Figure 2

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Figure 1: Superimpose plan view drawing on Rh.

Egoh propose drainage

By referring to figure above, the proposed drain will be connected with existing drain with a length of 0.750m and straight running along the long houses. As
you can see from figure above, the alignment of straight proposed drain will obstruct by the extension of long houses. Furthermore, an additional job which
is cutting and trimming of slope were needed in order for us to continue with the works especially on installation of gabion. As you can see, the slope now is
next to the existing earth drain and there is no spacing for our machinery to work there.
Figure 2: Site condition at drain alignment.

By referring to the photo above, the slope which located at the back of the long houses is already near the existing earth drain which we have to do extra
work which is earthwork jobs. In Summary of Tender, which not stated on the work of earthwork, which is unfair for us contractor to do earthwork where in
Summary of Tender did not mention any of the work. Please advise us on this matters.
Existing slope near the existing earth drain
Existing earth drain

Figure 3: Existing site condition regarding of earthwork and position of exiting earth drain.

In Figure 3, the existing slope is already near the existing earth drain. In order for our machinery to enter the site, at least 4m clear spacing needed to cut,
thus for us contractor to do the cut the slope for installation of gabion. During our site visit on 16th November 2020, we identify that the slope already near
to the earth drain and the earth drain now full with silt and during raining season the resident of long houses complaint where the rain water flows to their
Including Earthwork
job scope for this area

change to 12m

Figure 4: Proposal on drainage alignment and construction.

In order for us contractor to the project in this area, the distance which connected the existing R.C drain to new proposed R.C drain need to be extended to
12m long, and extra jobs scope of trimming and cutting of slope need to be add in Summary of Tender where for us to mobilisation, demobilisation and for
spacing for installation or gabion which 1m3 size. Please advise us on how to proceed with this work and additional scope of work which is earthwork.

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