Productivity Log Compilation

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DATE: April 16, 2020

A. Rationale
 Why did you choose the specific household task?
- I choose this household to be able look neat and clean in our room. I
voluntary fold our blankets and sheets, so that they won’t able to mind them.
- It’s my duty to cook rice early, so that I will able to help my mother in another
- It’s also my duty to wash dishes in morning, afternoon, and night. Since that I
did not cook, I need to wash those dishes

 What is the importance of doing it?

- Folding Blankets and sheets make some important. Because enable to meet a
nice room, it should be look neat and clean.
- Preparing a cook rice is also important. Rice is containing of carbohydrate that
is basic need of foods that obtain energy.
- Washing dishes. It is important to wash dishes coming on food, it might be
spread bacteria that will cause of illness or food poisoning.

B. Weekly Accomplishment
 Descriptive narrative of the activities you have done.
- As I woke up in the morning, I should be the one who able to fold our blankets
sheets. I’ll make sure to shake off my pillow and blanket to remove excess
garment coming from the blankets. After that, my mom told me to cook 6 cups
of rice. After I rinse, I’ll make sure it should have the exact measure of water
as well the measure of rice. My brother and I took a breakfast, and my mom in
charge me to wash our dishes.

 Before and After photos shall also be attached.\

 Gather testimonies/opinions of your parents or somebody inside the
house about the activity you have accomplished.
- My mom was happy seeing me to do a few household chores. She also said
that next time I should done more.

 What did I learned/realized when after doing the tasks?

- I realized that doing household chores are not difficult at all. We should do
more household chores to be able to rest our mother well, and this help will be
able to apply in our future. In my simple chores that I done; it is not enough for
what my mother done. In next time, I would be able to do all the chores.

C. Detailed Tasks Log

Date Time Frame Task Description

April 16, 2020 8:00 – 8:30am Folding blankets and I fold our blankets
sheets and sheets to look
neat and clean.

April 16, 2020 8:40 – 8:50 am Cooking Rice I cook rice so that
we have energy to
do our task.
April 16, 2020 10:00 – Washing Dishes I assigned to
10:10am wash our dishes
to able to prevent

DATE: April 25, 2020

A. Rationale
 Why did you choose the specific household task?
- I choose did chores because it feels comfortable when you see your room are neat
- I choose preparing our breakfast because I am the one who woke up early in this
- I choose this task (washing dishes) because I really enjoying playing bubbles while
I’m singing

 What is the importance of doing it?

- The importance of folding our blankets and sheets it makes look clean and nice
- The importance of preparing our breakfast is that my mom was able to keep rest
while I’m doing her job
- After eating our breakfast, it is importance to wash all plates, glasses, spoon & fork to
prevent the bacteria that cause illness.

B. Weekly Accomplishment
 Descriptive narrative of the activities you have done.
- As I wake up in this early morning, it’s automatic to fold our blankets and sheets so it
will look neat and nice. After that I decide to cook our breakfast. And after finishing
our breakfast, it is also my duty to wash all the dishes.

 Before and After photos shall also be attached.

 Gather testimonies/opinions of your parents or somebody inside the house
about the activity you have accomplished.
- “Good job” my father said
 What did I learned/realized when after doing the tasks?
- Well, I realized that as you wake up early in the morning, your body will move
automatically and do this kind of chores. It makes me feel better because my mom
was able to keep rest and relieve.

CI. Detailed Tasks Log

Date Time Frame Task Description

April 25, 2020 7:00- 7:15 am Folding blankets and Folding our
sheets sheets and
blankets to look
clean and nice
April 25, 2020 7:30- 8:00 am Preparing Breakfast I cooked 5
hotdogs and
scramble egg
April 25, 2020 9:00- 9:30am Washing Dishes I wash dishes
4:30- 5:00pm everyday while
8:00- 8:30 pm I’m singing
DATE: May 03, 2020

A. Rationale
 Why did you choose the specific household task?
- I choose washing dishes because I’m the one in-charge in washing dishes
- I choose this task (washing clothes) to help my mother to speed up all the chores
- I choose this task(cooking) for that I have new knowledge in home cook
 What is the importance of doing it?
- It is important to wash all the dishes to prevent the bacteria before using it again
- It is important to gain new knowledge
- It is important because someday it will apply in your daily lives
B. Weekly Accomplishment
 Descriptive narrative of the activities you have done.
- After were taking breakfast, I am in charge in washing dishes. My mother was busy
for doing laundry. After finishing all washing dishes, I decide to help my mother so
that it would be fast. And after finishing our laundry, I’ll take rest for a while. I
volunteer to prepare our lunch
 Before and After photos shall also be attached.
 Gather testimonies/opinions of your parents or somebody inside the house about the
activity you have accomplished.
- “ansipag mo ngayon”
- “sarap nitong niluto mo”
 What did I learned/realized when after doing the tasks?
- I learned that you should know all the chores and gain new knowledge because
as we become adult, we should be more responsible in all

C. Detailed Tasks Log

Date Time Frame Task Description

May 03, 2020 8:30 – 8:45 am Washing Dishes After breakfast, I
washed dishes
while listening to
May 03, 2020 9:00 – 11:25 am Washing clothes After finishing
washing dishes, I
help my mother in
May 03, 2020 12:10- 1:00 pm Cooking I prepare our
launch since my
mom was tired.

DATE: May 09, 2020

A. Rationale
 Why did you choose the specific household task?
- I choose this task to help my mother to finish up all the laundry
- I choose this task because I’m the one who’s in charge in washing
all the dishes
- I choose this task because my mom was too busy for washing
clothes, and asks me to cooked rice
 What is the importance of doing it?
- It is important to do all this tasks because it will apply it in my
- It is important to do this task all by yourself because your parents
wouldn’t be by your side every day to assign or to appoint what
should you do
- It is important to do this task to learned all by myself
B. Weekly Accomplishment
 Descriptive narrative of the activities you have done.
- My mom and I woke up in the morning. My mom assigns me to
cook rice and she will do the dishes. After we eat our breakfast, it
is my duty to wash all the plates. After that I help my mom to do all
the laundry.
 Before and After photos shall also be attached.
 Gather testimonies/opinions of your parents or somebody inside the
house about the activity you have accomplished.
- “dapat mas maaga pa tayo nagising para di tayo tinanghali” 
What did I learned/realized when after doing the tasks?
- I realize that as we become older your responsibility is getting
much bigger and in this house like these chores are start to be a
responsible one.
C. Detailed Tasks Log

Date Time Frame Task Description

May 09, 2020 7:30-7:45 am Cook rice My mom assigns
me to cook rice
because for her it
was late breakfast
May 09, 2020 8:30-9:00 am Washing dishes As I wash all the
dishes, I was
listening to my
favorite music
May 09, 2020 9:45-12:00nn Washing I help my mom in
clothes laundry so that
she can get rest

DATE: May 11, 2020

A. Rationale
 Why did you choose the specific household task?
- That day was Mother’s Day. So, I choose this task to cook some spaghetti for
thanking my mom, also to lessen her work
- I choose this task because it is my duty for taking all the dishes clean
- It is also my daily task to cook rice because it assigned to me
 What is the importance of doing it?
- The importance of doing it is it will give you knowledge or new experience in
- You will be responsible enough by doing these things
- It will give you an idea that doing these chores all by yourself is a good thing
to be a responsible one

B. Weekly Accomplishment
 Descriptive narrative of the activities you have done.
- This Mother’s Day, my mom was too busy by cooking all her favorite sopas.
So, I decided to cook spaghetti to lessen up her work. After we ate, it is my
duty to wash all dishes. After that, my mom asks me to cooked some rice for
 Before and After photos shall also be attached.
 Gather testimonies/opinions of your parents or somebody inside the
house about the activity you have accomplished.
- “marunong ka pala magluto ng spaghetti’ my mom said - “kulang yung sauce
na naluto mo” my kuya said

 What did I learned/realized when after doing the tasks?

- I realized that as I getting older, my responsibilities are getting huge too. In
these simple tasks that I’ve done, it should be also learn new things.
CII. Detailed Tasks Log

Date Time Frame Task Description

May 11, 2020 10:30 – 11:30 Cooking spaghetti I diced onion and
am garlic also
hotdog. My mom
helps me to make
a sauce
May 11, 2020 12:45- 1:15 pm Washing dishes After we ate, it is
my duty to wash
all the dishes
while I’m singing
May 11, 2020 1:20- 1:30 pm Cooking rice My mom asks me
to cooked rice for
dinner and I’m bit
clumpy for spilling
out water
DATE: May 19 ,2020

A. Rationale
 Why did you choose the specific household task?
- I choose this task because I am the one who woke up early morning and decided
to cook our breakfast
- I choose this task because it is my duty to wash dishes all the time
- I choose this task because our fan was too dust and need to be clean
 What is the importance of doing it?
- Being responsible to wake up early morning to prepare our breakfast all by myself
- To avoid the food poison or illness, so I should wash all the dishes properly
- To avoid the allergic coming from the dust inside the fan, so it will need to be
B. Weekly Accomplishment
 Descriptive narrative of the activities you have done.
- I woke up early in the morning all by myself, so I decided to cook our breakfast
and to cook rice. And after that, it is always my duty to wash all the dishes while
my mom is resting. After washing all the dishes, I rest for a while. And decided to
clean all the fan because it’s too dusty and I have rashes all over my body.
 Before and After photos shall also be attached
 Gather testimonies/opinions of your parents or somebody inside the house about the
activity you have accomplished.
- “ayan, dapat mong linisin yang electric fan natin para di ka mangati. Sobrang
daming gabok” my mom said
- “ganyan dapat, maagang gumising para ikaw na yung maghahain satin” my papa
 What did I learned/realized when after doing the tasks?
- I realized every day that in these simple doing by chores makes me feel better
because I become responsible every day.
C. Detailed Tasks Log

Date Time Frame Task Description

May 19, 2020 7:00-7:15 am Cooking I cook sarsiadong
breakfast itlog because it is
only easy to cook
and the ingredient
like eggs and
tomato are only
available in our
May 19, 2020 8:30-9:10 am Washing I used to wash all
dishes dishes while I’m
May 19, 2020 11:10- 12:05 nn Cleaning the I use a piece of
fan clothes to cleanse
the dirty all over
the fan

DATE: May 25 ,2020

A. Rationale
 Why did you choose the specific household task?
- I choose this task because I want my room to look neat and
clean, so that it’s comfortable to sleep
- I choose folding my clothes properly so that I will able to pick up
my cloth I want to wear
- I choose this task because I want to learn how to paint properly in
a wall
 What is the importance of doing it?
- It will look pleasant and neat
- I will able to organize my stuffs properly, so that I won’t able to
ask my mom where are my stuffs
- I can learn new things like this properly painting the wall
B. Weekly Accomplishment
 Descriptive narrative of the activities you have done.
- After I finished my breakfast, I decided to clean up my room. I
used to sweep the floor and rub the wall, after that I used to put
some decoration on the wall, so that it will look a bit better than a
plain. And then I used to fold my clothes properly, so that it will
look organized and easy to pick up my clothes whatever I need. I
take a little nap, after that I help my brother to paint the wall so
that it will fasten their work.
 Before and After photos shall also be attached.
 Gather testimonies/opinions of your parents or somebody inside the
house about the activity you have accomplished.
- “edi mas maayos tignan ngayon yung kwarto mo” my mother
- “ayan, dapat matuto kang magpintura para matulungan mo kuya
mo” my father said
 What did I learned/realized when after doing the tasks? -I realized
that I should be organized in my stuffs, because sometimes when I
need something, I always forgot where did I put. Also, I realized that
not all the chores of the boys will be difficult, sometimes you need to
learn and try to help them (like painting with my kuya’s)

C. Detailed Tasks Log

Date Time Frame Task Description

May 25, 2020 9:30-11:00 am Cleaning my I used to sweep
room the floor and at
the same rub the
wall with water
May 25, 2020 11:15- 12:00 nn Folding clothes There are some
clothes that I don’t
use, so that I
replace that
May 25, 2020 1:00- 4:00 pm Painting the I used to second
wall coat the wall

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