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350 Sri Sri Ramakrishna Kathamrita – II 27 December, 1884

Chapter IV Sri Ramakrishna in Panchavati – avatar cannot be attributed

to any guilt

“Sridama was the doorkeeper of Viraja1 in Goloka2. Radha went to the house of
Viraja and tried to enter. She wanted to catch Sri Krishna. Sridama stopped her,
and Radha cursed him: ‘Get away! You will be born as a demon in the mortal
world!’ Sridama also cursed her. (All smile a little.) “But you must know that if
a boy holds his father’shand, he can fall into a pit. But when the father holds the
boy’s hand, he need have no fear. “The story of Sridama is given in the
Brahmavaivarta Purana.”


Brahma Vaivarta Purana

Sri Radha-Sridama-sapodbhava

The Cursing of Sri Radha and Sridama

Chapter 3 : Verse 101-110

According to Brahma Vaivart Puran, Lord Krishna and Goddess Radha

was a divine couple in their previous life.
she once saw Lord Krishna sitting in the park with Virja, another of his
wives then. Seeing this, she felt jealous and got disappointed with Lord
Krishna. An angry Radha started rebuking Lord Krishna. This was
intolerable for Krishna's friend Shridama. He, in return, started a conflict
with Radha. Hurt by this, Radha cursed him that he would be born in a
demon's house. Reverting to this, Shridama cursed her that she would
have to live a life as a human being on earth.

Hence, Shridama took birth as the demon Shankchoor. Radha was born
as the daughter of Vrishbhanu and his wife Kirti. However, she was not
born from the womb of her mother. It is said that only after the birth of
the baby girl, did Radha enter the body of this girl. Because of not
having born from the womb, Radha is also known as Ayonija.

The curse that kept Radha Krishna separated despite their true love is
mention in Brahma-vaivarta Purana.

The main reason behind this curse is the quarrel between Sridama and

One time, in a rasa-mandala in a secluded place in a great forest in

Goloka, Lord Krishna enjoyed pastimes with Sri Radha.

Overcome with bliss, Radha could not understand herself or anything

else. Leaving her unsatisfied in the midst of their pastimes, He went to
enjoy amorous pastimes with Viraja, another gopi.

Seeing Lord Krishna embraced by Viraja in the jewel pavilion, Radha’s

friends at once told their mistress. Hearing their words, Radha became
angry and lay down on Her bed. Her eyes like red lotus flowers, the
goddess wept bitterly. The great goddess said to them: “Show Him to
If you speak the truth, then come with Me. I will give Krishna and this
gopi the result they deserve. When I punish her who will save her? With
her quickly bring Lord Hari’s other lovers also.

She took a chariot to reach that place. Once she reached there. At the
entrance she saw a handsome, smiling, lotus-faced guard accompanied
by a hundred thousand gopas.

There she saw Sri Krishna ’s dear friend named Sridama, seeing him,
goddess Radha, her eyes now like red lotuses, angrily said:

Go away! O servant of a rake, go away! I will see what kind of beautiful

lover your master has now!

Hearing Radha’s words, strong and fearless Sridama, holding a stick in

his hand, did not allow her to enter.

Their lips trembling, the other gopis angrily pushed the servant Sridama.

Hearing a great commotion from the people of Goloka and

understanding that Radha was angry, Lord Krishna disappeared.

Hearing the word “Radha” and seeing Lord Krishna disappear, Viraja
became afraid. By practice of mystic yoga she gave up her life. Her body
at once became a river circling Goloka.

Sridhama was always for Krishna, and he could not bear to hear Krishna
insulted. Sridhama faced Radha and said, “If you scold my Lord even
once, I shall curse you.”

After hearing these most powerful words from Sridama, Radharani

became even more angry. Her lips were trembling, Her hair became
loose, and Her eyes became red like fire. She immediately rose and
came out of the house, and approaching Sridama.
She told him: "O foolish one! Super foolish one! Servant of the
debauchee Krishna! Listen to Me. You think you know everything!! You
think I do not know your Lord! O fallen one in Vraja! Is Krishna only
your Lord? Is He not my Lord? I know you always praise the divine
father and blasphem the divine mother. As the demons always blasphem
devatas you are always blaming Me. That's why now I curse you that
you become a demon. You leave Goloka and take birth in demon
species. This my curse. Let us see who can protect you from My curse!"

Sridama could not digest this and he too cursed Radharani in turn.

He said :

"Manu?ya iva kopaste tasmatva? manu?i bhubi bhavi?yasi na sa?deho

maya sapta tvamambike”

Means : "You are getting angry like a human, hence you'll become a
human. You'll become a human without any doubt due to my curse"

"Gokule prapya ta? kru??a? vihari?yasi kanane bhavita te var?asata?

vicchedo hari?a saha puna? prapya tamisa? ca golokamajami?yasi”

Means : "In Gokula, getting the company of Krishna, you will enjoy
pastimes in the forest. Then, you'll experience a separation of 100 years
from Hari. After that, you'll again get His company and return to Go-

After saying this to Sri Radha, Sridama offered his humble obeisances to
Her and left to meet Krishna. He explained everything to Him and
started crying.

The Lord told Sridama: "I can see that. Now you go to earth planet. You
will appear there as Shankhachuda, the king of demons. No one will be
able to conquer you. After five hundred yugas you will give up the
demon body and by getting stuck with trident of Lord Mahadeva. By My
mercy you will return to Goloka dhama."

Sridama pleaded: "Please never deprive me of devotional service unto

Your lotus feet."

After Sridama left Sri Radha approached Krishna with tears in Her eyes
and narrated the whole thing to Him. Krishna pacified Her.

Thus Srimati Radharani took birth as daughter of Vrishbhanu and

married Abhimanyu.


The story of Sridama

Stories from the Bhagavatam

By Swami Bodhasarananda

Advaita Ashrama (Ramakrishna Math)
Jan 19, 2019

Alas I cannot read as not free online,

Mj this is a very nice book from RKM pl purchase it
It has all the many stories you always discuss in your classes

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