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for CHAPTER 3: THE PHRASE pages 111=113

The Participial Phrase

3f. A participial phrase consists of a participle and its modifiers and complements.The entire
phrase is used as an adjective.

EXAMPLES Making their way through the thick brush, the hikers soon grew tired. [The
participial phrase modifies the noun hikers.]
The trophy won by the volleyball team will be displayed in the lobby. [The participial
phrase modifies the noun trophy.]

An absolute phrase consists of (1) a participle or a participial phrase, (2) a noun or a pronoun
that the participle or participial phrase modifies, and (3) any other modifiers of that noun or
pronoun. The entire word group is used as an adverb to modify a clause.
EXAMPLE The weather being so dismal, we decided to stay inside. [The participial phrase
being so dismal modifies the noun weather. The entire absolute phrase modifies the
independent clause we decided to stay inside, telling why we decided to stay

EXERCISE A Underline the participial phrase in each of the following sentences. Then, circle the word or
words it modifies.

Example 1. A geological formation called Enchanted Rock has inspired several legends.

1. Located an hour or so from Austin, Texas, the domes of Enchanted Rock are batholiths, under-
ground rock formations that erosion has slowly revealed.

2. Many years ago, Tonkawas living nearby said that a pale man had been swallowed by the
rock and reborn as rock.
3. Ghostly lights sometimes flicker from the domes’ surfaces—the pale man weaving enchant-
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ments, said the Tonkawa.

4. Today, visitors know that the lights come from water puddles reflecting moonlight.
5. Hiking the path to the summit, I am struck by the beauty of the rock.

EXERCISE B Underline the absolute phrase in each of the following sentences. Be prepared to tell how
the phrase modifies the whole clause—does it tell when, why, or how?

Example 1. My feet having become tingly from the cold, I decided to go inside.

6. The clock striking the hour of noon, I thought that a brisk walk would be pleasant.
7. I bundled up and left the house, our excited dog straining at the leash.
8. The walk began beautifully, snow crunching underfoot.
9. We crossed the stream, the water rushing with new-melted snow.
10. Back at home, I relaxed by the fire, my hot chocolate steaming deliciously.

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for CHAPTER 3: THE PHRASE pages 110=113

Participles and Participial Phrases

3e. A participle is a verb form that can be used as an adjective.
EXAMPLES Several of the falling branches hit the house, but no damage was done. [Falling
modifies the noun branches.]
Frightened by the noise, I looked up. [Frightened modifies the pronoun I.]

3f. A participial phrase consists of a participle and its modifiers and complements.The entire
phrase is used as an adjective.

EXAMPLE The swimmer, shaking with cold, clambered out of the water. [Shaking with cold
modifies the noun swimmer.]

EXERCISE A Complete each sentence by adding a participle or participial phrase. Use the verb indicated
in parentheses to form the participle.
Swinging gently
Example 1. _______________________ , the ceiling fan spun slowly. (Swing)

1. The _______________________ summer heat bore down. (wilt)

2. _______________________ , cicadas filled the trees. (Hum)
3. The glasses of _______________________ lemonade sweated on the table. (sweeten)
4. All in all, it was a typical _______________________ summer day. (swelter)
5. I escaped for a while into the _______________________ cool water of the pool. (refresh)

EXERCISE B Underline the participial phrase in each of the following sentences. Then, draw an arrow
from the participial phrase to the noun or pronoun it modifies.

Example 1. Down the alley came a large pickup truck loaded with boxes and furniture.

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6. Clearing his throat, the tenor began his rehearsal.
7. The weary hikers spent the next night at a cabin stocked with food and blankets.
8. Moving with grace and stealth, the Siamese cat was stalking the mouse.
9. The sandwiches, shared with the children on the playground, provided a moment of peace for
the teacher.

10. Checking her hair in the mirror, the actor practiced the first lines of her speech.
11. Repaired just weeks before, the radiator had developed yet another leak.
12. The German shepherd lying by that man’s feet is a guide dog.
13. The head coach, discussing the call with the official, remained calm.
14. Ms. Ortiz whispered something to the lady sitting next to her.
15. The blankets piled on the bed are clean.


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for CHAPTER 3: THE PHRASE pages 114=115

The Gerund
3g. A gerund is a verb form ending in –ing that is used as a noun.
Like nouns, gerunds can be used as subjects, direct objects, indirect objects, predicate
nominatives, and objects of prepositions.
SUBJECT Diving can be dangerous.
DIRECT OBJECT Mattie has always enjoyed jogging in the park.
INDIRECT OBJECT Always give driving your full attention.
PREDICATE NOMINATIVE One of his favorite pastimes is skiing.
OBJECT OF A PREPOSITION Make an outline before drafting your paper.

EXERCISE A In each sentence, underline the gerund. Above it, write S if it is a subject, DO if it is a direct
object, IO if it is an indirect object, PN if it is a predicate nominative, or OP if it is an object of a
Example 1. People benefit from relaxing at the end of a busy day.

1. Choosing from among many refreshing activities can be difficult.

2. Some people enjoy gardening.
3. Others combine relaxation and health improvement by exercising.
4. Still others would far rather give playing chess their attention.
5. Reading continues to hold its own among leisure activities.
6. Since somebody has to make dinner anyway, one favorite hobby is cooking.
7. There will always be those who prefer watching television.
Copyright © by Holt, Rinehart and Winston. All rights reserved.

8. Chatting on the phone is a very popular activity, especially with cell phone use on the rise.
9. Simply enjoying conversation together is a critical part of most families’ days.
10. Whatever people choose to do, developing a hobby can ease the day’s stress, both physically
and mentally.

EXERCISE B For each item below, write a sentence that uses a gerund formed from the verb provided.
Example 1. vote Because voting is important to Al, he votes in every election.

11. run
12. sing
13. divide
14. design
15. invent

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for CHAPTER 3: THE PHRASE page 115

The Gerund Phrase

3h. A gerund phrase consists of a gerund and its modifiers and complements. The entire phrase is
used as a noun.
EXAMPLES Training your dog consistently will improve your bond with the animal. [The gerund
phrase is the subject of the verb phrase will improve. The noun dog is the direct
object of the gerund Training. The adverb consistently modifies Training.]
What are some of the benefits of spending time with pets? [The gerund phrase is
the object of the preposition of. The noun time is the direct object of the gerund
spending. The adverb phrase with pets modifies spending.]

EXERCISE A In each sentence, underline the gerund phrase. Above it, write S if it is a subject, DO if it is a
direct object, IO if it is an indirect object, PN if it is a predicate nominative, or OP if it is an object of a
Example 1. Recognizing cinema excellence is the goal of the Academy Awards.

1. At the founding of the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences in 1927, Hollywood
began to consider how to reward excellence.

2. Staying abreast of cinematic developments is challenging, and the number of annual awards
has fluctuated throughout the years since 1929.

3. The Oscar statuette was cast in bronze and gold-plated for many years, but World War II
brought on the waning of U.S. metal supplies, so for a time the figure was made of plaster that

was painted gold.

4. Today the technique used to make the statuette is covering a britannium base with

Copyright © by Holt, Rinehart and Winston. All rights reserved.

gold plating.

5. Untold numbers of Americans have given the fateful ripping of each envelope their
full attention.

EXERCISE B Use the directions given in parentheses to write five sentences containing gerund phrases.
Example 1. (Use arriving as a subject.)
Arriving late to the interview may cost you the job!

6. (Use applying as a direct object.)

7. (Use focusing as a predicate nominative.)
8. (Use predicting as the object of a preposition.)
9. (Use borrowing as a subject.)
10. (Use flinging as a subject.)


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for CHAPTER 3: THE PHRASE pages 111=115

Identifying Participial and Gerund Phrases

3f. A participial phrase consists of a participle and its modifiers and complements. The entire
phrase is used as an adjective.

3h. A gerund phrase consists of a gerund and its modifiers and complements. The entire phrase is
used as a noun.

EXERCISE A In each of the following sentences, identify the underlined phrase by writing above it gerund
phrase or participial phrase.
gerund phrase
Example 1. Cleaning a house from top to bottom is a big job!

1. Some tasks, such as putting away clutter, involve much walking from room to room.
2. Using the recycling bin judiciously, you can make your way through the piles of paper that
have been collecting for weeks.
3. It’s easy to place the dishes into the patiently waiting dishwasher.
4. Who wants to undertake the tedious task of ironing all the cotton clothes?
5. Personally, I’ve always found folding warm towels to be a soothing task.
6. One good way to pass the time pleasantly while working is listening to good music.
7. Working together, two people can quickly get the trash gathered and put out.
8. Two people cleaning the bathroom, however, soon run out of room!
9. Cleaning experts agree that vacuuming the floors is a task best left till last.
10. After cleaning the house, I’m going out for dinner!

Copyright © by Holt, Rinehart and Winston. All rights reserved.

EXERCISE B Compose five sentences, using the verb and the type of phrase indicated in the parentheses.
Example 1. (Use flit in a participial phrase.) Flitting across the meadow, the fireflies delighted us.

11. (Use thrive in a participial phrase.)

12. (Use argue in a gerund phrase.)

13. (Use permit in a gerund phrase.)

14. (Use concentrate in a participial phrase.)

15. (Use whine in a participial phrase.)


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