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IP2 Aesthetics (Dance) Peer Evaluation

Name: Qian Xinhai

CG: 2E

● Fill out the evaluation form listed below for all of your group members. Make sure to include yourself first.
● For each of the 6 criteria listed, enter the appropriate scores (1 to 5) using the rubrics given to you in page 2. Repeat this for each group member.
● Total the marks for the 6 criteria listed and write it down in the total marks column.

Name Cri. Cri. Cri. Cri. Cri. Cri. Total /30 marks
1 2 3 4 5 6

Xinhai(Myself) 3 2 3 2 4 4 18

Eason 4 4 4 4 4 4 24

Christabelle 4 4 5 5 5 5 28

Dorothy 4 4 5 5 5 5 28

Kady 2 2 1 2 2 2 11

Provide comments and/or specific instances to explain why you have given all your group members and yourself, these scores?

Member 1 – tries to learn steps although sometimes have difficulty

Member 2 – group leader and is talented at dance

Member 3 – teaches me dance routines

Member 4 – sometimes annoying and does not participate in group discussions

Bands (scores in brackets)
Criteria for peer evaluation Very Poor (1) Poor (2) Average (3) Good (4) Excellent (5)
1. Completion and Quality of Work: Often produces Occasionally produces Produces work that is Regularly produces work Always produces complete work
Consider the degree to which the unacceptable work that is work that is incomplete complete and of acceptable that is complete and of that is of excellent quality.
student team member produces work incomplete and fails to or of poor quality. quality some of the time. good quality.
meet minimum group or
that is complete and of good quality.
project requirements.
2. Timeliness of Work: Consider the Fails to meet deadlines Occasionally misses Regularly meets deadlines Consistently meets Consistently completes work ahead
student team member's timeliness of set by your group. deadlines set by your set by your group. deadlines set by your of schedule.
work. group. group and occasionally
completes work ahead of
3. Team behaviour: Consider how the Rarely projects Sometimes projects Regularly projects Consistently demonstrates Consistently demonstrates
student team member relates and appropriate team appropriate team appropriate team behaviour good team behaviour exemplary team behaviour:
communicates with other team behaviour. Member is behaviour including: including: listening to others including: listening to including: always listening to
members. distracted or disruptive listening to others and and accepting the ideas of others, accepting the ideas others, accepting the ideas of
most of the time (for accepting the ideas of others. of others and allowing others and allowing his/her ideas to
example, member is using others. his/her ideas to be be criticized at all times.
his laptop or phone all the criticized.
4. Attendance and alternative Did not attend any of the Attended some of the Attended more than half of Attended most of the group Attended all of the group meetings.
arrangements: Consider the group meetings. Did not group meetings. Did not the group meetings. meetings. Informs group
attendance of team member during bother informing other bother informing other Sometimes inform group members about his/her
meetings. group members about group members about members about his/her absence prior and makes
his/her absence. his/her absence absence prior and makes alternative arrangements at
sometimes. alternative arrangements all times.
most of the time.
5. Responsibility and willingness to Is unwilling to carry out Sometimes carries out Carries out assigned tasks Consistently carries out Consistently carries out assigned
take up additional tasks: Consider assigned tasks. assigned tasks but but never volunteers to do assigned tasks and tasks and always volunteers for
the degree to which the student can be never volunteers to do a a task. occasionally volunteers other tasks.
relied upon to complete a task. task. for other tasks.

6. Involvement: Consider the extent to Fails to participate in Sometimes Takes part in group Regularly participates in Always participates in group
which the student team member group discussions and participates in group discussions and shares group discussion and discussions and consistently
participates in the project in terms of fails to share relevant discussions and rarely some relevant information. shares mostly relevant contributes relevant material to
discussions, research and sharing of material. contributes relevant information. the project.
relevant material and knowledge. material for the project.

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