Journal of Biomechanics: Petr Marcián, Libor Borák, Ji Ří Valášek, Jozef Kaiser, Zden Ěk Florian, Jan Wolff

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Journal of Biomechanics 47 (2014) 3830–3836

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Finite element analysis of dental implant loading on atrophic

and non-atrophic cancellous and cortical mandibular
bone – a feasibility study
Petr Marcián a,n, Libor Borák a, Jiří Valášek a, Jozef Kaiser b, Zdeněk Florian a, Jan Wolff c,d
Institute of Solid Mechanics, Mechatronics and Biomechanics, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Brno University of Technology, Technická 2896/2,
616 69 Brno, Czech Republic
X-ray Micro CT and Nano CT Research Group, CEITEC – BUT, Brno University of Technology, Technická 2896/2, 616 69 Brno, Czech Republic
Oral and Maxillofacial Unit, Department of Otorhinolaryngology, Tampere University Hospital, FI-33521, Tampere, Finland
Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery/Oral Pathology, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam, The Netherlands

art ic l e i nf o a b s t r a c t

Article history: The first aim of this study was to assess displacements and micro-strain induced on different grades of
Accepted 18 October 2014 atrophic cortical and trabecular mandibular bone by axially loaded dental implants using finite element
analysis (FEA). The second aim was to assess the micro-strain induced by different implant geometries and
Keywords: the levels of bone-to-implant contact (BIC) on the surrounding bone. Six mandibular bone segments
Dental implant demonstrating different grades of mandibular bone atrophy and various bone volume fractions (from 0.149
Micro-CT to 0.471) were imaged using a micro-CT device. The acquired bone STL models and implant (Brånemark,
Mandible Straumann, Ankylos) were merged into a three-dimensional finite elements structure. The mean displace-
Finite element analysis ment value for all implants was 3.171.2 mm. Displacements were lower in the group with a strong BIC. The
results indicated that the maximum strain values of cortical and cancellous bone increased with lower bone
density. Strain distribution is the first and foremost dependent on the shape of bone and architecture of
cancellous bone. The geometry of the implant, thread patterns, grade of bone atrophy and BIC all affect the
displacement and micro-strain on the mandible bone. Preoperative finite element analysis could offer
improved predictability in the long-term outlook of dental implant restorations.
& 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction entire circumference of the implant that results in the imm-

obility of the implant. The resulting immobility, however, offers
In recent years, the number of dental implants placed worldwide less force-absorbing capabilities when compared to natural teeth
has increased dramatically. Consequently, the occurrence of implant that are better adapted to excessive loading. Therefore, the main-
failures has also increased. This increase in implant failure warrants a tenance of the implant-to-bone interface is of paramount impor-
better understanding of implant stress and strain distribution on the tance in the determination of clinical success. Mechanical factors
adjacent bone. Load transfer depends on the type of loading, the bone- in dental implant failure cannot be overlooked given the increased
implant interface, the length and diameter of the implants, the shape incidence of component fractures (Morgan et al., 1993), coronal
and characteristics of the implant surface and the type of prosthesis, as bone resorption (Quirynen et al., 1992), and fixture loss (Van
well as the quality of the surrounding bone (Geng et al., 2001). Steenberghe et al., 2002) in situations of compromised prosthetic
The purpose of this study was to develop a method to assess reconstruction and long-term loading.
the loading induced at the implant-to-bone interface using In order to better understand the reasons for mechanical com-
linearly-elastic finite element analysis (FEA) on a mCT-based model plications in implant dentistry, it is necessary to develop a more
that includes both the trabecular and cortical architecture of the sophisticated method for detailed analysis that allows the assess-
bony structure. ment of the stress and strain fields in implant components as well as
After dental implant placement and uneventful healing, imp- local stress distribution at the bone-implant interface. Current
lants should demonstrate an intimate bone apposition around the procedures for assessing forces in the implant-to-bone interface
have limitations. Stress assessments in vivo are technically unfea-
sible, and therefore in vitro methods of assessment have to be
Corresponding author. Tel.: þ 420 54114 2871; fax: þ 420 541 142 876. considered. One common method of stress assessment is, for
E-mail address: (P. Marcián). example, the use of photoelastic materials for photoelasticimetry
0021-9290/& 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
P. Marcián et al. / Journal of Biomechanics 47 (2014) 3830–3836 3831

measurements (Asvanund and Morgano, 2011). This method offers Julius Wolff first described the phenomenon of adaptive
visual stress patterns but mostly in a qualitative way, that is, in the changes to physiologic bone loading followed by secondary
case of complex structures such as trabecular architecture, no changes to the external cortical portion of the bone in 1892
specific strain values can be obtained using this method. In addition, Wolff (1892). In the 1960s, Frost introduced the Mechanostat
the method is unfeasible for the analysis of bone with detailed Hypothesis that is a refinement of Wolff's law (Frost, 2001, 2004
trabecular architecture because of experimental setup limitations. and Martin and Burr, 1989). The hypothesis allows a better
A valuable analytical tool that offers the solution to the understanding of the clinical and experimental observations of
problems outlined above is computational modelling using num- the changes occurring in bone under different loading conditions
erical methods. In recent years, FEA has been introduced as the and hence elastic deformation. It has to be noted, however, that
successful representative of computational modelling methods. the strain range may differ in the same individual depending on
Using FEA in implant dentistry is a logical step that is based on the the site of the assessment (Lanyon, 1992 and Rubin and Lanyon,
long-term successful experience in other fields of human biome- 1985). Nevertheless, the Mechanostat hypothesis offers a useful
chanics (Achour et al., 2011 and Wirth et al., 2012). The mechanical clinical reference for the hierarchy of biomechanical responses to
behaviour of a structure can be written as a function of the applied loads (Roberts, 2008). The elastic deformation of bone is
displacements of the nodes. Thanks to the latest hardware commonly measured in microstrain (mε), that is, 1000 mε are equal
capabilities, even very complex geometries such as the bone-to- to a 0.1% change in bone length. Physiological loading values of
implant contact (BIC) can be discretized and a set of algebraic about 1000 to 1500 mε are commonly attained during normal
equations solved to investigate the strain and stress distributions. mastication (Fig. 1) (Frost, 2004). However, loads exceeding the
Currently, this method is commonly used for the analysis of minimal effective strain (about 1500 mε) can often result in a
implant-bone interactions but, interestingly, rarely for the analysis hypertrophic increase in modelling and a concomitant decrease in
of the trabecular architecture (Achour et al., 2011; Al-Sukhun et al., remodelling (Frost, 2004). When peak strains exceed values of
2007; Huang et al., 2010; Lan et al., 2012; Özdemir Doğan et al., about 3000 mε, however, the structural integrity of the bone is
2014; Saidin et al., 2012 and Van Oosterwyck et al., 2002). The endangered and can in some cases result in pathological overload
stress patterns and especially the specific values obtained from (Frost, 2004).
such methods are far from reality because the trabecular archi-
tecture is an extremely significant factor (Limbert et al., 2010;
Wirth et al., 2010, 2012 and) in the assessment of the BIC and 2. Materials and methods
hence of the osseointegration. Advanced computational equip-
ment and imaging devices (mCT) now offer new possibilities to Six morphologically different mandibular bone segments (Fig. 2) were obtained
from patients that had bequeathed their bodies to the Anatomical Institute of
create models that allow the assessment of bone with different
Masaryk University in Brno and to the VU University, Amsterdam for medical-
grades of mineralization combined with different implant types scientific research and training purposes. The Ethics Committees of both Institutes
and thus geometries. The grade of mineralization in trabecular and agreed to the removal of the mandibles after the study protocol had been ethically
cortical bony structures and implant geometries can vary mark- reviewed and approved. The bone segments were removed from three females
edly. Consequently, they have a major influence on the BIC and the (aged 39, 47 and 59 years) and three males (aged 58, 67 and 75 years). The mCT
images of each bone segment are shown in Fig. 2a (henceforth, each segment is
degree of osseointegration. labelled with the letter F or M for the sex and with a number for the age, e.g. F(39)
means “female aged 39 years”, etc.).
The mCT images of the bone segments were acquired using a non-series-
produced mCT device TOMOLAB (Synchrotron Elettra, Trieste, Italy) and a GE
v|tome|xL240 mCT device (General Electric, USA). Two segments (F(39) and M(67))
were measured using the TOMOLAB device (pixel size of 17 mm); the other
segments were measured using the GE device (pixel size of 25 mm). The acquired
mCT data sets were subsequently used to calculate the bone volume fraction (BVF)
of cancellous bone in all bone segments. Fig. 2b shows the average BVF values
calculated for all bone segments in their alveolar regions. All bone segments
demonstrated different grades of bone atrophy and consequently different thick-
nesses of the cortical structure. The average BVF ranged from 0.149 to 0.471.

2.1. Geometrical model

After BVF assessment, both mCT images were subsequently processed using STL
Fig. 1. Mechanostat threshold. Model Creator software (Matlab 2010, MathWorks, USA) to obtain 3D standard

Fig. 2. a) Six morphologically different bone samples acquired from a female and a male mandible, b) comparison of BVF for all specimens’.
3832 P. Marcián et al. / Journal of Biomechanics 47 (2014) 3830–3836

tessellation language (STL) files that were subsequently used for the construction of 2.5. Evaluation of the FEA results
FE models of the previously imaged mandible segments. In the next stage, three
geometrically different implant systems (Brånemarks System Mk III Groovy (NP Ø
The implant-to-bone interface analysis used in this study was based on
3.3 mm, 11.5 mm), Straumanns Standard Plus Implantat (SP Ø 3.3 RN SLA 12), and
Mechanostat threshold values. These values are commonly adopted for strain
ANKYLOS C/X Membrane Screw Implant A11 (Ø 3.5 mm, 11 mm) were scanned
analyses of the mandible (Bujtár et al., 2010; Field et al., 2012; Lin et al., 2010; Liu
(ATOS II Triple Scan, GOM mbH, Germany). The acquired data sets were then used
et al., 2013; Ormianer et al., 2012 and Sarrafpour et al., 2012).
to generate 3D models of the implants using SolidWorks 2012 (Dassault Systèmes,
France). Finally, the generated implant models were merged with the previously
acquired bone STL models using ANSYS 14 (ANSYS Inc., USA).
After merging the data sets, two different implant-to-bone interfaces were 3. Results
generated and assessed. The first implant-to-bone interface comprised only small
bony fragments that interconnected the implant to the bony wall (marked low BIC)
(Fig. 3). The second implant-to-bone interface comprised a (non-fragmented)
3.1. Displacements assessments
0.1 mm-thick bony layer around the complete circumference of the implant
(marked high BIC) mimicking different implant-to-bone interfaces and hence BIC. The 3D analysis of the three implant types placed into six bone
segments with different bone density revealed variations in the
2.2. Meshing procedure strain distribution and displacements in the bone tissues.
The mean displacement value for all implants applied in all
ANSYS 14 software was then used to generate a mesh of the individual evaluated bone segments was 3.171.2 mm. The mean axial displace-
components and to define materials, boundary conditions, and loads. All assess- ments of the Brånemark, Straumann and Ankylos implants applied
ments were discretized by 10-node quadratic element SOLID187 with a global size
in all bone segments are summarized in Fig. 4a–c, respectively. The
ranging from 0.05 mm to 0.5 mm. The implant-to-bone interface was modelled
using the elements CONTA175 and TARGE170. The total number of elements in all average implant displacements are summarized in Fig. 4d.
four cases oscillates around 7.5 million with approximately 10 million nodes.

3.2. Strain intensity assessments

2.3. Material model
The strain intensity distributions in the bone segments around
The material properties of the bone tissue and dental implant were modelled the Brånemark, Ankylos and Straumann implants are presented in
using the homogeneous isotropic linearly elastic material model that is explicitly
described by two material characteristics: Young's modulus (E) and Poisson's ratio
Figs. 5 and 6. All strains were assessed within the corono-apical
(μ). The implant material characteristics used in this study were E¼110 000 MPa and slices that offer the best visualization of the strain distribution in
m ¼0.3 (Kayabaşi et al., 2006; Mellal et al., 2004; Natali et al., 2008 and Van the complicated geometrical micro-architecture of the bone tissue.
Oosterwyck et al., 2002). The cancellous and cortical bone material characteristics Moreover, for better understanding, the colour scale for the strain
(E¼ 13 700 MPa) were modelled based on the findings of Bozkaya et al., 2004; Gei et
distribution visualization was set to correspond with the intervals
al., 2002; Kohles et al., 1997; Menicucci et al., 2002; Rho et al. (1997); Rubo and
Capello Souza (2010) and Turner et al., 1999; m¼ 0.3 modelled based on the findings of of strain intensity thresholds (in micro-strain mε) suggested by
Gei et al., 2002 and Menicucci et al., 2002. Frost (Fig. 1).

2.4. Boundary conditions

4. Discussion
After merging the implant and bone data sets, all dental implants were loaded
with 200N in an axial direction on the uppermost cross section of the implant A crucial factor for long-term implant success is implant
based on the findings published (Petrie and Williams, 2005 and Soncini et al., stability. Most importantly, implant stability is achieved at the
2003). ANSYS provides several types of contact algorithms for the simulation of
different contact interfaces. Since, in our specific cases, no mutual movement of the
time of surgery and depends on the density of the bone at the site
interacting components was needed, the “bonded always” option was used in the of implantation, on the used surgical technique and on the implant
multipoint constraint (MPC) algorithm (Wirth et al., 2012). design (Sennerby and Meredith, 2008). In healthy osseointegrated

Fig. 3. Finite element models of two different bone-to-implant contacts, with and without a 0.1 mm-thick (low BIC and high BIC) interconnecting bony layer using three
geometrically different implants (example of bone sample 0.149F(39)).
P. Marcián et al. / Journal of Biomechanics 47 (2014) 3830–3836 3833

Fig. 4. Implant displacement values in mm depending on BVF a) Brånemark dental implant, b) Straumann dental implant, c) Ankylos dental implant and d) average

implants, the strains in the bone surrounding the implant are the implant (and in its apparent stabilization) than in M(67). The
normal or increased within physiological limits. In unfavourable trabeculae are more evenly distributed around the implant and the
conditions, however, high stress concentrations as well as unphy- supporting role of the cortical bone in the alveolar region is negligible.
siological low stresses in the bone can occur and often lead to The axial displacements of the implants are, therefore, much more
complications or even implant loss. dependent on the overall morphology of the bone than on the simple
FEA has become an important tool in the assessment of such qualification of BVF. Implant stability assessment based solely on the
biomechanical problems. It offers the possibility of measuring axial displacement may, therefore, be tricky because the apparent high
displacements and strains induced on trabecular and cancellous implant stability determined from the low axial displacements may be
bony structures by dental implants (Natali et al., 2006). The caused only by the cortical bone in the alveolar region. In such a case,
analysis method developed in this study replicates the trabecular the success of the implant may be jeopardised by the increased strains
architecture of cancellous bone in the lower jaw and, thereby, in the alveolar region that can lead to periimplantitis, atrophy and
offers a unique possibility of investigating strain distributions finally to implant failure. From this point of view, it is necessary to take
around dental implants in different bone morphologies and grades into account the whole bone morphology and to be assured that
of BIC. cancellous bone surrounds the whole surface of the implant.
Fig. 4 shows that the displacements are, in general, lower in the
4.1. Axial displacement models with a 0.1 mm-thick BIC around the whole surface of the
implant. This observation is related to the phenomenon discussed
The axial displacement of dental implants is generally accepted as in the previous paragraph. A bony layer around the implant
one of the basic indicators of implant stability as discussed above. The ensures implant stability more than anything else. For successful
relationship between the axial displacements of dental implants and implantation, it is essential that this layer is created during the
bone density might appear obvious. However, the reality is a bit more healing process. This fact, however, cannot be confirmed only from
complicated than an intuitive view. Such a view would suggest that implant displacements.
the more dense cancellous bone is, the smaller the axial displacements The axial displacements of the Brånemark and Ankylos imp-
and, therefore, the higher the implant stability. This suggestion is in lants applied in the same bone segments are comparable (parti-
agreement with the axial displacement results shown in Fig. 4 except cularly in the cases of bone segments of higher BVF). The axial
for F(39) that has the smallest value of BVF but does not provide the displacements of the Straumann implant are higher than the
largest axial displacements. Similarly, F(59) has smaller axial implant previous ones applied in the same bone segments. Nevertheless,
displacements than M(58) although the former has slightly higher as explained above, this observation does not mean that one
BVF. The reason for this apparent mismatch with the intuitive view is implant type has better implant stability than the other.
seen in Fig. 5. F(39) has significantly lower BVF than M(67) but, on the The implant displacements in the order of several micrometres
contrary, it has much thicker cortical bone in the alveolar region. The that were observed in this study correspond to experimental
cortical bone in F(39) plays a much more important role in supporting observations (Sekine et al., 1986).
3834 P. Marcián et al. / Journal of Biomechanics 47 (2014) 3830–3836

Fig. 5. Strain intensity [με] results - bone sample 0.149F(39), 0.377M(67), 0.401M(75).

4.2. Strain intensity However, this is the case only provided that the implant is embedded
in a sufficient amount of cancellous bone and that the additional
The strain intensity results revealed significant differences bony layer is created around the whole implant during the healing
between the models with various BVF (Figs. 5 and 6). In general, process. In other cases, the excessive loading of one single trabecula
the higher BVF is, the lower the strain intensity that occurs. The may start a snowball effect that will end with the critical decrease of
overall morphology of the analysed region, however, must again the BVF due to the pathological overload and will result in implant
be taken into account. For instance, in the case of F(39), most of failure. Such high strains can in some cases also lead to tissue
the excessive strain concentrations occurred in the cortical bone of necrosis. (red zone – pathological overloaded).
the alveolar region. On one hand, the connection with the cortical
bone increases the stiffness (thus the apparent implant stability); 4.3. Thread patterns
on the other hand, this connection causes a deficient loading of the
few trabeculae that should primarily establish the implant stabi- Considering the wide range of implant geometries on the market,
lity. The deficient loading of the cancellous bone leads to its a better understanding of the effect of macro-configuration on
atrophy. Therefore, the case of F(39) represents the unacceptable induced strains is an important issue for clinical success. All implants
state for implantation. used in this study had distinctly different thread patterns: Brånemark
Implant stability is also affected by the quality of the individual a V-thread, Ankylos a square thread, and Straumann a reverse
trabeculae. Interestingly, the trabeculae are the most strained a few buttress thread. According to several studies (Hansson and Werke,
millimetres from the implants and not necessarily in the direct 2003 and Huang et al., 2010), implant threads generate different
proximity of the implants (see also Fig. 7). This observation is strain distribution patterns under axial loading, that is, according to
consistent with experiments previously performed by Gabet et al., these studies a thread shape can markedly influence the strain
2010. In terms of the biomechanical behaviour, one of the decisive transferred to the surrounding bone. The results of our study revealed
criteria is the shape (cross-section) of the individual trabeculae. For that the three different dental implants generated different strain
instance, case M(67) has a relatively well distributed trabecular distributions. The Brånemark implant system demonstrated the most
architecture around the implant; however, many trabeculae here uniform distribution of strain followed by the Ankylos implant.
are thin and with strongly variable cross-sectional area along their However, the Straumann implant used in the analysis has a smaller
length. Such trabeculae may, therefore, contain locations where diameter than the other implants. Since implant size is a decisive
the loads are excessively concentrated and this may lead to the factor as well, the appropriate implant diameter must be thoroughly
destruction of the trabeculae. In the long term, the bone remodelling considered prior to implantation. Even though no detailed analysis of
processes may eliminate these problematic locations naturally. the thread pattern influence on the strain distribution was performed
P. Marcián et al. / Journal of Biomechanics 47 (2014) 3830–3836 3835

Fig. 6. Strain intensity [με] results - bone sample; 0.433F(47), 0.466F(59), 0.471M(58).

in this study, the results revealed that strain distributions are fore-
most dependent on the bone shape and trabecular architecture of
cancellous bone.
We suppose that the FEA method described in this study
should be adopted for clinical use in the future. However, it is
not possible to analyse the issues discussed in this study using
models without the detailed trabecular architecture. Our study
shows that computational analyses of implant stability require a
3-dimensional geometrical model of the detailed architecture. This
could be easily done by preoperatively converting patient-specific
X-ray data (DICOM) into STL's and merging them with STL's of
different commercially-available dental implants. This would offer
the clinician a unique possibility to preoperatively assess the strain
distribution of different implant systems on patient-specific bone.
This in vitro study has certain limitations in that the different
masticatory forces induced on implants in clinical settings differ
from those that are induced under static loading conditions.
Another major drawback of this study was that dental implants
are often used in conjunction with remaining natural teeth.
Natural teeth behave very differently in response to different
masticatory forces due to periodontal ligament fibres. The dis-
placements of implants are substantially lower than the displace-
ments of healthy teeth (Amarsaikhan et al., 2002 and Sekine et al.,
1986). Therefore, the calculated values in this study should not be
taken as absolute values but at most as relative values of stresses
in structures under static loading.
Based on the results of the study, it can be concluded that the
level of bone atrophy, implant geometries and thread patterns have
an influence on strain distribution in the mandible. Furthermore, the Fig. 7. Detailed examples of strain intensity [mε] results – 0.149F(39), a) and 0.377M(67).
3836 P. Marcián et al. / Journal of Biomechanics 47 (2014) 3830–3836

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