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Garrison Company prepares quarterly reports, which

it distributes to all stockholders and other entities

that rely on its accounting information. Which of the
following is the best term for the key assumption in
financial reporting that Garrison is following?

a. monetary unit assumption

b. going concern assumption
c. economic entity assumption
d. periodicity assumption
If total liabilities increased by $5,000, then

a. assets must have decreased by $5,000.

b. stockholders' equity must have increased by
c. assets must have increased by $5,000, or
stockholders' equity must have decreased by $5,000.
d. assets and stockholders' equity each increased by
If total liabilities decreased by $4,000, then
a. stockholders' equity must have decreased by
b. assets must have decreased by $4,000, or
stockholders' equity must have increased by $4,000.
c. assets and stockholders' equity each increased by
d. assets must have increased by $4,000.
Collection of a $600 Accounts Receivable
a. increases an asset $600; decreases an asset $600.
b. increases an asset $600; decreases a liability $600.
c. decreases a liability $600; increases stockholders'
equity $600.
d. decreases an asset $600; decreases a liability
If an individual asset is increased, then
a. there could be an equal decrease in a specific
b. there could be an equal decrease in stockholders'
c. there could be an equal decrease in another asset.
d. none of these is possible.
If services are rendered on account, then
a. assets will decrease.
b. liabilities will increase.
c. stockholders' equity will increase.
d. liabilities will decrease
If services are rendered for cash, then
a. assets will increase.
b. liabilities will increase.
c. stockholders' equity will decrease.
d. liabilities will decrease.
If expenses are paid in cash, then
a. assets will increase.
b. liabilities will decrease.
c. stockholders' equity will increase.
d. assets will decrease.
An investment by the stockholders in a business
a. assets and stockholders' equity. 
b. assets and liabilities.
c. liabilities and stockholders' equity.
d. assets only
The purchase of an asset for cash
a. increases assets and stockholders' equity.
b. increases assets and liabilities.
c. decreases assets and increases liabilities.
d. leaves total assets unchanged.
The purchase of an asset on credit
a. increases assets and stockholders' equity.
b. increases assets and liabilities.
c. decreases assets and increases liabilities.
d. leaves total assets unchanged
The payment of a liability
a. decreases assets and stockholders' equity.
b. increases assets and decreases liabilities.
c. decreases assets and increases liabilities.
d. decreases assets and liabilities.
The sale of an asset on credit for what it cost
a. increases assets and liabilities.
b. decreases assets and liabilities.
c. leaves total assets unchanged.
d. decreases assets and increases liabilities
When collection is made on Accounts Receivable,
a. total assets will remain the same.
b. stockholders equity will increase.
c. total assets will increase.
d. total assets will decrease.
A revenue generally
a. increases assets and liabilities.
b. increases assets and stockholders' equity.
c. increases assets and decreases stockholders' equity.
d. leaves total assets unchanged.
A paid dividend 
a. decreases assets and stockholders' equity.
b. increases assets and stockholders' equity.
c. increases assets and decreases stockholders' equity.
d. decreases assets and increases stockholders'
An expense
a. decreases assets and liabilities.
b. decreases stockholders' equity.
c. leaves stockholders' equity unchanged.
d. is basically the same as a liability.
Which of the following items has no effect on
retained earnings?
a. Expense
b. Dividends
c. Land purchase
d. Revenue
If a company buys a $700 machine on credit, this
transaction will affect the:
a. income statement and retained earnings statement
b. income statement only.
c. income statement, retained earnings statement,
and balance sheet.
d. balance sheet only
A payment of a portion of Accounts Payable will
a. not affect total assets.
b. increase liabilities.
c. not affect stockholders' equity.
d. decrease net income.
Powers Corporation received a cash advance of $500
from a customer. As a result of this event,
a. assets increased by $500.
b. equity increased by $500.
c. liabilities decreased by $500.
d. Both a and b.
Courtney Company purchased equipment for $1,800
cash. As a result of this event,
a. equity decreased by $1,800.
b. assets increased by $1,800.
c. assets remained unchanged.
d. Both a and b
Comstock Company provided consulting services and
billed the client $2,500. As a result of this event
a. assets remained unchanged.
b. assets increased by $2,500.
c. equity increased by $2,500
d. Both b and c.
Budke Corporation paid dividends of $5,000. As a
result of this event,
a. The dividends account was debited for $5,000.
b. The dividends account was credited for $5,000.
c. The cash account was debited for $5,000.
d. Both b and c
If a company pays dividends of $10,000,
a. Equity will be reduced by $10,000.
b. Net income will be reduced by $10,000.
c. Retained earnings will be reduced by $10,000.
d. Both a and c.
If a company issues common stock for $40,000 and
uses $30,000 of the cash to purchase a truck,
a. Assets will be increased by $10,000.
b. Equity will be reduced by $40,000.
c. Assets will be increased by $40,000.
d. Assets will be unchanged
Are advanced receipts from customers treated as
revenue at the time of receipt? Why or why not?
a. Yes, they are treated as revenue at the time of
receipt because the company has access to the cash 
b. No, the amount of revenue cannot be adequately
determined until the company completes the work. 
c. Yes, The intent of the company is to perform the
work and the customer is confident that the services
will be completed. 
d. No, revenue cannot be recognized until the work is
Is the purchase of equipment treated as an expense at
the time of purchase? Why or why not?
a. No, GAAP requires that 10% of the cost be
expensed each year. This minimizes attempts to
mislead financial statement users.
b. Yes, the matching principle requires that the cost
be expensed in the period of purchase.
c. No, the cost needs to be allocated to the years of
expected use.
d. Yes, the actual life of the asset is not known, thus
there is no acceptable way to allocate the cost.
On March 1, 2012, Freeze Company hires a new
employee who will start to work on March 6. The
employee will be paid on the last day of each month.
Should a journal entry be made on March 6? Why or
why not?
a. Yes, the company is now obligated to pay the
employee, thus that event must be recorded.
b. No, hiring an employee is an important event;
however it is not an economic event that should be
c. Yes, failure to record the event would cause the
financial statements to be misleading.
d. No, the financial position of the company has been
changed, however, the dollar amount of the
transaction is not yet known.
Howard Company had a transaction that caused a
$5,000 increase in both assets and total liabilities.
This transaction could have been a(n):
a. Purchase of office equipment for $12,000, paying
$7,000 cash and issuing a note payable for the
b. Investment of $5,000 cash in the business by the
c. Purchase of office equipment for $5,000 cash.
d. Repayment of a $5,000 bank loan
Jamal Company began the year with $64,000 in its
Common Stock account and a debit balance in
Retained Earnings of $36,000. During the year, the
company earned net income of $18,000 and declared
and paid $6,000 of dividends. In addition, the
company sold additional common stock amounting to
$22,000. Based on this information, what should the
transaction analysis show for the ending total of all
stockholders' equity accounts?
a. $134,000
b. $146,000
c. $62,000
d. $90,000
Crawford Company started the year with $30,000 in
its Common Stock account and a credit balance in
Retained Earnings of $12,000. During the year, the
company earned net income of $24,000 and declared
and paid $10,000 of dividends. In addition, the
company sold additional common stock amounting to
$14,000. As a result, the amount of its retained
earnings at the end of the year would be:
a. $70,000
b. $26,000
c. $56,000
d. $40,000
All of the following are characteristics of every
accounting information system except:
a. It is a system that collects transaction data.
b. It is a system that processes transaction data.
c. It is a system that communicates financial
information to decision makers.
d. It is a system of data storage hardware for the chart
of accounts
The left side of an account is
a. blank.
b. a description of the account.
c. the debit side.
d. the balance of the account.
Which one of the following is not a part of an
a. Credit side
b. Trial balance
c. Debit side
d. Title
An account is a part of the financial information
system and is described by all except which one of the
a. An account has a debit and credit side.
b. An account is a source document.
c. An account consists of three parts.
d. An account has a title.
The right side of an account
a. is the correct side.
b. reflects all transactions for the accounting period.
c. shows all the balances of the accounts in the
d. is the credit side.
An account consists of
a. a title, a debit balance, and a credit balance.
b. a title, a left side, and a debit balance.
c. a title, a debit side, and a credit side.
d. a title, a right side, and a debit balance.
A T account is
a. a way of depicting the basic form of an account.
b. a special account used instead of a journal.
c. a special account used instead of a trial balance.
d. used for accounts that have both a debit and credit
Which statement about an account is true?
a. In its simplest form, an account consists of two
b. An account is an individual accounting record of
increases and decreases in specific asset, liability, and
stockholders' equity items.
c. There are separate account for specific assets and
liabilities but only one account for stockholders'
equity items.
d. The left side of an account is the credit or decrease
In its simplest form, an account consists of all of the
following except
a. right (credit) side
b. account title
c. left side
d. explanation column
A debit to an asset account indicates a(n)
a. error.
b. credit was made to a liability account.
c. decrease in the asset.
d. increase in the asset.
a. increase both assets and liabilities.
b. decrease both assets and liabilities.
c. increase assets and decrease liabilities.
d. decrease assets and increase liabilities.
The normal balance of any account is the
a. left side.
b. right side.
c. side which increases that account.
d. side which decreases that account.
The double-entry system requires that each
transaction must be recorded
a. in at least two different accounts.
b. in two sets of books.
c. in a journal and in a ledger.
d. first as a revenue and then as an expense
A credit is not the normal balance for which account
listed below?
a. Common Stock account
b. Revenue account
c. Liability account
d. Dividends account
The classification and normal balance of the
Dividends account is
a. revenue with a credit balance.
b. an expense with a debit balance.
c. a liability with a credit balance.
d. stockholders' equity with a debit balance
Which of the following describes the classification
and normal balance of the Retained Earnings
a. Asset, debit
b. Stockholders' equity, credit
c. Revenues, credit
d. Expense, debit
Which of the following describes the classification
and normal balance of the Unearned Revenue
a. Asset, debit
b. Liability, credit
c. Revenues, credit
d. Expense, debit
A revenue account
a. is increased by debits.
b. is decreased by credits.
c. has a normal balance of a debit.
d. is increased by credits.
Which one of the following represents the expanded
basic accounting equation?
a. Assets = Liabilities + Common Stock + Dividends -
Revenue - Expenses
b. Assets + Dividends + Expenses = Liabilities +
Common Stock + Revenues
c. Assets - Liabilities - Dividends = Common Stock +
Revenues - Expenses
d. Assets = Revenues + Expenses - Liabilities
Which of the following correctly identifies normal
balances of accounts?
a. Assets Debit
Liabilities Credit
Common Stock Credit
Revenues Debit
Expenses Credit

b. Assets Debit
Liabilities Credit
Common Stock Credit
Revenues Credit
Expenses Credit

c. Assets Credit
Liabilities Debit
Common Stock Debit
Revenues Credit
Expenses Debit

d. Assets Debit
Liabilities Credit
Common Stock Credit
Revenues Credit
Expenses Debit
Which accounts normally have debit balances?
a. Assets, expenses, and revenues.
b. Assets, expense, and retained earnings.
c. Assets, liabilities, and dividends.
d. Assets, expenses, and dividends.
Which accounts normally have credit balances?
a. Revenues, liabilities, and dividends.
b. Revenues, liabilities, and assets.
c. Revenues, liabilities, and retained earnings.
d. Revenues, liabilities, and expenses
The best interpretation of the word "credit" is the
a. offset side of an account.
b. increase side of an account.
c. right side of an account.
d. decrease side of an account.
In recording an accounting transaction in a double-
entry system
a. the number of debit accounts must equal the
number of credit accounts.
b. there must always be entries made on both sides of
the accounting equation.
c. the amount of the debits must equal the amount of
the credits.
d. there must only be two accounts affected by any
A debit is not the normal balance for which account
listed below?
a. Dividends
b. Cash
c. Accounts Receivable
d. Service Revenue
An accountant has debited an asset account for
$1,000 and credited a liability account for $500.
What can be done to complete the recording of the
a. Nothing further must be done.
b. Debit a stockholders' equity account for $500.
c. Debit another asset account for $500.
d. Credit a different asset account for $500.
An accountant has debited an asset account for $800
and credited a liability account for $600. Which of
the following would be an incorrect way to complete
the recording of the transaction?
a. Credit an asset account for $200.
b. Credit another liability account for $200.
c. Credit a stockholders' equity account for $200.
d. Debit a stockholders' equity account for $200.
An accountant has debited an asset account for $900
and credited a liability account for $500. What can be
done to complete the recording of the transaction?
a Debit a stockholders' equity account for $400.
b. Debit another asset account for $400.
c. Credit a different asset account for $400.
d. Nothing further must be done.
Which of the following accounts is increased with a
a. Dividends
b. Service Revenue
c. Interest payable
d. Common Stock
Which of the following accounts is increased with a
a. Supplies expense
b. Supplies
c. Sales Revenue
d. Dividends
116. Which pair of accounts follows the rules of debit
and credit in relation to increases and decreases in
the same manner?
a. Dividends Payable and Rent Expense
b. Utilities Expense and Notes Payable
c. Prepaid Insurance and Advertising Expense
d. Service Revenue and Equipment
Which of the following accounts follows the rules of
debit and credit in relation to increases and decreases
in the opposite manner?
a. Prepaid Insurance and Dividends
b. Dividends and Interest Revenue
c. Interest Payable and Common Stock
d. Advertising Expense and Land
Which of the following is not true of the terms debit
and credit?
a. They can be abbreviated as Dr. and Cr.
b. They can be interpreted to mean increase and
c. They can be used to describe the balance of an
d. They can be interpreted to mean left and right.
An account will have a credit balance if the
a. credits exceed the debits.
b. first transaction entered was a credit.
c. debits exceed the credits.
d. last transaction entered was a credit.
For the basic accounting equation to stay in balance,
each transaction recorded must
a. affect two or less accounts.
b. affect two or more accounts.
c. always affect exactly two accounts.
d. affect the same number of asset and liability
Which of the following statements is true?
a. Debits increase assets and increase liabilities.
b. Credits decrease assets and decrease liabilities.
c. Credits decrease assets and increase liabilities.
d. Debits increase liabilities and decrease assets.
Which pair of the listed accounts follows the rules of
debits and credits in relation to increases and
decreases in the opposite manner?
a. Salaries and Wages Expense and Notes Payable
b. Common Stock and Unearned Rent Revenue
c. Prepaid Rent and Advertising Expense
d. Service Revenue and Notes Payable
A company that receives money in advance of
performing a service
a. debits Cash and credits Unearned Service Revenue.
b. debits Unearned Service Revenue and credits
Accounts Payable
c. debits Cash and credits Prepaid Insurance.
d. debits Cash and credits Accounts Receivable.
When a company performs a service but has not yet
received payment, it
a. debits Service Revenue and credits Accounts
b. debits Accounts Receivable and credits Service
c. debits Service Revenue and credits Accounts
d. makes no entry until cash is received.
Assets normally show
a. credit balances.
b. debit balances.
c. debit and credit balances.
d. debit or credit balances.
An awareness of the normal balances of accounts
would help you spot which of the following as an
error in recording?
a. A debit balance in the Dividends account
b. A credit balance in an expense account
c. A credit balance in a liabilities account
d. A credit balance in a revenue account
If a company has overdrawn its bank balance, then
a. its Cash account will show a debit balance.
b. its Cash account will show a credit balance.
c. the Cash account debits will exceed the cash
account credits.
d. it cannot be detected by observing the balance of
the Cash account.
Which account below is not a subdivision of
stockholders' equity?
a. Dividends
b. Revenues
c. Expenses
d. Liabilities
When a corporation distributes a dividend the
a. most common form of distribution is a cash
b. Dividends account will be increased with a credit.
c. Retained Earnings account will be directly
increased with a debit.
d. Dividends account will be decreased with a debit.
The Dividends account
a. appears on the income statement along with the
expenses of the business.
b. must show transactions every accounting period.
c. is increased with debits and decreased with credits.
d. is not a proper subdivision of stockholders' equity.
A revenue account
a. is increased with a debit.
b. is decreased with a credit.
c. is increased with a credit.
d. has a normal balance of a debit.
Which of the following statements is not true?
a. Expenses increase stockholders' equity.
b. Expenses have normal debit balances.
c. Expenses decrease stockholders' equity.
d. Expenses are a negative factor in the computation
of net income
A credit to a liability account
a. indicates an increase in the amount owed to
b. indicates a decrease in the amount owed to
c. is an error.
d. must be accompanied by a debit to an asset
In the first month of operations, the total of the debit
entries to the Cash account amounted to $1,400 and
the total of the credit entries to the Cash account
amounted to $600. The Cash account has a
a. $600 credit balance.
b. $1,400 debit balance.
c. $800 debit balance.
d. $800 credit balance.
In the first month of operations, the total of the debit
entries to the Cash account amounted to $1,200 and
the total of the credit entries to the Cash account
amounted to $800. The Cash account has a
a. $800 credit balance.
b. $400 debit balance.
c. $1,200 debit balance.
d. $400 credit balance.
In the first month of operations, the total of the debit
entries to the Cash account amounted to $1,000 and
the total of the credit entries to the Cash account
amounted to $400. The Cash account has a
a. $400 credit balance.
b. $1,000 debit balance.
c. $600 debit balance.
d. $400 credit balance
In the first month of operations, the total of the debit
entries to the Cash account amounted to $1,000 and
the total of the credit entries to the Cash account
amounted to $400. The Cash account has a
a. $400 credit balance.
b. $1,000 debit balance.
c. $600 debit balance.
d. $400 credit balance
The Cash account has a credit balance. Which
statement is true?
a. This is the normal balance for cash.
b. An error has occurred and must be corrected
before financial statements can be prepared.
c. The account needs to be analyzed to determine the
reason for the credit balance.
d. Debit postings exceed the credit postings for the
accounting period.
Which statement is incorrect?
a. Dividends represent a distribution by a corporation
to its stockholders.
b. Dividends are shown on the income statement.
c. Dividends reduce stockholders' equity, thus the
Dividends account increases on the left side.
d. The Dividends account has a normal debit balance.
Why are expenses increased with a debit?
a. They are always paid by cash, which is credited.
Thus expenses are debited.
b. They decrease stockholders' equity thus they
increase with a debit.
c. They have the same rules of debits and credits as
the retained earnings account.
d. None of the statements are correct.
Winrow Company showed the following balances at
the end of its first year:
Cash $9,000
Prepaid insurance 500
Accounts receivable 2,500
Accounts payable 2,000
Notes payable 3,000
Common stock 5,000
Dividends 500
Revenues 15,000
Expenses 12,500

What did Winrow Company show as total credits on

its trial balance?
a. $25,500
b. $25,000
c. $24,500
d. $26,000
On June 1, 2012, England Inc. reported a cash
balance of $18,000. During June, England made
deposits of $8,000 and made disbursements totaling
$24,000. What is the cash balance at the end of
a. $2,000 credit balance.
b. $26,000 debit balance.
c. $2,000 debit balance.
d. $6,000 credit balance
At January 1, 2012, Troyer Industries reported
Retained Earnings of $260,000. During 2012, Troyer
had a net loss of $60,000 and paid dividends to the
stockholders of $40,000. At December 31, 2012, the
balance in Retained Earnings is
a. $260,000 debit
b. $280,000 credit
c. $200,000 debit
d. $160,000 credit
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