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Scotland’s Unusual Sports

Page No.
Introduction 3
Rugby 4
Shinty 5
Curling 6
The Highland Games 7
Tossing the Caber 8
Conclusion 9


The most popular sport in Scotland is football.

Its two biggest football teams play in Glasgow. They
are Celtic and Rangers

Although football is the most popular sport in

Scotland, there are many others that are not so well

A Celtic Rangers football match.


Rugby is the second most popular sport in
Scotland. Each team has fifteen players. The game is
played with an oval ball. The ball mustn’t be thrown
forwards. You can score by running with the ball over
the opponents’ line or kicking over the goalposts.

A Rugby match


Shinty is a game played in the Highlands of

It is played by hitting a ball with a stick called a

Caman. This stick can also be used to block or tackle
an opponent. It is similar to hockey. The biggest
difference in shinty you can hit the ball in the air and
in hockey you hit along the ground.



Curling is played on ice. Two teams slide granite
Stones called rocks across the ice towards a target
called a house. The team closest to the centre of the
house wins points. Your team mates can sweep in
front of the stones using special brushes to change
the speed and direction of the stone.

The house

A Curling stone

The Highland Games

The Highland games take place all over Scotland in
spring and summer. They celebrate Scottish culture.
Men wear kilts during the games. There are lots of
different events including traditional dancing and
playing the bagpipes. The bagpipes are a traditional
Scottish musical instrument.

Tossing the Caber

The most famous event at the Highland games is the

Caber toss. The competitors throw a caber. It is a
large pole which is almost six metres long and weighs
nearly 80 kilos. The caber should turn 180 degrees
and land straight.

Tossing the Caber


These are only a few of Scotland’s unusual

sports. There are many others including stone
skimming, swamp football, Haggis throwing and coal
carrying. What unusual sports are there in Turkey?

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