INVESTIGATORY PROJECT BIO On Effect of Junk Food in Our Daily Life

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This is to certify that
________________, a student of class
XI has successfully completed the
research on the project
_________ under the guidance of
Teacher) during the year 2020 – 2021 .



I Would like to convey my sincere

gratitude to almighty god. It is my
utmost pleasure to express deep sense
of gratitude towards Mrs. Tanveet
Basur my biology teacher, who
directed me to complete this project
successfully. I am also thankful to my
principal SR Ishpriya for their
valuable guidance, support and
supervision are considerably
responsible for helping this project
attain its present form.
Last but not the least I wish to
acknowledge my classmates & family
members who helped me throughout.

1. Acknowledgement
2. Introduction
 Definition
 Origin of the term
 Popularity & Appeal
 Health Effects
3. Effects of fast food on the body
 Digestive and Cardio-Vascular
 Respiratory system
 Central nervous system
 Skin and bones

4. Effect on society

5. Behavioural problems in children due to junk

6. Main Health Hazards Caused by consumption
of junk food
7. Case study
8. Conclusion/Bibliography

Junk food is an informal term applied to some food that
are perceived to have little or no nutritional value. These
foods are typically ready-to-eat convenience foods
containing high levels of saturated fats, salts, sugar, etc.,
Junk food has been a part of the Chinese and American
society for years and now it has become an addiction for
many people of all age groups.
Nowadays kids and teenagers are more prone to eat
junk foods daily in bulk amount. They are leading their
lives towards danger by following this unhealthy lifestyle.
Junk food are considered as high in calories.

However one who end up easily getting exhausted and

need more food frequently.

These food does not provide appropriate level of energy

thus the eater develop tendencies of craving more & more
food. We absorb much cholesterol from such type of foods
which causes plaque formation in the arteries & creates
problem for the heart to pump normal amount of blood.
That’s why we feel high level fatigue.
First in the physical appearance, one of the most
common negative effect that one can encounter in eating
junk food is Obesity especially for children.
Secondly People who consumed these foods are 37% more
likely to become experience mental breakdown and
 Definition
Junk food is defined as” those commercial products,
including candy, bakery goods, ice cream, salty snacks,
and soft drinks, which have little or no nutritional value
but do have plenty of calories, salts, sugar, and fats.
 Origin of the term
The term junk food dates back at least to the early 1950’s
although it has been reported that it was coined in 1972
by Michael F. Jacobson.
 Popularity & Appeal
It owes its popularity to a novelty song “ Junk Food
Junkie “ by Larry Groce that was popular in 1976.

Junk food in its various forms is extremely popular,

and an integral part of modern popular culture.

The time factor: Junk food addiction is so

high because of its simplicity. They are easy to
prepare & are delicious to taste. The advertising and
marketing factor on big holders, newspapers,
magazine’s, television screens, presentation set up is
the big advantage to convince people to grab these.
You save yourself a lot of hassles and time when you
are in a hurry eating these stuffs as they are served
at your door step hot and ready to eat.

The taste factor: The great taste also, to an

extent influences you to opt for junk food. But junk
foods get there taste owing to lavish uses of oils,
salts and sugar.

Once you are caught in junk food addiction you find it

hard to think about the loss of nutrition these food pushes
you into.
 Health effects
When junk food is consumed very often, the excess fat,
carbohydrates, and processed sugar found in junk food
contributes to cardiovascular disease, diabetes, weight
gain, and many other chronic health condition. Also
consumer tend to eat to much at one sitting & consumer
who have satisfy appetite with junk food are less likely to
eat healthy foods like fruit, vegetable, or dairy product.
Studies revel that as early as the age of 30, arteries could
begin clogging and lay the ground-work for future heart
attacks. A “Scripps” research institute in 2008 suggests
that junk food consumption alters brain activity in a
manner similar to addictive drug like Cocaine & Heroine.
The harmful effect which are associated with junk food
eating are generally characterized as “ long term” and “
Short term” effects. These are listed as follows down below


 Reduce Energy
Though a person may eat a sufficient quantity of these
food, they will still feel weakened since it contains little or
no nutritional value.
 Reduce concentration
People who eat too much junk food, which is rich in oil
and fat, may not be able to concentrate on work, they may
feel drowsy, and their blood circulation may decrease.
 Heart diseases
Eating “junk” food is one of the primary causes of heart
disease. Myocardial infraction being one example. This
occurs when plaque is formed in the arteries that are
connected to the heart.

These arteries have to work extra hard to pump blood

downstream, which in turn creates circulation problems.
Heart fatigue and heart attack can also often be associated
with it.
 High Cholesterol
Junk diet also creates high cholesterol which affects your
liver. Continuous consumption of it may completely
damage your liver, or at least disturb your metabolism.
The new

research indicates that eating junk foods high in the

substance gives an extra boost to blood cholesterol levels
and is more likely to damage arteries.

Effects of Fast Food on the Body

Food is like a fuel for our body. It has a direct impact on
how you feel as well as overall health. When fast food
frequently replaces nutritious foods in your diet, it can
lead to poor health and weight gain.
A 2013 study published in JAMA showed that children
and adolescents take in - more calories in fast food in
restaurant’s then at home.
1. Digestive and Cardiovascular system
Most fast food, including drink & sides, are loaded with
carbohydrates with little to no fibre. When your digestive
system break down these foods, the carbs are released as
glucose(sugar) into your blood stream. As a result, your
blood sugar increase. Your pancreas respond to the surge
in glucose by releasing insulin. Insulin transport sugar
throughout your body to cell that needed it for energy. As
your body uses or store the sugar, your blood sugar
returns to normal.
But frequently eating high amount of crabs can lead to
repeated spikes in your blood sugar. Over time, these
insulin spikes may causes your body’s normal insulin
response to falter.
2. Sugar And fat
Many fast-food meals added sugar. Not only does that
mean extra calories, but also little nutrition. The
American Heart Association (AHA) suggest only eating
100 to 150 calories of added sugar par day is about 6 to 9
tea spoons.
Many drinks alone hold well over 12 ounces. A 12-ounce
can of soda contains 8 tea spoons of sugar. Which equals
to 140 calories 39 gm of sugar, and nothing else. Trans fat
is Manufactured fat created during food processing its
commonly found in: Pizza Dough, Cookies, Pastries,
No amount of trans fat is good for health. Eating foods
that contains it, can increase your LDL (Bad cholesterol),
lower you HDL (Good cholesterol)
3. Sodium
The combinations of fats, and sugar, lots of (Salts) sodium
can make fast-food tastier to some people. But diets high
in sodium can lead to water retention which is why you
may feel puffy bloated, or swollen after eating fast-food.
A diet high in sodium is also dangerous for people with
blood pressure conditions. Sodium can elevate blood
pressure and put stress on your heart and cardiovascular
4. Respiratory System
Excess calories from fast-food means can cause weight
gain. This may lead toward obesity. Obesity increase your
risk for Respiratory problems, including Asthma, and
shortness of breath.
The extra pounds can put pressure on you Heart and
Lungs. You May notice difficulties in breathing when
you’re walking, running, climbing, or exercising.
5. Erosion of teeth
The harmful side effect of junk food you eat have a
terrible of enamel of your teeth. If you loose your enamel
then it’s almost impossible to repair your teeth. Your teeth
are a very
necessary part of your body, and the loss of it will most
certainly dreadfully set you back.
6. Kidney diseases
Another significant side effect of junk food are its impact
on your excretory system. Excessive junk food intake can
lead to kidney ailments. All this food is transformed into
glucose and transported to the kidneys. It is difficult for
the kidneys to eliminate them and cause them to wear and
tear problems. This leads to kidney malfunction and even
kidney failure.
7. Gives you shortness of breath
Breath shortening is a very common factor when you have
long been eating these foods. It is due to the increase in
heart rate levels in the body due to excess fat,
carbohydrates, sodium causing obesity & diabetes that
function hand in hand to decrease your endurance due to
all health problems. Shortness of breath undoubtedly
massively reduce the ability to function.
8. Central nervous system
A study published in the journal Public Health Nutrition
showed that eating commercial baked goods and fast food
may be linked to depression. The study determined that
people who eat fast food are 51% more likely to develop
depression than those who eat little or no fast food.
A junk food diet could also effect your brain’s synapses
and the molecules related to memory and learning.
Animal tests have shown a similar effect.
9. Skin & Bones
Chocolates and greasy foods are often blamed for
acne but they are not the real culprits. It’s crabs that
are to be blamed. According to the Mayo Clinic,
because foods that are high in carbohydrates
increase blood sugar levels, they may also trigger
acne. The study in Thorax showed a higher risk
eczema (inflamed, irritated patches of skin) among
children with a diet high in fast food. Excess sodium
may can increase your risk of developing
Osteoporosis (thin, fragile bones).
Even your bones are not left out of the equation of
junk food hurting your body. This is because
excessive junk food will most definitely increase
blood sugar causing diabetes which causes weakened
bones in the long run. Brittle bones will most
definitely affect your health drastically.

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