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REVIEWER’S NAME______ Abdulaziz Aldossary __________

APPLICANT’S NAME______ Jordan Meinhardt____

(Refer to examples in WEEK 3)

1. How correctly is the resume FORMATTED? Can you tell it is a resume just by
glancing at it? Has the writer followed the “Business Student Resume Example” posted
in Week 3? What improvements need to be made to the over all format for clearer
I can tell it is a resume by just glancing at it, but it is incorrectly formatted. The writer
has not thoroughly followed the “Business Student Resume Example” posted in Week 3.
Though the writer has provided valuable information he should student should follow
entirely follow the “Business Student Resume Example” posted in Week 3 for clearer

2. How effective is the LETTERHEAD on the resume? How much does it help
positively BRAND the applicant? How could it be more effective?

The LETTERHEAD on the resume is effective because it has been created as an actual

header on the paper. It brands the applicant positively. It is strong and formatted
3. Can you clearly discern main headings from subheadings? Is it arranged in reverse
chronological order that is easy to read? Are ALL dates on the right-hand side & written

I can clearly discern main headings, but the resume lacks subheadings. It is arranged in
reverse chronological order that is easy to read. Though consistent, all the dates are not
on the right-hand side.
4. Within EACH bulleted section, are the listings in parallel format (all nouns or all
verbs, etc.)? Does each listing include an ACTION VERB + a story + a measurable
OUTCOME. If not, make suggestions. Are any listed items vague/generalized (i.e.
people oriented or strong communicator, etc)? If so, make note.

The listings are in parallel format within each bulleted section. Each listing doesn’t
include an action verb, a story, and a measurable outcome. Some of the listings are
vague, and therefore, the writer should incorporate more valuable content in each listing.
5. Does the applicant have specific & varied information about him/her that pertains to
a specific position/industry he/she is applying for?

I only saw the resume, and therefore, I couldn’t tell whether the information provided on
the resume does pertain to a specific position/industry he is applying for.
6. How effectively does the applicant use AUDIENCE-CENTERED LANGUAGE &
APPROACH? Would the audience read it as a job-specific resume or a general resume?
Offer suggestions for an improved job-specific resume centered on audience & language:

The applicant slightly uses audience-centered language and approach. I feel the audience
would read the resume as a general resume. The applicant needs to insert information
that pertains to a specific position/industry he is applying for.
7. How carefully is this resume crafted and PROOFREAD? Note all errors of any kind.

The resume is thoroughly crafted and proofread with no grammatical errors. However, it
is incorrectly formatted.

8. If you were the hiring manager for this company, what would you like to see included
in this resume? Deleted from this resume?

If I was the hiring manager, I would like see the referees included in this resume.

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