DT Fourier Transform (Exercises)

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Signals and Systems I (2016506)

Faculty of Engineering
Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering

Tutorial 7 - DT Fourier Transform

conceptual questions

1. Write down the analysis and the synthesis equation of the DT Fourier Transform

2. List two differences between the CT Fourier Transform (CTFT) and the DTFT

3. Make a comparation between the different Fourier representations in continuous-time

and discrete-time (series and transforms) regarding
a) the type of signals that can be studied with each representation,
b) the form of the corresponding analysis equation,
c) the characteristics of the frequency-domain representation

4. Is the DTFT suitable for computer-based analysis of signals? Justify your answer


1. Compute the Discrete-Time Fourier Transform (DTFT) of the following signals

a) x [n] = δ [n]
b) x [n] = an u [n] | a| < 1

 1 n = −1

 −2 n = 0

c) x [n] = 0 n=1 (Hint: use the linearity1 and the time-shifting2 properties)

3 n=2

0 otherwise

an 0 ≤ n ≤ m
d) x [n] = where a ∈ R
0 otherwise
e) x [n] = a|n| | a| < 1 (Hint: use the previous results, the linearity and the time-
reversal3 properties)
f) x [n] = an u [− (n + 1)] | a| > 1

2. Compute the inverse DTFT of the following signals

1 −Ωc < Ω < Ωc
a) X (Ω) = for Ωc < π
0 otherwise
b) X (Ω) = ∑∞
m=−∞ δ ( Ω − 2πm )

3. Compute the DTFT of the following periodic signals

a) x [n] = e j N n with N ∈ Z
b) x [n] = cos 2π N n with N ∈ Z

c) x [n] = 1 (Hint: use the result of Exercise 2.b)

1 Linearity: F {α1 x1 [n] + α2 x2 [n]} = α1 F { x1 [n]} + α2 F { x2 [n]}

2 Time-shifting: F { x [n − n0 ]} = F { x [n]} e− jΩn0
3 Time-reversal: F { x [−n]} = F { x [n]}|Ω=−Ω = X (−Ω)

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