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Stake Holder Requirements:

Dr. Raj's requirement for the pancake is “It is really cold, and he needs something hot”.
The team should consider the equipment needed for preparing pancakes and take to account
that no readymade and restaurant to point out to Dr. Raj.
Equipment needed for preparing Pancake:
cooking stove, pan, bowl, a cup, spoons, spatula, whisk
Questions to Stakeholder:
1. Does he need plain pancake? Veg or non-veg pancake or can add egg?
2. Flavor, topping of fruits, chocolate?
3. Does he have any allergy of food substances?
4. Does the stakeholder follow gluten free diet?
5. Is the stakeholder lactose intolerant?
6. White sugar or brown sugar? Sugar level?
7. Size of the cake small? Medium? Large?

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