibre optic ( FOP )
- Monitoring PCB : XT B750 B06 ( MP ) close to the thyristor

Thyristormonitoringsystem TM Li


Fig. 7.2: Blockdiagram of the Thyristor Control System

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7.1.3 Monitoring PCB (MP)

The MP is close to the thyristors on high voltage potential. Every pair of thyristors is equipped
with one XT B750 B06. It is connected to the TM Li via a fibre optic cable.

XT B750B06

4 K

The required energy to power the XT B750 B06 is derived from the voltage across the
If the thyristors work properly, there is voltage across the thyristor for one halfwave of the
sinus curve, the XT B750 B06 has enough power to generate a report pulse. This report
pulse with the width of 3µs is transmitted via fibre optic cable to the TM Li system. Every
16,7ms ( frequency of the AC network is 60 Hz ) a report pulse is generated.

If the thyristor has failed, i.e. short-circuited, no pulse can be generated because there is no
energy on the board.

7.1.4 Thyristor Monitoring (TM Li)

a) Introduction

Every MP generates report signals, if supplied sufficiently with power. A faulty thyristor
behaves like a short circuit, the power supply of the MP is interrupted and therefore no report
pulses can be generated any more.

A faulty MP is usually not able to generate a report pulse.

The report pulses of all thyristor-pairs are checked periodically by the TM Li. In case of faulty
thyristor an ALARM and a TRIP is generated, and the location of the faulty thyristor is

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b) Description

After powering up the TM Li rack, the system automatically starts with checking the report
pulses from the MPs. As long as the signal Release TM is low no ALARM is generated if a
report pulse is missing.
When the Release TM signal is set high the monitoring system begins to work after a ON
delay of 100ms. The memories of the opto receivers XV C513A are cleared. Then the report
signals from the MPs set these memories again within 20ms. If after a waiting period of 30ms
the release signal is still high, the data of the memories is loaded into a shift register and get
scanned by the Control-Unit XV C512AE.
After loading the data of the memories into the shift register, the memories of the opto
receivers are cleared and the same procedure starts again.

The Control-Unit compares the current content of the shift register with the content of the
previous run. If there is no difference between, the Control-Unit evaluates the data and
generates an ALARM and a TRIP if one or more report pulses are missing.
If there is a difference between the current content and the content of the latest run, the
Control-Unit does not evaluate the data. If the data of the following run is similar to the data
of the current run the Control-Unit will evaluate the data at the next run.

c) Meaning of the LEDs on the front panel of the Control-Unit XV C512AE

There are 4 LEDs on the front panel of the Control-Unit XV C512AE:

The Control-Unit checks the shift register and the serial data transfer between the
units. If an error occurs the ‘READY LED’ gets dark and the ‘READY’ relay opens the
contact between X601 PIN 15 and PIN 19 ( lower D-SUB connector on the left side of
the rack ), resp. closes the contact between X601 PIN 15 and PIN 17

If one or more report pulses from the XT B750 B06 is missing, the ‘ALARM LED’ is
ON. The ‘ALARM’ relay opens the contact between X601 PIN 1 and PIN 5 ( lower D-
SUB connector on the left side of the rack ), resp. closes the contact between X601
PIN 1 and PIN 3. The ALARM is stored until the R/LT button on the front panel of the
XV C512A is pressed.

If one or more report pulses from the XT B750 B06 is missing, the ‘TRIP LED’ is ON.
The ‘TRIP’ relay opens the contact between X601 PIN 9 and PIN 13 ( lower D-SUB
connector on the left side of the rack ), resp. closes the contact between X601 PIN 9
and PIN 11. The TRIP is stored until the R/LT button on the front panel of the XV
C512A is pressed.

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The ‘BUSY LED’ is ON as long as more than 18 XT B750 B06 send their report pulses
periodically to the TM Li rack. This happens as soon as the thyristors are energized.

7.1.5 Indication of a faulty thyristor

If a thyristor is faulty the corresponding XT B750 B06 ( MP ) has no energy, so it is not able
to generate a report pulse.

The green and red LEDs above the fiber optic cable connector indicate the status of the
corresponding thyristor pair. The green LED is ON as long as report pulsese appear
periodically. If a report pulse is missing, the red LED turns ON and stays ON until the R/LT
(Reset/LED Test) button on the corresponding front panel is pressed.

7.1.6 Fibre optic (FOP)

Each pair of thyristors is controlled by one XT B750 B06 (MP).

The report pulses generated by the MP are transmitted via fibre optic cable to the receiver
XV C513 in the TM Li rack. Each single fibre optic cable (FOP) consists of a strand of 280
fibres with a diameter of 55 µm. The strands are protected by a special plastic sheath. The
ends are encased in an optical plug and are ground plane.

7.1.7 Power supply

The TM Li rack needs an unstabilized voltage of 19......31 V DC (nominal 24V).

The current consumption (U = 24V) is: max. 1,0 A for the TM LI

7.1.8 Mechanical description

Dimensions : Width 483mm (19’’)

Height 445mm

Depth approx. 250mm

Weight 7.5kg

7.1.9 Operation

7.1.10 Preparational operations

Before switching on the power supply, check if every PCB is correctly inserted and if all
cables are plugged in.

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7.1.11 Checks before start up

Tampering by unauthorised personnel during operation must be prevented absolutely. PCB's
must not be removed during operation until the appropriate monitoring processor is
disconnected. Care must be taken to ensure that no short circuits are caused by a defect in
the measuring equipment as this may cause important signals to be suppressed, thus
endangering the system.

7.1.12 Environmental requirements

Temperature range +5°C......+50°C
Air humidity in accordance with DIN 40 040 code G

7.1.13 Maintenance

7.1.14 Normal maintenance

The TM Li does not require particular service. It is, however, required that the area
surrounding the TM Li is kept clean and that the temperature and humidity restrictions are

7.1.15 Preventive tests

Operational disturbances may be avoided by periodic checks of proper functioning. This may
be done with adequate precautions during regular operation:

Simulation of faults:
A thyristor fault can be simulated by pulling out the corresponding light guide during
operation. The fault will then be displayed. This test will cause a TRIP.

7.1.16 Technical qualification of maintenance personnel

Tests and repairs should be performed only by highly qualified personnel having thorough
knowledge of digital electronics and in particular in the handling of CMOS and being
acquainted with the inherent dangers of high voltage.

7.1.17 Spare parts

When disturbances occur in the electronic system, the fault should be localised to the faulty
PCB. It is not advisable to replace any components on a PCB. Instead, the latter should be
sent to the manufacturer for repair. This measure is necessary because the components
used are subject to special quality-assurance procedures to ensure that they meet all

7.1.18 Use of spare parts

Replace a faulty PCB by its spare part. Notice that the Control-Unit XV C512AE, the Receiver
XV C513A and the Backplane XV C515A must be adjusted. Compare the adjustment of the
new device with the adjustment of the old one. Refer also to the list below for the adjustment.

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Adjustment of the Control-Unit XV C512 AE

DIL-switch S200 PIN

5 ON

DIL-switch S201 PIN

3 ON
6 ON

Check the firmware stored in the prom EPC1, located at the only 8 pin socket, for labelling
with the following number 3 BHS 102 035

Adjustment of the Receiver XV C513 A

DIL-switch S500 all Pins ON

DIL-switch S502 all Pins ON

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7.2 Ringmotor Air Gap monitoring system

a) Principle of the measurement

The principal purpose of the system is to measure the air gap inside generatores or
synchronous motors.
The sensors are glued onto the stator wall or to any grounded support and linked to a AGC-
530 signal conditioner. The conditioner provides a linearized analog output signal of 4-20mA
and is factory-calibrated to the required sensor type and extension cable length.
The air gap system provides direct and safe access to true air gap values without changes to
operations or physical intervention on the motor. These precise air gap values help determine
the type and location of anomalies to permit the planning and extent of maintenance or repair

b) Physical arrangement

The sensors are glued on the stator wall, total 9 air gap probes . The signals from the
conditioner output will be converted from a 4…20 mA signal to a 0…10 VDC signal and
supervised with the PSR-system.The transducers are located in the control cabinet (+F02)
and are supplied with a galvanic insulation between the input and the output circuit.

c) Fault handling

All the 9 air gap probes are supervised with the PSR processor.A threshold for “ALARM” and
“TRIP” is set. The air gap values itself and the alarm and trip are monitored with the converter
control panel (+F02.K01)
Additional an analog meter will indicate the minimum air gap of the nine probes

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8. Frozen Charge Protection

In order to protect the equipment against dropping charges a software packages will be

The function is the following:

The torque required consists of:

1. Torque for the empty mill, and

2. Torque for the milling of the material
3. Torque to lift up the frozen material

As the torque is proportional to the stator current, an increase of the current would be
dedected as soon as the material does not start to cascade, when the position of 45 degree
is reached and overpassed.

After a turn of the mill from 45 degrees (5 to 7 sec.) the current incrementation should come
to standstill, because the material starts to cascade.

If it does not do so, the charge could be frozen. If after a turning angle of 80 degrees (10 to
12 sec.) the current does still not do decrease, the acceleration will be stopped and the drive
shut down immediately.

Angle Normal Frozen

Operation Charge
Torque Torque

15 0.33 0.33
30 0.43 0.43
45 0.59 0.59
60 0.48 0.80 1.1
75 0.45 1.00 0.9
90 0.45 1.30 0.7
0.1 S2
15 S1
30 45

Values are estimated with speed of 20 % n Nominal.

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8.1 Precalculation and Comparison

The torque course and consequently the course of the RMS value of a GMD for a frozen
charge can be calculated with knowing the increase of the current at low degrees. This
precalculated current value at evaluation point is compared with actual current value. If the
actual value is not lower than a certain percentage, the drive will indicate a frozen charge and
shut down immediately. The following chart is showing the calculated comparing to the actual
course of the torque for different loads.
frozen and normal charge

Margin of
Current reduction

torque (%)




0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180
angle (degree)

Figure 1 Actual and calculated course with the evaluation points

The limits of the system is the high demand on the RMS current and position accuracy to
measure the current increase at the evaluation point with the necessary precision. The
mechanical configuration in our application does not allow to mount a tacho or an other type
of angle pick up on the mill. Therefore, the angle measuring is done by using the signal of
given air gap sensors. This is the only way, except of the direct calculation using the motor
conditions, which will result in worse resolution when the drive is started. Neither one of this
methods can fulfill the required accuracy. Therefore the dropping charge protection is not
implemented in this way.

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8.2 System Description

The chosen option to implement a dropping charge protection willis a system that monitors
the course of the current, because the torque is a function of the current following the
M = ⋅I
2π n
Extended to:
mU  U P U 1 1  
M =  ⋅ sin (ϑ )+  − sin (2ϑ )
2π n  X d 2  X q X d  
m: number of phases Xp: stator reactance d axis
n: motor speed Xq: stator reactance q axis
U: supply voltage Up: pole wheel voltage
ϑ: pole wheel angle M: motor torque

The mill has to be on constant speed to evaluate only the static component of the torque.
Therefore, the mill will be accelerated to about 20% of the nominal speed within the first 35
degrees. Then the mill will be turning at constant speed up to about 85 degrees. The actual
evaluation of the current will start at 40 degree. This is necessary to settle the fluctuations in
current and speed.
With no acceleration and other additional torque, the current will only be a function of lifting
the load. The torque for a frozen charge will increase all the time up to 90 degree otherwise it
will suddenly drop with the moment of cascading. The system will indicate a frozen charge,
when not detecting an inversion of the slope from rising to falling within a defined point. Or, if
it distinguishing more of this points, if the actual values of the indicated cascading points are
increasing all the time.
This will be backed up if the actual current at the end of the evaluation is higher then a single
indicated cascading point.In this cases the drive will be immediately shut down, otherwise the
control will be released to allow a normal operation of the drive.
The system allows the operation in both directions, because the current and the charge will
behave the same in either direction.

8.3 Advantages

This solution is chosen because of several advantages. The adaptation of this kind of
dropping charge protection to the existing system is reasonable uncomplicated. We can easy
supply the required conditions with a synchronous motor and it does not need any additional
sensors or modifications on the mill shell itself.
Further does the system cope with the fact of the comparatively bad resolution of the angular
position and the RMS - current feedback.
The implementation does not demand high processor performance or storage capacity, as for
recursive calculations and curve recording, which need to be done if using more curve
comparing procedures.

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If the defined conditions, as constant speed and no additional torque is provided, the system
is supposed to indicate all dangerous situations if even the torque is not rising continuously.
A further advantage is its easy adaptation to already running sites. Only the software of the
drive needs to be changed.

8.4 Limits

The dropping charge protection can only indicate a frozen charge, when the mill is turning at
least 90 degrees and it starts with the load in ‘natural position’.
‘Natural position’ means the mill is unbreaked and the moment of inertia of the load is vertical
to the ground. Therefore ‘manual lowering’ must be utilized to bring back the mill into ‘natural
position’ if the mill was stoped with the breaks due to an emergency stop. The same is valid
when creeping or inching was used and the mill was stoped with the breakes.
When inching is used to change the linerblades, the mill will not start out of ‘natural condition’
and it will not turn 90 degrees from one liner to the next. Accordingly the dropping charge
protection will not work while inching. The system will further shut down a very light- weight
charge which is not in the range from 30% - 100% of the rated weight. This includes that the
DCP needs to be disabled while commissioning.

8.5 General

The implementation of the DCP (Dropping Charge Protection) is done in the software of the
PSR (Programmierbarer Schneller Rechner). The first generation of the PSR was developed
to control and supervise the first gearless mill drive in 1982. The current version, the PSR II is
modular control system which includes the following componets:
• PSR II processing units
• High speed I/O - modules
• Digital firing pulse generators
• Universal modulators for GTO-Inverter
• Fieldbus and Comunication Interfaces
The components are parallel linked with a internal high speed bus that allows the operation of
up to 31 processor units. The processor units consist of two printed circuit boards . The
communication board is based on the Intel 80186 processor with application program and
parameter memory. It does include the interface to the parallel bus, a Intel standard interface
iSBX and a serial communication to the programming and diagnoses tool. The high speed
processor board is based on a ABB design RISC processor in extended Harvard architecture.
Its features are:
• Application program control with piplining
• Micro program control with piplining
• Two separate data-busses and one adress-bus
• Several parallel calculation units
• Interrupt controller
The interrupt controller allows the processing of different parts of the application software
with different cycle times. A change of the program parts is possible within 200ns after every
processed function block.
The available function blocks are defined directly in a high speed microprogram.
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The PSR II unit will control the processing of the signal inputs as current and angle feedback
and will further supervise the speed of the mill while the DCP is active. Finally it will evaluate
the current course and decide whether the load is frozen or not.

8.6 Frozen charge application software.

8.6.1 Angle detection.

For better resolution three air gap probes were used for angle detection, usually the signals from sensor no.7, 8
and 9 are taken. It is possible to use the sensor no.1, 2 and 3.

8.6.2 Frozen charge detection.

There are two major conditions to detect frozen charge.

1. Mill turning angle.
- Angle of turning.
- Torque reference higher than starting torque. (e.g. 130% nominal)
- Time delay 2 seconds.
2. Rising age of current signal.

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The frozen charge will be detected under following condition:

- The mill is turning over a specified angle limit.(ParamGrp_POLE-NUMBER1)
- The torque reference higher than specified starting torque (ParamGrp_iw-DCP-
Limit).If this two condition are active for longer than 2 seconds frozen charge
(trip) wil be detected.

The frozen charge protection will be disabled as following:

- The torque reference has decreased. “Cascading started”
- The torque reference is lower than 130% nominal. (As specified)
- Supervision time is over.
- After the mill has turned over 130 degrees.

Airgap no.1

Motor Voltage
Mill turned for 38 degrees
Cascading Started

Excitation Current

Motor Current

Speed Actual

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9. Trouble Shooting

9.1 Safety Instructions

High Voltage


1. High voltage in the incoming cubicle (+CA, +CB, +CC)!

2. Never remove the protecting shields.
3. Before you attempt any converter maintenance task:
- switch off the converter
- disconnect the converter from the main power supply
- take steps against unintentional energizing
- check that HV has disappeared
- be sure the converter is disconnected from all machine side power supplies.
4. Be sure there is no high voltage at the incoming bars of +CA,+CB,+CC (line side) and
at the outgoing bars of +CA, +CB, +CC (machine side) before you attempt any earth
5. Connect the incoming bars of +CA,+CB,+CC (line side) to earth according the User`s
Manual 3BHS 130 197 instructions [MM-FR-CT005-BE-2251-50-2004-XX-X].
6. Connect the outgoing bars of +CA,+CB,+CC (machine side U,V,W) to earth according
the User`s Manual 3BHS 130 197 instructions [MM-FR-CT005-BE-2251-50-2004-XX-

Low Voltage


Always low voltage (480 VAC, 230 VAC and 115 VAC) applied, if you disconnect the
converter from the main power supply.
Observe all local safety rules and regulations!
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Trouble Shooting

If you try to do trouble shooting work on the converter without knowing enough about it, you
could be hurt and the converter could be damaged. Be sure you have sufficient knowledge,
experience, and the proper replacement parts and tools before you attempt any converter
trouble shooting.

Do not add any replacement part to the converter unless you check with the recommended
spare parts list or with ABB Industrie AG. None original parts can damage the converter.
Some can just keep other things from working as they should. Your warranty would not cover

9.2 Why You Should Read this Chapter

In this chapter you will find the best ways to deal with troubles and to keep the converter
module operating without any problems. Be sure you follow the instructions exactly or you
could cause a damage to the converter. Do not hesitate to call the hotline if any question
arises (see paragraph 1.4 of this manual). Pay special attention to all safety instructions.

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9.3 Dealing with Troubles

If a fault occurs the ABB Switzerland Ltd trouble shooting support is at your disposal. Please
proceed along the following steps. In any case of fault or malfunction please send form 1 (see
paragraph 1.5 of this manual) to ABB Switzerland Ltd.

1. Find out the fault and put the converter into normal operation with the help of your
'User's Manual / Part 5: Trouble Shooting and Maintenance'.

2. Ask your local ABB Switzerland Ltd service organisation for support.

3. Ask ABB Switzerland Ltdfor on-line support by phone.

(hotline: see paragraph 1.4 of this manual)

4. Ask ABB Switzerland Ltd for support on site.

9.4 Scope

The trouble shooting program only applies to the ABB as specified below:

1. Converter Module

Manufacturer: ABB Switzerland Ltd, Switzerland

Type: Megadrive Cycloconverter
ABB order-No:: 1-1019781
Year: 2002

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9.5 Converter Fault Finding and Trouble Shooting Chart

! Important: 1. The converter faults and malfunctions and the result (F = trip / W =
alarm) are indicated at the converter control display (+F02.K01).
Note: The first fault always appears on the first line and any evolving
faults on the following lines.
2. If the display has no light check the low voltage supply. If there are
no messages on the display the control panel has a defect. Replace
the panel, if necessary.
3. For more information about dealing with faults and the RESET
function please refer to sub-paragraph 4.5.2 of this manual.

Fault Function / Text on Fault Possible Cause Action Remarks

number display
01 "F: Overcurrent detection Cycloc. Overcurrent in a) broken thyristor Check thyristors phase R
Bridge RA" phase RA b) motor overloaded (+CA)
c) speed too low
02 "F: Overcurrent detection Cycloc. Overcurrent in Check thyristors phase R
Bridge RB" phase RB (+CA)
03 "F: Overcurrent detection Cycloc. Overcurrent in Check thyristors phase S
Bridge SA" phase SA (+CB)
04 "F: Overcurrent detection Cycloc. Overcurrent in Check thyristors phase S
Bridge SB" phase SB (+CB)
05 "F: Overcurrent detection Cycloc. Overcurrent in Check thyristors phase T
Bridge TA" phase TA (+CC)
06 "F: Overcurrent detection Cycloc. Overcurrent in Check thyristors phase T
Bridge TB" phase TB (+CC)
07 "F: Thermal overload (I*t) Thermal overload of a) speed too low
Phase R" Motor phase R b) motor overloaded
08 "F: Thermal overload (I*t) Thermal overload of
Phase S" Motor phase S
09 "F: Thermal overload (I*t) Thermal overload of
Phase T" Motor phase T
10 "F: Excitation Overcurrent in the rotor a) broken thyristor a) check excitation Notice
overcurrent" circuit of the ringmotor DCF 600 converter Run test program only if
b) short circuit of the b) check motor power you have passed the
rotor cables cables ABB additional training.
c) check brushes of In all other cases contact
motor your local ABB service
11 "F: Excitation Current too low in the a) cable broken a) check DCF 600 Notice
undercurrent " rotor circuit of the b) excitation converter Run test program only if
ringmotor not released you have passed the
c) Failure in the ABB additional training.
excitation supply In all other cases contact
circuit your local ABB service

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Fault Function / panel Fault Possible Cause Action Remarks

number display
12 "F: 13,8 kV Line Line voltage too high a)
voltage dip Check network
overvoltge" (>110%for 50ms) b)
lightning or voltage
increase beyond the
allowed level in the
external power
13 "F: 13,8 kV Line Line voltage too low c) main circuit breaker Check network
undervoltage " (<85% for 30ms) not closed or tripped
d) voltage dip
14 "F: 13,8 kV Breaker No feedback signal from a) circuit breaker did not Check circuit breaker and
Feedback missing" the 13,8 kV main circuit close after the on cabeling
breaker command
15 "F: 13,8 KV MCB1 or 13,8 kV main circuit a) line overcurrent check motor load
MCB 2651SE01 Trip breaker tripped b) motor overload check relay settings
c) short circuit

16 "F: Rotor Circuit Breaker 13,8 kV rotor circuit a) line overcurrent

Trip" breaker tripped b) motor overload
c) short circuit

17 "F: Pulse Amplifier-R1A Pulse amplifier fault Print board hardware Change print board
(LT8978) +21" fault
18 "F: Pulse Amplifier-R1B dto. dto. dto.
(LT8978) +25"
19 "F: Pulse Amplifier-R2A dto. dto. dto.
(LT8978) +45"
20 "F: Pulse Amplifier-R2B dto. dto. dto.
(LT8978) +49"
21 "F: Pulse Amplifier-S1A dto. dto. dto.
(LT8978) +29"
22 "F: Pulse Amplifier-S1B dto. dto. dto.
(LT8978) +33"
23 "F: Pulse Amplifier-S2A dto. dto. dto.
(LT8978) +53"
24 "F: Pulse Amplifier-S2B dto. dto. dto.
(LT8978) +57"
25 "F: Pulse Amplifier-T1A dto. dto. dto.
(LT8978) +37"
26 "F: Pulse Amplifier-T1B dto. dto. dto.
(LT8978) +41"
27 "F: Pulse Amplifier-T2A dto. dto. dto.
(LT8978) +61"
28 "F: Pulse Amplifier-T2B dto. dto. dto.
(LT8978) +65"
29 "F: Pulse Amplif.Desex. dto. dto. Dto.
(LT8978) +69"
30 "F: Power Supply 48VDC 48VDC power supply a) 48VDC powersupply a) check power supply For replacement switch
(-304U6)" (-304U6) for pulse fault (-304U6) replace if off auxil. supply voltage
amplifiers tripped b) 120 VAC circuit necessary
breaker off b) check auxiliary voltage

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Fault Function / panel Fault Possible Cause Action Remarks

number display
31 "F: Arcnet Communication disturbed a) ArcNet node Check ArcNet Notice
Communication between PSR, converter disconnected; connections and restart If the fault remains after 2
Error" control panel and field b) fault on device at ArcNet devices by to 3 restarts contact your
bus coupler. ArcNet; switching DC supply off local ABB service
c) power supply for and on. organisation.
ArcNet node not
d) communication time-
e) software fault.
32 "F: Error Modbus- Fault at the print board Hardware error at the Replace print board For replacement switch
Coupler PMA324 PMA324 (Tier 4) or print board ir converter off auxil. supply voltage.
(+F02)" converter 232/485. 232/485
33 “F: Line Overvoltage Input network a) Surge voltage in the - Check the network;
arresters R1” overvoltage. network; - Check the fuses
b) Lightning; cycloconverter at phase
c) Voltage dip; R (F121,F122,F123).
d) On/Off switch gear
for capacitor bank.
34 “F: Line Overvoltage Input network a) Surge voltage in the - Check the network;
arresters R2” overvoltage. network; - Check the fuses
b) Lightning; cycloconverter at phase
c) Voltage dip; R (F221,F222,F223).
d) On/Off switch gear
for capacitor bank.
35 “F: Cycloconverter Short circuit at basic load Short circuit to earth for - Check the fuse F301,
Auxiliary Fuses R” of phase R. capacitor C301. F302 at phase R;
- Check the basic load.
36 “F: Motor Overvoltage Output motor voltage too Network lost. - Check overvoltage
arrester phase R” high. arrester in phase R.
37 “F: Motor star point fuse” Overcurrent at start point. a) Unbalance current. - Check ring motor;
- Check the fuse at F303.
38 “F: Line Overvoltage Input network a) Surge voltage in the - Check the network;
arresters S1” overvoltage. network; - Check the fuse at phase
b) Lightning; S (F121,F122,F123)
c) Voltage dip;
d) On/Off switch gear
for capacitor bank.
39 “F: Line Overvoltage Input network a) Surge voltage in the - Check the network;
arresters S2” overvoltage. network; - Check the fuse at phase
b) Lightning; S (F221,F222,F223).
c) Voltage dip;
d) On/Off switch gear
for capacitor bank.
40 “F: Cycloconverter Short circuit at basic load Short circuit to earth for - Check the fuse F301,
Auxiliary Fuses S” of phase S. capacitor C301. F302 at phase S;
- Check the basic load.
41 “F: Motor Overvoltage Output motor voltage too Network lost. - Check overvoltage
arrester phase S” high. arrester in phase S.

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Fault Function / panel Fault Possible Cause Action Remarks

number display
42 “F: Line Overvoltage Input network a) Surge voltage in the - Check the network;
arresters T1” overvoltage. network; - Check the fuse at phase
b) Lightning; T (F121,F122,F123).
c) Voltage dip;
d) On/Off switch gear
for capacitor bank.
43 “F: Line Overvoltage Input network a) Surge voltage in the - Check the network;
arresters T2” overvoltage. network; - Check the fuse at phase
b) Lightning; T (F221,F222,F223)
c) Voltage dip;
d) On/Off switch gear
for capacitor bank.
44 “F: Cycloconverter Short circuit at basic load Short circuit to earth for
- Check the fuse F301,
Auxiliary Fuses T” of phase T. capacitor C301. F302 at phase T;
- Check the basic load.
45 “F: Motor Overvoltage Output motor voltage too Network lost. - Check overvoltage
arrester phase T” high. arrester in phase T.
46 “F: Rotor Feedback No feedback signal from Circuit breker did not - Check circuit breker of
missing” circuit breker of rotor. close after ON command. rotor and cable.
47 “F: Thyristor Supervision Thyristor short circuit a) Broken thyristor; - Check the thyristor and
Trip (Tier 8)” fault. b) Broken fibre optic the circuit board XV
link. C513A (Tier8).
48 “F: Emergency stop Emergency stop button Emergency stop. - Check the emergency
button pressed” pressed. stop button around ring
49 "F: Hardware Cycloconverter a) Broken Thyristor; - Check fuses, if
Overcurrent I>> , overcurrent detected by b) Broken Fuse from available;
CS A463" CS A463 (Hardware Power Part; - Check Thyristors.
Protection). c) General Net
Problems (single
phase enclosure).
50 “F: Circuit Breaker Circuit breaker a) Short circuit at the - Check the circuit
Control Part” synchronisation off fault synchronisation breakers, cable and
in the control panel +F02 voltage transformer; synchronisation voltage
or +F03. b) Circuit breaker miss transformer;
operation. - Check control circuits.
51 “F: Thermal Overload Overload of excitation. a) Excitation current - Check an excitation
Excitation” too high for long converter;
time; - Check rotor excitation;
b) Thermal overload - Check thermal overload
miss operation. protection and cable.
52 “F: Angle shifter (FM Print circuit board fault. Hardware error at print Replace print circuit For replacement switch
9925) + A13” circuit board FM9925, board. off auxl.Supply voltage.
Tier 6/+A13.
53 “F: Bridge Commutating Print circuit board fault. Hardware error at print Replace print circuit For replacement switch
Logic (DD A353) circuit board DD A353, board. off auxl.Supply voltage.
+A17” Tier 6/+A17.

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Fault Function / panel Fault Possible Cause Action Remarks

number display
54 “F: Earth Fault Stator” Earth fault at stator part. a) Short circuit to earth - Check earth fault
of power part, power protection module;
cable or stator - Check motor cable,
winding; stator winding and stator
b) High humidity inside knife switch.
ring motor or knife
55 “F: Overvoltage Arresster Rotor excitation Network lost. - Check the network
Excitation” overvoltage. voltage;
- Check overvoltage
arrester in excitation unit.
56 Not used.
57 “F: Doors Cycloconv. Power Part doors are a) Power pack door is - Check if there is any
Power Part Open” opened. opened; power pack door opened;
b) Door switches -Check the door switches
(sensors and (sensors and cables).
cables) fail.
58 “F: Excitation converter Excitation Converter a) DCF Converter - Check fault indication at
DCF 600” Fault. tripped. DCF Converter and
identify the fault with fault
list (DCF Manual).
59 “F: Mill Blocked” Mill fault. It the mill is not rotating - Check the breake
within 5 sec after system and mechanical
cycloconverter release. part of the mill;
- Check the load of mill.
60 “F: Mill motor over speed” Mill over speed fault. If an actual speed of the - Check the mill speed
mill > 116%. compare with actual
61 “F: Stator Transformer Stator transformer fault. a) Over pressure trip; Check cycloconverter
Fault” b) Bucholz relay trip; transformer supervisions.
c) Thermal oil relay
d) Min/Max oil level
62 “F: Excitation Excitation transformer a) Bucholz relay trip; Check excitation
Transformer Fault” fault. b) Thermal oil relay transformer supervisions.
63 “F: Converter Voltage Converter Voltage trapez a) Synchronisation Check at synchronisation
trapez limit <” limit <. voltage lost; voltage transformer.
b) Line voltage
64 “F: Converter Voltage Converter Voltage trapez a) Synchronisation Check at synchronisation
trapez limit >” limit >. voltage lost; voltage transformer.
b) Line voltage

65 “F: Air gap to small Ring motor airgap fault. a) Ring motor airgap - Check airgap with feeler If an airgap < 12.0 mm.
(Probe1)” too small; gauge;
b) Airgap sensor - Check an airgap sensor
damaged; and power supply.
c) Power supply of
sensor lost.

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Fault Function / panel Fault Possible Cause Action Remarks

number display
66 “F: Air gap to small Ring motor airgap fault. a) Ring motor airgap - Check airgap with feeler If an airgap < 12.0 mm.
(Probe2)” too small; gauge;
b) Airgap sensor - Check an airgap sensor
damaged; and power supply.
c) Power supply of
sensor lost.
67 “F: Air gap to small Ring motor airgap fault. a) Ring motor airgap - Check airgap with feeler If an airgap < 12.0 mm.
(Probe3)” too small; gauge.
b) Airgap sensor - Check an airgap sensor
damaged; and power supply.
c) Power supply of
sensor lost.
68 “F: Air gap to small Ring motor airgap fault. a) Ring motor airgap - Check airgap with feeler If an airgap < 12.0 mm.
(Probe4)” too small; gauge;
b) Airgap sensor - Check an airgap sensor
damaged; and power supply.
c) Power supply of
sensor lost.
69 “F: Air gap to small Ring motor airgap fault. a) Ring motor airgap - Check airgap with feeler If an airgap < 12.0 mm.
(Probe5)” too small; gauge;
b) Airgap sensor - Check an airgap sensor
damaged; and power supply.
c) Power supply of
sensor lost.
70 “F: Air gap to small Ring motor airgap fault. a) Ring motor airgap - Check airgap with feeler If an airgap < 12.0 mm.
(Probe6)” too small; gauge;
b) Airgap sensor - Check an airgap sensor
damaged; and power supply.
c) Power supply of
sensor lost.
71 “F: Air gap to small Ring motor airgap fault. a) Ring motor airgap - Check airgap with feeler If an airgap < 12.0 mm.
(Probe7)” too small; gauge;
b) Airgap sensor - Check an airgap sensor
damaged; and power supply.
c) Power supply of
sensor lost.
72 “F: Air gap to small Ring motor airgap fault. a) Ring motor airgap - Check airgap with feeler If an airgap < 12.0 mm.
(Probe8)” too small; gauge;
b) Airgap sensor - Check an airgap sensor
damaged; and power supply.
c) Power supply of
sensor lost.
73 “F: Air gap to small Ring motor airgap fault. a) Ring motor airgap - Check airgap with feeler If an airgap < 12.0 mm.
(Probe9)” too small; gauge;
b) Airgap sensor - Check an airgap sensor
damaged; and power supply.
c) Power supply of
sensor lost.
74 “F: 24 VDC Power 24 Vdc power supply 304 a) 24VDC powersupply a) check power supply For replacement switch
Supply (-304U2)” U2 for PSR Control with fault; replace if necessary; off auxil. supply voltage
no voltage output b) 120 VAC circuit b) check auxiliary voltage
breaker off.

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Fault Function / panel Fault Possible Cause Action Remarks

Number display
75 “F: 13,8 kV network Phase R Under voltage a) Network lost; - Check network voltage;
Phase R Under fault. b) Reference voltage - Check reference
voltage” transformer voltage transformer and
damaged. cable.
76 “F: 13,8 kV network Phase S Under voltage a) Network lost; - Check network voltage;
Phase S Under fault. b) Reference voltage - Check reference
voltage” transformer voltage transformer and
damaged. cable.
77 “F: 13,8 kV network Phase T Under voltage a) Network lost; - Check network voltage;
Phase T Under fault. b) Reference voltage - Check reference
voltage” transformer voltage transformer and
damaged. cable.
78 “F: 13,8 kV network Over or Under Frequency a) Network lost; - Check network
over/under fault. b) Reference voltage frequency;
Frequency” transformer - Check reference
damaged. voltage transformer and
79 “F: Mill Charge is Frozen” Frozen charge protection The material inside the Check the material inside
fault. mill does not cascading. the mill.
80 “F: Brake do not release Brake fault. Brake do not release Check the brake system
at start” after start the mill. and cable.
81 “F: Cool.Unit Power Power supply fault. a) Auxiliary voltage Check the power supply
Failure (UAC096)” lost; (Cooling Unit +F15) and
b) Circuit braker miss Auxiliary voltage.
82 “F: Cool.Unit Sensor Sensor fault of cyclo a) Sensor damaged; Check all sensor and
disturbance” cooling unit (+F15) b) Wiring open circuit. cabling of cyclo recooling
unit (+F15)
83 “F: Cool. Unit Overtemp. Water temperature high a) Water cooling high - Check raw water
Conv. Inlet” high. temp; temperature and flow;
b) Sensor failure. - Check water cooling
system, Temp. sensor
and cable.
84 “F: Cool.Unit Water flow Water flow low low. a) Water leakage; -Check water cooling If the flow < 204 l/min
low” b) Value closed; system, Water flow
c) Circulation pumps sensor and cabling;
damaged or not - Check operation of
running; circulating pump;
d) Sensor failure. - Check water level at
expansion tank.
85 “F: Cool.Unit Water level Water level low low. a) Expansion tank Check water cooling If the level < 50 %
low” water missing; system,Level sensor and
b) Sensor failure. cabling.
86 “F: Cool.Unit Water Water pressure low low. a) Value closed; - Check water cooling
Pressure low” b) Motor pump system,Pressure sensor
damaged; and cabling;
d) Sensor failure. - Check circulation
87 “F: Cool.Unit Overtemp. Water temperature high a) Water cooling high - Check raw water If the temperature > 63°C
Conv.Outlet” high. temp.(Secondary temperature and flow;
side); - Check water cooling
b) Sensor failure. system, Temp. sensor
and cable.

ABB Switzerland Ltd. / ATBDE Sag Op Manual_RevB.doc

Printout date:24.02.200509:4809:48
Title: Drwg No:

Gearless Mill Drive Manual 3BHS 126 255

Issued by department: Date: Language: Register No.: Revision: Page:

ATBDE 31.07.2003 en B 83/86

Fault Function / panel Fault Possible Cause Action Remarks

number display
88 “F: Cool.Unit Conductivity Water conductivity high Deionizing filter dirty. Change deionizing filter. If the conductivity >= 2
high” high. uS within 10 sec.
89 “F: Cooling water leakage Water leakage fault. a) Sealing problem; - Check water cooling
(+F15)” b) Connector of system, Water leakage
pipeline broken. sensor and cabling;
- Check sealing of cyclo
recooling system (+F15).
90 “F: Critical Interlock” Mill fast stop du to major a) Air gap fault; - Check air Gaps;
problems b) Emergency stop; - Check Lube System.
c) Mill Lube System. - Check in DCS screen.
91 Not used.
92 Not used.
93 “F: PSR Print boards Digital hardwired Digital/Analog fault at - Check the red led on For replacement switch
failure, CS A465 ” supervision of digital print circuit board of the CSA 465 circuit board; off auxl.Supply voltage.
signals. PSR system. - Replace the print circuit
board which is indicated
on CSA 465 board.
94 “F: Excitation Fan Fault” Excitation Fan not a) Broken Fan; - Check excitation Panel
running. b) Circuit Breaker +F01.
95 Not used.
96 “F: Motor Unbalance Stator Current Unbalance Overvoltage Proctection Check Overvoltage
Current” Arrester
97 “W: Airgap low (Probe 1) Airgap low warning. Mechanical problem. Check ring motor and If an airgap < 13.0 and >
sensor. 12.0 mm.
98 “W: Airgap low (Probe 2) Airgap low warning. Mechanical problem. Check ring motor and If an airgap < 13.0 and >
sensor. 12.0 mm.
99 “W: Airgap low (Probe 3) Airgap low warning. Mechanical problem. Check ring motor and If an airgap < 13.0 and >
sensor. 12.0 mm.
100 “W: Airgap low (Probe 4) Airgap low warning. Mechanical problem. Check ring motor and If an airgap < 13.0 and >
sensor. 12.0 mm.
101 “W: Airgap low (Probe 5) Airgap low warning. Mechanical problem. Check ring motor and If an airgap < 13.0 and >
sensor. 12.0 mm.
102 “W: Airgap low (Probe 6) Airgap low warning. Mechanical problem. Check ring motor and If an airgap < 13.0 and >
sensor. 12.0 mm.
103 “W: Airgap low (Probe 7) Airgap low warning. Mechanical problem. Check ring motor and If an airgap < 13.0 and >
sensor. 12.0 mm.
104 “W: Airgap low (Probe 8) Airgap low warning. Mechanical problem. Check ring motor and If an airgap < 13.0 and >
sensor. 12.0 mm.
105 “W: Airgap low (Probe 9) Airgap low warning. Mechanical problem. Check ring motor and If an airgap < 13.0 and >
sensor. 12.0 mm.
106 “Start Interlock” Mill is start interlocked a) Lube low flow; Check in the DCS screen
b) Bearing high temp,
c) Motor High temp,
d) Ecc.
107 “W: Network Voltage
<92,5% (Nw&Iw Lim)“
108 Process Interlock Mill is interlocked from Screen not running. Check in the DCS
the process screens.
109 “W: Thyristor Supervis. Thyristor Supervision a) Broken thyristor; Check the thyristor and
Not ready” Warning. b) Broken fibre optic print circuit board XV
link. C515A (Tier 7)

ABB Switzerland Ltd. / ATBDE Sag Op Manual_RevB.doc

Printout date:24.02.200509:4809:48
Title: Drwg No:

Gearless Mill Drive Manual 3BHS 126 255

Issued by department: Date: Language: Register No.: Revision: Page:

ATBDE 31.07.2003 en B 84/86

Fault Function / panel Fault Possible Cause Action Remarks

number display
110 “Non-Critical Interlock” The mill is interlocked
Bearing high temp; Check in the DCS screen
Motor High temp;
111 “W: Stator Knife Switch Stator knife switch open a) Wiring open circuit; Check sensor and cable.
open” warning b) Sensor failure.
112 “W: Rotor Knife Switch Rotor knife switch open a) Wiring open circuit; Check sensor and cable.
open” warning b) Sensor failure.
113 “W: Cool.Unit Sensor Sensor defect warning. a) Wiring open circuit; Check sensor and cable. If the signal < 4 mA.
CT001 defect” b) Sensor failure.
114 “W: Cool.Unit Sensor Sensor defect warning. a) Wiring open circuit. Check sensor and cable. If the signal < 4 mA.
CF001 defect” c) Sensor failure.
115 “W: Cool.Unit Sensor Sensor defect warning. a) Wiring open circuit; Check sensor and cable. If the signal < 4 mA.
CL001 defect” b) Sensor failure.
116 “W: Cool.Unit Sensor Sensor defect warning. a) Wiring open circuit; Check sensor and cable. If the signal < 4 mA.
CP001 defect” b) Sensor failure.
117 “W: Cool.Unit Sensor Sensor defect warning. a) Wiring open circuit; Check sensor and cable. If the signal < 4 mA.
CT002 defect” b) Sensor failure.
118 “W: Cool.Unit Sensor Sensor defect warning. a) Wiring open circuit; Check sensor and cable. If the signal < 4 mA.
CD001 defect” b) Sensor failure.
119 “W: Cool.Unit Power Power supply warning. a) Network lost; Check the power supply
Failure (UAC096)” b) Circuit braker miss and network voltage.
120 “W: Cool.Unit Sensor Sensor warning. a) Sensor damaged; Check all sensor and If the signal < 4 mA.
disturbance” b) Wiring open circuit. cable.
121 “W: Cool. Unit Overtemp. Water temperature high a) Water cooling high Check water cooling
Conv. Inlet” warning. temp; system, Temp. sensor
b) Sensor failure. and cable.
122 “W: Cool.Unit Water level Water low level warning. a) Water leakage; Check water cooling If the level < 75 %
low” b) Sensor failure. system, Temp. sensor
and cable.
123 “W: Cool.Unit Water Water pressure low a) Water leakage; Check water cooling If the pressure < 1.50
Pressure low” warning. b) Value closed; system, Temp. sensor kPa within 1 sec.
c) Motor pump and cable.
d) Sensor failure.
124 “W: Cool.Unit Overtemp. Water temperature high a) Water cooling high Check water cooling If the temperature > 52°C
Conv.Outlet” warning. temp.(Secondary side); system, Temp. sensor
b) Sensor failure. and cable.
125 “W: Cool.Unit Water conductivity high Deionizing filter dirty. Change deionizing filter. If the conductivity >= 1
Conductivity high” warning. uS.

126 “W: Cool.Unit Sensor Raw Water Sensor defect a) Wiring open circuit; Check sensor and cable. If the signal < 4 mA.
CT004 defect” warning. b) Sensor failure.
127 “W: Cool.Unit Sensor Raw Water Sensor defect a) Wiring open circuit; Check sensor and cable. If the signal < 4 mA.
CT005 defect” warning. b) Sensor failure.
128 Not used.
129 “W: No Local release Local control release No local release Check DCS command.
control room” warning. command by DCS
130 “W: Auxiliaries are not Auxiliary not ready. a) Cooling system not Check Cooling, Brake
ready” ready; and Lubrication system.
b) Brake system not
c) Lubrication system
not ready.

ABB Switzerland Ltd. / ATBDE Sag Op Manual_RevB.doc

Printout date:24.02.200509:4809:48
Title: Drwg No:

Gearless Mill Drive Manual 3BHS 126 255

Issued by department: Date: Language: Register No.: Revision: Page:

ATBDE 31.07.2003 en B 85/86

Fault Function / panel Fault Possible Cause Action Remarks

number display

131 “F: Earth Fault Rotor” Rotor earth fault. a) Short circuit to earth Check earth fault
of rotor power part, protection module, rotor
cable or rotor cable, DCF 600, slipring
winding; rotor and knife switch.
b) High humidity inside
ring motor or knife
132 “W: Excitation converter Excitation converter DCF a) There are some Check DCF 600 and
not ready” 600 (+F01) not ready. alarm/fault at DCF cable.
600 unit;
b) Main power supply
133 Not used.

134 “W: 13,8 kV Breaker not Stator breaker not ready. a) Breaker in test Check main circuit
available” position; breaker and cable.
b) Breaker failure.
135 “W: Rotor Breaker not Rotor breaker nor ready. a) Breaker in test Check Rotor circuit
available” position; breaker and cable.
b) Breaker failure.
136 “W: Stator Transformer Stator transformer fault. a) Over pressure trip; Check at stator
Alarm” b) Bucholz relay trip; transformer.
c) Thermal oil relay
d) Min/Max oil level
137 “W: Excitation Excitation transformer a) Bucholz relay trip; Check at excitation
Transformer Alarm” fault. b) Thermal oil relay transformer.
138 Not used.

139 W: Speed lowering delta Control voltage trapez> a) Synchronisation Check network voltage
psi T >” alarm. voltage lost;
b) Line voltage
140 W: Speed lowering delta Control voltage trapez< a) Synchronisation Check network voltage
psi T <” alarm. voltage lost;
b) Line voltage
141 Not used.

142 “W: Drive in torque limit Load torque >110% for High load in operation. Contact to DCS.
110%” 60 seconds.
143 “W: Speed lowering Reducing mill speed in Network voltage low Check network voltage
during Unet <95%” case of Unet <95%. between 85% to 95%

ABB Switzerland Ltd. / ATBDE Sag Op Manual_RevB.doc

Printout date:24.02.200509:4809:48
Title: Drwg No:

Gearless Mill Drive Manual 3BHS 126 255

Issued by department: Date: Language: Register No.: Revision: Page:

ATBDE 31.07.2003 en B 86/86

Fault Function / panel Fault Possible Cause Action Remarks

number display

144 “W: Speed limit delta psiT Maximum speed limit a) network voltage low Reduce mill speed to 10
10.2 rpm b) Control voltage rpm and increasing mill
trapez high or low speed as normal
145 “HW-Error UAC326-1 Print circuit board fault. Hardware error at print Replace print board. For replacement switch
(Tier4 +37)” circuit board. off auxl.Supply voltage.
146 “HW-Error UAC326 –2 Print circuit board fault. Hardware error at print Replace print board. For replacement switch
(Tier4 +A41)” circuit board. off auxl.Supply voltage.
147 “HW-Error GDB021- Print circuit board fault. Hardware error at print Replace print board. For replacement switch
R1(Tier4 +A57)” circuit board. off auxl.Supply voltage.
148 “HW-Error GDB021- Print circuit board fault. Hardware error at print Replace print board. For replacement switch
R2(Tier4 +A69)” circuit board. off auxl.Supply voltage.
149 “HW-Error GDB021- Print circuit board fault. Hardware error at print Replace print board. For replacement switch
S1(Tier4 +A61)” circuit board. off auxl.Supply voltage.
150 “HW-Error GDB021- Print circuit board fault. Hardware error at print Replace print board. For replacement switch
S2(Tier4 +A73)” circuit board. off auxl.Supply voltage.
151 “HW-Error GDB021- Print circuit board fault. Hardware error at print Replace print board. For replacement switch
T1(Tier4 +A65)” circuit board. off auxl.Supply voltage.
152 “HW-Error GDB021- Print circuit board fault. Hardware error at print Replace print board. For replacement switch
T2(Tier4 +A77)” circuit board. off auxl.Supply voltage.

ABB Switzerland Ltd. / ATBDE Sag Op Manual_RevB.doc

Printout date:24.02.200509:4809:48

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