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1. Some people who have been in prison become good citizens later, and it is often argued that these are the
best people to talk to teenagers about the dangers of committing a crime. To what extent do you agree or
2. While it is sometimes thought that prison is the best place for criminals, others believe that there are better ways to
deal with them. What is your opinion?
3. The only way to improve safety on our roads is to give much stricter punishments for driving offences. What extent
do you agree or disagree?
4. The best way to reduce youth crimes is to educate their parents with parental skills. To what extent you agree or
(2017) Many criminals commit further crimes as soon as they are released from prison. What do you think are
the causes of this? What possible solutions can you suggest?

(2017) The crime rate nowadays is decreasing compared to the past due to advance technology which can
prevent and solve crime. Do you agree or disagree?

(2016) Prison the the common way in most countries to solve the problem of crime. However, a more effective
solution is to provide people a better education. Do you agree or disagree?


1. Some people who have been in prison become good citizens later, and it is often argued that these are the
best people to talk to teenagers about the dangers of committing a crime. To what extent do you agree or
It is true that ex-prisoners can become normal, productive members of society. I completely agree with the idea that
allowing such people to speak to teenagers about their experiences is the best way to discourage them from breaking
the law.
In my opinion, teenagers are more likely to accept advice from someone who can speak from experience. Reformed
offenders can tell young people about how they became involved in crime, the dangers of a criminal lifestyle, and
what life in prison is really like. They can also dispel any ideas that teenagers may have about criminals leading
glamorous lives. While adolescents are often indifferent to the guidance given by older people, I imagine that most of
them would be extremely keen to hear the stories of an ex-offender. The vivid and perhaps shocking nature of these
stories is likely to have a powerful impact.
The alternatives to using reformed criminals to educate teenagers about crime would be much less effective. One
option would be for police officers to visit schools and talk to young people. This could be useful in terms of
informing teens about what happens to lawbreakers when they are caught, but young people are often reluctant to take
advice from figures of authority. A second option would be for school teachers to speak to their students about crime,
but I doubt that students would see teachers as credible sources of information about this topic. Finally, educational
films might be informative, but there would be no opportunity for young people to interact and ask questions.
In conclusion, I fully support the view that people who have turned their lives around after serving a prison sentence
could help to deter teenagers from committing crimes.
(287 words, band 9 - Simon)
 Useful resouces:
1. ex-prisoners: người từng ở tù
2. reformed-offenders: người phạm tội đã được cải tạo
3. lawbreakers = offenders = criminals: phạm nhân
4. speak from experience: nói từ trải nghiệm
5. dispel any ideas: bác bỏ bất kì ý kiến/suy nghĩ nào
6. be indifferent to guidance: thờ ơ, phớt lờ lời dặn dò, chỉ dẫn
7. figures of authority: nhân vật có quyền lực, những người thuộc chính quyền
8. turn their lives around: thay đổi cuộc sống
9. serve a prison sentence: thi hành án tù
deter teenagers from committing crimes: ngăn chặn thanh niên khỏi việc phạm tội

(2018) The only way to improve safety on our roads is to give much stricter punishments for driving offences.
What extent do you agree or disagree?

Nowadays, an increasing number of people are concerned about measures to ensure road safety. However, whether
imposing stricter penalties for driving offenses is the only way to protect people is still a controversial issue. Although
I agree that harsher punishments can act as an effective way to deter people from committing road offenses, I
believe that there are better methods to protect the welfare of road users.
Firstly, it is obvious that the implementation of rules can act as a deterrent to would-be lawbreakers. For example,
in Vietnam, a motorist not wearing helmet can be fined with $20 to $40, and thus he will be in fear of facing further
punishment and avoid committing another offense. Furthermore, more stringent punishments for traffic crimes can be
efficient way to reduce traffic accidents. For instance, in the past, China witnessed a significant number of annual
road casualties when it had very loosely enforced regulations. However, once harsher laws related to road safety
were implemented in 2009, there was a notable reduction in the total number of traffic accidents.
This is not to say that only by using stricter rules can we enhance the safety of our roads. It is true that there are still
other effective measures to ensure people's safety, such as heightening people’s awareness through the media about
the consequences of committing driving offenses, or promoting the use of public transport systems such as buses or
trains. To achieve the best results, the most effective method may be to combine all the aforementioned ideas.
In conclusion, I believe that stricter punishments are not the only way to deal with minimizing driving offenses.
Measures, including raising people’s awareness and promoting the use of public transport systems, can also contribute
to maintaining road safety.


(2018) The best way to reduce youth crimes is to educate their parents with parental skills.
To what extent you agree or disagree?
It is true that more and more young people are getting involved in crime, and the best way to address
this critical issue is an ongoing debate. There are many ways to prevent youth crime, one of which is
better parenting skills; however, those ways need to be carried out simultaneously if they are to be
On the one hand, parents are the closest people to their children and are the most likely to be able to
have an impact on their children’s behavior. In fact, the large majority of youth crime nowadays is the
result of inappropriate parenting, and a lack of childcare and crime education. Therefore, it is totally
reasonable to say that improving parenting skills will cause a decrease in juvenile offences.
However, education at home alone is not enough since there are a lot of kids who are not willing to
listen to their parents. In this day and age, children spend the largest amount of time at school, and
therefore are more likely to be influenced by their teachers or friends. For example, in my home country
of Vietnam, many high school students are susceptible to negative peer pressure. This usually leads to
the increasing use of alcohol or drugs, all of which are primary contributors to crime at this age. These
facts suggest that we should introduce education in the school curriculum about the consequences one
may face when committing an offence, as well as help children manage negative peer pressure.
In conclusion, enhancing skills to educate children at home is a good way to curb juvenile
delinquencies; however, I think there is no single best way to achieve this as different measures need to
be taken at the same time.

(2017) Many criminals commit further crimes as soon as they are released from prison. What do you think are
the causes of this? What possible solutions can you suggest?

(2017) The crime rate nowadays is decreasing compared to the past due to advance technology which can
prevent and solve crime. Do you agree or disagree?

(2016) Prison the the common way in most countries to solve the problem of crime. However, a more effective
solution is to provide people a better education. Do you agree or disagree?
It is true that more and more young people are getting involved in crime, and the best way to address
this critical issue is an ongoing debate. There are many ways to prevent youth crime, one of which is
better parenting skills; however, those ways need to be carried out simultaneously if they are to be
On the one hand, parents are the closest people to their children and are the most likely to be able to
have an impact on their children’s behavior. In fact, the large majority of youth crime nowadays is the
result of inappropriate parenting, and a lack of childcare and crime education. Therefore, it is totally
reasonable to say that improving parenting skills will cause a decrease in juvenile offences.
However, education at home alone is not enough since there are a lot of kids who are not willing to
listen to their parents. In this day and age, children spend the largest amount of time at school, and
therefore are more likely to be influenced by their teachers or friends. For example, in my home country
of Vietnam, many high school students are susceptible to negative peer pressure. This usually leads to
the increasing use of alcohol or drugs, all of which are primary contributors to crime at this age. These
facts suggest that we should introduce education in the school curriculum about the consequences one
may face when committing an offence, as well as help children manage negative peer pressure.
In conclusion, enhancing skills to educate children at home is a good way to curb juvenile
delinquencies; however, I think there is no single best way to achieve this as different measures need to
be taken at the same time.


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