Cultural Characteristics of Korean People

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Cultural Characteristics and

Eating Habits of Korean People

Under the influence of Confucianism, Koreans have developed a culture Korea has risen from the ashes of the Korean War to achieve the remarkable
of respecting seniors, paying tribute to ancestors and honoring filial piety. economic development called ‘The Miracle on the Han River’. It is mainly
Having good manners such as using honorific language forms, maintaining attributed to the dynamic and hard working nature of the Korean people.
a polite attitude, and giving way to others is important. Our traditional, Koreans tend to fulfill their duties to the best of their ability; nevertheless,
agrarian culture has made Koreans put ‘we’ (a community) before ‘I’ (an this highly accelerated economic growth has made them less patient of
individual) – That is why Koreans tend to say ‘our’ instead of ‘my’: ‘our’ delay. The expression “Pali Pali (hurry hurry)” has become commonly used
company, ‘our’ country and ‘our’ family instead of ‘my’ country and ‘my’ to describe the characteristics of Koreans.
family. Historically a feeling of ‘Jeong’ has been valued. ‘Jeong’ refers to the
warm-hearted, affectionate and bonded feeling that the Korean people
have. Some Korean customs reflect this spirit of ‘Jeong’ such as lending a
hand to people who are in need of help, or giving out rice cakes to neighbors
after moving in to a new place. Characteristics of Korean Work Culture

Hierarchical Culture

Hierarchical order is honored in Korean society due to complex factors

Our elder
brother too…. including Confucianism and military culture. In the work place, the
at our home hierarchy between a boss and a subordinate or between senior and junior
Our mother at
that time...
staff members is obvious. Bosses and senior staff members expect to be
respected accordingly.
We? Our..? my
mom? MY?

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Importance of Cooperation and Harmony

In Korean work culture, cooperation and harmony are highly valued. People
tend to help out others who have not finished their own work so that all can
Tip rest together. Those who rest after completing only their own work while
Because of this hierarchical culture, even though your boss, senior or others are still working may be viewed as selfish. Sometimes even though
older members of the fishing crew may give you instructions that you
may think irrational, it is wiser not to point this out immediately on the you have done your work correctly you may be reprimanded collectively
spot. Choose your time. together with your colleague who has done something incorrectly.
Instructions from bosses and senior fishing crews are expected to be
followed as given unless there is a particular problem.

“I have finished my work.

Let me help you.”

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The Culture of ‘Pali, Pali (Hurry, Hurry)’

As ‘Pali, Pali’ culture is widespread in the Korean society, your boss may
scold you if he/she thinks you are getting through your work slowly.

“Why me? I’ve

done nothing wrong.”
When instructions are given by a Korean boss
and you think there might be some delay in
finishing the job, you may want to make an
interim report so there is no misunderstanding.

In the work place, people judge you not only by your performance and
judgment but also by your interpersonal skills. In other words, it is important
to be competent in your work but at the same time those who maintain Pali..Pali!!!!
good relations with their colleagues get credit.

Quickly, quickly.

Fishing crews of various nationalities are aboard a vessel.
If you are willing to help other colleagues and show them
kindness first, you will be able to make a good impression
and thereby create good relations with your colleagues.

44 45
Eating Habits of the Korean People Another special dish in Korean cuisine is ‘ssam’ in which meat is wrapped
in leaf vegetables. To better enjoy ‘ssam’, people often top the meat with
soybean paste, chili pepper and garlic before wrapping and eating it.

If you order a dish in a Korean restaurant, you will see a table full of dishes. ngw
Korea has such a variety of food that people often say, ‘we have enough
food to break the table legs.’ While Western meals come in courses, such Oh~~ Yum..
as appetizers, main dishes and desserts, a Korean meal is accompanied by
a basic serving of steamed rice, ‘guk’ (a kind of soup or broth) and ‘kimchi’
(a traditional fermented Korean dish made of vegetables with a variety of

Koreans are especially fond of rice. A typical Korean meal consists of

steamed rice and a variety of delicious side dishes. On special occasions,
people have a porridge, noodle or ‘tteokguk’ (broth with thinly sliced
rice cake) instead of rice. These days, many people enjoy having bread,
sandwiches or noodles for breakfast or lunch. Nevertheless, rice still remains
After it became known that the pop star Michael Jackson enjoyed ‘bibimbap’
an important staple in the Korean diet.
when he visited Korea on tour, ‘bibimbap’ has become one of the signature
Korean dishes around the world.
Korean dishes can be characterized by various ‘guk’ and varied recipes. ‘Guk’,
a soup-like Korean dish, is watery with less solid ingredients, whereas, ‘jjigae’ ‘Bibimbap’, which literally means ‘mixed rice’, is served as a bowl of warm
is a kind of stew and less watery than ‘guk’, having more solid ingredients in it. rice topped with various vegetables. For more flavor, sesame oil, sesame

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and chili paste can be added. It is a great-tasting, rainbow-colored dish. Meals On Board a Ship

Koreans have a unique culture of sharing food from one pot or large bowl. Meals on board do tend to be a little different from what mentioned
This is believed to be an indication of a close relationship or friendship. This above. Since deep-water fishing vessels stay out on the open ocean for
custom is still common in modern days. long periods, a large amount of food and ingredients need to be purchased
and stored on board before departure. When selecting a menu, food and
ingredients that can be stored for long time without spoiling are preferred
because maintaining food freshness is most important.

Since this kind of storable ingredients is used for cooking, no matter how
Yum! good a cook you have, the variety of dishes is limited. It is difficult to provide
How the range of dishes mentioned above. Nevertheless, cooks try to serve
dishes that fishing crews like, considering their places of origin.


48 49
Understanding the Body
Language of Koreans

Dining Etiquette

• When dining with your boss, let him have a seat inside the room
away from the door.

• Sit in a good posture at the table.

• Do not talk with your mouth full.

• Try to keep pace with others, especially your boss by eating not too
fast or too slow. • While pointing at objects with your index finger is acceptable, pointing at
a person with it is considered rude behavior. Be sure not to point at people
• However, if a meal was served in the middle of work (so there is work with your index finger during conversation.
to be done), you may want to finish your meal faster than your boss
and to get the remaining work done.
• Koreans rub their hands together when asking for forgiveness. However, it
is not very common to see this body language these days.

• Showing the little finger means either making a promise or referring to a

girl friend or boy friend.

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• Looking straight in the eyes of a person who is reprimanding you is deemed swaying the head side to side means ‘No’ or negation. .
impolite. Therefore, if you are being admonished by your boss for a
mistake you may want to avoid eye contact with him or her. • Making a circle with two fingers means ‘I got it’ or ‘okay’. Sometimes it
refers to money as well.
• Koreans may touch you on the shoulder or arm while telling an interesting
story. This gesture is to show or ask for sympathy in the course of the story • Koreans freely use both hands. Most people are right-handed but there is
without any negative intention. no taboo against using the left hand.

• To draw your attention some Korean people may pull on your clothes. • While undertaking challenging and dangerous work, even friendly Korean
Impatient people usually do so whereas most Koreans try to get your people may shout or lose their temper. In fact, this is far from hostility but
attention using words. rather an intentional act to ensure all remain alert, as a simple mistake can
cause casualties in a critical moment. However, once the work is done, you
• When dining together, Koreans often offer others a drink from their own will find them friendly again.
glass as a sign of closeness. Although this may be viewed as unsanitary,
Koreans think this is an act of sharing ‘Jeoung’ (friendliness).

• Using two hands when passing things to your elders or superiors is

considered polite. Since passing things with just one hand may make you
look rude, you may want to use two hands to make a good impression.

“Watch out!! Are you out “Good Job!! It’s lunch time.
“Hey!!! Back off!!!”
• Older persons may stroke younger ones’ heads to show friendliness or of your mind!!!”
What’s the menu today?
Let’s go.”


• Nodding the head up and down is an expression of ‘Yes’ or affirmation and

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Basic Rules on Board Vessel

Basic Rules for Interpersonal Relations Relations with Your Boss

• Be likable.
How are you? Good
morning… • Be sure to make interim reports.
• Remember that following instructions of your boss is your first priority.
• Keep your promises to your boss.
• Learn effective ways to respond when your boss is angry.
• Drinking with your boss can be a good way to start building your
• Do not leave your post during working hours.
• Make sure you clearly understand the instructions given by your boss.


• Greeting others first is a good way to make good impressions. Safety Rules
• Equipment on the vessel is not anyone’s personal belongings. Treat it
with care. • Fishing crew members shall abide by laws, company regulations and

• Maintaining cleanliness and tidiness on board is an essential part of labor contracts and have a duty to follow instructions from their
being an excellent worker. superiors.
• Having a beautiful smile can take you far. • Fishing crew members shall not risk their lives by making careless
• It is important to only make promises you can keep. mistakes such as stumbling while walking on the deck at night for no
• Get in the habit of helping other colleagues when you have free time. reason.

54 55
a vessel and equipment; and maintain cleanliness of the vessel.

• Fishing crew members shall dress neatly when disembarked and refrain
from engaging in any individual reckless behaviors or carrying out any
acts against the laws of the country of disembarkment.

• Fishing crew members shall not disrupt the order on the vessel or commit
any acts which may threaten the safety of the vessel and other crews.

• Fishing crew members shall fulfill their duties efficiently and shall not
disturb other crew members’ work.

• Fishing crews shall return to the vessel at the hour set by the captain and
shall not leave the vessel without the permission of the captain.

• Fishing crew members are not allowed to use ship equipment, electrical
devices and firearms without the permission of the captain.

• Fishing crew members shall be polite and respect each other and strive to
make a harmonious and cooperative atmosphere on the ship.

• Fishing crew members shall not get involved in fight, coercion, binges,
disturbances, violence, gambling and other similar inappropriate

• Fishing crew members shall not waste food or drinking water and shall
make efficient use of all goods on the vessel; they shall take good care of

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Basic Rights, Obligations and
Complaints Settlement

• Wages
Wages shall be paid in whole, in currency, directly to seafarers once or more
per month on a specified date (Article 52 of Seafarers Act).
Basic Rights and Obligations When paying the wages, ship-owner shall get signatures from seamen to
prove the wages were paid, or, where there is a written agreement from
a seaman, ship-owner shall send the seafarer’s wages to their family or
overseas employment agency.

※ Except when there are special provisions in Acts or in a
collective agreement, ship-owner shall not deduct or deposit

• Repatriation
part or whole of seamen’s wages without their consent.

When a seafarer has to land at a port other than the place of his residence or
the place where the seafarer labor contract was concluded, the ship-owner
shall at his own expense and on his own responsibility repatriate the seafarer
to the place of his residence or to the place where the seafarer’s labor
contract was concluded. (Clause 1 Article 38 of Seafarers Act)

※ Ship-owners may claim expenses incurred for the repatriation of

seafarers in following cases:
- Where a seafarer has landed arbitrarily without a justifiable reason;
- Where a seafarer has landed after being forced off the ship for disciplinary
“You did a great job
reasons; this month!”
- Where there is reasonable cause under the specifications in the collective
agreement, employment rules, or seafarer labor contract.

58 59
• Accident Compensation Obligations
In case where any seaman is injured due to a cause that is or not associated
with job performance on board, whether or not the seaman is responsible
for the injury, the person will receive care under the Seafarers Act. • Education
Foreign fishing crew members who will be working with Korean crew
members are obligated to complete an educational course with regard
• Raising Complaints to their duties, safety procedures, basic Korean phrases, and the Korean
Seamen can raise any complaints or concerns on board to ship-owner (or immigration control law.
captain), and in case of a violation of labor conditions by the ship-owner, the
crew member can report the issue to the labor supervisory agency.

Seafarers Act ㄱ, ㄴ ...

Under the Seafar-
ers Act, injured
seamen receive
full care toward
their recovery…

“Rest well and don’t worry”

60 61
- When he neglects his own duties or interferes with the performance of
duties of other seamen;

- When he fails to board by a specified time set by the captain without a

justifiable reason; and

- When he conducts other actions that disturb order on board ship, or which
are specified in the collective agreement, employment rules, or seafarer
labor contract.

“You sneak in these stuffs!!?

Didn’t you know that it is
against the rule??
You may well be punished.”

Complaints Settlement
• Discipline
A captain may take disciplinary actions where a seaman’s actions fall under Crew members of different nationalities in a ship may experience difficulties
any of the following cases: (Article 22 of Seafarers Act) understanding each others’ language and culture. When problems arise due
- When he fails to observe an order of duties issued by his superiors; to cultural differences, seamen should bring these issues to the captain.

- When he leaves a ship without permission from the captain;

If a seaman finds himself in any of the following situations, he is advised
- When he carries a lethal weapon or narcotics into a ship without permission
to inform the captain of the problem. In case that the situation does not
from the captain;
improve, however, the seaman can take the issue to the Seafarers, Maritime
- When he fights, assaults, makes noise in a drunken state, or damages affairs and Safety Division of the Regional Maritime Affairs and Port Office
installations intentionally in a ship;. which has jurisdiction over the ship’s voyage.

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- When he is not paid for his labor;

- When he suffers abuse from his ship-owner or supervisor; and

- When he is forced to labor against his will.

Contact Number of Seafarers, Maritime affairs and Safety
Division of Regional Maritime Affairs and Port Office:

Maritime affairs and Safety Division of Busan Regional Maritime

Affairs and Port Office :
“He kicked me and punched
Maritime affairs and Safety Division of Incheon Regional
Maritime Affairs and Port Office :

If a seaman on board is subjected to criminal acts (sexual abuse, insults) or

unfair treatment that is irrelevant to his work, that person should inform
the captain of the situation. For further recourse, the seaman can take his
complaints to the Regional Headquarters of the Korean Coast Guard.

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Contact Number of the Regional Headquarters
of the Korean Coast Guard:

Public service center of Busan Regional Headquarters of KCG Contact Number of other relevant organizations
Ministry for Food, Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries :
Public service center of Incheon Regional Headquarters of 82-44-201-2820
85-32-650-2119 Korea Overseas Fisheries Association :

National Overseas Fisheries Industrial Union :

If a seaman on board is subjected to human rights violations or
Korea Seafarer’s Welfare & Employment Center :
discriminatory acts, the person is advised to report the case to the captain.
82-51-911-3151 (Indonesian language service is available)
In case the problem remains unaddressed, the seaman can take the issue to
the National Human Rights Commission of Korea. Korea Foreign Worker Support Center :
82-1644-0644 (Foreign language service is available)

Contact Number of the National Human Rights

Commission of Korea

82 - 2 - 1 33 1

66 67
Basic vocabulary

Korean Phonetic transcription Local language Korean Phonetic transcription Local language
머리 meori head 무 mu Chinese radish
눈 noon eye 배추 baechu Chinese cabbage
코 co nose 양파 yangpa onion
입 ip mouse 파 pa green onion
혀 hyeo tongue 생선 saengseon fish
치아 chia teeth 새우 saewu shrimp
귀 gui ear 오징어 ojingeo squid
손 son hand 돼지고기 doejigogi pork
다리 dari leg 소고기 sogogi beef
허리 heori waist 설탕 seoltang sugar
가슴 gaseum chest 소금 sogeum salt
숟가락 sutgarak spoon 간장 ganjang soy bean sauce
젓가락 jeotgarak chop stick 물 mul water
그릇 geureut bowl 밥 bab steamed rice
간식 gansik snack 빵 bbang bread
감자 gamja potato 술 sul liquor
당근 danggeun carrot 과자 gwaja biscuit
양배추 yangbaechu cabbage 국 guk soup

68 69
Korean Phonetic transcription Local language Korean Phonetic transcription Local language
반찬 banchan side dish 안전화 anjeonhwa safety shoes
과일 gwail fruit 바지 baji pants
요리 yori cuisine 양말 yangmal socks
약 yak medicine 전화기 jeonhwagi phone set
감기약 gamgiyak cold medicine 컴퓨터 computer computer
안약 anyak eye drops 시계 sigye watch
혈압 hyeolyap blood pressure 의자 euija chair
맥박 makbak pulse 탁자 takja table
체온 cheon body temperature 침대 chimdae bed
붕대 bungdae bandage 비누 binu soap
번호 beonho number 치약 chiyak toothpaste
화장실 hwajangsil toilet 칫솔 chitsol toothbrush
침실 chimsil bedroom 바람 baram wind
청소 cheongso cleaning 해 hae sun
냉장고 naengjanggo refrigerator 비 bi rain
식당 sikdang restaurant 오늘 oneul today
장갑 janggap glove 내일 naeil tomorrow
작업복 jakeopbok work clothes 어제 eoje yesterday

70 71
Korean Phonetic transcription Local language Korean Phonetic transcription Local language
오후 ohu afternoon 항해사 hanghaesa mate
오전 ojeon morning 기관사 gigwansa engineer
왼쪽 oenjjok left 통신장 tongsinjang chief wireless operator
오른쪽 oreunjjok right 선원법 seonwonbeop Seafarers Act
동쪽 dongjjok east 취업규칙 chuieopgyuchik rules of employment
서쪽 seojjok west 근로계약서 geunrofyeyakseo labor contract
남쪽 namjjok south 하나(1) hana one
북쪽 bukjjok north 둘(2) dul two
친구 chingu friend 셋(3) set three
동료 dongryo colleague 넷(4) net four
약속 yaksok promise 다섯(5) daseot five
여권 yeogwon passport 여섯(6) yeoseot six
항구 hanggu port 일곱(7) ilgop seven
계약서 gyeyakseo written agreement 여덟(8) yeodeol eight
급여 geupyeo pay 아홉(9) ahop nine
통장 tongjang bankbook 열(10) yeol ten
도장 dojang seal 일요일 ilyoil Sunday
선장 seonjang captain 월요일 wolyoil Monday

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Korean Phonetic transcription Local language Korean Phonetic transcription Local language
화요일 hwayoil Tuesday 어떻습니까? eotteoseupnikka How is it?
수요일 suyoil Wednesday 알겠습니다 algessumnida I see
목요일 mokyoil Thursday 모르겠습니다 moreugetssumnida I don’t know
금요일 geumyoil Friday 기다려 주세요 gidaryeojuseyo Please wait
토요일 toyoil Saturday 미안합니다 mianhamnida Sorry
1월 ilwol January 고맙습니다 gomapseumnida Thank you
2월 eewol February 괜찮습니다 goenchansseumnida It’s ok.
3월 samwol March 잃어버렸습니다 Ileobeoryeosseumnida I lost it
4월 sawol April 화내지 마세요 hwanaejimaseyo Don’t get angry
5월 owol May 이해가 안됩니다 eehaegaandeopnida I don’t understand
6월 yuwol June ~주세요 -juseyo Give me--
7월 chilwol July ~가 아파요 -gaapayo I am sick ---
8월 palwol August 배고파요 baegopayo I am hungry
9월 guwol September 무엇을 원하십니까? mueoseulwonhasimnikka? What do you want?
10월 siwol October ~해도 될까요? --haedoseolkkayo May I do--?
11월 sibilwol November 다시 말해주세요 dasimalhaejuseyo Please tell me again
12월 sibiwol December 이것은 무엇입니까? eegeoseunmunikka? What is this?
도와 주세요 dowajuseyo Help me 걱정하지 마세요 geokjeonghajimaseyo Don’t worry

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Korean Phonetic transcription Local language Korean Phonetic transcription Local language
부탁 합니다 butakhamnida Please do me a favor 뜨거워요 ddeugeoyo hot
있어요 eesseoyo I have 차가워요 chagaeoyo cold
없어요 eopsseoyo I don’t have 추워요 chuwoyo cold
올리세요 oliseyo Put it up 더워요 deowoyo hot
들어가세요 deuleogaseyo Go in 조용해요 joyonghaeyo silent
나오세요 naoseyo Come out 시끄러워요 sikkeureowoyo noisy
커요 keoyo big 좋아요 joayo good
작아요 jagayo small 나빠요 nappayo bad
넓어요 neolbeoyo wide 끝났어요 kkeunasseoyo finished
좁아요 jobayo narrow 졸려요 jolryeoyo I am sleepy
빨라요 bbalayo fast 샤워해요 shawohaeyo I am showering
늦어요 neujeoyo slow
높아요 nopayo high
낮아요 najayo low
쉬워요 shiwoyo easy
Guide to Happy Life on Board
어려워요 eoryeoyo difficult for Foreign Crew Members
무거워요 mugeowoyo heavy
가벼워요 gabeowoyo light

76 77
Guide to Happy Life on Board for
Foreign Crew Members

Ministry for Food, Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries

339-012 Sejong Government Office, Dasom 2-ro,
Sejong City
T. +82-44-201-2820
F. +82-44-868-9104
Indonesia Arti
Korea Overseas Fisheries Association
Sixth floor, Samho Mulsan B/D A, #83(Yangjae-dong)
Nonhyeon-ro, Seocho-gu, Seoul
T. +82-2-589-1611/9 F. +82-2-589-1630

Date of issue 2012. 12.

Printed by Cree Communication

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