Logic - Sop - Pos

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JIean DXpIe S1on?

State the two type of canonical forns

17. The national coilege of Journalism is
offering courses in three different
categories of journalism, which
are the
print, the web and the broadcasting media. A student is eligible to apply if he/she satisfies
one of the following conditions
The student is a graduate in any discipline with an
aggregate percentage of 75 or above and
with a record of literey skills.
The student is a graduate in Mass communication with an
aggregate percentage of 75 or above.
The inputs are
A: Graduate in any discipline
B: Graduate in Mass Communication
C: Aggregate percentage of 75 and above
D: of literary skills. [1 indicates yes and 0 indicates no in all cases]
R -

denotes eligible to apply [1 indicates yes and 0 indicates no in all cases

(a) Draw the truth table for the input and output given above and write the SOP expression for
R(A, B, C, D).
(b) Reduce R(A, B, C, D) using Karnaugh's map.
Draw a logic gate diagram for the reduced SOP expression for R(A, B, C, D) using AND & OR
gates. You may cse gates with two or more inputs. Assume that the variable and their complements
are available as inputs.
The Past Pupil Association of R. K. University Computer Science Department is organising a reunion
funcion at the campus. The invitation card is to be issucd to
The person is ex-student
of the department and had passed out in 1995.
The person is not an ex-student of the same department but passed out from the university in
1995 and has made a contribution of Rs. 1000.
The inputs are
E: The person is
ex-student of the department.
U: The person is not an ex-student of the
department, but a student of the same university.
P: The person passed out in 1995.
S: The person contributes Rs. 1000. [1 indicates
yes and 0 for no in all the cases].
I: Denotes the invitation card is issued.
[1 indicates yes 0 indicates no}
(a) Draw he truth table for the input and
output given above and write the SOP expression for I
(E, U. P, s).
(b) Reduce i ( E, U, P, S ) using
Karnaugh's map.
| Draw the logic gate diagram for the reduced
SOP expression for I(E, U, P,
You may use gates with two or more S) using AND & OR gates.
inputs. Assume that variables and their
available as inputs. complements
19. A full adder is a combinational
circuit that adds 3
by a lower siginficant stage bits, taking into account that 1
may have been carried
64. A Government Institution intends to award a medal to a person who qualifies any
of the following eriteria:
The person should have an lndian citizen and had lost his/her life in a war

but had not completed 25 years of service.

The person must be an Indian citizen and had served the nation for a
continuous period of 25 years or more but has not lost his/her life in a war.
The person is not an Indian citizen but has taken active part in activities for
the upliftment of the nation.
The inputs are:
A: The person is/was an Indian citizen.
B: Has a continuous service of more than 25.years.
C: Lost his/her life in a war.
D Taken part in activities for upliftment of the nation.
X- Denotes eligible for
Medal. [1 indicates Yes and 0 indicates No in all the
(a) Draw the truth table for the inpits and outputs given above and write POS 5
expression for X(A, B, C, D). 20

(b) Reduce X(A, B, C, D) using Karnaugh's map.

Draw the logic gate diagram for the reduced POS 5 20
You may use gates with two or more
expression for X(A, B, C, D).
inputs. Assume that variables and their
compliments are available as inputs.
65 What are Maxterms ? Convert the following function as a
Product-of-Maxterms. 3 2
F(P, Q, R) (P+ ).(P+ R')

66. State whether the following expression is
of truth table a Tautology or
Contradiction with the help 3 2
( X Z).[(X =>Y).(Y=>Z)]
67. What is a Multiplexer ? Draw the truth table and logic diagram of 8 x 1
68. Draw the circuit diagram of 3 x 8
Decoder. Multiplexer. 4

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